PORTABLE SYSTEMS FOR ENERGY DISPERSIVE XRAY FLUORESCENCE ANALYSIS OF WORKS OF ART Roberto Cesareo +, Maurizio Marabelli §, Stefano Ridolfi *, Alfredo Castellano **, Giovanni Buccolieri **, Stefano Quarta ** , Giovanni E. Gigante ++, Antonio Brunetti + +Istituto di Matematica e Fisica, Università di Sassari, Sassari, Italy e-mail: cesareo@uniss.it; fax 0039-079-229482 § Istituto Centrale del Restauro, Rome, Italy * Ars Mensurae, Rome, Italy ** Dip. di Scienza dei Materiali, Università di Lecce, Lecce, Italy ++ Dip. di Fisica, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy 1. SUMMARY Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis is a valuable technique for the study of works of art, because it is non destructive, multielemental, simple and relatively inexpensive. Further, portable EDXRF equipments can be easily assembled. For this reason EDXRF is a very popular analytical technique in the field of "archaeometry" . Portability is, of course, extremely useful and almost mandatory in many cases, such as analysis of frescoes, of large paintings , bronzes, brasses and gold alloys, and etc., especially when located in Museums . In fact, only in a few cases it is possible to study a work of art outside its normal location (museum, church, excavation and, etc.) and in any case, the bureaucratic problems and high costs for doing that are prohibitive. There are a variety of materials that can be studied by using a EDXRF apparatus: -paintings of all type and frescos (Table 1); -alloys (bronzes, brasses, gold and silver alloys and so on) (Table 2); -ceramics and porcelains, both for bulk material and decoration analysis (Table 3); -illuminated manuscripts; -papers; -stones of all type, marbles, oxidians and so on; -glasses and etc.; -ink. There are then cases in which a qualitative (or semiquantitative) analysis is sufficient (for example in the case of paintings) and others in which a quantitative approach is required (for example in the case of alloys or ceramics). EDXRF analysis generally involves an area of mm2 to cm2, and a thickness between m and fractions of mm. The analysis is, therefore, superficial and dependent on the surface conditions . In some case "capillary collimators" may be employed, to focus the radiation into smaller areas of the order 10-1 to 10-4 mm2 . 1 Due to reduced involved thickness, EDXRF analysis is representative of the bulk composition only for homogeneous samples. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 1 - Elements in the most important pigments and composition 1 Antimony Antimony white – Sb2O3 Neaple’s yellow – Pb3(SbO4)2 Lead, tin, antimony yellow – PbSnSbO 6.5 Antimony orange –Sb2S3 Arsenic Orpiment – As2S3 Realgar – AsS Cobalt arseniate – Co3(AsO4)2 Barium Barium white – BaSO4 Barium yellow – BaCrO4 >1809 Bromine Ftalocianine green – organic pigment containing Br >1930 Cadmium Cadmium yellow – CdS >1850 Cadmium red – CdS(Se) >1909 Calcium Chalk (Sangiovanni white) – CaCO3 Cobalt Cobalt blue – CoO.nSnO2 >1800 Cobalt yellow – K3(Co(NO2)6) >1860 Cobalt red – CoO + MgO –modern pigment Chromium Chromium yellow – PbCrO4 >1800 Viridian – Cr2O3 >1860 Iron Iron is employed in a large number of pigments: Yellow ochre – Fe2O3 .nH2O Red ochre Fe2O3 Prussian blue Fe4(Fe(CN)6)3 Black iron oxide – FeO . Fe2O3 Manganese Manganese bleu – see Barium >end 1800 Terra d’ombra MnO2 + Fe2O3 +SiO2 + Al2O3 ancient pigment Mercury Cinnabar – HgS Lead Biacca – 2PbCO3 . Pb(OH)2 ancient pigment Massicot yellow – PbO ancient pigment Lead-Tin yellow – Pb2SnO4 >XIII Century Minimum red – Pb3O4 ancient pigment 2 Copper A large number of pigments is based on copper compounds, mainly bleu and green Azurite – 2CuCO3 . Cu(OH)2 Malachite – CuCO3 . Cu (OH)2 Verdigris – Cu(CH3COO)2 . nCu(OH)2 Selenium Cadmium Red (see Cadmium) Tin Tin white >1500 Lead-Tin yellow Lead, Tin, Antimony yellow Titanium Titanium white – TiO2 >1919 Zinc Zinc white – ZnO >1840 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table 2 – Composition of copper, gold and silver alloys 2 a.bronzes : bronzes are mainly composed of copper, tin and lead ; iron is often present as trace element ; arsenic and antimony are generally present in oriental bronzes. etruscan bronzes 3: Cu and Sn (5-15%) ; traces of Pb and Fe greek bronzes: Cu and Sn (typically 10-15%); traces of Fe and Pb roman and egyptian bronzes: Cu, Sn (typically 5-20%), Pb (typically 120%), traces of Fe, As (Egyptian). bronzes from Mesopotamia: Cu, Sn, Pb (<1%) bronzes from China : Cu, Sn (typically 10-30%), Pb (typically 1-15%), traces of Fe, Ni, Zn. b.brasses : brasses are mainly composed of copper, tin and zinc ; lead and iron are aften present. c. gold : Gold samples are generally composed of gold, silver and copper ; lead and iron are also often present. etruscan golds 4: Au, Ag (20-30%), Cu (1-2%) micenean golds 5(Chora and Englianos excavations; 1600-1100 B.C.): mean values: Au , Ag (20.3 7.5%), Cu (1.6 0.8%) micenean golds of the Benaki Museum, Athens 6: Au, Ag (≈20%), Cu (1-2%) egyptian golds : Ag, Au, traces of Cu celtic golds: Au (70-90), Ag (10-25), Cu (1-7) d. silver : Silver objects are generally composed of silver, copper and lead. Roman silver objects 7: Coins from Alexander the Great : Ag 98% , Pb 1%, Cu,Au 1% Roman coins "denari" : Ag 93%, Cu 6%, Au, Pb, Sn et al. 1%. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 Table 3- Composition of typical ceramics 8 : Main components : SiO2,(55%), TiO2,(1%) Al2O3,(20%) Fe2O3,(2%) MgO, CaO,(2%) K2O Trace elements : Ba (650 ppm), Rb (100 ppm), Sr (150 ppm), Y(20 ppm), Zr (200 ppm), Nb (20 ppm), V(100 ppm), Cr (100 ppm), Ni (40 ppm), Cu (80 ppm), Zn (150 ppm) , Mn (1000 ppm). Examples of application of portable EDXRF equipments in archaeometry will be given, i.e.: analysis of bronzes (the statues of Perseo by Benvenuto Cellini and of Bartolomeo Colleoni by Andrea del Verrocchio), gold alloys (Etruscan and premicenean artefacts, and the golden altar of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan) , silver objects and analysis of paintings (by De Chirico) and frescos (the chapel of the Scrovegni by Giotto). 2.THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 Physical background 9 When a sample is irradiated by a beam of X-rays, secondary X-rays are emitted , due to: a. photoelectric effect ; b. Compton effect ; elastic scattering (Figure 1). From the atomic point of view, when incident photons (having an energy in the range of X-rays) interact with the atoms of a given object, the photoelectric effect extracts an internal electron (for example from the most internal K-shell), producing a hole in the corresponding atomic shell, which will be filled by a more external electron (for example from the successive L-shell), with contemporary emission of a secondary photon. The energy of this photon is given by the binfing energy difference of the two considered shell, i.e. EX = EK – EL (Figure 2). In concurrence with the photoelectric effect, and with more probability at higher X-ray energy, the incident photon may interact with an external electron of the atomic structure, resulting deflected with respect to the incident direction, with a reduced energy. The residual energy is transferred to the electron. This effect is called Compton effect (Figure 3). A further possible effect, mainly occurring at low X-ray energy, is given by the elastic scattering of the incident X-ray photon by an atom of a given object. Due to this effect, the incident photon is deflected, and its energy remains constant (Figure 4). The three above described effects finally produces a. fluorescent X-rays of various energies ; b. Compton (inelastic) scattered photons ; elastic scattered photons (Figure 5). The energy of the secondary fluorescent X-rays characterizes the elements present in the sample (see Table 4) , and the intensity is, in some way, proportional to their concentration. Compton and elastic scattered photons generally contributes to the background, but may be also employed for analytical purposes The technique based on the analysis of these secondary fluorescent Xrays is called energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF). It is a non destructive, multi-elemental and simple technique. 