Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 Evaluation of European coeliac disease risk variants in a north Indian population 2 Short title: Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 3 4 Sabyasachi Senapati1,*, Javier Gutierrez-Achury2,*, Ajit Sood3, Vandana Midha3, Agata 5 Szperl2, Jihane Romanos2, Alexandra Zhernakova2, Lude Franke2, Santos Alonso4, 6 Thelma BK1,#, Cisca Wijmenga2,#, Gosia Trynka2,5,# 7 1) Department of Genetics, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi, India 8 2) University of Groningen, University Medical Hospital Groningen, Department of 9 Genetics, Groningen, The Netherlands 10 3) Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, India 11 4) Department of Genetics, Physical Anthropology and Animal Physiology, University 12 of the Basque Country, Spain 13 5) Current address: Division of Genetics, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard 14 Medical School, Boston, MA, USA 15 * These authors contributed equally to the study 16 # These authors contributed equally to this study 17 Correspondence: Cisca Wijmenga PhD, Department of Genetics, University Medical 18 Centre Groningen, PO Box 30001, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands. 19 (phone : +31 50 361710; fax: +31 50 3617230; e-mail: 20 Supplementary information: 1 figure – 3 tables 21 Page 1 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 Abstract 2 Studies in European populations have contributed to a better understanding of the 3 genetics of complex diseases, for example, in coeliac disease, studies of over 23,000 4 European samples have reported association to the HLA locus and another 39 loci. 5 However, these associations have not been evaluated in detail in other ethnicities. We 6 sought to better understand how disease-associated loci that have been mapped in 7 Europeans translate to a disease risk for a population with a different ethnic 8 background. We therefore performed a validation of European risk loci for coeliac 9 disease in 497 cases and 736 controls of north Indian origin. Using a dense-genotyping 10 platform (Immunochip), we confirmed the strong association to the HLA region 11 (rs2854275, p=8.2x10-49). The ANK3 locus at chromosome 10 showed suggestive 12 association (rs4948256, p=9.3x10-7, rs4758538, p=8.6x10-5 and rs17080877, p=2.7x10- 13 5 14 to loci harbouring FASLG/TNFSF18, SCHIP1/IL12A, PFKFB3/PRKCQ, ZMIZ1 and 15 ICOSLG). Using a transferability test we further confirmed association at 16 PFKFB3/PRKCQ (rs2387397, p=2.8x10-4) and PTPRK/THEMIS (rs55743914, 17 p=3.4x10-4). The north Indian population has a higher degree of consanguinity than 18 Europeans and we therefore explored the role of recessively acting variants, which 19 replicated the HLA locus (rs9271850, p=3.7x10-23) and suggested a role of additional 20 four loci. To our knowledge, this is the first replication study of coeliac disease variants 21 in a non-European population. 22 Keywords: Trans-ethnic replication; Coeliac disease; Genetic associations ). We directly replicated five previously reported European variants (p<0.05; mapping Page 2 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 Introduction 2 Hundreds of common variants have been established for immune-mediated diseases, 3 mainly from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in populations of European 4 ancestry 1. Although a large proportion of the European association signals could be 5 generalized to other ethnic populations, studies using multi-ethnic cohorts were able to 6 identify additional risk variants 2-4,5. 7 Coeliac disease (CeD) is a common, autoimmune disorder, with a similar prevalence 8 among Europeans and north Indians (1-3%) 6. The largest genetic risk to CeD is 9 conferred by the HLA haplotypes, which account for approximately 35-40% of the risk 10 7 11 non-HLA loci 8-11. Although these analyses provided much insight into genetic risk 12 factors for CeD, they were largely based on European populations, so that the risk of 13 these associations in other non-European populations needed to be assessed. 14 In this first major study on the genetic factors in CeD in a non-European population, we 15 explored the contribution of reported risk variants and searched for new associated 16 variants using a cohort of 1,233 north Indian individuals. We acknowledge the fact that 17 about half of this cohort contributed to the previously published Immunochip study. 18 However, due to the large size of the European cohorts, it is likely that any effect 19 derived from the north Indian population would have been overwhelmed by the 20 European effects (620 north Indian samples, which is only 2.5% of the total 24,269 21 samples). In the current study, we have doubled the sample size of the north Indian 22 cohort and analysed the transferability of known European variants to this population. 