1 2 3 4 Guidelines for Single Laboratory Validation (SLV) of Chemical Methods for Metals in Food Introduction 5 6 The application of analytical methods within a regulatory analysis or accredited 7 laboratory framework imposes certain requirements on both the analyst and laboratory. Under 8 ISO-17025, accredited laboratories are expected to demonstrate both “fitness for purpose” of the 9 methods for which they are accredited and competency of their assigned analysts in performance 10 of the methods1. The Codex Alimentarius Commission has issued a general guideline for 11 analytical laboratories involved in the import and export testing of foods which contains four 12 principles2: 13 14 Such laboratories should demonstrate internal quality control procedures which meet the 15 requirements of the Harmonised Guidelines for Internal Quality Control in Analytical 16 Chemistry3; 17 Such laboratories should be regular participants in appropriate proficiency testing schemes 18 which have been designed and conducted as per the requirements of the International 19 Harmonized Protocol for Proficiency Testing of (Chemical) Analytical Laboratories 4; 20 Such laboratories should become accredited for tests routinely performed according to 21 ISO/IEC-17025:1999 General requirements for the competence of calibration and testing 22 laboratories (now ISO/IEC-170251); and 23 24 Such laboratories should use methods which have been validated according to the principles laid down by the Codex Alimentarius Commission whenever such methods are available. 25 26 General requirements for validation of analytical methods according to principles laid 27 down by the Codex Alimentarius Commission are provided in the Codex Manual of Procedures, 28 including provision for “single laboratory” validation of analytical methods5. However, there 29 remains considerable misunderstanding among analysts as to precisely what is meant and what is 30 required to demonstrate “method validation”. Additional guidance for possible future inclusion 31 in the Manual of Procedures is currently under discussion in the Codex Committee on Methods 1 1 of Analysis and Sampling6. While compliance with Codex Alimentarius Commission standards 2 and guidelines is voluntary for member states, subject to WTO agreements, they do reflect 3 international consensus on issues discussed. These guidelines can therefore be informative for 4 the development of guidance documents to be used within AOAC International for issues such as 5 single laboratory validation of analytical methods for trace elements. 6 7 Validation is defined by ISO as ‘Confirmation by examination and provision of objective 8 evidence that the particular requirements for a specified intended use are fulfilled’ 7. Method 9 validation has been defined as: 10 “1.The process of establishing the performance characteristics and limitations of a 11 method and the identification of the influences which may change these characteristics and to 12 what extent. Which analytes can it determine in which matrices in the presence of which 13 interferences? Within these conditions what levels of precision and accuracy can be achieved? 14 2. The process of verifying that a method is fit for purpose, i.e. for use for solving a 15 particular analytical problem.”8 16 17 18 In addition, it is been stated in the IUPAC Harmonized Guidelines for Single Laboratory Validation of Methods of Analysis9 that: 19 “Strictly speaking, validation should refer to an “analytical system” rather than an 20 “analytical method”, the analytical system comprising a defined method protocol, a defined 21 concentration range for the analyte, and a specified type of test material.” 22 23 Method validation can therefore be practically defined as a set of experiments conducted 24 to confirm that an analytical procedure used for a specific test is suitable for its intended purpose 25 on specific instrumentation and within a specific laboratory environment in which the set of 26 experiments have been conducted. A collaborative study is considered to provide a more reliable 27 indicator of method performance when used in other laboratories because it requires testing of 28 the method in multiple laboratories, by different analysts using different reagents, supplies and 29 equipment and working in different laboratory environments. Validation of a method, even 30 through collaborative study, does not, however, provide a guarantee of method performance in 31 any laboratory performing the method. This is where a second term, verification, is introduced. 2 1 Verification is usually defined as a set of experiments conducted by a different analyst or 2 laboratory on a previously validated method to demonstrate that in their hands, the performance 3 standards established from the original validation are attained. That is, it meets requirements for 4 attributes such as scope (analytes/matrices), analytical range, freedom from interferences, 5 precision and accuracy that have been identified for suitable application of the method to the 6 intended use. 7 8 9 In contrast, method development is the series of experiments conducted to develop and optimize a specific analytical method for an analyte or group of analytes. This can involve 10 investigations into detection/extraction of the analyte, stability of the analyte, analytical range, 11 selectivity, ruggedness, etc. It is important to note that method validation experiments will 12 always take place after method development is complete, in other words, validation studies are to 13 confirm method performance parameters which were demonstrated during method development. 14 15 Validation should not begin until ruggedness testing has been completed. A ruggedness 16 design should identify steps of the analytical method where small changes are made to determine 17 if they affect method results. A common approach is to vary seven factors simultaneously and 18 measure these changes to determine how they may affect method performance10. Once method 19 development and ruggedness experiments are complete, the method cannot be changed during 20 the validation process. 