Introduction Package The Abilities Ministries Abilities Outreaches A place for everyone Strengthening the evangelism, discipleship and missions of the Body of Christ by equally inviting and including people with disabilities within the church today! Building bridges of inclusion between the church and disability community Table of Content ■Message from TAM Founder---------------------------------------------------Pg 1 ■Our History, Vision and Mission----------------------------------------------Pg 2 ■Partnerships- Starting Abilities Outreach Ministries------------------------Pg 3-4 ■What We Believe----------------------------------------------------------------Pg 5 ■A priority ministry---------------------------------------------------------------Pg 6 ■The myths, mandate and mission of inclusion-------------------------------Pg 7 ■Everyone is affected by disabilities-------------------------------------------Pg 8-9 ■Inclusion is the law--------------------------------------------------------------Pg 10 ■16 Biblical reasons for an Abilities Outreach Ministry---------------------Pg 11 ■Dis-Abilities & God’s People (Message by Dr. Bob MacGregor)--------Pg 12 ■Benefits of an Abilities Outreach----------------------------------------------Pg 13 ■The 4 Models of Inclusion------------------------------------------------------Pg 14 ■How inclusive is your church? ------------------------------------------------Pg 15 ■Testimonials----------------------------------------------------------------------Pg 16-17 ■Steps to starting your Abilities Outreach ------------------------------------Pg 18-19 ■Share the Vision-----------------------------------------------------------------Pg 20 “I FINALLY got a chance to look over your Introductory Package and am very impressed! You not only wrote the book on Disability Ministry—you have actually accomplished it. My husband Larry (who is the Associate Pastor at Bartimaeus Baptist Temple) and I invested our Summer Getting Out and experimenting with what you discuss in your Presentation Package. A Bridge is definitely what’s lacking. As the former Church Relation Coordinator for Joni & Friends/Dallas-Fort Worth I am well aware of the obstacles in establishing a successful Disability Ministry outreach. Now thanks to your Presentation I am encouraged anew that despite the challenges—YES it is not only possible to build a successful Disability Ministry Outreach—it is simply what He expects of us”. In His Accessible Grace, Linda Thacker Executive Director of Mission Accessible, Inc “Abilities Ministries has participated at Kingdom Bound for the past two years… They have done an outstanding job educating us on the importance of ministry to our friends and families with disabilities. The worship team treated us to an anointed time in the presence of the Lord. We highly recommend this ministry to everyone”. Blessings, Donna Russo Executive Director KingdomBound Ministries Pg 1 Message from TAM Founder It is my great pleasure to introduce you to The Abilities Ministries (TAM). People with disabilities are valuable members of our society with something important to contribute towards the community and church. They have the equal right to participate in the worship and ministry of the church because inclusion is a human right and Biblcial mandate that involves the whole community. God used people with disabilities to authenticate and strengthen the evangelism, missions and discipleship of the early church. The inclusion of people with disabilities is an important Biblical mandate given directly by Jesus to His disciples and church in Luke 14:12-14 when He said, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” Everyone can participate! 1. Worship with us at one of our Abilities Outreach locations/campus and become a ministry volunteer 3. Start an Abilities Outreach for your church and community 4. Book our team of musicians or speakers to participate at your church, events or conferences 5. Participate in our annual inclusion event 6. Make a donation or gift towards inclusion An Abilities Outreach should be a priority within the church 1. Disabilities affect every area of our life, society and church as every person will be affected by either visible or invisible disabilities in their life time. 2. Jesus’ life, ministry and teachings demonstrates that inclusion is not a personal vision or calling for some people but rather a universal mandate, social focus and spiritual priority for the whole church. 3. God always uses the weak to lead and teach the “so called” strong. 4. The Bible commands us to invite and bring people with disabilities to our social events and gatherings. 5. Inclusion is a moral responsibility, human right and a Biblical mandate that demands we treat all people equally within the church and community. Join us in following the example and mandate of Christ by giving people with disabilities a priority within the church today! We would be delighted to support you in starting up an Abilities Outreach for your church and community. God bless you! p Sincerely, Jaime E. Castro Founder The Abilities Ministries Pg 2 Our History, Vision and Mission Our Unique History The concept of an Abilities Church was inspired by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Honorable David C. Onley and evolved from The Mix Community Club in 2009. The Abilities Church developed out of the need to give people with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate within the whole