American Revolution Research Project

Name: __________________________________
American Revolution Research Project
(60 points)
Period: ______
DUE DATE: _____________________
“These are the times that try men’s souls.” ~Thomas Paine
Assignment: You will research one aspect of the Revolutionary War or life during the Revolutionary
War that has not been directly covered in class. You will be required to individually (or with one partner)
create a Power Point Presentations in order to present your assigned topic to the rest of the class in a
creative, well-planned manner.
Point Value: 60 points total
o Individual Research/Effective Use of Class Time—10 points
o Quality and Creativity of Power Point presentation—35 points
o Presentation Skills—15 points
Possible Topics to Research:
o The role of women in the American Revolution
o The role of militias in the American Revolution
o The Yorktown Campaign
o Fashion in America during the Revolution
o Mercenaries and foreign fighters in the American Revolution
o The role of African-Americans in the American Revolution
o Weapons used in the American Revolution
o Espionage in the American Revolution
o Native Americans during the American Revolution
o Benedict Arnold and the American Revolution
o You may choose a topic of your own, but you must have Mr. De Young’s approval before
starting research
Part I: Research Component (10pts.)
You will be given one library research day and several in-class days to compile information for your
Rubric for Individual Research / Effective Use of Class Time
Low Score: 1-4
Student research efforts:
 employs insufficient strategies
that enhance resource utilization
and information acquisition
 demonstrates limited utilization
 demonstrate insufficient respect
for individuals, resources, and
environments in the search for
 indicate
adherence to teacher protocol
 demonstrates limited analysis of
determination of relevance to
project objectives.
Medium Score: 5-7
Student research efforts:
 employs sufficient strategies that
enhance resource utilization and
information acquisition
 demonstrates developing utilization
of resources in project development.
 demonstrate sufficient respect for
individuals, resources, and
environments in the search for
 indicate sufficient self-direction,
motivation and adherence to teacher
 demonstrates developing analysis of
acquired information and
determination of relevance to
project objectives.
High Score: 8-10
Student research efforts:
 employs superior strategies that
enhance resource utilization and
information acquisition
 demonstrates excellent utilization of
resources in project development.
 demonstrate exceptional respect for
individuals, resources, and
environments in the search for
 indicate excellent self-direction,
motivation and adherence to teacher
 demonstrates superb analysis of
determination of relevance to
project objectives.
Part II: Power Point Presentation (35pts.)
You will work to create an informative and entertaining Power Point presentation of your assigned topic
to be delivered to the class on the assigned presentation days. Presentations should be 5-10 minutes in
length. Presentation must be shared with Mr. DeYoung via Google Drive ( or
attached to an e-mail, PLUS bring a backup copy with you either on flash drive or on your own computer
the day of your presentation!
Power Point Requirements:
o Power Point presentations must contain at least eight slides
o Slides must contain images and information in bullet points
o Information must be pertinent to your topic
o You must include a works cited page (list of your sources) in MLA format with your presentation
(Works cited should be the last slide of your Power Point)
o There should be a title slide and works cited slide (These slides DO NOT count as part of the
required eight slides.)
Rubric for PowerPoint Slides
Low Score: 1-4
Student PowerPoint slides:
 demonstrates insufficient
understanding of the assignment
 utilizes historical evidence with
major errors or omissions
 contains less than five slides
 contains irrelevant images or fails
to include images that enhance the
 demonstrates little or no effort to
make the slides neat and organized
 contain MLA format citations of
the utilized resources with minor
Medium Score: 5-7
Student PowerPoint slides:
 demonstrates sufficient
understanding of the assignment
 utilizes historical evidence with
minor errors or omissions
 contains five to seven slides
 contains somewhat relevant images
that enhance the information
 demonstrates a sufficient effort to
make the slides neat and organized
 contain MLA format citations of the
utilized resources with minor error
High Score: 8-10
Student PowerPoint slides:
 demonstrates superior
understanding of the assignment
 utilizes accurate and detailed
historical evidence throughout
 contains relevant images that
enhance the information
 contains at least eight slides
 demonstrates a superior effort to
make the slides neat and organized
 contain accurate MLA format
citations of the utilized resources
Part III: Presentation (15pts.)
Presentation Rubric
Low Score: 1-4
Student presentation:
demonstrates insufficient
preparation and organization
exhibits an inadequate command
of the material; relies too heavily
on notes
ineffective utilization of visual in
 utilizes ineffective public
speaking skills such as:
 confidence
 eye contact
 effective body language
 dynamic voice modulation
 represents an unsatisfactory
contribution to the overall
Medium Score: 5-7
Student presentation:
demonstrates sufficient preparation
and organization
exhibits a sufficient command of the
material; may rely on written notes
satisfactory utilization of visual in
 utilizes moderately effective public
speaking skills:
 confidence
 eye contact
 effective body language
 dynamic voice modulation
 represents an adequately positive
contribution to the overall
High Score: 8-10
Student presentation:
demonstrates superior preparation
and organization
exhibits a superb command of the
material, reducing the reliance on
written notes
excellent utilization of visual in
 utilizes highly effective public
speaking skills:
 confidence
 eye contact
 effective body language
 dynamic voice modulation
 represents an extremely positive
Extra Help: Extra help is available if you need it! See me for times before/ during/ after school.
*You have a great deal of time to work on this project in school, but you will have to complete some
work outside of school. *