21 22 When validating a method for metals in food products, many factors should be 23 considered during the planning phase of the validation experimental design. For example, is the 24 method to be used in a regulatory environment, and if so, does the analyte of interest have a 25 maximum residue limit (MRL) for which it is assessed for compliance? Is the intended purpose 26 of the method to achieve the lowest possible detection limit? Is the method to be used for the 27 determination of a single element in a particular matrix, or multi-element analyses? Can 28 authentic blank matrix be gathered as the test material? For example many elements are 29 naturally present in a test matrix, such as arsenic in shellfish tissue. The inability to obtain 30 authentic blank test material can cause many validation problems when assessing matrix effects, 31 limits of detection/quantitation, etc. 3 1 Although food testing programs frequently include testing for a range of elements 2 (predominantly metals), there are actually few formally established MRLs or other action limits 3 for these analytes. The Codex Alimentarius Commission has established limits for arsenic (total), 4 cadmium, lead in a variety of foods, total mercury in mineral waters and salt, methylmercury in 5 fish and tin in canned goods, as well as for a number of radionuclides in infant and other foods11. 6 Similarly, the European Union has established regulatory limits for cadmium, lead, mercury and 7 tin in a variety of foods12. Requirements for analytical methods to enforce EU standards for lead, 8 cadmium and mercury in foodstuffs are the subject of another EU regulation13. Canada has 9 established maximum limits for arsenic, lead and tin in various foods14 and for mercury in 10 seafood15. 11 12 Table 1: Regulated Toxic Elements of Codex and Various Countries Organization/Country Regulated Element Codex As, Cd, Pb, Hg, MeHg in a variety of foods EU Countries Hg, Cd, Pb Sn in some foods Canada Hg in fish, Cd, Pb, Sn in some foods USA Hg in fish Japan Hg and MeHg in some fish 13 14 The aim of this single laboratory validation (SLV) protocol is to provide guidance for the 15 scientist when validating a method for inorganic analytes in food or environmental matrices as 16 “fit-for-purpose” for an element or a group of elements in those products. This document 17 provides definitions of common terminology, procedures to be followed, technical guidelines 18 and recommended approaches, as well as an example of a SLV experimental plan. The protocol 19 addresses any specific requirements that are provided in Codex Alimentarius guidance 20 documents or in regulations or guidelines set by national or regional authorities, so is intended to 21 be generally applicable for a variety or potential users. 22 23 24 25 4 1 Definitions 2 3 It is recommended that definitions included in the Codex Alimentarius Commission 4 Manual of Procedures5 should be used, when available, as these have been adopted after 5 extensive international consultation and are taken from authoritative sources, such as ISO, 6 IUPAC and AOAC International. A revised list of definitions currently under 7 consideration by the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS) 8 for inclusion in the Codex Manual of Procedures has also been used as a source for the 9 most current definitions which have acceptance within the international analytical science 10 community6. 11 12 Accuracy: Closeness of agreement between a measured quantity value and a true quantity value 13 of the measurand16. The Codex Manual of Procedures defines accuracy as “the closeness of 14 agreement between a test result and the accepted reference value.”5 The definition currently 15 under consideration by CCMAS 6 is: 16 “The closeness of agreement between a test result or measurement result and a 17 reference value. 18 Notes: The term “accuracy”, when applied to a set of test results or measurement results, 19 involves a combination of random components and a common systematic error or bias 20 component. (Footnote: When applied to a test method, the term accuracy refers to a 21 combination of trueness and precision.) Reference:ISO Standard 3534-2: Vocabulary and 22 Symbols Part 2: Applied Statistics, ISO, Geneva, 2006.” 23 Analytical function: A function which relates the measured value (Ca) to the instrument reading 24 (X) with the value of the interferants (Ci) remaining constant. This function is expressed by the 25 following regression of the calibration results: Ca = f(X)16. 26 Analytical Range: The range of an analytical procedure is the interval between the upper and 27 lower concentration (amounts) of analyte in the sample (including these concentrations) for 28 which it has been demonstrated that the analytical procedure has a suitable level of precision, 29 accuracy and linearity17. 5 1 Applicability6: “The analytes, matrices, and concentrations for which a method of analysis may 2 be used satisfactorily. 3 Note: In addition to a statement of the range of capability of satisfactory performance for 4 each factor, the statement of applicability (scope) may also include warnings as to known 5 interference by other analytes, or inapplicability to certain matrices and situations. 6 Reference:Codex Alimentarius Commission, Procedural Manual, 17th edition, 2007.” 7 8 Bias6: “The difference between the expectation of the test result or measurement result and the 9 true value. 10 Note: Bias is the total systematic error as contrasted to random error. There may be one or 11 more systematic error components contributing to bias. A larger systematic difference from 12 the accepted reference value is reflected by a larger bias value. 13 The bias of a measuring instrument is normally estimated by averaging the error of 14 indication over the appropriate number of repeated measurements. The error of indication 15 is the: “indication of a measuring instrument minus a true value of the corresponding input 16 quantity”. In practice the accepted reference value is substituted for the true value. 