community and church. In 2011 the Abilities Church Ministries changed its name to The Abilities Ministries. The Abilities Ministries (TAM) is a disability rights Christian ministry that is leading the way in promoting and protecting the rights and choices of people with disabilities to equally participate within the church. We are an evangelical and non-denominational parachurch ministry that is supporting partnering churches of different denominations worldwide in developing Abilities Outreaches. Abilities Outreaches are not separate groups or special needs ministries but rather local church invitation ministries to the disabled community that are integrating people with disabilities within the regular worship services of mainstream churches. The Abilities Ministries has built longstanding relationships and friendships with the disabled community in the Greater Toronto Area; earning us their trust to act as a bridge between the church and their community. We are an evangelistic arm of the church that is intentionally, actively and regularly reaching out to the disabled community to officially welcome and include them within churches that are socially and spiritually friendly towards people with disabilities. Abilities Outreaches are simply outreach or invitation ministries to the disabled community that are equally welcoming people with disabilities into the church by following the example and mandate of Christ as found in Luke 14:12, 21, 23. Our Vision Our Vision is to serve as a disability rights Christian ministry for the purpose of connecting the disabled and Christian community together in order to mutually respect the rights and choices of people with disabilities to equally participate within the church. Our Mission 1. To equip and support the church in becoming equally inclusive towards people with disabilities through the development of Abilities Outreaches which operate as a fully integrated part with the regular worship services of mainstream churches. 2. To educate and strengthen the church and community through workshops, conference and events based on inclusion as a human right, Biblical mandate and spiritual priority. 3. To encourage and serve the disabled community by giving people with disabilities an equal opportunity to worship and minister within the church. Pg 3 Partnerships- Share the vision! Starting up your own Abilities Outreach for your church and community! 3 great ways to set up your Abilities Outreach through your church 1. As an integrated part of your existing Sunday worship services (Sunday mornings or evenings) 2. As an additional service of your church that includes your whole congregation 3. As an integrated part of an existing weekday service of your church Primary Steps to getting started 1. Share your vision with your church leadership 2. Book a presentation or orientation/introduction session for your congregation 3. Approve your Abilities Outreach Ministry Development stages for getting started 1. Appoint an existing group leader at your church to act as a point of contact 2. TAM will connect your church with the disabled community in your area and promote your church services and special events within the disabled community 3. Start planning first inclusion service (TAM will facilitate this process within the GTA) a. Determine date, place and time for grand opening service or launch service c. Develop data base of all disability organization in your area d. Develop flyers and media/press releases to advertise your grand opening (Templates provided) e. Distribute, post and circulate promotional material or flyers to promote your grand opening Partnership between The Abilities Ministries (TAM) and your local church 1. Your Abilities Outreach will operate as an official invitation ministry of your church for the purpose of equally inviting and including people with disabilities within your congregation. Your Abilities Outreach will simply share an external partnership with The Abilities Ministries International (TAM) and be under the general oversight of TAM for the purpose of maintaining compliance with our vision, mission and protocols as outlined in this document. 2. The name of your Ministry should reflect the name of your city or town (example: Abilities Outreach Toronto, Abilities Outreach Hamilton, Abilities Outreach New York etc.) when promoting your ministry within the disabled community. The name “Abilities Outreach” should be used on outside, building and street signs. 3. Your Abilities Outreach will receive ongoing logistical and promotional support from TAM. We do not provide financial or operational support to local churches. Pg 4 Requirements for your Abilities Outreach 1. Affirm the Biblical and historical essentials of the Christian Faith (See doctrinal statement); along with AMI’s vision and mission as stated above. 2. Book a presentation or introduction/interview session for your congregation before or during your launch service; along with a training session for your ushers and/or greeters 3. Submit Partnership Contract (one provided or customize one) and review Training Manual 4. Host Grand opening service or launch service for your Abilities Outreach 5. Your ministry will serve as an outreach or invitation ministry of your church to the disabled community for the purpose of fully integrating people with disabilities within your congregation. 6. A separate ministry team is not required as your Abilities Outreach will serve as a fully integrated part of your church and your current leadership team should equally serve the needs of people with disabilities as they do with anyone else. 7. Fully integrate people with disabilities into the regular worship services and programs of your church and avoid segregating them into isolated groups by giving them choices and options in participating within the whole church 8. Display outside or street signs promoting your ministry in order to maintain a visible presence within the community. Please us the name “Abilities Outreach” on outside building signs. 9. Equally promote your Abilities Outreach along with all your other ministries at your church through your church’s web site, bulletins, announcements or other promotional material. 10. Individuals requiring physical or emotional support must be accompanied by an escort or support worker when attending any worship service or program at your church. Reasons for an Abilities Outreach 1. Inclusion is a Biblical mandate 2. Inclusion is a human right 3. Inclusion is the law Benefits of an Abilities Outreach 1. Strengthen the discipleship, evangelism and missions for your church by inspiring and motivating your community and church through your outreach ministry to the disabled community 2. Your Abilities Outreach Ministry will be self-sufficient and self-sustaining as it will operate as a fully integrated part with the regular worship services of your church 3. Create awareness within your community towards a Christian faith that is equally inclusive towards people with disabilities 4. Help break down social and spiritual walls of discrimination and built bridges of Christian inclusion, equality, diversity and unity within your community and church 5. Free web page for your Outreach Ministry with ongoing logistical or promotional support along with support for your grand opening service General guidelines between all partnering churches and The Abilities Ministries (TAM) 1. The relationship between each partnering church and TAM is that of an external partnership 2. Each location is financially, legally and ethically responsible for its own operation 3. Abilities Outreach Toronto is the main Abilities Outreach Campus or Partner Use our strategic name, plan and notability to facilitate and strengthen your church’s outreach within the disabled community in order to equally fulfill the Biblical mandate of inclusion in Luke 14 and the Great Commission of Matthew 28 Pg 5 What We Believe Doctrinal Essentials 1. Belief in Creator God & Special Creation 2. Inspiration of Scriptures 3. Belief in Trinity 4. Virgin birth & deity Of Jesus 5. Literal death, burial and resurrection of Christ 6. Salvation by grace through faith and Christian baptism 7. Eternal Life & Death 8. Literal return of Christ 9. Belief in the unity of the church 10. End time fulfillment of prophecy Moral Essentials 1. Sanctity of marriage 2. Dignity of human life (life at conception) 3. Freedom of conscience and expression 4. Belief in traditional family values 5. Dedication to the church as an inclusive body 6. Loyalty to government and civil law 7. Devotion to prayer and Bible study 8. Personal evangelism and discipleship 9. Cultivating the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control). 10. Rejecting the fruit of the flesh (sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy and drunkenness). One Faith, One Baptism and One Lord We define the "Essentials of the Christian Faith" as those moral and doctrinal absolutes that have historically identified and united the majority of the church together into one Body- the Body of Christ. No one denomination or church group has a corner on the truth or a monopoly on the church (There is only one faith, one baptism and one Lord). The church is a mixture of human persuasions (the non-essentials) and divine truth (the essentials). We must have unity on the essentials, liberty on the non-essentials and Christian charity in all things. We can disagree and debate but should never divide within the frame work of the essentials of the Christian Faith. The essentials of the Christian faith are what identify us as the Christian Church. Pg 6 A Priority Ministry 3 Reasons why we should follow the example of Jesus in giving people with disabilities a priority within the church today 1. God used people with disabilities to authenticate Jesus’ ministry - Reassurance of Presence of God Matthew 11:2-5 2 “When John, who was in prison, heard about the deeds of the Messiah, he sent his disciples 3 to ask him, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” 4 Jesus replied, “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: 5 The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor”. 2. God uses people with disabilities to affirm evangelism, discipleship & missions- Result of power of God Luke 14:12-14; 2112 Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. 13 But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”21 Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.” Matt 4:23-25; 15:30-32 23 “Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. 24 News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed; and he healed them. 25 Large crowds from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea and the region across the Jordan followed him.30 Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them. 31 The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel. 32 Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.” 3. God uses people with disabilities to accomplish His works- Realization of purposes of God John 9:1-3 1 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him”. Pg 7 The Myths, Mandate & Mission of Inclusion The Myths 1. People with disabilities are cursed of God. This is false because according to John 9 disabilities are not a result of personal sins but rather for the purpose of displaying the works of God. According to Matthew 11 Jesus ministry was authenticated by people with disabilities. 2. Only some people have disabilities. This is false because experts tell us that every human being will be affected by either visible or invisible disabilities within their life time. Original Sin is the greatest disability that has physically, emotionally and spiritually disabled the whole human race. There are physical, intellectual, sensory, learning, social, spiritual, emotional, mental health, chronic and aging disabilities that affect every human being. 3. People with disabilities are not qualified to minister within the church. This is false because God used over 10 people with visible disabilities in the Bible to transform their world including Moses, Sampson, Jacob, Ehud, Mephibosheth, Jeroboam, Naaman, O/T Priest, Zacchaeus, Bartimaeus and Paul. Also according to 1 Cor 1:27 God chooses the foolish and weak to confound or shame the wise and strong. According to 1 Cor 1:25-29 God always uses the weak to lead and teach the so called strong. God does not call many wise, mighty or noble. According to Matthew 18: 1-7 and mark 10:13-16 "the greatest in God's Kingdom are the least among us". Many people with intellectual or developmental disabilities have a child like faith and thinking which Jesus said is necessary to enter into His Kingdom. God's Kingdom does not belong to proud adults but to humble children. Luke 18:16. The greatest commandment is to love and people with intellectual disabilities have been referred to as people of love or people of the heart. The Mandate Every believer and church has a Biblical mandate from Jesus himself to invite and bring people with disabilities to all our social gatherings according to Luke 14:12, 21. We are not only commanded to comfort the feeble minded but also to become as weak to those that are weak. The Mission Jesus primary mission was to equally bring all people into God's Kingdom. According to Matthew 4:23-25; 15:30-32 Jesus gave people with disabilities a top priority during His earthly ministry. Our mission at the Abilities Church Ministry is to follow Jesus' example in treating the least among us as the greatest in God's Kingdom. The Abilities Ministry is strengthening the evangelism, discipleship and missions programs of the church in reaching all people equally and giving the whole Body of Christ an equal opportunity to worship and minister with the church. Pg 8 Everyone is affected by Disabilities Every human being will be affected by either visible or invisible disabilities within their life time. The definition of "disability" represents everyone. It is defined as "a disadvantage or deficiency or as something that hinders or incapacitates". There are many forms of disabilities including; physical, mobility, developmental, cognitive, learning, mental health, sensory, psychological, genetic, neurological and biological. There are also injury, pain, memory, fatigue, disease, illness and aging related disabilities. Other common disabilities or disorders are depression, anxiety, paranoia, compulsiveness, ADD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, sleeping/eating disorders, addictions, asthma, allergies, diabetes; and speech, vision, hearing and immune deficiencies that will affect every person at different stages. Stats on Disabilities 1. 650 million people worldwide have a diagnosed disability. 2. There are 14.4 million disabled Canadians- 14:3% Ontario has 1.85 million disabled people- 15.5% What percentage of your congregation has disabilities. Does your church reflect this diversity? 3 Three million people in the Canada suffer from depression, 16.5 million Americans- 1 in13 adults and over 154 million worldwide. 4. 8 in 10 seniors live with a disability. 5. Survey results confirm that the disability rate gradually increases with age. From 3.3% among children aged 0 to 14, it rises to nearly 10% among adults aged 15 to 64 and climbs to more than 40% among persons aged 65 and over. In fact, more than half (53.3%) of persons 75 and over report having a disability 6. 1 in 10 Canadians have a learning disability. 3 million. 7. 70% of our population suffer from Pain related disabilities 8. Close to 50% of all students identified as “exceptional” in the Province of Ontario come from the “learning disabled” category Pg 9 9. Among children aged 0 to 14, the most widespread disability is that related to a chronic health condition such as asthma 10. The World Bank estimates that 20 per cent of the world's poorest people have some kind of disability, and tend to be regarded in their own communities as the most disadvantaged. 11. There is a big disconnection between today’s church stats where over 95% of people with visible disabilities do not attend church on a regular basis, with only 1% of churches having special needs ministries and only 5% of the church providing any kind of support or services to people with disabilities; in comparison to the Biblical stats of 65% of the whole Bible being dedicated to disability related issues or subjects and over 50% of Christ earthly ministry being centered around people with disabilities; with 12 well known Bible characters who had visible disabilities and where used of God to transform their world. What is categorized as a disability by Health Canada? 1. Someone who uses a wheelchair all the time 2. Deaf and visually impaired or blind 3. Someone who uses a wheelchair some of the time 4. Depression, anxiety or low self-esteem 5. Schizophrenia or paranoia 6. Dyslexia 7. Chronic pain, sickness or diseases 8. Need a hearing aid or glasses 9. Anti-social behaviors and social isolationism 10. Intellectual, learning or psychological disability Six more subtle disabilities: Eating disorders Sleeping disorders Mood or emotional disorders Obesity? Homelessness? Disease and sickness HIV/AIDS? Conclusion: Disabilities affect every area of our human existence and experience- living, playing, work and worship. Disabilities are an important part of every ministry of the church. Youth ministry. Seniors Ministry. Missions. Discipleship. Evangelism. Counseling. Worship. Preaching & Teaching. Healing. Etc. Topics of further research 1. The Disabled Planet- Original Sin has disabled our whole world 2. The Disabled Church- Every church has elements of disability inherent within its function 3. The Disabled God – Disability Theology- book by Nancy Eiesland Pg 10 Inclusion: It’s the law! The Law of the UN On December 13, 2006, the United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The purpose of the Convention is: "to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all people with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity". According to the Convention: "Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others". Law of Canada In Canada, the enactment of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms provided an equality guarantee under Section 15 that prohibits discrimination based on mental or physical disability across all jurisdictions in Canada. Also The Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) protects people with disabilities from discrimination in every area of life. The Canadian Human Rights Commission and department of Justice in Canada also have separate legislation addressing discrimination against people with disabilities. Discrimination includes all forms of segregation, neglect or isolation. Law of United States Federal law and human rights- The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was passed in 1990, was intended by Congress to provide a clear national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against people with disabilities in every area of life and society. Passed by Congress in 1973, Section 504 is a single sentence in the Rehabilitation Act states “All organizations are required to provide “reasonable accommodations” to persons with disabilities to enable them to participate in programs, services and activities within the community.” Section 504 reads: “No otherwise qualified handicapped individual in the United States...shall, solely by reason of his handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity. 42 other countries have anti-discrimination laws against the segregation of people with disabilities. The Law of God 1. Jesus' ministry was authenticated by people with disabilities. Matthew 11:2-5 2. We are commanded to invite and bring people with disabilities to all our social gatherings and events. Luke 14:12; 21 3. We are commanded to become as weak to the weak. 1 Cor 9:22; Romans 15:1 4. God favours the weaker members of the body over the stronger members. 1Cor 12: 24 5. We are commanded to comfort the feebleminded and support the weak. 1 Thess 5:14 Pg 11 16 Biblical Reasons for an Abilities Ministry 1. Jesus' ministry was authenticated by people with disabilities. Matthew 11:2-5 2. The purpose of disabilities and child-like attitudes is to display the works of God. John 9:1-41; Matthew 21:14-16 3. We are commanded to invite and bring people with disabilities to all our social gatherings and events. Luke 14:12; 21 4. The greatest in God's Kingdom are the least among us. Matthew 18:1-7; Mark 10:13-16 5. We are commanded to become as weak to the weak. 1 Cor 9:22; Romans 15:1 6. God favours the weaker members of the body over the stronger members. 1Cor 12: 24 7. God always uses the weak to lead and teach the "so called strong". 1Cor 1:25-29 8. God does not look on the outward appearance but on the heart. 1 Sam 16:7 9. True strength comes through our weakness because God's power is perfected through our human weaknesses. 2 Cor. 12:7-10 10. Jesus did not come for the healthy but for the sick. Matt 9:12-13 11. True faith is child-like and focuses on love. Matt 18:3, 4; 19:14; 1 Cor 13:2 12. God gives grace to the humble but resists the proud. James 4:6 13. Ministering to people with disabilities was a top priority for Jesus. Matt 4:23-25; 15:30-32 14. God does not call many wise, mighty or noble. 1 Cor 1:26 15. God chooses the foolish and weak to confound or shame the wise and strong. 