4 The sample can be whatever (solid, liquid, gaseous, of various size and nature), it will in no manner be alterated by the analysis, and for that reason it can be analyzed many times. Further, EDXRF is a “surface analysis” because of the limited penetration of the radiation in the sample, both primary and fluorescent. As an example, Table 5 gives the object depth originating 90% of the fluorescent radiation (FR), in the case of sulfur in frescoes, copper, tin and lead in a bronze, and gold, silver and copper in a gold alloy. The values reported in Table 4 are only indicative; the exact values, in fact, depend on the incident energy, homogeneity of the sample, orientation of incident and output radiation. Figure 1 – The principle of energy-dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence analysis. 5 Figure 2 – Atomic description of the photoelectric effect. Figure 3 – Schematic description of the Compton effect induced by X-ray photons. 6 Figure 4 – Schematic description of elastic scattering of X-ray photons. 7 Figure 5 – Typical “spectrum” of secondary radiation emitted when a sample is irradiated by a monoenergetic source of X-ray photons of energy E0. From right, elastic scattering peak (of energy E0) , Compton scattering peak (of energy EC < E0 and several fluorescent peaks are shown. In this case, E0 = 59.6 keV, EC = 48.5 keV, and Ag-K and K X-rays are shown. 8 Table 4 – Energy of X-ray lines (in keV) of the most important elements Element Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphor Sulphur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Titanium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Arsenic Selenium Bromine Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molibdenum Silver Cadmium Tin Antimony Barium Tungsten Gold Mercury Lead Uranium K 1.04 1.25 1.5 1.74 2.0 2.3 2.62 2.96 3.3 3.7 4.5 5.4 5.9 6.4 6.93 7.5 8.05 8.64 10.54 11.22 11.92 13.39 14.16 15.0 15.8 16.6 17.5 22.2 23.2 25.3 26.4 32.2 59.3 68.8 70.8 75.0 98.4 K L L 2.81 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.93 5.95 6.5 7.06 7.65 8.26 8.9 9.6 11.7 12.5 13.3 15.0 15.8 16.7 17.7 18.6 19.6 24.9 26.1 28.5 29.7 36.4 67.2 78.0 80.3 84.9 111.3 1.7 1.8 1.92 2.04 2.16 2.3 3.0 3.13 3.4 3.6 4.45 8.4 9.7 10.0 10.5 13.5 2.5 3.2 3.45 3.8 4.0 5.0 9.9 11.5 11.9 12.6 17.5 All these features make EDXRF especially suitable for in-situ and on line analysis. A typical apparatus for EDXRF-analysis is relatively simple, and is composed by: 1. an excitation source (a radioisotope or a X-ray tube) (Figure 6); 2. an X-ray detector with related electronics (Figure 7); 9 3. a single or a multi channel analyzer (Figure 8); 4. a dedicated software for rapid, automatic analysis of chemical elements. In the last ten years, the technological progress has produced thermoelectrically cooled X-ray detectors of small size and weight 10-12, miniaturized and dedicated X-ray tubes 13-15, small size multi channel analyzers 16,17 and dedicated softwares for quantitative evaluation 18. Table 5 - Depth of an object irradiated with X-rays of proper energy, giving rise to 90% of the fluorescent radiation Object Fluorescent radiation of Depth involving 90% element: of the fluorescent radiation Fresco Sulfur (2.3 keV) 20 m Fresco Iron (6.4 keV) 300 m Bronze Copper (8 keV) 55 m Bronze Lead (10.5 keV) 18 m Bronze Tin (25 keV) 120 m Gold Copper (8 keV) 5m Gold Gold (9.7 keV) 9m Gold Silver (22 keV) 14 m All these progresses allowed the construction of completely portable small size EDXRF systems with similar performance as Laboratory systems, but without the problems connected with nitrogen cooling, big size X-ray tubes and high costs (Figure 9). Portable EDXRF (PEDXRF) systems are necessary in many cases, where objects to be analyzed cannot be transported or where the mapping of the object would require too many samples. This is particularly true in the field of archaeometry, where samples are generally in museums, churches, excavations and so on. 10 Figure 6 – Typical radioactive sources for EDXRF-analysis (from left to right top:point, disc and anular sources ) and X-Ray tubes with related emitted Xray spectra : a. Ca-anode, 8kV, 0.1 mA by Hamamatsu ; b. Mo-anode, 30 kV, 0.2 mA by Oxford; c. W-anode battery-operated, 40 kV, 0.1 mA by Moxtek. 11 Figure 7 – Typical X-ray detectors and related efficiency curves. a. Si-PIN by AMPTEK; b. Si-drift by Roentec; c. CZT by eV; HgI2 by Constellation Inc. 12 Figure 8 – Single-channel analyzer employed for analysis of Etruscan golds. Figure 9 – A portable energy-dispersive XRF-equipment at work in St.Peter. 13 2.2 Physical principles of X-Ray Fluorescence 9 When a sample containing an element a with a concentration ca is irradiated by a beam of X-rays having an energy E0 and intensity of N0 photons/s, the number Na of fluorescent X-rays emitted by the element a , is approximately given by: Na = N0 k a a ca M (1) where: -k is an overall geometrical factor; -a is the fluorescent yield of the element a in the shell of interest (i.e. percent probability of a fluorescence effect compared with an Auger effect)); -a (cross section in cm2) is related to the probability for fluorescent effect of element a; -M is a matrix term (i.e. depending on the sample) , related to the attenuation of incident and secondary fluorescent radiation and on the sample composition. It is very useful to consider two extreme conditions related to the sample thickness: 2.2.1 Thick samples 9 Artifacts like statues, columns, alloys and etc., generally appear to EDXRF analysis as "infinitely thick samples", in the sense that the size of the objects is infinitely large with respect to the “radiation penetration” (see Table 2 for values of radiation penetration). When a “thick” sample is irradiated by photons of proper energy, it emits secondary photons which are characteristic X-rays from the elements composing the sample . When a generic element a with concentration ca , in an infinitely thick and homogeneous sample is irradiated with N0 incident photons, the secondary fluorescent X-ray intensity Na is given by : Na = No k a ca ph.a (E 0 ) / t (E 0 ) + t (Ea ) (2) where: k is an overall geometric and intrinsic efficiency; a is the fluorescence yield of element a ; ph.a (E o ) represents the photoelectric attenuation coefficient of element a at incident energy E o ; t (E o ) and t (E a ) represent the total attenuation coefficient of the sample at incident and fluorescent energies (E 0 and E a ) respectively. As observed above, besides fluorescent X-rays, given by Eq. (1), the Xray spectrum emitted by the irradiated “infinitely thick”sample is also composed by scattered photons, which intensity Nsc (mainly due to Compton scattering) is approximately given by: Nsc N0 k sc(E0)/ 2 t (E0) (3) where: 14 sc(E0) and t(E0) are the scattering and the total attenuation coefficient of the sample at incident energy E0 respectively. Scattered radiation is generally a disturbing effect that should be reduced as much as possible, but it can also be employed for normalization purposes. Equations (1) and (2) are strictly valid for thick samples and for monoenergetic incident radiation. It may be calculated that for low values of ca (10-15%) or for limited ca intervals, Eq. (1) yields approximately a linear relationship between Na and ca (Figure 10) 19. Standard samples are required for an experimental test of Eq.