ARI publication list July 2004

Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, DSE. Publication list July 2004 – June 2005.
ARI publication list July 2004 – June 2005
Refereed journal articles
Bunce, A., Ward, S.W. and Norman, F.I. (2005) Are age-related variations in breeding performance greatest when food
availability is limited? Journal of Zoology, London 266: 163-169
Butler, H., Malone, B. and Clemann, N. (2005) Activity patterns and habitat preferences of resident and translocated
tiger snakes (Notechis scutatus) in a suburban landscape. Wildlife Research 32: 157-163
Butler, H., Malone, B. and Clemann, N. (2005) The effects of translocation on the spatial ecology of tiger snakes
(Notechis scutatus) in a suburban landscape. Wildlife Research 32: 165-171
Campbell, S., Lumsden, L.F., Kirkwood, R. and Coulson, G. (2005) Day roost selection by female little forest bats
(Vespadelus vulturnus) within remnant woodland on Phillip Island, Victoria. Wildlife Research 32: 183-191
Choquenot, D., Nicol, S. and Koehn, J.D. (2004) Bioeconomic modelling in the development of invasive species policy.
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38(3): 419-428
Clemann, N., Chapple, D. G. and Wainer, J. (2004) Sexual dimorphism, diet and reproduction in the Swamp Skink,
Egernia coventryi. Journal of Herpetology 38(3): 461-467
Crook, D.A. (2004) Movements associated with home range establishment by two species of lowland river fish.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 2183-2193
Dorrough, J. and Ash, J. E. (2004) The impact of livestock grazing on the persistence of a perennial forb in a temperate Australian
grassland. Pacific Conservation Biology 9: 302-307
Dorrough, J. and Moxham, C. (2005) Eucalypt establishment in agricultural landscapes and implications for landscapescale restoration. Biological Conservation 123(1): 55-66
10. Dorrough, J., Ash, J. and McIntyre,S. (2004) Plant responses to livestock grazing frequency in an Australian temperate
grassland. Ecography 27: 798-810
11. Gillespie, G.R., Lockie, D., Scroggie, M. and Iskandar, D. (2004) Habitat use by stream-breeding frogs in southeast
Sulawesi, with some preliminary observations on community organisation. Journal of Tropical Ecology 20: 439-448
12. Gillespie, G.R., Howard, S., Lockie, D., Scroggie, M. and Boeadi (2005) Herpetofaunal richness and community
structure of offshore islands of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biotropica 37: 279-290
13. King, A.J. (2004) Density and distribution of potential prey for larval fish in the main channel of a floodplain river: the
role of pelagic and epibenthic meiofauna. Rivers Research and Application 20(8): 883-897
14. King, A.J. (2004) Ontogenetic patterns of habitat use of fish in an Australian lowland river. Journal of Fish Biology 65:
15. King, A.J. (2005) Ontogenetic dietary shifts of fishes in an Australian floodplain river. Marine and Freshwater
Research 56: 215-225
16. King, A.J., Crook, D.A., Koster, W.M, Mahoney, J. and Tonkin, Z. (2005) Comparison of larval fish drift in the
Lower Goulburn and mid-Murray Rivers. Ecological Management and Restoration 6(2): 136-138.
17. Koehn, J.D. (2004) Carp (Cyprinus carpio) as a powerful invader in Australian waterways. Freshwater Biology 49(7):
18. Koehn, J.D. (2004) Rehabilitating fish habitats in Australia : Improving integration of science and management by
agencies and the community. Ecological Management and Restoration 5(3): 211-213
19. Koehn, J.D. and MacKenzie, R.F. (2004) Priority management actions for alien freshwater fish species in Australia.
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38(3): 457-472
Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, DSE. Publication list July 2004 – June 2005.