17 Expectation is the expected value of a random variable, e.g. assigned value or long term 18 average {ISO 5725- 1}. 19 Reference: ISO Standard 3534-2: Vocabulary and Symbols Part 2: Applied Statistics, ISO, 20 Geneva, 2006.” 21 22 Calibration6: “Operation that, under specified conditions, in a first step, establishes a relation 23 between the values with measurement uncertainties provided by measurement standards and 24 corresponding indications with associated measurement uncertainties and in a second step uses 25 this information to establish a relation for obtaining a measurement result from an indication. 26 Notes: A calibration may be expressed by a statement, calibration function, calibration 27 diagram, calibration curve, or calibration table. In some cases it may consist of an 28 additive or multiplicative correction of the indication with associated measurement 29 uncertainty. 6 1 Calibration should not be confused with adjustment of a measuring system often 2 mistakenly called “self calibration”, nor with verification of calibration. Often the first step 3 alone in the above definition is perceived as being calibration. 4 Reference: VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd 5 edition, 2007” 6 Calibration function: The functional (not statistical) relationship for the chemical measurement 7 process, relating the expected value of the observed (gross) signal or response variable to the 8 analyte amount16. 9 Certified Reference Material (CRM): A reference material of whose property values are 10 certified by a technically valid procedure, accompanied by, or traceable to, a certificate or other 11 documentation which is issued by a certifying body17. 12 From CCMAS discussion document6: 13 “Reference material accompanied by documentation issued by an authoritative body and 14 providing one or more specified property values with associated uncertainties and 15 traceabilities, using valid procedures. 16 Notes: Documentation is given in the form of a “certificate” (see ISO guide 30:1992). 17 Procedures for the production and certification of certified reference materials are given, 18 e.g. in ISO Guide 34 and ISO Guide 35. In this definition, “uncertainty” covers both 19 measurement uncertainty and uncertainty associated with the value of the nominal 20 property, such as for identity and sequence. “ Traceability covers both metrological 21 traceability of a value and traceability of a nominal property value. Specified values of 22 certified reference materials require metrological traceability with associated measurement 23 uncertainty {Accred. Qual. Assur., 2006}. ISO/REMCO has an analogous definition 24 {Accred. Qual. Assur., 2006} but uses the modifiers metrological and metrologically to 25 refer to both quantity and nominal properties. 26 References: 27 VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd edition, 2007. 7 1 New definitions on reference materials, Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10:576-578, 2 2006.” 3 Critical value (LC)6: The value of the net concentration or amount the exceeding of which leads, 4 for a given error probability α, to the decision that the concentration or amount of the analyte in 5 the analyzed material is larger than that in the blank material. It is defined as: 6 Pr ( >LC | L=0) ≤ α 7 Where is the estimated value, L is the expectation or true value and LC is the critical value. 8 Notes: 9 The critical value Lc is estimated by 10 LC = t1-ανso, 11 Where t1-αν is Student's-t, based on ν degrees of freedom for a one-sided confidence 12 interval of 1-α and so is the sample standard deviation. If L is normally distributed with 13 known variance, i.e. ν = ∞ with the default α of 0.05, LC = 1.645so. 14 A result falling below the LC triggering the decision “not detected” should not be construed 15 as demonstrating analyte absence. Reporting such a result as “zero” or as < LD is not 16 recommended. The estimated value and its uncertainty should always be reported. 17 References: 18 ISO Standard 11843: Capability of Detection-1, ISO, Geneva, 1997. 19 Nomenclature in evaluation of analytical methods, IUPAC, 1995.” 20 Error6: Measured value minus a reference value. 21 Note: 22 The concept of measurement ‘error’ can be used both: when there is a single reference 23 value to refer to, which occurs if a calibration is made by means of a measurement standard 24 with a measured value having a negligible measurement uncertainty or if a conventional 25 value is given, in which case the measurement error is not known and if a measurand is 26 supposed to be represented by a unique true value or a set ot true values of negligible 27 range, in which case the measurement error is not known. 28 Reference: VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd 29 Edition, 2007, ISO, Geneva.” 30 8 1 Fitness for purpose6: Degree to which data produced by a measurement process enables a user 2 to make technically and administratively correct decisions for a stated purpose. 3 Reference: Eurachem Guide: The fitness for purpose of analytical methods: A laboratory guide 4 to method validation and related topics, 1998.” 5 6 HorRat6: The ratio of the reproducibility relative standard deviation to that calculated from the 7 Horwitz equation, 8 Predicted relative standard deviation (PRSD)R =2C-0.15: 9 HorRat(R) = RSDR/PRSDR , 10 HorRat(r) = RSDr/PRSDR , 11 where C is concentration expressed as a mass fraction (both numerator and denominator 12 expressed in the same units). 13 Notes: 14 The HorRat is indicative of method performance for a large majority of methods in 15 chemistry. Normal values lie between 0.5 and 2. (To check proper calculation of PRSDR, a 16 C of 10-6 should give a PRSDR of 16%.) 17 If applied to within-laboratory studies, the normal range of HorRat(r) is 0.3-1.3. 