1 Cor1:27 16. We are commanded to comfort the feebleminded and support the weak. 1 Thess 5:14 Pg 12 Dis-Abilities and God’s People Message by Dr. Robert MacGregor Senior Pastor, Morningstar Christian Fellowship Introduction: Few things are clearer for Christian conduct than the prohibition against cronyism or favoritism. James put it more gently when he said don’t live out your faith with “respect for persons” (Js. 2:1). At Morningstar we want to be careful that we do not prefer or neglect any class of people. This includes the people in our midst whose abilities may vary from the status quo. Outline: 1. Disabilities is a relative term in a fallen world (Ro. 5:12; 2 Co. 5:2) Our fall into sin has affected us spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally so that none of us are but a shadow of our former selves before the fall. 2. Disabilities are managed by God (Ex. 4:1; Gen. 32:25-32; Jn. 9:2, 3) God does not abandon us in our sin, but continues to be present with us while regulating the varied effects of our sin. None of us has more than we can bear (2 Cor. 12:9) 3. Disabilities are no excuse for inactivity (Ex. 4:10-12) The “disabled’ are not permitted to use their disability as an excuse for service exemption. God’s work is not limited to the weakness of our flesh (2 Cor. 10:4; Ro. 12:12) 4. Disabilities enable the church (1 Cor. 12:18-25; 2 Cor. 12:10; 1 Co 1:26) God has uniquely enabled every believer and situated them in the church for maximum impact. Conclusion: While it is one thing to receive the “disabled” if and when they may find us, the parable of the wedding feast suggest that we do not wait for them to come. We need to reach out to them and persuade them that there is a place for them in the house of the Lord (Luke 14:12-14) Study Questions: 1. How do we sometimes react to disabled people? Why? 2. How do you think about a God who claims some responsibility for disabilities? 3. Can old age be considered a disability? How do you feel about joining the ranks of the disabled? 4. Is it wrong to feel pity for the disabled? Why? 5. Did Jesus experience disabilities when he became a man? Pg 13 Benefits of an Abilities Outreach I. Benefits to the Church a. Enlightens the church about the disabled community and their culture; along with bringing awareness towards disability theology and the example and mandate of Christ to give people with disabilities a priority within the church today- Educational outlook b. Enables the church through people with disabilities to strengthen their evangelism, missions and discipleship programs by following the example of the early church in giving people with disabilities an equal place within the church- Evangelistic outreach c. Empowers the church with an inspirational ministry that respects the human rights and Biblical mandate of Christ for inclusion- Equal opportunity II. Benefits to the Community a. It identifies human need b. It influences people to believe c. It inspires purpose for living III. Benefits to People with Disabilities a. Promotes a church they can personally relate to and participate with. b. Profiles worship and ministry that gives people with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate within the church; and provides spiritual inclusion and accessibility to all people. c. Provides spiritual help to meet the needs of all people through an inclusive, understanding, inspirational and compassionate church that honors the least among us as the greatest in God’s Kingdom. People with disabilities teach us about Jesus! “People with disabilities have taught me more about the gospel and even about human relations than all the great psychological and philosophical concepts; or rather they have allowed me to catch a glimpse of what should be true theology, true philosophy and true psychology, for this am truly grateful to them. More than this, I have discovered Jesus in them, Jesus radiating goodness, Jesus the mirror of purity, Jesus meek and humble, and sometimes Jesus suffering and in agony… truly strength lies in weakness... So- called "normal" men often hide their real selves behind a wall of timidity, hardness, and a certain hypocrisy and quest for social esteem. They are almost afraid to show themselves as they are. The mentally handicapped are not like this. Those fortunate enough to know them when they live in a happy atmosphere where they can develop to their full potential, have experienced the gentleness and confidence expressed by their outstretched hands. The defective has nothing to lose. He can show himself as he is...The affectionate and delicate gesture of a so-called "subnormal" man has more value before God and for the world than great human acts carried out with a desire for power and domination". Jean Vanier Pg 14 The 4 Models of Inclusion We at the Abilities Ministries respect the fact that there are many different approaches to ministering to people with disabilities within the church but believe that the Mutual Integration Model is the strongest model that fully respects the human rights of people with disabilities. Below are the 4 Models of Integration or Inclusion: 1. The Mutual Model- Equally, intentionally and regularly includes and integrates people with disabilities into the regular worship services, programs, events and activities of the church. 2. The Spontaneous Model- Natural integration that is based on everyday responsibilities, routines and choices, like employment, school, recreation, shopping, travel, vacation, church etc. 3. The Reverse Model- Occasionally integrating one group of people into the environment of another group usually for special events, like multicultural festivals, inter-denominational or interfaith events, unity conferences, inclusion concerts and fundraisers etc. 4. The Group Model- Integrates people with disabilities as a separate group of the church but not with the main worship services and programs of the church such as segregated workshops and day programs for people with disabilities do within the community. Abilities Outreaches are modeled after Christ 3 fold mandate and plan of inclusion in Luke 14:12-23 1. "Invite them" (people with disabilities) - Intentional Invitation Vs. 13 "invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind" 2. "Bring them" (people with disabilities) - Strategic Invitation Vs. 21 "bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame" 3. "Compel them" (people with disabilities) - Beneficial Invitation Vs. 23 "compel them to come in, so that my house will be full" Pg 15 How inclusive is your church? 1. Does your church favour and honour the weak above the strong. Yes or No? If yes list 3 ways? 2. Is there an equal representation of people with and without visible disabilities in your congregation and leadership team. Yes or No? 3. Does your church have an official and active invitation ministry geared towards reaching the disabled community. Yes or No? or does your church equally invite, welcome and include people with disabilities? 4. Does your church regularly practice the Biblical mandate of inclusion as given by Jesus in Luke 14:12, 21, 23. Yes or No? 5. Does your church reject the worldly and carnal approach of a "Hollywood Society" which emphasis human excellence, performance, outward appearance and social expectations. Yes or No? 6. Does your church honour "the least among us as the greatest in God''s Kingdom". Yes or No? If yes list 3 ways your church puts people with disabilities first in your church? According to Jesus what we do or do not do unto the “least among us” is how we treat him. How is your church treating Jesus? 7. Are people with disabilities given a priority or equal place within your church? Yes or No? 8. Would you agree with this statement, “The church is one Body with many members of different abilities of which God honours the weaker members above the stronger”? Yes or No? 9. Would you agree that people with disabilities are essential for the church as God’s presence and power is fully revealed through our weaknesses and not our strengths? Yes or No? 10. Do you personally have a visible or invisible disability? Yes or No? (Invisible disabilities would include, vision and hearing deficiencies, depression, anxiety, eating and sleeping disorders, pain related and aging disabilities.) 11. Are you aware that over half the Bible is dedicated to disability related issues. Yes or No? Does the teachings and preaching of your church reflect this Biblical emphasis? Are you versed in “Disability Theology”? Yes or No? 12. Are you aware that people with disabilities have been at the centre of many of the great revivals of the church? Yes or No? 13. Would you agree that inclusion is a human right and Biblical mandate that demands that we treat people with disabilities equally within the church? Yes or No? 14. Did Jesus command us in Luke 14:12-14 “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” Yes or No? Do you invite people with disabilities to all your gatherings and events? Yes or No? 15. How many people without visible disabilities attend your church? How many people with visible disabilities attend your church? Is it fair to say that your church has not equally invited, included and valued people with disabilities and needs to improve your attitude and approach in reaching the disabled community with the gospel of Christ? Yes or No? Pg 16 Testimonials “I FINALLY got a chance to look over your Introductory Package and am very impressed! You not only wrote the book on Disability Ministry—you have actually accomplished it. My husband Larry (who is the Associate Pastor at Bartimaeus Baptist Temple) and I invested our Summer Getting Out and experimenting with what you discuss in your Presentation Package. A Bridge is definitely what’s lacking. As the former Church Relation Coordinator for Joni & Friends/Dallas-Fort Worth I am well aware of the obstacles in establishing a successful Disability Ministry outreach. Now thanks to your Presentation I am encouraged anew that despite the challenges—YES it is not only possible to build a successful Disability Ministry Outreach—it is simply what He expects of us”. In His Accessible Grace, Linda Thacker Executive Director of Mission Accessible, Inc “Abilities Ministries has participated at Kingdom Bound for the past two years… They have done an outstanding job educating us on the importance of ministry to our friends and families with disabilities. The worship team treated us to an anointed time in the presence of the Lord. We highly recommend this ministry to everyone”. Blessings, Donna Russo Executive Director KingdomBound Ministries "Pastor Rick and we loved reading about the wonderful experience you had in building your ministry. We really appreciate the way you have positioned your ministry to include people with various disabilities in ministry positions. What better way could you find than having people concentrate on others instead of dwelling on their own problems. This is very healing and comforting... Our Saddleback Prayer Team will continue to pray that your ministry will keep on growing as you spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God is blessing you for the good work you are doing..." In His name, Jim and Joan Dernocoeur Assistants to Pastor Rick Warren Saddleback Church "I admire your goal to maintain balance between disabled and non-disabled people – it means that yours is truly a ministry that’s all about