Dr Graham Tyson - Charles Sturt University

Dr Graham Tyson
Selected Research Publications and Presentations
Refereed Journal Articles
Ayre, M., & Tyson, G.A. (2001). The role of self efficacy and fear avoidance beliefs in
the prediction of disability. Australian Psychologist, 36, 250-253.
Tyson, G.A. & Hubert, C.J. (2002). Cultural Differences in Adolescents' Explanations
of Juvenile Delinquency. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 33, 459463.
Tyson, G.A., Lambert, G., & Beattie, L. (2002). The impact of ward design on
behaviour, occupational satisfaction and well-being of psychiatric
nurses. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 11, 94 -102.
Tyson, G.A., & Stones, C.R. (2002). South African Adolescents' Explanations of
Juvenile Delinquency. South African Journal of Psychology, 32, 1 - 6.
Tyson, G.A. & Hubert, C.J. (2003) Cultural differences in adolescent’s perceptions of
the seriousness of delinquent behaviours. Psychiatry, Psychology and
Law, 10, 316-323.
Kite, D., & Tyson, G.A. (2004). The impact of perpetrator gender on male and female
police officers’ perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse. Psychiatry,
Psychology and Law, 11(2), 308 - 318.
Dunstan, D. A; Covic, T., Tyson, G. A., & Lennie, I.G. (2005). Assessment of the
utility of the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire to predict
return to work outcomes in a compensable injury population.
International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 28(4), 369-370.
Dryer, R., Kiernan, M.J., & Tyson, G.A. (2006). Implicit theories of the
characteristics and causal factors of attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD): Explanatory models used by parents and
professionals in the educational, medical, mental health and allied
health fields. Australian Journal of Psychology,58, 79-92
Covic, T., Tyson, G.A. Adamson, B., & Howe, G. (2006). Depression in rheumatoid
arthritis patients: Demographic clinical and psychological predictors.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 60, 469-476.
Mancini- Pena, E. & Tyson, G.A.. (2007). “I’m gonna sound lika a drunk here”.
Constructions of volume of consumption. Youth Studies Australia,
26(2), 36-42.
Losoncz, I., & Tyson G.A. (2007) Parental shaming and adolescent delinquency: A
partial test of reintegrative shaming theory. Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Criminology, 40, 161-178.
Gullifer, J.M. & Tyson G.A. (in press). Exploring university students’ perceptions of
plagiarism: A focus group study. Studies in Higher Education
Published Conference Proceedings
Healey, A. M., Dryer, R., Tyson, G., & Kiernan, M. (2001). Implicit theories of
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder held by primary school teachers
and allied health workers. 36th Annual Conference of the Australian
Psychological Society, Adelaide, Australia.
Tyson, G.A., Hubert, C.J., & Stones, C.R. (2001). Cultural differences in adolescent’s
perceptions of the seriousness of delinquent behaviours. Australia’s
1st Forensic Psychology Conference, Sydney, February 2001.
Australian Journal of Psychology, 53, Supplement, 34.
Dryer, R., Kiernan, M. J., & Tyson, G. A. (2003). The effects of diagnostic labelling
on the implicit theories of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder held
by health professionals. Proceedings of the Joint International
Conference on Cognitive Science, Sydney, 13 - 17 July.
Kiernan, M. J., Tyson, G. A., & Dryer, R. (2003). Implicit theories of ADHD amongst
professionals and lay people: A structural model incorporating
characteristics, causes and treatments. Proceedings of the Joint
International Conference on Cognitive Science, Sydney, 13 - 17 July.
Tyson, G.A.. Adolescent perceptions of date rape. Annual Conference of the Society
of Australian Social Psychologists. Sydney, April, 2003. Australian
Journal of Psychology, 55, 2003, Supplement, 65.
Tyson, G.A. (2003). Adolescent attributions of responsibility and blame for date rape.
In M. Katsikitis (Ed.) Proceedings of the 38th APS Annual Conference
(pp 232 - 235). Melbourne: The Australian Psychological Society.
(Refereed proceedings - ISBN 0 909881 23 5).
Fanning, A. M. & Tyson, G.A. Effects of the label schizophrenia on perceptions of
positive and negative traits. Annual Conference of the Society of
Australian Social Psychologists. Auckland, April, 2004. Australian
Journal of Psychology, 56, Supplement, 64.