23 We also took advantage of the higher degree of consanguinity in the north Indian . Recent progress in understanding the genetic architecture of CeD has identified 39 Page 3 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 population 12 and assessed the excess homozygosity to explore the possibility of 2 recessively acting risk variants. 3 Materials and Methods 4 Ethical Statement 5 This study was approved by the respective institutional and university ethical 6 committees. Informed written consent was received from all participants. 7 Study Populations 8 We used two ethnically distinct cohorts from northern India and the Netherlands. The 9 Indian cases (n = 497) and controls (n = 736) were recruited from Dayanand Medical 10 College and Hospital, Ludhiana, in the Punjab (northern India). The Indian controls 11 included blood donors who tested negative for CeD serology. All the Indian subjects 12 had self-reported northern Indian ethnicity. The Dutch cases (n = 1150) and controls (n 13 = 1173) were recruited from three university medical centres (Utrecht, Leiden, and 14 VUmc, Amsterdam) in the Netherlands. A small proportion of cases were recruited via 15 the Dutch CeD patients’ society. In both cohorts, Indian and Dutch CeD patients were 16 diagnosed according to standard clinical, serological and histopathological criteria, 17 following the ESPGHAN criteria 13. Most of these samples have been described 18 elsewhere 11. 19 DNA Extraction and Genotyping 20 Most of the DNA samples were derived from blood, or from saliva for a small 21 proportion of the Dutch cases and controls. Samples were hybridized on the 22 Immunochip platform, a custom-made chip with 196,524 markers11. Genotyping was Page 4 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 carried out according to Illumina’s protocol at the genotyping facility of the University 2 Medical Centre Groningen. The variant calls were exported from Genome Studio with 3 human genome GRCh36/hg18 coordinates and further converted into GRCh37/hg19 4 coordinates using the UCSC liftOver tool 14. 5 Genotype Data Quality Control 6 We manually inspected cluster plots and adjusted them if required for about 150,000 7 markers. For about 20,000 SNPs, the assay performed poorly, and those variants were 8 marked as uncalled and excluded from the final analysis. This left 178,111 high quality 9 SNPs that were exported from Illumina’s Genome Studio. We required samples to have 10 ≥98% call rate. Individuals showing a high degree of genetic relatedness (estimated 11 kinship coefficient >0.2) or with a discordant sex were removed. Population outliers 12 were identified by principal component analysis (PCA) implemented in EIGENSOFT 13 5.0.1 15,16. We excluded markers with a call rate lower than 99% or with significant 14 deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p > 1x10-3) and were left with 176,799 15 variants. A large number of Immunochip variants was of low frequency, but our study 16 was underpowered to assess their association in the north Indian cohort; we therefore 17 filtered out SNPs with a minor allele frequency (MAF) <10%. This excluded 88,083 18 and 87,442 variants in the north Indian and Dutch cohorts, respectively. We further only 19 used the set of variants shared across the two cohorts, resulting in 88,716 SNPs in the 20 final analysis. Genomic inflation for each cohort was estimated using 3,016 ‘neutral’ 21 variants present on the Immunochip array for the replication of the GWAS for reading 22 and writing skills and therefore unlikely to be confounded by the immune signals. 23 Statistical Analysis Page 5 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 Chip-wide analysis: For both populations we applied additive and recessive models 2 using logistic regression, including the first four principal components and gender as 3 covariates. We used an Immunochip-wide p-value cut-off of p = 3.5 x 10-6 calculated as 4 0.05 divided by 14,136 LD independent SNPs (r2 < 0.1 computed across 100 SNPs, 5 with a 10-SNP sliding window) with MAF > 10% and based on the north Indian cohort 6 to determine a significant association. We used p < 1x10-4 to report a suggestive 7 association. To reassess the significance of the associations detected in this test we also 8 performed a minimum of 100,000 permutations to compute empirical p-values. 9 Replication: We used two approaches to test for replication of the 39 non-HLA CeD 10 loci that have been reported in Europeans 11 in the north Indian cohort: the exact SNP 11 replication, and the locus transferability. 