20. Koehn, J.D. and McDowall, R.M. (2004) Invasive species fish and fisheries. A workshop overview, then and now. New
Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38(3): 383-389
21. Koehn, J.D, Nicol, S.J. and Fairbrother, P.S. (2004) Spatial arrangements and physical characteristics of structural
woody habitat in a lowland river in south-eastern Australia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
14: 457-464
22. Koehn, J.D. and Harrington, D.J. (2005) Collection and distribution of early life stages the Murray cod (Maccullochella
peelii peelii) in components of a regulated river system. Australian Journal of Zoology 53: 137-144
23. Lumsden, L.F. and Bennett, A.F. (2005) Scattered trees in rural landscapes: foraging habitat for insectivorous bats in
south-eastern Australia. Biological Conservation 122(2): 205-222
24. Lunt, I.D., Coates, F., and Spooner, P.(2005) Grassland indicator species predict flowering of endangered Gaping Leekorchid (Prasophyllum correctum D.L. Jones). Ecological Management and Restoration 6(1): 69-71
25. Lyon, J.P. and Ryan, T. (2005) Observations of the nationally threatened freshwater fish, Murray Hardyhead
Craterocephalus fluviatilis McCulloch 1913, in three Victorian salt lakes. Victorian Naturalist 122(2): 78-84
26. Nicol, S.J., Lieschke, J., Lyon, J. and Koehn, J.D. (2004) Observations on the distribution and abundance of carp and
native fish, and their responses to a habitat restoration trial in the Murray River, Australia. New Zealand Journal of
Marine and Freshwater Research 38(3): 541-551
27. O'Connor, J. P., O'Mahoney, D. J. and O'Mahoney, J. M. (2005) Movements of Macquaria ambigua, in the Murray
River, south-eastern Australia. Journal of Fish Biology 66: 392-403
28. Ough, K. and Murphy, A. (2004) Decline in tree-fern abundance after clearfell harvesting. Forest Ecology and
Management 199(1): 153-163
29. Schreiber, S., Bearlin, A., Nicol, S. and Todd, C. (2004) Adaptive management: a synthesis of current understanding
and effective application. Ecological Management and Restoration 5(3): 177-182
30. Scroggie, M.P. and Littlejohn, M.J. (2005) Territorial vocal behavior in hybrid smooth froglets, Geocrinia laevis
complex (Anura Myobatrachidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 58: 72-79
31. Sinclair, S.J., Johnson, R. and Hamill, J.D. (2004) Analysis of wound-induced gene expression in Nicotiana species
with contrasting alkaloid profiles. Functional Plant Biology 31: 721-729
32. Stuart, I.G. and McKillup, S. (2004) Dubious analyses or different rivers? A comment on the growth of barramundi.
Fisheries Research 67(3): 373-374
Books, Book Sections & Theses
Kavanagh, R.P., Loyn R.H., Smith, G.C., Taylor, R.J. and Catling, P.C. (2004) Which species should be monitored to
indicate ecological sustainability in Australian forest management? Pp 959-987 In D. Lunney (Ed) Conservation of
Australia’s forest fauna (second edition). Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman
Loyn, R.H. (2004) Research for ecologically sustainable forest management in Victorian eucalypt forests. Pp 783-806
In D. Lunney (Ed) Conservation of Australia’s forest fauna (second edition). Royal Zoological Society of New South
Wales, Mosman
Loyn, R., McNabb, E.G., Volodina, L. and Willig, R. (2004) Predicting owl distributions: spatial modelling as a tool
for conserving owls in ecologically sustainable forest management in Victoria, Australia. Pp 111-132 In RodriguezEstrella, R. and Bojorquez Tapia, L.A. (Eds) Spatial analysis in raptor ecology and conservation. Centro de
Investigaciones Biologicas del Noroeste (CiB) & Comision Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
(CONABIO), Mexico
Lumsden, L.F. (2004) The ecology and conservation of insectivorous bats in rural landscapes. PhD thesis. 285pp.,
School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, Clayton
Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, DSE. Publication list July 2004 – June 2005.
Pritchard, J.C. (2004) Linking fish growth and climate across modern space and through evolutionary time. PhD thesis.
270pp., School of Botany and Zoology, Australian National University, Canberra
Popular articles
Kohout, M. (2004) Wetlands, biodiversity and salt – a new DSE project. Ballarat Environmental Network Newsletter
Spring 2004
Kohout, M. (2004) An opportunity to be involved in the DSE wetlands, biodiversity and salt project. Department of
Primary Industries West Wimmera LandCare News Spring 2004
Kohout, M. (2004) Wetlands, biodiversity and salt – a new DSE project. Department of Primary Industries West
Wimmera LandCare News Winter 2004
Kohout, M. (2004) Wetlands, biodiversity and salt – a new DSE project. Horsham Rural City Council Landcare
‘Morsels of Landcare’ Newsletter Edition 1 (August 2004)
Kohout, M. (2004) Wetlands, biodiversity and salt – a new DSE project. Yarriambiack Landcare Network
Yarrilandcare News Winter 2004
Loyn, R.H., McNabb, E.G., Macak, P. and Noble, P. (2004) Eucalypt plantations as habitat for wildlife. Wimmera
Farming & Landcare Vision Newsletter December 2004: 26-27
Loyn, R. H., Menkhorst, P., Middleton, D. and Holdsworth, M. (2005) Mainland-bred Orange-bellied Parrots migrate to
Tasmania! Wingspan 15(1): 5-7.