inclusion, not one where disabled people are “misfits” who can’t attend a “regular” church". Carina Kwok Communications Advisor Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada Pg 17 "I am excited about the start and vision for growth of this much needed church opportunity. It is a sacred space that embraces and makes room for ability rather than accommodating and making special exceptions for disability. Here, disability is not a barrier, it is a pathway into the presence of God. It is about ministering with and to the whole community of God. It's not about 'your disabled and I'm not', it is all about dwelling and communing together in the Imago Dei. All have a place to belong, participate, be ministered too, and to minister - it is living Luke 4:18-21". Dr. Neil Cudney Director of Pastoral Ministries Christian Horizons "This year I was introduced to a ministry in Toronto called the Abilities Ministries. They are impressive. Their staff and vision are excellent, and have all levels of ability. They model inclusion and invitation to all people. Their goal is to have 50% of their participants having a disability. Their services are lively and show a part of the spirit of Christ that many churches miss. If you are in Toronto on a Sunday you should attend this church..." Ed Epp Executive Director CBM Canada "Jaime Castro and his leadership team from the Abilities Ministry participated in a weekend conference we hosted here at Centre Street Church, No Limbs To No Limits, as feature speakers, along with Nick Vujicic, Justin Hines and other active leaders in the disabilities community. We are very grateful for their inspiring message of community inclusion, self-advocacy and equal opportunity and their faithful witness as a ministry". Dallas Frank Lead Pastor Special Needs Ministry Centre Street Church "Since 2010, I have the pleasure of working alongside members of The Abilities Ministry and their leadership team in their undertakings to worship God, facilitate social inclusion for persons with disabilities, and celebrate all levels of ability across Toronto communities. The Abilities Ministry leads by example in regard to its achievements and accomplishments that are realized when a group of committed people come together and - regardless of individual ability levels - are able to shine a light of hope for all to embrace as well as promote an inclusive and caring community of love and acceptance as a model of accessibility in which all members of our society can participate." Dr. Anthony Hutchinson, CC, GA, BSc, BSW, MSW, PhD Program Chair and Assistant Professor of Human Services, Tyndale University Host of the Weekly Radio Listener Call-in Program "Where Your Health Matters with Dr. Tony" Heard each Sunday evening from 8:30pm to 10pm on JOY 1250 AM radio Pg 18 Steps to starting your Abilities Outreach! 1. Book Presentation…….. a. Introductory presentation b. Leadership presentation c. Congregational presentation 2. Approve Ministry……... …….. 3. Ministry Preparation…. a. Review training manual b. Confirm launch date c. Develop promotional material 4. Promote and advertise… a. Church Web site b. Bulletins & Flyers c. Street Signs 5. Grand opening service… (As a fully integrated part with the regular worship services of your church) 6. Ministry development..... a. Promote ministry b. Provide resources and training c. Develop contacts 7. Special Events………….. a. Holiday Services b. Community Workshops c. Inclusion concerts Pg 19 Getting starting is as easy as ABC A- Affirm that your church is equally a place for everyone…….. B- Book your Abilities Presentation for your congregation…….. C- Confirm your Outreach Ministry and start integrating……… The Benefits and Reasons for an Abilities Outreach Ministry 1. It authenticates the church by equally including people with disabilities 2. It attracts the community by equally integrating with people with disabilities 3. It affirms Christ by equally inviting and identifying with people with disabilities How to run an Abilities Outreach? 1. Invite- Luke 14:12-14 Officially invite the disabled community to your church through the Abilities Ministries 2. Integrate- 1 Cor 12:18-25 Openly integrate with people with disabilities as one Body in Christ that honours the weaker members above the strong 3. Identify- 1 Cor 9:22 Outwardly identify with people with disabilities by connecting with them inwardly Pg 20 Share the Vision Start your Abilities Outreach Today: 1. Share the vision with your pastor and church…………… 2. Book an Abilities Presentation for your congregation 3. Approve and confirm the details for your Ministry………… Book the Abilities team for the following venues: 1. Churches, Christian schools or other ministries……… 2. Community organizations or charities……….……….. 3. High Schools, colleges or universities……….……….. You can book several mobile services: 1. Official Abilities Ministry Presentations………………….………….…….. 2. Inclusion Worship Concerts………………….………………….. 3. Abilities Workshops and Conferences………………. All our services are facilitated by an integrated ministry team of people with and without visible disabilities. E-mail us at: to book your presentation or concert. The Abilities Ministries has been featured in the following media organizations Present and Past Sponsoring Partners The Abilities Ministries Mailing Address: 58 Dunstall Crescent Toronto ON Canada M1E 3M4 Tel: 416-439-4809 ext-2 E-mail: Building bridges of inclusion between the church and disability community