12 Exact SNP replication: The reported index SNPs (representing primary as well 13 as secondary, independent signals) were tested for association in the north 14 Indian cohort. We considered replication to be significant at p < 0.05. During the 15 quality control, we removed 13 of the total of 57 independent SNPs associated 16 to the 39 loci because of MAF < 10%. The exact SNP replication was applied to 17 44 reported SNPs, representing 38 distinct loci. 18 Locus transferability test: We performed a transferability test to account for 19 linkage disequilibrium (LD) differences across different ethnic populations. If 20 the causal SNP is poorly tagged by the associated SNP reported in the discovery 21 population (European), the differences in LD between the north Indian and 22 Dutch populations could result in either a lack of replication or a different 23 localization of the association signal. Published LD boundaries were used to 24 define each of the 39 non-HLA loci 11. First, we identified all the LD correlated Page 6 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 markers for each locus, measured by r2 ≥ 0.05 between the index SNP and all the 2 variants present in CeD loci using the Dutch controls. We then checked the 3 association status of these variants in the north Indian Immunochip dataset for 4 transferability. SNP rs13132308 from the IL2/IL21 locus was not present in the 5 north Indian dataset and was replaced by its best proxy SNP rs13151961 (r2 > 6 0.9 based on the Dutch controls). The ELMO1 gene and SCHIP1/IL12A locus 7 were excluded because the index variants for these loci, or their proxies failed 8 the 10% MAF filter. We required at least one significant variant per locus. The 9 significance threshold was assessed in two ways. Firstly, across all tested loci 10 (37) we identified 142 LD-independent SNPs (pairwise r2 < 0.1) and used p = 11 0.05/142 = 3.52x10-4 as the significance threshold. Secondly, we employed a 12 permutation-based test as an alternative way to account for LD structure. We 13 performed 1,000 permutations for which we randomized phenotype labels. We 14 identified a nominal p-value for each of the 37 loci in each of the permutation 15 results. We then defined the 5th percentile of the nominal p-values as a 16 significance threshold. 17 Runs of homozygosity (ROH): The north Indian population has a reported higher 18 degree of consanguinity 12,17-19, therefore we sought to identify if there were 19 significantly associated runs of homozygous variants. We first pruned both datasets for 20 LD using an r2 ≥ 0.8 as a threshold to avoid detecting false-positive regions due to 21 homozygous stretches of LD-correlated SNPs 20-22. This is particularly likely to occur 22 for the Immunochip, as it includes regions with a high density of markers that are often 23 in strong LD with each other. Then we identified regions with ROH, which were 24 defined as at least 50 contiguous homozygous SNPs with no interruption, without Page 7 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 heterozygous positions in between, and with no more than 500 kb distance between 2 contiguous SNPs. Association of ROH regions was performed using PLINK v1.07 23. 3 We considered a locus significant after Bonferroni correction using the total number of 4 ROH found per dataset (8) in our analysis with a p < 0.006. We assessed the false 5 discovery rate (FDR) by running 10,000 permutations in which we randomly shuffled 6 the phenotypes and reassessed the significance of association. 7 Data availability 8 Genotype data for the north Indian cohort is available through the European Genome- 9 phenome Archive ( under the accession number 10 EGAS00001000849. The summary statistics can be obtained by contacting the authors 11 directly. 12 Results 13 We obtained high quality genotype data for 88,716 common SNPs that were shared 14 between the north Indian and Dutch cohorts. PCA revealed different clustering 15 patterns between the two cohorts, consistent with their different ethnicities. 16 Furthermore, the case-control samples were homogeneous within each of the 17 datasets (Supplementary Figure 1). We used the first four principal components to 18 control for possible population substructure and did not observe significant genomic 19 inflation in any of the datasets (λIndia = 1.036, λNetherlands = 1.039). 20 The strongest association in the north Indian cohort was present at the HLA locus. 21 Comparable to the Dutch sample, the SNP rs2854275 was the top signal (pIndia = 22 8.17x10-49, ORIndia = 6.97 [5.38-9.04]); pDutch = 4.413x10-121, ORDutch = 10.08 [8.3- Page 8 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 12.23]). This replicated the known, very strong effect of HLA in coeliac disease. No 2 other locus reached genome-wide significance (Figure 1 and Table 3). The 3 rs4948256 at 10q21.2 in the ANK3 gene reached our Immunochip-wide significance 4 threshold (p = 9.28x10-7, ppermuted=1x10-6). The rs4758538 at 11p15.4 in the OSBPL5 5 gene (p = 8.57x10-5, ppermuted= 7.93x10-5) and rs17080877 at 18q22.2 near the DOK6 6 gene (p = 2.68x10-5, ppermuted= 1.7x10-5) both were suggestively associated. None of 7 these associations could be replicated in the Dutch cohort. 8 9 Replication of European Associations in the North Indian Cohort Using Exact and 10 Transferability Tests 11 The exact association in the north Indian cohort was observed at five previously 12 reported loci, corresponding to FASLG/TNFRSF18 (rs12142280, p = 0.002, OR = 13 0.69 [0.54-0.87]), ICOSLG (rs58911644, p = 0.004, OR = 0.68 [0.51-0.88]), 14 PFKFB3/PRKCQ (rs2387397, p = 0.02, OR = 0.77 [0.61-0.96]), SCHIP1/IL12A 15 (rs2561288, p = 0.03, OR = 1.2 [1.01-1.44]) and ZMIZ1 (rs1250552, p = 0.03, OR = 16 1.2 [1.01-1.44]) (Table 1). At all these variants, the directions of association were 17 the same as those previously reported (Supplementary Table 1). Three of these five 18 loci, FASLG/TNFRSF18, ZMIZ1 and ICOSLG, previously reached p < 0.05 in the 19 north Indian samples employed in the initial study by Trynka et al.11 (Supplementary 20 Table 1). 