(1) and to quantitatively establish the correlation between N a and c a . Figure 10 – Correlation between counts and concentration for iron in the situation of a thick sample. 2.2.2 Thin samples 9 In the case of thin samples, primary and secondary X-rays are characterized by a penetration depth much larger than the sample thickness. In this case the matrix term in Eq. (1) is approximately equal to 1, and Eq. (1) will be given by: Na = N0 k a a ca (4) i.e. counts of element a are linearly proportional to its concentration (Figure 11). Intensity Nsc of scattered photons in the case of thin samples (mainly due to Compton scattering) is approximately given by: Nsc N0 k sc(E0) m (5) where m (in g/cm2) is the mass per unit area of the sample. 15 Artifacts are often thin samples. For example, in the case of frescoes, (see Section 4b), there is a thick layer of plaster over which thin layers containing the pigments were painted (with a thickness from fractions of mm to mm). Finally, over the pictorial layer there is, in many cases a thin layer due to pollution effects (tenths of m) containing sulphur, typically in the form of CaSO4 20. For example, when this sulfur is analyzed, then the pathway of its Kradiation is comparable to the thickness of gypsum. The same occurs when elements from Fe to Ag are analyzed: the K-radiation penetration is of the same order of magnitude of the pigments layer. A quantitative approach is therefore, extremely difficult in this case and generally not useful. When radiation from a X-ray tube penetrates the pigments of a fresco or of a painting, it is absorbed along its path. A fraction of the energy of the absorbed photons is converted into fluorescent photons of the various elements, and some of them, according to the thickness of the involved layers, reach the surface of the fresco and are detected. In the case of a fresco, the deepest layer is given by the plaster. Superimposed there is the preparation, and above one or more pigment layers, generally thin. In the case of a painting, the deepest layer is given by the canvas or the wood. Superimposed there is again the preparation, and above one or more thin pigment layers. Figure 11 – Correlation between counts and concentration for sulphur, in the conditions of a thin sample. 16 As an example, in the case of Giotto’s haloes in the chapel of the Scrovegni the complexity of the X-ray spectra puts in evidence the presence of various pigment layers below the gold leaf. Each layer behaves as a thin layer 21, because also elements are visible, such as strontium, coming from the deepest layer, which corresponds to the plaster. In this hypothesis of a sequence of thin layers, fluorescent counts Na from a generic element a may be written in the form: Na N0 k a ph.a ma Ai (6) where: N0 is the incident photon flux; k is an overall geometrical and detector factor; a is the fluorescent yield; ph.a is the cross section of element a for photoelectric effect; ma is the mass per unitary area of element a in the sample. Ai gives the attenuation of incident and output radiation if element a is in the internal layer j . Ai is given by: Ai = exp-1j-1 i (E0)xi exp -j-11 (Eph.a) xi (7) where: -i (E0) and (Eph.a) is the attenuation coefficient of the i-th layer at incident energy E0 and fluorescent energy Eph.a respectively; -xi represents the thickness of the i-th layer In the case of thin layers elements from the various layers are visible. The attribution to the correct layer is in some cases possible, especially when heavy elements are present in a deep layer, and L-lines of these elements (gold, lead) are present and clearly visible. In these cases the approximate thickness of the pigments may be calculated by the differential attenuation of L-lines, and/or autoattenuation. For example the ratio R= L /L for a heavy element, following auto attenuation in the same element present in a pigment and having thickness x, is given by: R = (0+2)/(0+1)(1-exp-(0+1)x)/(1-exp-(0+2)x (8) where -0 , 1, 2 are the mass attenuation coefficients (in cm2/g) at incident and at L and L energies respectively; - is the physical density of the sample (in g/cm3); -x is the thickness of the sample. Differential attenuation of L and L X-rays of a heavy element a (for example lead) present in the second layer by another heavy element b (for example gold present in the first layer, as in the case of gold halos which will be discussed later) is given by: 17 L /La = L /La0 exp-(2-1x)b (9) where L /La0 represents the L /L ratio (for example of lead) simply autoattenuated. The term (2-1) is positive for example for gold attenuation, because of the gold edges, and negative for example for tin. Figure 12 shows the attenuation coefficients of gold, lead and tin versus energy 22, and Figure 13 the ratio R= L /L for lead L-lines attenuated by a gold leaf or by a tin sheet. Figure 12 – Mass attenuation coefficients of lead and gold versus energy (in keV). Pb-L and Pb-L brackets the gold L photoelectric discontinuity and are therefore absorbed in a different manner by different Au-thicknesses. The Pb-L/Pb-L ratio allows, therefore, the determination of the Au-thickness. 18 Figure 13 – Ratio of L/L Pb- lines attenuated by a gold leaf, versus Au thickness x, following Eq. 9. A similar, but opposite phenomenon allows the determination of a tin sheet located above a white lead pigment. 19 3.COMPONENTS OF A PORTABLE EDXRF EQUIPMENT A portable EDXRF system is composed of a X or -ray source (a X-ray tube or, in some cases a radioactive source), of a X-ray detector (generally a semiconductor detector thermoelectrically cooled ) and of a multichannel analyzer (Figure 14). 3.1 – Radiation sources The optimal radiation source for a portable EDXRF equipment should have the following features: -small size and weight; -good stability versus time; -sufficiently flexibility in terms of energy and intensity. a.radioactive sources A few radioactive sources are compatible with the conditions above cited, and can be, therefore, used in a portable EDXRF equipment. Among them the most important are listed in Table 6 : Radioactive sources are small and stable, and they have a fixed energy and intensity output. However the photon flux is generally too low for many applications, also in the field of archaeometry, and it is not flexible in terms of energy . b. X-ray tubes Due to the relatively low cost of small size low power x-ray tubes, dedicated X-ray tubes are available for each type of problem and coupled to a specific detector 23 . They should be characterized by: -high voltage between 5 and 40 kV approximately; -current between 10 and 1000 A; For low atomic number elements (from 11 to 19, including sulfur and chlorine), a low-power Ca-anode X-ray tube may be employed 24, working at 6-8 kV, 0.1-0.3 mA maximum voltage and current . For the elements with Z from 11 to 17 also a low-power Pd or Ag-anode X-ray tube may be employed, working at about 5-6 kV and hundreds of mA 23 . In this case the L-lines of Pd or Ag are used for excitation, which energy of 2.8 to 3.2 keV is close to the excitation energy of these elements. The last two X-ray tubes, working at 30-35 kV can be employed also for excitation of medium (K-lines) and high (L-lines) atomic number elements. A W-anode X-ray tube working at 40 kV, 0.1 mA may be also employed, especially when elements from Ag to Sn should be analyzed. 