Mavromihalis, J.A. (2004) Grazing management for biodiversity and production outcomes on the Volcanic Plains of
Western Victoria - An Ecological Sustainable Agricultural Initiative Project (ESAI). Stipa-Native Grasses Association
Incorporated Newsletter 29: (6-9)
Mavromihalis, J.A. (2004) Management of grassy ecosystems. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of Australia 34 (3
September 2004): 42-43
10. Raadik, T.A. (2004) Alien Zone (5) Exotic Fishes Committee Report – to June 2004. Australian Society for Fish
Biology Newsletter 34(1): 51-61
11. Raadik, T.A. (2004) Alien Zone (No.6) Exotic Fishes Committee Report – to December 2004. Australian Society for
Fish Biology Newsletter 34(2): 47-57
12. Raadik, T.A. (2005) Dorrigo Plateau - a biodiversity "hot-spot" for galaxiids. Fishes of Sahul 19(1): 98-107
Published Technical Reports & Conference Proceedings
Brereton, R., Schulz, M., Mansergh, I., Sandiford, K. and Bennett, S. (2004) Sites of zoological significance of south
east Melbourne and the Mornington Peninsula – a compendium of information collected between 1997 and 1991.
Macak, P.V. and Loyn, R.H. (eds) Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 92.
Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg
Carter, O. and Cheal, D. (2004) Recovery of rare and threatened flora after the 2002 wildfire and vital attributes to
assist ecological fire management in the Big Desert, Western Victoria. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research Technical Report Series No. 150. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg
Clunie, P., Koehn, J., Bennett, P. and O’Brien, T. (2005) Habitat protection and restoration in Victoria — a brief
overview. Pp. 25-27. In: Lintermans, M., Cottingham, P. and O’Connor, R. (Eds). Native Fish Habitat Rehabilitation and
Management in the Murray-Darling Basin: Statement, Recommendations and Supporting Papers. Proceedings of a
workshop held in Albury, 10-11 February 2004. Murray-Darling Basin Commission and Cooperative Research Centre
for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra.
Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, DSE. Publication list July 2004 – June 2005.
Coates, F., Taranto, M., Trumbull-Ward, A. and Browne, A. (2004) Post-fire recovery of priority populations of
threatened flora in north-east Victoria after the 2003 bushfires. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research
Technical Report Series No. 150. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg
Cottingham P., Quinn G., King A., Norris R., Chessman B. and Marshall C. (2005) Environmental Flows Monitoring
and Assessment Framework. Version 1.1. Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra.
Downe, J. and Coates, F. (2004) Recovery of Silurian Limestone Pomaderris Shrubland after the 2003 bushfires in
north-east Victoria. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 151. Department of
Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg
Humphries, P. and King, A.J. (2004) Drifting fish larvae in Murray-Darling Basin rivers: composition, spatial and
temporal patterns and distance drifted. Pp 51-58 In Lintermans, M and Phillips, B. (eds) Downstream movement of fish
in the Murray-Darling Basin. Statement, recommendations and supporting papers from a workshop held in Canberra 3-4
June 2003. Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra.
Jin, C., Schreiber, S., Kohout, M. and Todd, C. (2004) Connecting science and management: modelling wetland
ecosystems threatened by salinity. In: Ridley, A., Feikema, P., Bennet, S., Rogers, M.J., Wilkinson, R. and Hirth, J. (eds)
Proceedings of the Conference "Salinity Solutions: Working with Science and Society", 2-5 August 2004, Bendigo,
Victoria. CD-ROM Cooperative Research Centre for Plant-Based Management of Dryland Salinity, Perth.
Jones, M. and Stuart, I. (2004) Impact of flow regulation structures on fish in the Barmah-Millewa forest – a report for
the Barmah-Millewa forum. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Department of Sustainability and
Environment, Heidelberg
10. Koehn, J. Stuart, I. and Crook, D. (2004) Linking the ecological importance of downstream fish movements to
management of Murray-Darling Basin fish populations. Pp. 67-78. In: Lintermans, M. and Phillips, B. (eds.)
Downstream Movement of Fish in the Murray-Darling Basin.- Statement, recommendations and supporting papers.
Workshop held in Canberra, 3-4 June 2003: Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra.
11. Koehn, J.D. and Nicol, S.J. (2004) A strategy to rehabilitate native fish in the Murray-Darling Basin, south-eastern
Australia. Pp. 141-149. In: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Management of Large Rivers for
Fisheries Volume II. Welcome, R. and Petre, T. (eds.) FAO regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand.