Fanning, A., & Tyson, G A.. (2004). The impact of the label ‘schizophrenia’ on
attributions. In M. Katsikitis (Ed.) Proceedings of the 39th APS Annual
Conference (pp 104-107). Melbourne: The Australian Psychological
Society. (Refereed proceedings - ISBN 0 909881 25 1).
Bretag, T.A., Tyson, G.A., & Szarkowicz, D.L. (2005). Boys will be boys? Empathy
and the relationship between gender and aggression. Proceedings of
the 40th APS Annual Conference (pp 41-45). Melbourne: The
Australian Psychological Society. (Refereed proceedings - ISBN 0
909881 27 8).
Kiernan, M. J., Dryer, R., & Tyson, G. A. (2005). Beliefs of the General Public,
Female University Students and Professionals Concerning the
Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa. Proceedings of the 40th APS Annual
Conference (pp143-147).
Lau, G. M. L., Bond, M. H., & Tyson, G. A. (2007). To punish or to rehabilitate:
Sentencing goals as mediators between values, axioms and
punitiveness towards offenders. In Conference Organizing Committee
(Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on "Crime, Law
and Justice in Chinese Societies: Global Challenges and Local
Responses", pp. 162-173. School of Law and Department of
Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Szarkowicz,D.L., White, J., & Tyson, G.A. (2006). Bullying behaviour, empathy and
social cognition: Cool manipulators or social misfits? Proceedings of
the 41st APS Annual Conference (pp400-404). Melbourne: The
Australian Psychological Society. (Refereed proceedings - ISBN 0
909881 27 8).
Mancini-Pena, E, & Tyson, G.A. (2007). “I wouldn’t get wasted if I didn’t want to”:
Looking to young people to inform best practice. Proceedings of the
Are We There Yet? National Youth Affairs Conference. Melbourne.
Lay, F., Szarkowicz, D., & Tyson, G.A. (2007). Empathy as a mediator between
parental attachment and adolescent aggression. Proceedings of the
42nd APS Annual Conference (pp 242-246). Melbourne: The
Australian Psychological Society. (Refereed proceedings - ISBN 0
909881 27 8).
Tyson, G.A., & Bryant, H. Perceptions of crime and attitudes towards the police in the
Chifley Local Area Command. Report for the NSW Police Chifley
Local Area Command. 2001.
Allan, A., Davidson, G., Tyson, G., Schweitzer, R., & Starr, R. (2002). Detention of
children of asylum seekers. The Australian Psychological Society’s
Position Paper submitted to the Australian Human Rights and Equal
Opportunity Commission’s Inquiry into Children in Immigration
Tyson, G.A., Mallard, D., & Baigent, K. (2002). Charles Sturt University Bathurst
Campus Sexual Assault Survey. Report prepared for the CSU
Bathurst Students’ Association.
Tyson, G.A., Roufeil, L., & Kiernan, M.J. (2004). Evaluation of the Central West
Division of General Practice Better Outcomes in Mental Health
Initiative pilot program.
Tyson, G.A. (2006). Stress and well-being amongst stipendiary clergy in the Diocese
of Bathurst. Report prepared for the Bathurst Diocese of the Anglican
Conference Presentations
Tyson, G.A., Dryer, Rachel, Kiernan, M.J., & Waldron, Catherine. Implicit theories of
ADHD - the parental perspective. Seventh Annual Conference of the Society
of Australian Social Psychologists. Melbourne, July 2001
Dryer, R., Kiernan, M.J., & Tyson, G.A. Implicit theories of attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Explanatory models used by parents and
professionals in the educational, medical, mental health and allied health
fields. Australian Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapists Annual
Conference, 5-7 September 2001.
Tyson, G.A., Dryer, Rachel, Kiernan, M.J., & Waldron, Catherine Parents’ causal
explanations of ADHD The British Psychological Society Division of
Educational and Child Psychology Annual Conference, Bournemouth,
January 2002.
Tyson, G.A. & O'Donahoo, J. The effect of victim and perpetrator race on lay
explanations of acquaintance rape. Annual Conference of the Society of
Australian Social Psychologists. Adelaide, April, 2002.
Dryer, R., Kiernan, M.J., & Tyson, G.A. Implicit beliefs regarding the management
strategies and long-term outcome for children with ADHD. Australian
Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapists Annual Conference, 29 June-3
July 2002, Brisbane, Qld.
Kiernan, M.J., Tyson, G.A. & Dryer, R. The relation between therapists’ beliefs about
the causes and treatment of ADHD: The scientist-practitioner model under
scrutiny. Australian Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapists Annual
Conference, 29 June-3 July 2002, Brisbane, Qld.
Tyson, G.A. Children in immigration detention centres: A social psychological
perspective. 29th Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society,
Gold Coast, September, 2002.
Kite, D. & Tyson, G.A. Do gender differences exist in police perception of child
sexual abuse? An Australian study. Psychology and Law. International ,
Interdisciplinary Conference, Edinburgh, July 2003.
Tremain, M., & Tyson, G.A. The impact of the age of reporting and the age of
perpetrator on attributions relating to childhood sexual abuse. Annual
Conference of the Australian Psychological Society, Sydney, 2004.
Tyson, G.A. Cultural differences in sentencing goals of Australian adolescents. XVII
International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural
Psychology, Xi’an, China, August, 2004.
Kiernan, M.J., Tyson, G.A.., & Dryer, R. Can structural equation modelling be used to
examine implicit theories? 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing,
August, 2004.
Dryer, R., Kiernan, M.J., & Tyson, G.A. The effects of diagnostics labels on health
professionals’ about the causes and treatment of ADHD. 28th International
Congress of Psychology, Beijing, August, 2004.
Kiernan, M.J., Dryer, R., & Tyson, G.A. Beliefs concerning the causes of Bulimia
Nervosa held by the general public, university students and health workers.
28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, August, 2004.
Tyson, G.A., Roufeil, L & Kiernan, M.J.. Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care
Initiatives in New South Wales Central West: An evaluation of four service
models. The National SARRAH Conference, Alice Springs, 26-28 August,
Dryer, R., Kiernan, M., & Tyson, G. Beliefs about the causes of Bulimia Nervosa
held by the general public, University students, medical practitioners, and
allied health workers. 2005 Australian Association of Cognitive Behaviour
Therapists Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Tyson, G.A. & Robinson, K. Perceptions of juvenile offenders: The impact of age,
race and outcome. 34th Annual Conference of the Society of Australian
Social Psychologists. Townsville, 2005.
Tyson, G.A., Murrell, E., Covic, T., & Cummings, S. Teachers and school
counsellors' implicit theories of the causes and functions of self-injurious
behaviour. 40th Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society,
Melbourne, 2005.
Tyson, G. & Mustonen, H. The impact of religiosity and political orientation on public
attitudes about punishment goals. 35th Annual Conference of the Society of
Australian Social Psychologists. Canberra, 2005.
Lau, D.M., Tyson, G.A., & Bond, M.H. Cultural Differences in the Relationship
between Values, Social Axioms and Punishment Goals. 18th International
Congress of the International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology,
Spetses, Greece, July 2006.
Tyson, G.A., Bond, M.H., & Lau, D.M. Using values and social axioms to predict
punishment goals. 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology,
Athens, Greece, July 2006.
Mallard, D., & Tyson, G.A. Sexual assault in the spotlight: Community reactions to a
high profile rape allegation. 26th International Congress of Applied
Psychology, Athens, Greece, July 2006.
Mancini-Pena, E. & Tyson, G. Communicating with young people about drinking:
Barriers to effective education and prevention. 2006 Australian Winter School:
Research Policy and Practice. Brisbane, July 2006.
Krahe, D.M. & Tyson, G.A. Fathers matter too: Screening for emotional distress
during the postnatal period. Joint conference of the Australian Association for
Infant Mental Health and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perinatal &
Infant Mental Health Conference. Sydney, 2007.
Tyson, G.A., & Gullifer, J. Student Perceptions of Plagiarism. Fourteenth
International Conference on Learning, Johannesburg, South Africa, 26 - 29
June, 2007.
Gullifer, J., & Tyson, G.A. Plagiarism: University students' perceptions. Australian
Psychological Society 42nd Annual Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, 25 29 September, 2007