20 Figure 14 – Experimental set-up of the equipment used for the analysis of alloys (bronzes, brasses, gold, and silver). A W-anode X-ray tube is employed, working at 35 kV, 0.3 mA, collimated with an Al-cylinder with an internal hole of 2 mm diameter, and a Si-PIN or a Si-drift detector with about 150-200 eV energy resolution at 6.4 keV. In the Figure the equipment is shown during the analysis of the golden altar from Volvinius. As observed above, the photon output from the X-ray tubes is generally collimated to irradiate an area of about 10-100 mm2 . However, there are cases in which only a very small area or extremely small amounts of material must be irradiated and analysed. In this case the incident radiation can be collimated through a “capillary collimator” , and areas as small as 10-2 to 10-4 mm2 are irradiated 25-26. The use of capillary collimators in archaeometry will be discussed later 27 . 3.2 X-ray detectors A X-ray detector is generally characterized by its efficiency, i.e. capacity (in %) of processing photons entering its volume, and energy resolution, i.e. capacity of separating X-lines contiguous in energy, expressed in terms of energy (eV or keV). 21 A X-ray detector for a portable EDXRF equipment should further have small size and weight. Besides the use of traditional Si or Ge nitrogen cooled semiconductor detectors, which are not so well compatible with portable systems, in the last few years following small size, thermoelectrically cooled X-ray semiconductor detectors have been increasingly employed : a. Si-PIN, with a thickness of 300 or 500 m , an area of 6 or 10 mm2 and a typical energy resolution of about 150-200 eV at 5.9 keV 28 . This detector has an efficiency that rapidly decreases above about 20 keV, due to the reduced thickness; the good energy resolution of the detector is obtained with an amplifier shaping time of 12-24 s, and therefore it deteriorates rapidly at high counting rates; Table 6 – Radioactive sources for portable EDXRF equipments Source Principal Half-life photon energies Elements that can be analyzed (keV) Fe-55 5.9 2.7 y Z 23 (K-lines) Cd109 22 , 88 453 d Z 42 (K-lines) Am241 59.5 Z =50-92 (Llines) 433 y Z 69 (K-lines) Z=70-92 (Llines) b. Si-drift , with a thickness of 300 m, an area of about 4 mm2 , and an energy resolution of approximately 140-160 eV at 5.9 keV 29 . This detector has also an efficiency that rapidly decreases above 20 keV, but it works much better than Si-PIN’s at high count rates, due to the low shaping time of the amplifier (1-2 s); c. Cd Te and Cd Zn Te (CZT) 28, with typical dimensions of 5 x 5 x 1 mm3, that have an energy resolution of about 300 eV at 5.9 keV, but can be used in the whole X-ray energy range with good efficiency. d. HgI2 30 , with typical dimensions of 7 x 7 x 1 mm3 , that have an energy resolution of about 180 eV at 5.9 keV, and can also be employed in the whole X-ray energy range. 22 3.3 Multi-channel analyzer Due to the small size and flexibility of modern multi-channel analyzers, they can be easily coupled to sources and detectors to generate a portable system. Multichannel analyzers are also generally equipped with software for element identification, background subtraction, peak evaluation and etc. 3.4 Capillary collimators 25 X-ray Optics based on polycapillary consists of an array of a large number of small hollow glass tubes formed into a certain shape. The optic collects X-rays that emerge from an X-ray source within a large solid angle and redirects them by multiple external total reflections to form either a focused beam or a parallel beam. Small spots of 20-50 µm diameter can be obtained. The use of polycapillary optics has become widespread in various X-ray analysis applications, and also in the field of archaeometry, where it is often useful to strongly collimate the incident beam, in order to carry out “microanalysis”. The rapid development of capillary optics also triggered the development of related X-ray equipment such as microfocus X-ray sources. Monocapillary optics (single tapered channel optics) also offer further improvement in space resolution (spots of 5-25 µm diameter) beyond that currently achieved with polycapillary optics. Capillary collimators are shown in Figure 15, and their effects on a fluorescent X-ray spectrum is shown in Figure 16. 4. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP For analysis of low atomic number elements (sulphur, chlorine, potassium, calcium) a portable EDXRF-equipment was assembled, composed of a Ca-anode X-ray tube working at 5-8 kV 31 (Figure 17). In this case the incident radiation is composed of the Ca-K lines at 3.7 keV, and of the bremsstrahlung radiation. Alternatively, also a Pd-anode X-ray tube was employed, working at 4-6 kV 28. In this case the incident radiation is composed of the Pd-L lines at 2.9 keV and of the bremsstrahlung radiation. In both cases an AMPTEK thermoelectrically cooled Si-PIN detector was employed, having an energy resolution of 200 eV at 5.9 keV and coupled to a pocket AMPTEK multi channel analyser 18. For analysis of pigments, both of Giotto’s Chapel of the Scrovegni, and De Chirico paintings 32 , a portable EDXRF- equipment was employed, composed of a small size, low weight W-anode Oxford X-ray tube, working at 30 kV and 10-50 A 13, a small size, thermoelectrically cooled AMPTEK Si-PIN detector with an energy resolution of 200 eV at 5.9 keV 28 and a pocket AMPTEK multi channel analyser (Figure 18). 23 Figure 15 – Typical capillary collimators manufactured by IfG, Berlin, Germany. Figure 16 – Effects of capillary collimators as shown in Figure 15, on X-ray spectra 24 Figure 17 – PEDXRF-equipment employed for analysis of sulphur and chlorine in the fresco of the church of S. Stefano Rotondo in Rome. For analysis of the 14 true De Chirico paintings, a thermoelectrically cooled Si-drift detector was employed, having an energy resolution of about 140 eV at 5.9 keV 29 (Figure 18). The same equipment was employed for the analysis of the equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni. Figure 18 – Equipment typically employed for analysis of paintings. 25 In all these cases both X-ray tube and detector are placed at a distance of 5-10 mm from the fresco, at an angle of about 30° with respect to the painting normal. An area of approximately 3-5 mm2 is irradiated and analysed, and a typical measuring time of about 100-200 s was employed. 5.RESULTS In the following are reported some selected results obtained in the field of archaeometry, in the case of bronzes, paintings and frescos and gold artefacts. 5.1.Bronzes: The Perseo by Benvenuto Cellini 33 The huge statue of Perseo by Benvenuto Cellini (completed in 1554 and located in Piazza della Signoria in Florence), composed of 1800 Kg of bronze was analyzed during the restoration process in the Uffizi Museum in Florence . The Perseo (figure 19) is composed of two parts: the Perseo itself and the Medusa ; additionally some accessories were analyzed, such as the sword. These bronzes are covered by a thick patina, and therefore 10 areas of about 5x5 mm2 were cleaned before the analysis. In addition, 4 microsamples were withdrawn and 2 metallographic samples. All these samples were analyzed by EDXRF with metallographic and electric conducibility studies performed as well 34 . The results were generally consistent. Typical X-ray spectra of Perseo and Medusa are shown in the same Figure 18. The mean values of Perseo and Medusa bronzes are shown in Table 7. Table 7- Mean concentration values (in %) of Perseo and Medusa bronzes Object Perseo Cu Fe 94 1.5 0.5 0.3 90 2 0.4 0.3 Pb 2.2 0.3 1.2 0.3 Ag 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.1 Sn 2.5 0.3 7.0 0.3 Sb 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 Medusa From the results of Table 3 it appears clear that Perseo and Medusa have different compositions. Following Benvenuto Cellini , due to problems during the casting of the Perseo he threw in the fusion 60 pounds of Sn and 22 english dishes (which contain about 10% Sb).This could be compatible with the results of Table 7. 