RAP Publication 2004/17
12. Koehn, J.D. (2005) Rehabilitation of fish habitats in the Murray-Darling Basin – where have we been and where are we
going? Pp. 9-17. In: Lintermans, M., Cottingham, P. and O’Connor, R. (Eds). Native Fish Habitat Rehabilitation and
Management in the Murray-Darling Basin: Statement, Recommendations and Supporting Papers. Proceedings of a
workshop held in Albury, 10-11 February 2004. Murray-Darling Basin Commission and Cooperative Research Centre
for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra.
13. Koehn, J.D. (2005) The loss of valuable Murray cod in fish kills: a science and management perspective. Pp. 73-82. In:
Lintermans, M. and Phillips, B. (Eds.). Management of Murray Cod in the Murray-Darling Basin: Statement,
Recommendations and Supporting Papers. Proceedings of a workshop held in Canberra, ACT 3-4 June 2004. MurrayDarling Basin Commission and Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra.
14. Koehn J.D. (2005) Threats to Murray cod. Pp. 30-37. In: Lintermans, M. and Phillips, B. (Eds.). Management of
Murray Cod in the Murray-Darling Basin: Statement, Recommendations and Supporting Papers. Proceedings of a
workshop held in Canberra, ACT 3-4 June 2004. Murray-Darling Basin Commission and Cooperative Research Centre
for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra.
15. Lintermans, M., Rowland, S., Koehn J., Butler, G. Simpson, B. and Wooden, I. (2005) The status, threats and
management of freshwater cod species Maccullochella spp. in Australia. Pp. 15-29. In: Lintermans, M. and Phillips, B.
(Eds.). Management of Murray Cod in the Murray-Darling Basin: Statement, Recommendations and Supporting Papers.
Proceedings of a workshop held in Canberra, ACT 3-4 June 2004. Murray-Darling Basin Commission and Cooperative
Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra.
16. Long, K. and Robley, A. (2004) Cost effective feral animal exclusion fencing for areas of high conservation value in
Australia. A report for the Department of the Environment and Heritage, Canberra. Arthur Rylah Institute for
Environmental Research, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg
Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, DSE. Publication list July 2004 – June 2005.
17. McKay, S., Bryce, C. and Papas, P. (2005) Impacts of fire on the distribution of a predatory stonefly (Eustheniidae:
Thaumatoperla alpina) in the Bogong alpine region. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical
Report Series No.155. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg
18. Nicol, S., Lieschke, J., Lyon, J., and Hughes, V. (2005). Restoring structural woody habitat in the Murray River. Pp.
50-62. In: Lintermans, M., Cottingham, P. and O’Connor, R. (Eds). Native Fish Habitat Rehabilitation and Management
in the Murray-Darling Basin: Statement, Recommendations and Supporting Papers. Proceedings of a workshop held in
Albury, 10-11 February 2004. Murray-Darling Basin Commission and Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater
Ecology, Canberra.
19. Nicol, S., Todd, C., Koehn J. and Lieschke J.A. (2005) How can recreational angling regulations help meet the
multiple objectives of Murray cod populations. Pp. 98-106. In: Lintermans, M. and Phillips, B. (Eds.). Management of
Murray Cod in the Murray-Darling Basin: Statement, Recommendations and Supporting Papers. Proceedings of a
workshop held in Canberra, ACT 3-4 June 2004. Murray-Darling Basin Commission, and Cooperative Research Centre
for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra.
20. Pritchard J.C. and Clunie P. (2005) Native Fish Strategy Annual Implementation Report 2003-2004. Victorian report.
MDBC Publication No. 07/05. Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra
21. Robley, A., Reddiex, B., Arthur T., Pech R. and Forsyth, D., (2004) Interactions between feral cats, foxes, native
carnivores, and rabbits in Australia. A report for the Department of the Environment and Heritage, Canberra. Arthur
Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne
22. Stuart, I., Baumgartner, L., Zampatti, B. and Barrett, J. (2004) Fishways in Australia – an adaptive approach to
restoring fish passage along a large river. Pp. 300-304. In: de Jalon Lastra, D.G. and Martinez, P.V. (eds.). Proceedings
of the fifth international symposium on ecohydraulics 12-17 September 2004. IAHR, Madrid, Spain
23. Taranto, M., Downe, J., Coates, F. and Oates, A. (2004) Recovery of Montane Swamp Complex after bushfires in
north-east Victoria 2003. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Series Report No. 152.
Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg
24. Tolsma, A., Coates, F. and Sutter, G. (2004) Recovery of Mountain Plum-pine shrubland after wildfire (Cobberas).
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Series Report No. 153. Department of Sustainability and
Environment, Heidelberg
Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment