
Devin Longland
Caroline Count
Period 1
Research Documentation
Source 1: Deas, Gerald W. “Magnificent Magnesium Magnifies your Health”
1955-medical profession no treatment for hypertension
intense salt ingestion=bad for health
reduced by Epsom salt and grape fruit juice
Epsom salt=magnesium sulfate
Magnesium causes relaxing of the blood vessels
Used to reduce blood pressure of pregnant woman
Natures calcium channel breaker
Prevents calcium from entering the cells
Source 2: “Magnesium.” Office of Dietary Supplements. 30 Jan. 2005. 30 May 2008.
4th most abundant mineral in body
50% total body magnesium = in bone
50% in cells and organs
needed for 300+ biochemical’s
o maintains normal muscle + nerve function
o keeps heart rhythm
o supports healthy immune system
o keeps bones strong
o regulates blood sugars
magnesium absorbed in small intestines
excreted through kidneys
absorbed through intestines and transferred to body cells + tissues
vegetables contain magnesium
o green vegetables
o unrefined grains
o bread
o flour = magnesium provider
o tap water
signs of magnesium deficiency
o loss of appetite
o nausea
o vomiting
o numbness
o muscle contractions
Devin Longland
Caroline Count
Period 1
Amount of Magnesium Intake
Male (mg/day)
Female (mg/day)
Source 3: “Magnesium (revised)” Chemical Elements: From Carbon to Krypton. Ed
Lawrence W. Baker and David E. Newton
2nd element in group 2
part of alkaline earth metals
used by humans for centuries
not isolated until 1808
doesn’t break down easily
7th most abundant element in earths crust
alloys are light but very strong
70% of magnesium produced in the U.S are in refractory materials
refractory materials-can withstand very high temperatures
30% used in agriculture construction industrial and chemical operations
Epsom Salt
o Most common form of magnesium: magnesium sulfate
o Earliest Epsom 1618
o Magnesium sulfate=bitter
o Soaking in Epsom salt = makes body feel better
o Today Epsom salt used in bath water
Studies on magnesium began in 1700’s
By 1808 chemists knew magnesium was an element
Electric current provides energy to break down magnesium compounds
Named after country in Greece named magnesia-lot of magnesium deposits
Moderately hard, silver white metal
Lightest structural metal
Easily fabricated
Used to build buildings, bridges, automobiles + airplanes
Melting point=651º C. (1,200º F.)
Boiling point=1,100º C. (2,000º F.)
Density=1.738 grams per cubic centimeter
Fairly active metal
Devin Longland
Caroline Count
Period 1
Source 4: Knapp, Brian. Calcium and Magnesium. Hong Kong: Grolier Educational,
Highly reactive element
Silvery metal
Easy to extract
Bright white light when burned
o Used for flash lightbulbs
o Signal flare
 Used to protect steel
 Transitional metal
 Group 2A
 Reacts quickly with dilute hydrochloric acid giving off hydrogen gas
 Reaction of magnesium with an acid
 Chlorophyll leaves ---- make things green
(reason for vegetables containing magnesium)
Source 5: “Magnesium Diboride: Superconductor Upstart.” Today’s Science. June
2001. Facts on File News Services. 29 May 2008.
MgB2 ---- important science vernacular
Critical temperature = very cold
Regular medical conductor
Source 6: Bentor, Yinon. Chemical - Magnesium. Jun. 5, 2008
Sir Humphrey Davy discovered it
Crystal structure= hexagonal
Atomic number=12
12 protons 12 electrons