18 concentrations less than 0.12 mg/kg the predictive relative standard deviation developed by 19 Thompson (The Analyst, 2000), should be used. 20 Reference: 21 A simple method for evaluating data from an inter-laboratory study, J AOAC, 81(6):1257- 22 1265, 1998 23 Recent trends in inter-laboratory precision at ppb and sub-ppb concentrations in relation to 24 fitness for purpose criteria in proficiency testing, The Analyst, 125:385-386, 2000.” For 25 26 Intermediate Precision: The precision of an analytical procedure expresses the closeness of 27 agreement between a series of measurements obtained from multiple sampling of the same 28 homogeneous sample under the prescribed conditions. Intermediate precision expresses within- 29 laboratories variations: different days, different analysts, different equipment, etc.17 9 1 Limit of Detection (LOD): The lowest concentration of analyte in a sample that can be detected, 2 but not necessarily quantitated under the stated conditions of the test16. 3 Limit of Detection6: “The true net concentration or amount of the analyte in the material to 4 be analyzed which will lead, with probability (1-β), to the conclusion that the concentration 5 or amount of the analyte in the analyzed material is larger than that in the blank material. It 6 is defined as: 7 Pr ( ≤LC | L=LD) = β 8 Where is the estimated value, L is the expectation or true value and LC is the critical 9 value. 10 Notes: The detection limit LD is estimated by, 11 LD ≈ 2t1-ανσo [where α = β], 12 Where t1-αν is Student's-t, based on ν degrees of freedom for a one-sided confidence 13 interval of 1-α and σo is the standard deviation of the true value (expectation). LD = 3.29 σo, 14 when the uncertainty in the mean (expected) value of the blank is neglible, α = β = 0.05 15 and L is normally distributed with known constant variance. However, LD is not defined 16 simply as a fixed coefficient (e.g. 3, 6, etc.) times the standard deviation of a pure solution 17 background. To do so can be extremely misleading. The correct estimation of LD must take 18 into account degrees of freedom, α and β, and the distribution of L as influenced by factors 19 such as analyte concentration, matrix effects and interference. This definition provides a 20 basis for taking into account exceptions to simple case that is described, i.e. involving 21 non-normal distributions and heteroscedasticity (e.g. “counting” (Poisson) processes as 22 those used for real time PCR). It is essential to specify the measurement process under 23 consideration, since distributions, σ’s and blanks can be dramatically different for different 24 measurement processes. At the detection limit, a positive identification can be achieved 25 with reasonable and/or previously determined confidence in a defined matrix using a 26 specific analytical method. 27 References: 28 ISO Standard 11843: Capability of Detection-1, ISO, Geneva, 1997 29 Nomenclature in evaluation of analytical methods, IUPAC, 1995 10 1 Guidance document on pesticide residue analytical methods, Organization for Economic 2 Cooperation and Development, 2007.” 3 4 Limit of Quantification (LOQ): The LOQ is the smallest amount of analyte in a test sample 5 that can be quantitatively determined with suitable precision and accuracy under previously 6 established method conditions17. 7 Limit of Quantification6: A method performance characteristic generally expressed in 8 terms of the signal or measurement (true) value that will produce estimates having a 9 specified relative standard deviation (RSD), commonly 10% (or 6%). LQ is estimated by: 10 LQ = kQ σQ, kQ = 1/RSDQ 11 Where LQ is the limit of quantification, σQ is the standard deviation at that point and kQ is 12 the multiplier whose reciprocal equals the selected RSD. (The approximate RSD of an 13 estimated σ, based on ν-degrees of freedom is 1/ √2ν.) 14 Notes: 15 If σ is known and constant, then σQ = σo, since the standard deviation of the estimated 16 quantity is independent of concentration. Substituting 10% in for kQ gives: 17 LQ = (10 * σQ) = 10 σo 18 In this case, the LQ is just 3.04 times the detection limit, given normality and α = β = 0.05. 19 At the the LQ, a positive identification can be achieved with reasonable and/or previously 20 determined confidence in a defined matrix using a specific analytical method. 21 This definition provides a basis for taking into account exceptions to simple case that is 22 described, i.e. involving non-normal distributions and heteroscedasticity ( e.g. “counting” 23 (Poisson) processes as those used for real time PCR). 24 References: 25 Nomenclature in evaluation of analytical methods, IUPAC, 1995 26 Guidance document on pesticide residue analytical methods, Organization for Economic 27 Co-operation and Development, 2007.” 28 29 Concern has been expressed that LOD and LOQ should not always be used as mandatory fixed 30 performance limits for validated methods, due to the inherent variability which may observed in 31 the determination of these limits by different analysts using different instruments. For example, 11 1 an expert consultation on the validation of analytical methods noted in its report that “LOD and 2 LOQ are estimates of variable parameters, the values of which depend on various factors, 3 including the conditions of measurement and the experience of the analyst. The use of these 4 estimates in client reports can be misleading. In view of this, it was requested that the 5 FAO/IAEA expert consultation following the Workshop would consider that the lowest 6 calibrated level of the analysis be recommended to be used in client reports as an alternative to 7 the LOD and LOQ.”18 8 9 The following terms were defined in the consultation report: 10 11 Accepted Limit (AL): Concentration value for an analyte corresponding to a regulatory limit or 12 guideline value which forms the purpose for the analysis, e.g. MRL, MPL; trading standard, 13 target concentration limit (dietary exposure assessment), acceptance level (environment) etc. For 14 a substance without an MRL or for a banned substance there may be no AL (effectively it may 15 be zero or there may be no limit ) or it may be the target concentration above which detected 16 residues should be confirmed (action limit or administrative limit). 