26 Figure 19 – The famous bronze statue "Perseo" by Benvenuto Cellini, Piazza degli Uffizi, Florence, and two tpical X-ray spectra of Perseo and of the Medusa head respectively, showing the different (but similar) composition of the two parts of the huge statue. 27 The equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni by Andrea del Verrocchio, campo SS. Giovanni and Paolo, Venice. The huge equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni (Figure 20) was created (but not terminated) by Andrea del Verrocchio around 1480 35. It is a gilded bronze having a height of about 4 meters (without base) and a weight of about 4000 Kg. It is located in Campo SS. Giovanni e Paolo in Venice, and was under restoration when the measurements were carried out.. Figure 20 – The huge equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni by Andrea del Verrocchio (about 1480) , located in Campo SS. Giovanni e Paolo in Venice. 28 The statue was systematically analyzed in 21 points during its restoration (see Table 8) , with the following purposes: a. determine the presence of sulphur and chlorine due to pollution and influence of the sea water; b analyze the patina composition and thickness; c. determine the composition of the horse and the knight alloys; d. determine the composition of the soldering areas (3,6,7,9,12,13,15). To this aim 21 points were selected, and first analyzed without any cleaning of the surface, in order to clarify points a. and b. Further, an area of few mm2 of these 21 points were completely cleaned to remove patina and analyzed. Following results were obtained: a.sulphur and chlorine are present almost everywhere on the surface of the statue (see Table 8). It is not easy to exactly determine their concentration but it should range in the order of percents to tens percent; a typical X-ray spectrum showing the presence of S and Cl is shown in Figure 21; Figure 21 – Sulfur and chlorine in area 7 (horse, left side of the belly, soldering area, not exposed to rain) of the equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni (see Table 8). This X-ray spectrum was obtained with the equipment composed of the 40 kV W-anode X-ray tube (working at 5 kV) and Si-drift detector. The patina has a thickness of about 150 µm. 29 b.The behaviour of the patina composition versus “bulk” composition strongly depends on the exposition of the analyzed area, i.e. if it was exposed to rain, sun, humidity and so on. The patina contains much more tin, lead and antimony, and less copper and zinc in the areas strongly washed out (see for example areas 1,2,9,15,17,18,19 and 20), whilst the composition of the patina is similar to that of the cleaned surface when the area is protected (see for example areas 7, 10 and 11) ; c.Typical X-ray spectra of area 10 (before cleaning at 7.5 keV and 35 keV incident energies respectively and at 35 kV after removing the patina) are shown in Figure 22. Areas 1, 2 and 5 (posterior legs of the horse) show – with some doubt for area 5- a similar composition; the same for areas 8,10,11 and 14 (the two anterior legs of the horse and its neck),and for areas 18,19 and 20 (arm and chest of the knight) . The welding areas 3,6,7,12,13 and 15 show a similar content of tin and lead (but different in zinc) ; However these last areas are not completely reliable, because the EDXRF apparatus was hold by the hand of the operator. The conclusion is that the anterior part of the horse has the same composition; the posterior legs have also possibly the same composition. The queue was superimposed at a different time. Concerning the knight, the superior part has a similar composition. The left leg seems to be a different composition, so as the helmet, which has a quite different composition. However in area 17 tin content is strongly dependent on the cleaning, and cannot be excluded that a small part of the irradiated area could be not enough cleaned. The same consideration could be made for areas 1 and 2. (Table 8). 30 Figure 22 – X-ray spectra of area 10 of the equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni before removing patina (spectrum A at 7.5 kV and spectrum B at 35 kV), and after removing the patina (spectrum C at 35 kV) (see Table 8). 31 Further general considerations are the following: -Iron is almost constrant in all areas of the statue, with a mean value of 0.29±0.07%; the only exception is given by area 13, where the concentration of iron is 6 times higher; -The ratio Sb/Sn is quite constant in all areas, except for areas 20 and 21; -The copper concentration is not too much varying (83.3±4.7 for the two statues; 84.3±4 for the horse and 80±5 for the knight) a.Soldered areas which are junctions between the various parts of the horse (areas 3,6,7,9,12,13 and 15) are basically brasses, and in some cases they have a composition similar to that of the neighborough areas, with tin substituted with zinc (see for example areas 5 and 6, and areas 11,12 and 13. An exeption is given by area 9, in which a small quantity of zinc (3.4%) seems to have been added to the bronze of the neighboroughts areas 8 and 10. Table 8 – Analysis of the equestrian bronze statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni Area n. 1 1’ 2 2’ 3 3’ 4 4’ 5 5’ 6 6’ 7 7’ 8 8’ 9 9’ 10 10’ 11 11’ Cu (%) 73.3 22.8 78.1 41.5 84.0 84.1 67.6 71.9 84.6 78.6 88.4 84.4 88.0 89.7 84.0 69.6 81.4 41.4 84.9 80.1 86.5 80.4 Sn (%) 20.2 64.7 17.1 42.8 2.3 5.3 24.6 22.7 11.9 16.2 4.1 7.7 0.5 0.5 12.0 22.5 12.0 43.6 11.3 14.8 10.2 14.6 Pb (%) 4.0 6.0 2.6 9.3 2.7 5.9 4.9 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.4 2.1 2.5 2.5 1.9 4.2 1.9 8.8 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.5 Sb (%) 2.1 5.9 1.8 5.3 0.25 0.6 2.5 2.6 1.2 1.9 0.6 1.3 <0.05 0.4 1.5 2.5 1.0 3.9 1.6 2.2 1.3 2.1 Ag (%) 0.08 0.1 0.08 0.5 <0.01 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.02 0.1 0.02 0.1 <0.01 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.03 0.5 0.03 0.1 0.03 0.1 Fe (%) 0.35 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.8 0.3 1.2 0.3 1.0 0.4 1.5 0.45 1.0 0.3 1.1 0.3 0.9 0.25 1.1 0.2 1.3 Zn (%) 0 0 0 0 10.4 3.2 0 0 0 0 5.1 3.0 8.5 5.9 0 0 3.4 0.9 0 0 0 0 32 12 12’ 13 13’ 14 14’ 15 15’ 16 16’ 17 17’ 18 18’ 19 19’ 20 20’ 21 21’ 83.9 90.0 86.9 84.9 87.1 81.1 89.8 79.3 87.8 82.1 73.8 35.7 80.4 38.1 81.1 41.2 79.9 57.0 <57.0 35.1 0.9 1.4 0.9 3.2 9.1 12.4 4.4 11.5 8.9 13.1 21.2 49.8 15.0 45.8 14.8 44.2 12.7 26.7 36.6 52.2 1.6 4.1 2.9 5.5 1.8 2,5 1.6 5.0 1.6 2.1 1.7 5.7 2.6 9.7 2.2 8.4 1.6 5.3 3.8 7.3 <0.05 0? 0.15 0.5 1.8 2.6 0.8 2.3 1.4 1.4 3.0 7.8 1.8 5.6 1.6 4.6 5.5 9.6 2.6 4.4 0.02 0? 0.03 0? 0.03 0.1 0.02 0.1 0.03 0.1 0.04 0.5 0.04 0.6 0.02 0.5 0.07 0.6 LS 0.5 0.35 1.5 1.7 3.2 0.2 1.4 0.35 0.9 0.3 1.1 0.25 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.25 1.1 0.25 0.8 LS 0.5 13.2 3.0 7.4 2.7 0 0 3.0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dark numbers without apex are related to measurements on cleaned areas 1. horse, right posterior leg, area exposed to rain; 2. horse, right posterior haunch, area exposed to rain 3. horse, right posterior haunch, soldering area 4. horse,queue, area exposed to rain 5. horse, left posterior leg, area exposed to rain 6. horse, laft posterior leg, under welding; area partially exposed to rain 7. horse,left side of the belly, soldering area, not exposed to rain 8. horse,left anterior leg, area exposed to rain 9. horse, left anterior leg in soldering area, area exposed to rain 10.horse, left anterior leg, area not too much exposed to rain 11.horse, right anterior leg, internal area under soldering, not exposed to rain 12.horse, right anterior leg, soldering area 13.horse, right anterior leg, other soldering area 14.horse, neck, over soldering, area exposed to rain 15.horse, soldering area between neck and body, area exposed to rain 16.knight, left calf, area exposed to rain 17.knight, dress in area of left haunch, exposed to rain 18.knight, left hand, area exposed to rain 19.knight, left forearm 20.knight, chest in area close to the hand 21.knight, helmet, exposed to rain (measurement not reliable; equipment in precarious position. 33 Etruscan bronzes 3 Etruscan bronzes are mainly Cu-Sn alloys, with an erratic presence of lead. Examples of analysis of Etruscan bronzes are given in Table 9. Table 9 – EDXRF-analysis of Etruscan bronzes (concentrations in percent) Object Jamb from Granmichele; IX Century BC Phial from Poggioreale; VIII Censtury BC Chariot from Populonia Chariot from Ischia di Castro; VI Century BC Vase from Tuscanica; IV Century BC Chariot from Chianciano IV Century BC Canopo from Dolciano; VII Century BC Charioteer ; V Century BC Jug from Lecco; V Century BC Chimera from Arezzo; V Century BC Cu 90.5 Sn 8.9 Pb 0.6 89.8 9.6 0.6 90.0 81.4 9.8 18.0 0.2 traces 90.0 9.1 0 84.0 12.4 1.0 97 2.9 0.2 86.1 13.3 0.6 88.6 10.5 traces 82 15 3 Bronze equestrian statue of Marco Aurelio 36 The bronze equestrian statue of Marco Aurelio (Figure 23), located in “piazza del Campidoglio” , Rome, was analyzed in a large number of areas, by removing microfragments. Results are shown in Table 10. Table 10 – EDXRF – analysis of the statue of Marco Aurelio N. and sampling area Cu (%) Sn(%) Pb(%) 1-left hind leg –shin 80 10.4 9.6 2-left hind leg-forearm 80 9 19 3-right fore leg, shin 82 8.4 9.5 4-right fore leg - arm 80 8.3 12 34 15-belly, right side 79 7.3 13.4 32-belly, right side 78.4 5.3 16.3 47-belly, right side 82 6 12 35-belly, left side 81.5 4.4 14 46-belly, left side 79 7 13.6 28-left chest 80 6.7 13 31c-left chest 78 7.8 13.5 58-head, left side 79 8.2 12.5 42-knight,right knee 82.4 7 10 43-knight, right thigh 84 7.2 8.4 44-knight, cloak 82.4 6 11.6 5.2.Frescos Sulfur in frescoes Superficial sulfur, in the form of Ca S O4 (gypsum), is an index of pollution. It is often present on the surface of frescoes and monuments, producing black coloring and damages (20). Sulfur and chlorine were analyzed with the apparatus as described in Section 2. By using the Ca-anode X-ray tube the minimum detection limit for sulfur is 0.1% in 100 s measuring time, at 3SD from the background. By using the Pd-X ray tube the MDL is approximately the same. When both S and Cl are present, then the Ca-anode apparatus is much better for Cl, because the separation between Cl-lines and exciting peak is greater in the first case. The following frescoes were analyzed : a. frescoes attributed to Pomarancio in the church of S. Stefano Rotondo in Rome, which was under restoration by the “Istituto Centrale del Restauro” of Rome ( see Figure 17). A large number of areas were analyzed 37 and three typical situations were detected : a. in unrestored areas, sulfur was found everywhere at concentrations up to about 12%; b. areas that were simply sponged with a proper solution, sulfur was found at concentrations between 2% and 4% ; c. in areas accurately treated to remove pollution layers, no sulfur was found. b. frescoes of Piero della Francesca, Church of S. Francesco, Arezzo, where sulfur was found practically everywhere 37 ; c. frescoes of Domenichino, Nolfi Chapel, Cathedral of Fano, again sulfur was found everywhere, except in the restored areas 37 . d.ancient roman frescoes, Church of S. Clemente, Rome . In this church both the ancient fresco in the mithraic school and the fresco in the lower basilica were analysed 37 . 35 Figure 23 – The equestrian bronze statue of Marco Aurelio, piazza del Campidoglio, Rome, Italy. 36 Large quantities of sulfur were detected in the lower basilica, at the upper level, close to the outside air. No sulfur was detected in the mithraic school, which is underground, in an isolated location. e. the famous frescoes by Giotto in the "chapel of the Scrovegni" in Padua were recently systematically analysed in about 300 points, before and during restoration, in order to detect the possible presence of sulfur and to characterize the pigments composition employed by Giotto. Begun in 1303 and consecrated on march 25, 1305, the chapel, dedicated to Our Lady of the Annunciation, was commissioned by Enrico Scrovegni in suffrage for the soul of his father, Reginaldo, accused of usury. It was E. Scrovegni who commissioned Giotto to execute the frescoes in the interior of the chapel, where the Master attained the height of his artistry, for this cycle of paintings signals " a point of no return in the entire history of western painting" (Figure 24). Sulphur was analyzed with two different types of equipment: one using the Ca-anode X-ray tube, the second one using the Pd-anode working at low voltages, to selectively excite Pd-L lines, with an energy of about 2.8 keV, suited to the excitation of sulfur and chlorine. The fresco-pigments were analyzed with the same Pd X-ray tube working at about 10 kV, and with a W-X ray tube working at 30 keV. The following results were obtained 38: -Sulfur was detected everywhere, at a concentration level from about 1% to about 10%, depending on the exposition and on the undergoing pigment; sulfur content was for example lower in the case of azzurrite pigments, higher in the white and green pigments; the S-content strongly decreases after using a cleaning process based on ion-exchange resins (Figure 25); the use of the Ca-anode X-ray tube gives rise to a "cleaner" spectrum with respect to the Pd-L X-ray tube, but the counting rates are much lower, due to the large output window of the first tube (X-ray tubes output is strongly collimated to irradiate an area of about 1 cm2); analysis of Giotto’s haloes in the Chapel of the Scrovegni About 30 haloes were analysed, many of them in good conditions (golden haloes), other damaged, and other completely black 21-22. A X-ray spectrum of a good condition gold halo compared with the Xray spectrum of a black one is shown in Figure 26. From left to right fluorescence peaks are visible due to the following elements: -gold M-lines at 2.1 keV; -sulphur K-lines at 2.3 keV, due to pollution effects; -lead M-lines at 2.34 keV; -argon K-lines, at 2.95 keV, due to the presence of this element in air; -tin L lines, at 3.45 keV, present in the black halo only; -calcium K-lines, at 3.7 keV; -iron K and K lines, at 6.4 and 7.06 keV; -nickel K and K lines, at 7.5 and 8.3 keV, due to background effects in the X-ray tube; -copper K and K lines, at 8.04 and 8.94 keV; 37 -tungsten L-lines, at 8.35, 9.8 and 11.3 keV respectively, due to the X-ray tube anode; -gold L-lines, at 9.67, 11.5 and 13.4 keV, present in the golden halo only; -silver K-lines, at 22.1 and 25.2 keV, mainly due to fluorescence effects in the detector; -lead L-lines, at 10.5, 12.6 and 14.8 keV; -strontium K lines, at 14.15 keV; -tin K and K lines, at 25.2 and 28.7 keV respectively, present in the black halo only. Figure 24 – General view of the Chapel of the Scrovegni in Padua, painted by Giotto between 1303 and 1305. Specifically shown is the “life of Christ”. 38 Figure 25 – Results of sulfur cleaning procedure of Giotto’s fresco in the chapel of the Scrovegni in Padua. 39 Figure 26 – Comparison between X-ray spectra of a golden halo (left), a black halo in which the gold leaf is absent (middle), and a black halo with a tin sheet at the surface, instead of gold. The different ratios of L/L Pb-lines (Pb is present under the halo, as preparation) in the three X-ray spectra is due to different attenuation of Pb-L lines by the gold leaf, auto-attenuation in Pb, and attenuation by the tin sheet respectively. The Pb-L line is more attenuated by the Au leaf than the L line; the opposite occurs with the black halo having tin at the surface. 