21 Using the transferability analysis of 39 loci, we observed two associations, which 22 passed two independent significance thresholds (Table 2). One was at the 23 PFKFB3/PRKCQ locus represented by the SNP rs744254 (p = 2.8x10-4, OR = 0.70 Page 9 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 [0.57-0.84]); the other was at the PTPRK/THEMIS locus, rs4142030 (p = 3.4x10-4, 2 OR = 1.39 [1.16-1.66]) (Supplementary Table 2). 3 Recessive Analysis in the North Indian Population 4 The ROH analysis identified 16 genomic regions with more than 50 consecutive 5 homozygous SNPs each; two regions showed suggestive association with CeD in the 6 north Indian cohort. They were located on chromosomes 2q11.2 (p = 4.1x10-3, FDR 7 = 0.11) and 6p21.33 (p = 1.4x10-4, FDR = 0.0001) (Supplementary Table 3). None 8 of those regions replicated in the Dutch cohort. 9 Complementary to the ROH analysis, we also applied a recessive model to test for 10 association across all 88,716 SNPs. Apart from the SNP rs9271850 (p = 3.67x10-23, 11 OR = 0.12 [0.08-0.18]) located in the HLA locus, we observed four variants (MAF > 12 0.25) at four loci that reached the threshold of suggestive association (p < 1x10-4) 13 (Figure 1 and Table 3). The rs744253 at 10p15.1 (p = 9.27x10-5, OR = 0.3859; 14 ppermuted= 6.7x10-5) corresponds to PFKFB3/PRKCQ locus that was replicated in the 15 direct association and transferability tests described above. The remaining three loci 16 were new suggestive associations, with the strongest observed at the intergenic SNP 17 rs963872 (p = 1.2x10-5, OR = 2.01 [1.47-2.75]; ppermuted= 1.2x10-5) at 5p15.33, near 18 IRX2 gene, followed by rs10994257 (p = 1.8x10-5, OR = 2.5 [1.67-3.99]; ppermuted= 19 5x10-6) at 10q21.2 mapping to the ANK3 gene and rs6010998 (p = 6.17x10-5, OR = 20 2.8 [1.67-4.66]; ppermuted= 2.5x10-5) at 20q13.33 in the RTEL1 gene. 21 22 Discussion Page 10 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 Recent trans-ethnic studies have indicated that a large proportion of common 2 disease- or trait-associated variants established in populations of European descent 3 also contribute to the risk in other ethnic groups 4,24,25. Yet this observation cannot 4 be generalized because only a few of the GWAS were conducted in non-European 5 populations 26. Novel loci have been reported in these limited studies 27,28. Thus, 6 more multi-ethnic studies may help identify not only shared disease determinants, 7 but also additional risk variants, which may provide leads towards a better 8 understanding of the disease biology 29. 9 To our knowledge there have been very few genetic association studies for coeliac 10 disease performed in non-European populations, and those that have been published 11 have focused only on the HLA effects based on very small sample size 30-36. In this 12 study we attempted to validate known genetic determinants of CeD and identify 13 potentially novel loci in the north Indian population. We used the Immunochip 14 genotyping platform for this study because it offers the highest coverage of regions 15 associated to immune-related disorders, including those conferring risk to coeliac 16 disease. 17 Given our modest sample size and the limited power of our study, it is likely that the 18 real replication rate of the European associations in the north Indian population is 19 much greater than we can report here. In this context, it should be mentioned that 20 although half of the samples of the north Indian cohort were previously analysed in 21 the study by Trynka et al. 11, that study focused strongly on the effects in samples of 22 European ancestry (97% of the 24,269 samples were of European descent). In the 23 current study we wanted to focus specifically on the role of the European variants in 24 the north Indian population and to explore potential new associations that could have Page 11 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 been diluted in the previous study due to the dominance of the European cohorts. 2 Our study suffers from a small sample size and lack of replication, for these reasons 3 we acknowledge that the results presented here need to be validated further in future 4 replication studies. 5 We successfully replicated HLA and five of the 38 tested European SNPs (13%); 6 these included the loci harbouring the FASLG/TNFSF18, SCHIP1/IL12A, 7 PFKFB/PRKCQ, ZMIZ1, and ICOSLG genes. The transferability test further 8 confirmed association to the PFKFB/PRKCQ locus and identified an additional 9 association to a variant at the PTPRK/THEMIS locus with suggestive evidence of 10 association. The top association at this locus, rs4142030, has a very low correlation 11 with the European index variants (r2 = 0.083, D’ = 0.53) and is located in intron 2 of 12 THEMIS, in contrast to the European-associated SNP, which is located in intron 30 13 of PTPRK. Given that our study was underpowered, we acknowledge that these 14 suggestive associations must be further replicated in north Indian populations. 15 However, it is tempting to speculate that this localization of the association signal 16 could result from the independent effects of each of the genes in the different 17 ethnicities. Both genes are of functional relevance to CeD aetiology and a recent 18 study showed that the mRNA levels between these two genes have higher 19 expression levels in CeD patients but not in controls 37. 20 The analysis of the recessive effects implicated multiple genomic regions at a 21 suggestive significance. With the run of homozygosity test, we found a suggestive 22 association to a region at 2q11.2 that spans 1.14 Mb and includes the LYG1, 23 TXNDC9, EIF5B, REV1, AFF3 and LONRF2 genes. This region has been associated 24 with multiple immune-related phenotypes, including type 1 diabetes (T1D) and Page 12 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 38-40. The second region maps to the HLA locus at 6p21 2 and contains the MICA gene, which is also a locus with a pleiotropic effect in 3 phenotypes such as Behcet’s disease, RA, or HCV-induced hepatocellular carcinoma 4 41-47 5 that have also been linked to other phenotypes, e.g. ANK3, which has been 6 associated with psychiatric disorders 48,49, and with other loci that include 7 PFKFB3/PRKCQ and RTEL1/TNFRSF6B reported to be associated with immune- 8 related diseases such as T1D, RA, and irritable bowel disease 39,50-63. Apart from 9 HLA the ANK3 locus was the only one that passed Immunochip-wide significance . The Immunochip-wide analysis under a recessive model suggested four loci 10 threshold when we considered the additive model. None of these loci were replicated 11 in the Dutch cohort, which could reflect a population-specific effect, but they require 12 further replication in the north Indian population to robustly establish their 13 association with a genome-wide significance. Although the genes mapping to the 14 associated loci that we report here appear to be relevant candidates for coeliac 15 disease pathogenesis, our study was biased towards identifying biologically relevant 16 genes because the Immunochip was designed to specifically target regions 17 previously reported as associated to immune-related diseases. 18 19 Acknowledgements 20 We thank Jackie Senior for carefully reading the manuscript. We received funding 21 from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh 22 Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement no. 2012-322698 to 23 CW. GT is supported by a Rubicon grant from The Netherlands Organization for Page 13 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 Scientific Research (NWO). BKT received funding from a JC Bose fellowship, 2 Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. SS is supported by a 3 Senior Research Fellowship from the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research 4 (CSIR), New Delhi, India. AZ is supported by a grant from the Dutch Reumafonds 5 (11-1-101) and a Rosalind Franklin Fellowship from the University of Groningen, 6 the Netherlands. 7 Conflict of interest. 8 The authors declare they have no conflicts of interest. 9 References 10 1. Welter D, Macarthur J, Morales J et al: The NHGRI GWAS Catalog, a curated 11 resource of SNP-trait associations. Nucleic acids research 2014; 42: D1001- 12 1006. 13 2. Ng MC, Saxena R, Li J et al: Transferability and fine mapping of type 2 14 diabetes loci in African Americans: the Candidate Gene Association Resource 15 Plus Study. Diabetes 2013; 62: 965-976. 16 3. 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The Immunochip-wide 5 significance cut-off (p = 3.5x10-6) is depicted as a green dotted line and suggestive 6 significance threshold as a red dotted line (p = 1.0x10-4). We excluded the HLA 7 region. 8 Supplementary Figure 1. Principal component analysis in the north Indian and 9 Dutch populations. 10 PCA showed that cases (red crosses) and controls (red rhombs) were homogeneous 11 in both datasets and were in line with their respective reference populations. 12 13 Tables 14 Table 1. Five loci that were significantly (p < 0.05) replicated in the north Indian 15 cohort in the exact SNP test. 16 17 Table 2. Two loci significantly replicated in the north Indian cohort in the 18 transferability test. 19 Page 23 of 24 Senapati et al. Validation of CeD variants in Indian population 1 Table 3. Association results for Immunochip-wide additive and recessive models in 2 the north Indian population compared to the same model applied to the Dutch 3 cohort. We used an Immunochip-wide p-value cut-off of p = 3.5x10-6 to report a 4 significant association and p = 1x10-4 for suggestive association. Page 24 of 24