17 18 Lowest Calibrated Level (LCL): Lowest concentration of analyte detected and measured in 19 calibration of the detection system. It may be expressed as a solution concentration or as a mass 20 ratio in the test sample and must not include the contribution from the blank. 21 22 23 Linearity: The ability of the method to obtain test results proportional to the concentration of 24 analyte16. 25 Linearity6: The ability of a method of analysis, within a certain range, to provide an 26 instrumental response or results proportional to the quantity of analyte to be determined in 27 the laboratory sample. This proportionality is expressed by a prior defined mathematical 28 expression. The linearity limits are the experimental limits of concentrations between 29 which a linear calibration model can be applied with an acceptable uncertainty. 30 Reference: 31 Codex Alimentarius Commission, Procedural Manual, 17th edition, 2007.” 12 1 Linear Range: The range of analyte concentrations over which the method provides test results 2 proportional to the concentration of the analyte16. 3 Matrix: The components of the sample other than the analyte16. 4 Matrix Effect: The combined effect of all components in the sample other than the analyte on 5 the measurement of the quantity. If a specific component can be identified as causing an effect 6 then this is referred to as interference16. 7 Matrix Fortified Calibration Curve: When a known concentration of the target analyte is 8 added to a blank matrix at various levels prior to extraction or digestion to generate a calibration 9 curve. This curve is used to determine the effect of the matrix on the response of the analyte. 10 Matrix Matched: When fortified blank matrix is extracted and carried through the method to 11 generate a calibration curve. This is used to correct for matrix effects. In metals testing, matrix 12 matched refers to matching diluent concentrations of standards to that of the sample digest. 13 Other elements that are known to be present in sample digest may be added as well. 14 Matrix-matched Calibration18: Calibration using standards prepared in an extract of the 15 commodity analysed (or of a representative commodity). The objective is to compensate for the 16 effects of co-extractives on the determination system. Such effects are often unpredictable, but 17 matrix-matching may be unnecessary where co-extractives prove to be of insignificant effect. 18 Measurand6: Quantity intended to be measured. 19 Notes: The specification of a measurand requires knowledge of the kind of quantity, 20 description of the state of the substance carrying the quantity, including any relevant 21 component and the chemical entities involved. In chemistry, ‘analyte’ or the name of a 22 substance or compound are terms sometime used for measurand. This usage is erroneous 23 because these terms do not refer to quantities. 24 Reference: VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd 25 Edition, 2007, ISO, Geneva.” 26 13 1 Measurement procedure6: Detailed description of a measurement according to one or more 2 measurement principles and to a given measurement method, based on a measurement model and 3 including any calculation to obtain a result. 4 Notes: A measurement procedure is usually documented in sufficient detail to enable an 5 operator to perform a measurement. A measurement procedure can include a statement 6 concerning a target measurement uncertainty. A measurement procedure is sometimes 7 called a standard operating procedure (SOP). 8 Reference: VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd 9 Edition, 2007, ISO, Geneva.” 10 11 Measurement Uncertainty: A parameter associated with the result of a measurement that 12 characterises the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand8. 13 Measurement uncertainty6: Non-negative parameter characterizing the dispersion of the 14 values being attributed to a measurand, based on the information used. 15 Notes: Measurement uncertainty includes components arising from systematic effects, such 16 as components associated with corrections and the assigned values of measurement 17 standards, as well as the definitional uncertainty. Sometimes estimated systematic effects 18 are not corrected for but, instead associated measurement uncertainty components are 19 incorporated. The parameter may be, for example, a standard deviation called standard 20 measurement uncertainty (or a given multiple of it), or the half-width of interval having a 21 stated coverage probability. Measurement uncertainty comprises, in general many 22 components. Some of these components may be evaluated by Type A evaluation of 23 measurement uncertainty from the statistical distribution of the values from a series of 24 measurements and can be characterized by experimental standard deviations. The other 25 components which may be evaluated by Type B evaluation of measurement uncertainty 26 can also be characterized by standard deviations, evaluated from assumed probability 27 distributions based on experience or other information. In general, for a given set of 28 information, it is understood that the measurement uncertainty is associated with a stated 29 quality value attributed to the measurand. A modification of this value results in a 30 modification of the associated uncertainty. 14 1 Reference: VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd 2 Edition, 2007, ISO, Geneva.” 3 4 Expanded measurement uncertainty6: product of a combined standard measurement 5 uncertainty and a factor larger than the number one. 6 Notes: The factor depends upon the type of probability distribution of the output quantity 7 in a measurement model and on the selected coverage probability. The term factor in this 8 definition refers to a coverage factor. Expanded measurement uncertainty is also termed 9 expanded uncertainty. 10 Reference: VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd 11 Edition, 2007, ISO, Geneva.” 12 13 Precision6: The closeness of agreement between independent test/measurement results obtained 14 under stipulated conditions. 