40 There are several cases of peaks overlap: sulphur K with lead M, tin L with calcium K, gold L with tungsten L. X-rays of elements argon, nickel, tungsten and silver are due to the Xray tube anode (W), or to the interaction of the X-ray beam with the detector (Ag), air (Ar), tube material (Ni) , the other X- lines are related to the fresco pigments and/or to the plaster. However, they must be assigned to the proper layer. The ratio of the X-rays of all elements with respect to gold L-X rays was first calculated and the Pb (L/L) ratio (Table 11). If an element belongs to the gold alloy, typically composed of Au, Ag, Cu, Pb and Fe, then its ratio with respect to gold should remain approximately constant. From the mean values of these ratios it may be deduced that no one of the elements essentially belongs to the gold alloy, even if cannot be excluded that a small amount of them could belong to it. The gold employed by Giotto is, therefore, with high probability, of high purity. Further, lead should belong to the “second layer”, because it appears at the surface when gold is partially damaged. This point is confirmed from results shown in Table 11, where it may be observed that lead/gold is not varying too much. In this hypothesis, of a gold leaf superimposed to a layer of lead white, the Pb-L lines should be attenuated in a different manner by the gold leaf, when present. This effect is, in fact, clearly visible in Figure 26, where the X-ray spectrum of a golden halo is compared with a black one, in which the contemporary presence of tin and lead is apparent (in this case a tin sheet is superimposed to the white lead pigment). The different attenuation of Pb-L and Pb-L lines by gold and tin is clearly visible. By plotting the attenuation coefficients of gold, lead and tin (Figure 12), it may be calculated that Pb-L lines are more attenuated with respect to PbL lines when crossing a gold leaf, less attenuated when crossing a tin sheet (Figure 12). Considering these effects for all gold haloes in good conditions, the mean thickness of the gold layer may be calculated, which turns out to be: 1.6 0.5 m From this result it may be concluded that the gold leaf is extremely thin and of relatively constant thickness (minimum and maximum values: 1 m and 2.3 m respectively). Calculating the total area covered by gold haloes, the total amount of gold employed by Giotto can be approximately evaluated as mAu = 540 170 g . The thickness of the layer of white lead (basic carbonate of lead) can be calculated from the Pb-L lines autoattenuation when the Au-leaf is no present as being about (62)m Pb-equivalent, corresponding, of course, to a much larger thickness of the pigment. Complicated is the attribution of copper to the correct layer. Looking at the X-ray spectra of irradiated areas, it turns out that X-rays of Cu are clearly more intense when the halo is superimposed to an azurite background, which is at a deeper layer than lead . Excluding these cases, from Table 11, Cu continues to present and the calculated ratio Cu/Au is approximately constant at the value Cu/Au (0.6 0.25). It is therefore 41 reasonable that Cu-X rays come both from the azurite and from a layer below the gold leaf. From other measurements and considerations it seems probable to be between lead carbonate and gold (may be Cu-resinate employed to glue the gold leaf on the white lead preparation). From the ratio Cu/Au 0.6 it turns out that the copper equivalent thickness of the glue between lead and gold is of about (0.90.3)m. Considering now the Cu-K lines from the azurite layer, which can be identified by the much higher intensity, they are attenuated by the lead+gold sheet, but the K line is more attenuated, giving rise to a K/K ratio of about 8.5 instead of the “normal” value of 6.4. This effect can be observed in a few X-ray spectra where the Cu-lines are sufficiently clean. The Cuequivalent thickness of azurite can be calculated as being about 5 m. Calcium, iron and strontium could come, at least theoretically, from the deepest layer: the plaster. In this hypothesis Ca, Fe and Sr-K lines should be attenuated by the superimposed sheets of lead carbonate, copper and gold, giving rise to an attenuation factor of about 106, 35 and 3 respectively. In the case of Ca this attenuation seems to be too high to give reasonable Cacounts in the X-ray spectra. Further, Ca-K line should be completely absorbed by the lead+gold layers, and this effect was never observed. Ca should be, therefore, also present at the surface of the fresco, possibly as CaSO4 . This hypothesis is confirmed by X-ray spectra obtained with a Xray tube working at 5 kV, where the penetration of incident radiation is extremely reduced. In those spectra large peaks of sulphur and calcium are present. Also the attenuation factor for Fe seems to be too high, and the ratio of K/K, in the few cases in which it could be calculated, seems to be not compatible with the hypothesis of Fe coming only from the plaster. May be iron is also present in a more superficial not exactly identified layer. Strontium is a minor component of the plaster. In fact the peak of this element is present in almost all X-ray spectra of the fresco, at higher levels when Fe or Cu pigments are superimposed to the plaster, and at lower levels in the case of golden haloes, when the Sr-peaks cross Pb+Au, or Sn+Pb layers. A possible reconstruction of the various involved layers is shown in Figure 27. Seven haloes are black, and contain high quantities of lead, but no gold. Besides that, the X-ray spectra are quite similar to those of golden haloes. The ratio Pb-L/Pb-L is 1.57, which corresponds to a Pb-L/Pb-L ratio affected by auto attenuation only. The golden leaf was possibly lost. Two additional haloes are black and also similar, and contain high quantities of both lead and tin. Besides lead and tin the X-ray spectra are similar to those of golden haloes. The ratio Pb-L/Pb-L is about 1.1, corresponding to the situation of a tin layer superimposed to one of white lead. The thickness of tin, calculated from the Pb-L/Pb-L ratio turns out to be about 10 m. A possible reconstruction of the various layers involved in this case is shown in Figure 28. 42 Table 11 – Pb(L/L) ratio and ratio of the intensity of elemental X-rays with respect to gold intensity for golden haloes. Sample n. 245 248 294 302 207 208 209 346 227 228 348 236 238 239 240 242 246 295 296 310 319 320 246 Mean values Pb(L/L) Pb-L/Au-L Fe/Au Cu/Au 1.78 1.9 1.71 1.67 1.85 1.85 1.87 1.80 1.80 1.67 1.74 1.65 1.65 1.77 1.66 1.70 1.65 1.77 1.65 1.74 1.8 1.79 1.71 1.750.08 4.2 11.8 6.4 7.1 3.7 2.7 3.9 3.4 3.5 4.4 3.4 7.4 10.4 6.9 6.4 4.2 3.8 6.0 6.5 6.7 8.0 3.6 3.9 5.62.2 0.6 2.4 2.2 1.8 2.0 7.4 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.6 1.1 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3 2.4 1.2 1.3 1.5 0.18 0.2 1.7 1.31.4 2.2 1.0 3.9 1.8 5.0 6.5 12.4 4.4 3.4 8.0 3.7 3.3 4.7 2.6 1.9 2.1 2.4 4.8 6.4 2.2 2.5 3.9 5.2 4.13.0 43 Figure 27 – Possible “reconstruction” of the various layers present in a golden halo (left). An example of the X-ray spectrum of this halo is also shown. 44 Figure 28 – Possible “reconstruction” of the various layers present in a black halo (left). An example of the X-ray spectrum of this halo is also shown. 45 Paintings by Giorgio De Chirico analysis of 15 paintings of De Chirico 15 paintings of the last period of Giorgio De Chirico (1960-1970) were analysed, to identify the pigments typically employed by the artist in this period 32. All these paintings seem to have a similar composition. The “pingerprint” of these paintings is: -a preparation made with a mixture of lead white and zinc white; -a systematic use of lead, not only for the preparation; -the red colours based on the use of cinnabar (HgS); -a moderate use of organic pigments. A typical painting with corresponding analysed points and X-ray spectra is shown in Figure 29. analysis of 11 paintings supposed of De Chirico 11 paintings supposed of De Chirico were analysed, to identify the pigments typically used by the author (authors) and to establish if these pigments are similar or different from those employed by De Chirico 32. First of all it was verified that all paintings seem to have a similar composition, signifying that they were painted by the same artist. The “fingerprint” of these paintings is: -a preparation made with zinc oxide; -almost absence of lead; -the red colour made with cadmium red; -a very frequent use of organic pigments. A typical painting of this type, showing the analysed points and related Xray spectra is shown in Figure 30. X-ray spectra of a quite similar true and supposed De Chirico painting are shown in Figure 31. They appear clearly made by different artists. Comparing all the results on certain and supposed De Chirico paintings, they seem to be very different. The 11 paintings supposed of De Chirico are, therefore, with high probability fakes. 46 Figure 29 – X-Ray spectrum of a De Chirico painting, Fondazione De Chirico collection, Piazza di Spagna, Rome. 47 Figure 30 – Self portrait of De Chirico, Fondazione De Chirico collection, Piazza di Spagna, Rome, and X-ray spectrum of a red pigment. 48 Figure 31 – portrait of De Chirico, supposed to be painted by the artist, and X-ray spectrum of a red pigment. 49 5.3.Gold artifacts A large number of etruscan gold objects from the VII Century B.C. has been analyzed, from the Vatican Museum and Villa Giulia Museum in Rome, and from the Museum of Tarquinia. Selected results are collected in Table 12. Table 12-Analysis of selected Etruscan gold objects from the VII Century B.C. 4 50 The golden altar of Sant’Ambrogio The golden altar of S. Ambrogio in Milan is considered one of the most important goldsmith’s work ever realized 39. It was constructed approximately in the period between 824 and 859 A.C. from Volvinius, not historically identified . It is composed of four sides, three –north, south and east- made on gilded silver (but gold survived only in a few areas) and one – the west side- on gold. Each side is composed of 12 panels. Ancient gold is generally composed of gold, silver and copper, while ancient silver is normally composed by copper, lead, gold and iron (gold and iron at concentrations below 1%) and in some cases tin, nickel and zinc at trace levels 2. In silver alloys, there is a frequent occurrence of surface enrichment, especially for base silver or for copper-rich alloys . The altar of Volvinius was analyzed in about 200 areas . Mean values of the results are shown in Table 13 40. Table 13 – Summary of the EDXRF-measurements on the altar of Volvinius 40 NORTH SIDE Silver Gildings * SOUTH SIDE Silver Gildings * WEST SIDE (Figure 15) Gold 20th century panels EAST SIDE (Figure 16) Silver Gildings * Fe (%) Cu (%) Au (%) Ag (%) 0.4 0.3 0.1 3.1 1.8 0 1.8 0.4 85 94.7 1.7 15 2.9 1.8 0.1 1.8 0.4 87.6 94.8 2.2 12 0.6 0.65 0 3.8 2.5 0 93.5 2.5 98.5 2.1 1.7 1.5 0.32 0.25 0.23 4.1 0.9 0 1.3 0.5 88.8 94.3 1.4 11 0.38 0.3 0.3 *Only mean values without errors are given because the gilding concentration values are subject to large fluctuations, due to its thin and variable depth (10-15 m) in all areas. From the above results the following conclusions can be made: -In the three silver sides, silver has the same composition, i.e. (Ag 94.6% , Au 1.6%, Cu 3.4%, Fe 0.4%); remarkable is the presence of gold in the silver alloys (Figure 32) ; it could depend on residual (not visible) guilding residues; -Gilding in the silver sides seem to have a similar mean composition, i.e., Fe 0.2%, Cu = 0, Ag 12.7%, Au 87.1% in spite of the complications due to its reduced thickness; 51 -In the gold panel, gold has the mean composition : Au 93.5 % , Ag 2.1%, Cu 3.8%, Fe 0.6% (Figure 33), except in the 3 panels of the 20th century ; -The external frames have a very variable composition; most likely because they were all remade. Figure 32 – East side of the altar of Volvinius, on silver with guildings, and a typical X-ray spectrum of this panel, obtained with a W-anode X-ray tube working at 30 kV and 0.2 mA, and a Si-PIN detector. 52 Figure 33 – West side of the altar of Volvinius, on gold, and a typical X-ray spctrum of this panel, obtained with a W-anode X-ray tube working at 30 kV and 0.2 mA, and a Si-PIN detector. 53 micenean and pre-micenean golds 6. Several gold objects of micenean and pre-micenean period were analyzed in Athens, at the Benaki Museum . As an example, two bulky vases from Eubea were analyzed, quite similar and both dated arout 2000 B.C.(figure 34).The results are shown in Table 14 Table 14- EDXRF-results (in %) of two eubean gold vases ( 2000 B.C.) Object Vase .2049 (Fig.19) Vase n. 1516 (Fig. 19) Au 80.5 Ag 18 2 Cu 1.4 0.3 Fe 0.05 0.1 79.5 21 3 0.9 0.3 0.05 0.1 The two vases of same origin and age seem to have also a quite similar composition. A quite different composition was found in a thin decorated vase , which was analyzed at 8 different places. The results are shown in Table 15 . Table 15 - EDXRF results (in %) of a thin decorated vase Vase 27515 1 Au Ag K(*) Ca (*) Cu Fe 98.9 0 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.5 2 (Figure 20) 3 4 5 6 7 96.6 0.2* * 0.2 0.5 0.2 5.5 0.2 0.2 2.5 98.2 97.7 97.0 95.1 98.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.1 1.2 2.8 3.2 5.3 1.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 1.2 1.7 1.9 4.0 0.9 8 (Figure 20) 96.5 0.2 0.5 5.0 0.3 2.8 (*) possibly due to burying. (**) indirectly determined as 3 SD from the background under the Ag-k line. 54 Figure 34 – Two eubean gold vases from the Benaki Museum in Athens, and related X-ray spectra, obtained with a W-anode X-ray tube working at 30 kV and 0.2 mA, and a Si-PIN detector. 55 5.4 Silver objects Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence is not very suited to analyze silver objects, because XRF is a surface technique, and silver is tipically affected by surface enrichment processes. Further, a silver object can be generally not be cleaned. For this reason X and gamma rays transmission and scattering methods were applied together with XRF, both to silver objects from Pompei and Ercolano 41. (at the Museo Archeologico in Naples) and silver coins from the XVIII Century A.C., called baiocchi 42. Compared results of transmission and XRF-results are presented in Table 16. Table 16 – Analysis of ancient roman silver objects from Pompei Object and n. R/C XRF Other (%Ag) (%A eleme g) nts Plate IV-25299 100 92 Plate IV-25313 99.5 91 Basket V-25343 100 94 Mug XIII-25290 100 93 Mug XIII-25291 98.5 95 Cup IV-25691 100 93 Pot III-125262 91 95 Cup IV-25373 100 87 Plate III-25350 94 93 Cu Plate III-25351 93 92 Cu Mug IV-116330 73 91 Cu Mug IV-116332 77 91 Cu Cup XVI-25565 94 73 Cu Mug XVII92 83 Cu 25578 Mug XVI-25301 88 84 Mug XVI-25300 99 79 Cu Cup IV-110846 93 87 Cu,Pb 5.5 Ceramics 56 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was partially supported by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Programma Finalizzato "Beni Culturali”. The authors are grateful to: -Drs. P. Santopadre and M. Ioele of the “Istituto Centrale del Restauro”, Rome -the archaeologists of the Benaki Museum, Athens -Dr. S. Bandera, Soprintendenza Beni Artistici e Storici, Milano -Prof. P. Picozza and coworkers, Fondazione De Chirico, Rome -Giovanni Moriggi. REFERENCES 1. C. Seccaroni, P. 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