15 Notes: Precision depends only on the distribution of random errors and does not relate to 16 the true value or to the specified value. The measure of precision is usually expressed in 17 terms of imprecision and computed as a standard deviation of the test results. Less 18 precision is reflected by a larger standard deviation. Quantitative measures of precision 19 depend critically on the stipulated conditions. Repeatability and reproducibility conditions 20 are particular sets of extreme conditions. Intermediate conditions between these two 21 extreme conditions are also conceivable, when one or more factors within a laboratory 22 (intra-laboratory- e.g. the operator, the equipment used, the calibration of the equipment 23 used, the environment, the batch of reagent and the elapsed time between measurements) 24 are allowed to vary and are useful in specified circumstances. Precision is normally 25 expressed in terms of standard deviation. 26 References: 27 ISO Standard 3534-2: Vocabulary and Symbols Part 2: Applied Statistics, ISO, Geneva, 28 2006 29 ISO Standard 5725-3: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and 30 results Part 3: 15 1 Intermediate measures of the precision of a standard measurement method, ISO, Geneva, 2 1994.” 3 4 Recovery: IUPAC defines it as a “term used in analytical and preparative chemistry to denote 5 the fraction of the total quantity of a substance recoverable following a chemical procedure”16. It 6 has also been defined in an EU Commission Decision referring to requirements for analytical 7 methods used for the determination of residues of veterinary drugs in foods as the “percentage of 8 the true concentration of a substance recovered during the analytical procedure. It is determined 9 during validation, if no certified reference material is available.”19 Recovery has also been 10 defined as the “proportion of the amount of analyte, present in or added to the analytical portion 11 of the test material, which is extracted and presented for measurement.”20 12 Recovery6 / recovery factors: Proportion of the amount of analyte, present in, added to or 13 present in and added to the analytical portion of the test material, which is extracted and 14 presented for measurement. 15 Notes: Recovery is assessed by the ratio R = Cobs / C ref of the observed concentration or 16 amount Cobs obtained by the application of an analytical procedure to a material containing 17 analyte at a reference level Cref . Cref will be: (a) a reference material certified value, (b) 18 measured by an alternative definitive method, (c) defined by a spike addition or (d) 19 marginal recovery. Recovery is primarily intended for use in methods that rely on 20 transferring the analyte from a complex matrix into a simpler solution, during which loss of 21 analyte can be anticipated. 22 References: 23 Harmonized guidelines for the use of recovery information in analytical measurement, 24 1998 25 Use of the terms “recovery” and “apparent recovery” in analytical procedures, 2002.” 16 1 Reference material6: Material, sufficiently homogeneous and stable with respect to one or more 2 specified properties, which has been established to be fit for its intended use in a measurement 3 process or in examination of nominal properties. Notes: Examination of a nominal property 4 provides a nominal property value and associated uncertainty. This uncertainty is not a 5 measurement uncertainty. Reference materials with or without assigned values can be used for 6 measurement precision control whereas only reference materials with assigned values can be 7 used for calibration and measurement trueness control. Some reference materials have assigned 8 values that are metrologically traceable to a measurement unit outside a system of units. In a 9 given measurement, a given reference material can only be used for either calibration or quality 10 assurance. The specification of a reference material should include its material traceability, 11 indicating its origin and processing. {Accred. Qual. Assur., 2006}. ISO/REMCO has an 12 analogous definition that uses the term measurement process to mean examination which covers 13 both measurement of a quantity and examination of a nominal property. 14 Reference: 15 VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd Edition, 2007, 16 ISO, Geneva. 17 New definitions on reference materials, Accred. Qual. Assur., 10:576-578, 2006.” 18 Reference value6: Quantity value used as a basis of comparison with values of quantity of the 19 same kind. 20 Notes: A reference quantity value can be a true quantity value of a measurand, in which 21 case it is unknown, or a conventional quantity value in which case it is known. A reference 22 quantity value with an associated measurement uncertainty is usually provided with 23 reference to ( a) a material, e.g. a certified reference material (b) a reference measurement 24 procedure (c) a comparison of measurement standards. 25 Reference: VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd 26 Edition, 2007, ISO, Geneva.” 17 1 Repeatability: This term is defined by the Codex Alimentarius Commission as “Conditions 2 where independent test results are obtained with the same method on identical test items in the 3 same laboratory by the same operator using the same equipment within short intervals of time.”5 4 Reproducibility: The Codex Alimentarius Commission defines this as “Conditions where 5 independent test results are obtained with the same method on identical test items in different 6 laboratories with different operators using different equipment.”5 It is also defined in an EU 7 Commission Decision as “The precision under conditions where test results are obtained with the 8 same method on identical test items in different laboratories with different operators using 9 different equipment. For Single Lab Validation intermediate precision is determined with 10 different operators on different equipment.”19 11 From CCMAS discussion paper6: 12 Repeatability (Reproducibility)6: Precision under repeatability (reproducibility) conditions. 13 Reference: 14 ISO 3534-1 Statistics, vocabulary and symbols-Part 1: Probability and general statistical 15 terms, ISO, 1993 16 ISO Standard 78-2: Chemistry – Layouts for Standards – Part 2: Methods of Chemical 17 Analysis, 1999) 18 Codex Alimentarius Commission, Procedural Manual, 17th edition, 2007 19 AOAC International methods committee guidelines for validation of qualitative and 20 quantitative food microbiological official methods of analysis, 2002.” 21 22 Repeatability conditions6: Observation conditions where independent test/measurement results 23 are obtained with the same method on identical test/measurement items in the same test or 24 measuring facility by the same operator using the same equipment within short intervals of time. 25 Note: Repeatability conditions include: the same measurement procedure or test procedure; 26 the same operator; the same measuring or test equipment used under the same conditions; 27 the same location and repetition over a short period of time. 28 Reference: 18 1 ISO Standard 3534-2: Vocabulary and Symbols Part 2: Applied Statistics, ISO, Geneva, 2 2006.” 3 Repeatability (Reproducibility) limit6: The value less than or equal to which the absolute 4 difference between final values, each of them representing a series of test results or measurement 5 results obtained under repeatability (reproducibility) conditions may be expected to be with a 6 probability of 95%. 7 Notes: The symbol used is r [R]. {ISO 3534-2} When examining two single test results 8 obtained under repeatability (reproducibility) conditions, the comparison should be made 9 with the repeatability (reproducibility) limit, r [R] = 2.8σr[R]. {ISO 5725-6, 4.1.4} When 10 groups of measurements are used as the basis for the calculation of the repeatability 11 (reproducibility) limits (now called the critical difference), more complicated formulae are 12 required that are given in ISO 5725-6: 1994, 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. 13 Reference: 14 ISO Standard 3534-2: Vocabulary and Symbols Part 2: Applied Statistics, ISO, Geneva, 15 2006 16 ISO 5 725-6 “Accuracy (trueness and precision) of a measurement methods and results— 17 Part 6: Use in practice of accuracy value”, ISO, 1994 18 Codex Alimentarius Commission, Procedural Manual, 17th edition, 2007.” 19 20 Repeatability (reproducibility) standard deviation6: Standard deviation of test results or 21 measurement results obtained under repeatability (reproducibility) conditions. 22 Notes: It is a measure of the dispersion of the distribution of the test or measurement 23 results under repeatability (reproducibility) conditions. 24 Reference: 25 ISO Standard 3534-2: Vocabulary and Symbols Part 2: Applied Statistics, ISO, Geneva, 26 2006.” 27 28 Repeatability (reproducibility) relative standard deviation6: RSDr[R] is computed by dividing 29 the repeatability (reproducibility) standard deviation by the mean. 30 Note: Relative standard deviation (RSD) is a useful measure of precision in quantitative 31 studies. This is done so that one can compare variability of sets with different means. RSD 19 1 values are independent of the amount of analyte over a reasonable range and facilitate 2 comparison of variabilities at different concentrations. The result of a collaborative test 3 may be summarized by giving the RSD for repeatability (RSDr) and RSD for 4 reproducibility (RSDR). 5 Reference: 6 AOAC International methods committee guidelines for validation of qualitative and 7 quantitative food microbiological official methods of analysis, 2002.” 8 9 Reproducibility conditions6: Observation conditions where independent test/measurement 10 results are obtained with the same method on identical test/measurement items in different test or 11 measurement facilities with different operators using different equipment. 12 Reference: 13 ISO Standard 3534-2: Vocabulary and Symbols Part 2: Applied Statistics, ISO, Geneva, 14 2006.” 15 Result6: Set of values being attributed to a measurand together with any other available relevant 16 information 17 Notes: A result of measurement generally contains ‘relevant information’ about the set of 18 values, such that some may be more representative of the measurand than others. This may 19 be expressed in the form of a probability density function. A result of measurement is 20 generally expressed as a single measured value and a easurement uncertainty. If the 21 measurement uncertainty is considered to be negligible for some purpose, the measurement 22 result may be expressed as a single measured value. In many fields, this is the common 23 way of expressing a measurement result. In the traditional literature and in the previous 24 edition of the VIM, result was defined as a value attributed to a measurand and explained 25 to mean an indication or an uncorrected result or a corrected result according to the 26 context. 27 Reference: 28 VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd Edition, 2007, 29 ISO, Geneva.” 30 20 1 Representative Analyte18: Analyte chosen to represent a group of analytes which are likely to 2 be similar in their behaviour through a multi-residue analytical method, as judged by their 3 physico-chemical properties e.g. structure, water solubility, Kow, polarity, volatility, hydrolytic 4 stability, pKa etc.” 5 Represented Analyte18: Analyte having physico-chemical properties which are within the range 6 of properties of representative analytes.” 7 Representative Commodity18: Single food or feed used to represent a commodity group for 8 method validation purposes. A commodity may be considered representative on the basis of 9 proximate sample composition, such as water, fat/oil, acid, sugar and chlorophyll contents, or 10 biological similarities of tissues etc.” 11 Ruggedness: The ruggedness of an analytical method is the resistance to change in the results 12 produced by an analytical method when minor deviations are made from the experimental 13 conditions described in the procedure. It is tested by deliberately introducing small changes to 14 the procedure and examining the effect on the results. Ruggedness testing should not be used to 15 determine critical control points (these should be determined earlier during method development) 16 and critical control points should not be included in ruggedness testing, as they are known to 17 have a significant impact on the analysis.16, 19 18 Robustness (ruggedness)6: A measure of the capacity of an analytical procedure to remain 19 unaffected by small but deliberate variations in method parameters and provides an indication of 20 its reliability during normal usage. 21 Reference: 22 ICH Topic Q2 Validation of Analytical Methods, the European Agency for the Evaluation 23 of Medicinal Products: ICH Topic Q 2 A - Definitions and Terminology 24 (CPMP/ICH/381/95), 1995 25 Harmonized guidelines for single laboratory validation of methods of analysis, Pure and 26 Appl. Chem., 2002.” 27 28 Selectivity: This term is defined in the Codex Manual of Procedures as “the extent to which a 29 method can determine particular analyte(s) in mixtures or matrices without interference from 21 1 other components of similar behaviour”.5 Other definitions include “The extent to which other 2 substances interfere with the determination of a substance according to a given procedure.”21 It 3 has been defined in an AOAC guidance document as “the extent to which the (analytical) 4 method can determine particular analyte(s) in a complex mixture without interference from the 5 other components in the mixture.”17 6 The IUPAC Gold Book16 defines selectivity in analysis as: 7 “(qualitative): The extent to which other substances interfere with the determination of a 8 substance according to a given procedure. 9 (quantitative): A term used in conjunction with another substantive (e.g. constant, coefficient, 10 index, factor, number) for the quantitative characterization of interferences.” 11 12 [It is important to note that while many analytical chemistry texts and older papers in scientific 13 journals use the term “specificity” for “selectivity”, the term “selectivity” is now recommended 14 and use of the term specificity is discouraged.5 It is considered that a method is either “specific” 15 or it is “non-specific”, while the term selectivity implies that there may be varying degrees of 16 “selectivity”.] 17 18 Selectivity6: Selectivity is the extent to which a method can determine particular analyte(s) in a 19 mixture(s) or matrice(s) without interferences from other components of similar behaviour. 20 Note: Selectivity is the recommended term in analytical chemistry to express the extent to 21 which a particular method can determine analyte(s) in the presence other components. 22 Selectivity can be graded. The use of the term specificity for the same concept is to be 23 discouraged as this often leads to confusion. 24 Reference: 25 Selectivity in analytical chemistry, IUPAC, Pure Appl Chem, 2001 26 Codex Alimentarius Commission, Alinorm 04/27/23, 2004 27 Codex Alimentarius Commission, Procedural Manual, 17th edition, Food and Agriculture 28 Organization of the United Nations, World Health Organization, 2007.” 29 30 Sensitivity: Describes the change in instrument response for a given concentration change. It is 31 represented by the slope of the calibration curve and can be determined by a least squares 22 1 procedure, or experimentally, using samples containing various concentrations of the analyte17. 2 (1) It is also defined as “change in the response divided by the change in the concentration of a 3 standard (calibration) curve; i.e., the slope si of the analytical calibration curve”5. The IUPAC 4 Gold Book16 defines the term sensitivity, used “in metrology and analytical chemistry”, as: 5 “The slope of the calibration curve. If the curve is in fact a 'curve', rather than a straight line, then 6 of course sensitivity will be a function of analyte concentration or amount. If sensitivity is to be a 7 unique performance characteristic, it must depend only on the chemical measurement process, 8 not upon scale factors.” 9 Sensitivity6: Quotient of the change in the indication of a measuring system and the 10 corresponding change in the value of the quantity being measured. 11 Notes: The sensitivity can depend on the value of the quantity being measured. The change 12 considered in the value of the quantity being measured must be large compared with the 13 resolution of the measurement system. 14 Reference: 15 VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd Edition, 2007, 16 ISO, Geneva.” 17 Surrogate matrix: When authentic blank tissue does not exist, a surrogate may be used for 18 validation experiments. This would consist of a closely related matrix (i.e., similar chemical 19 composition) which may have low or non-detected levels of the analyte(s) of interest. For 20 biological matrices, surrogates should have similar contents of protein, fat, carbohydrate, 21 moisture and salt. 22 Surrogate6: Pure compound or element added to the test material, the chemical and 23 physical behavior of which is taken to be representative of the native analyte. 24 Reference: 25 Harmonized guidelines for the use of recovery information in analytical measurement, 26 1998.” 27 28 Systematic error6: Component of measurement error that in replicate measurements remains 29 constant or varies in a predictable manner. 23 1 Notes: A reference value for a systematic error is a true quantity value, or a measured value 2 of a measurement standard of neglible measurement uncertainty, or a conventional value. 3 Systematic error and its causes can be known or unkown. A correction can be applied to 4 compensate for a known systematic error. Systematic error equals measurement error 5 minus random measurement error. 6 Reference: 7 VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd edition, 8 2007.” 9 10 Trueness6: The closeness of agreement between the expectation of a test result or a 11 measurement result and the true value. 12 Notes: The measure of trueness is usually expressed in terms of bias. Trueness has been 13 referred to as “accuracy of the mean”. This usage is not recommended. In practice the 14 accepted reference value is substituted for the true value. Expectation is the expected value 15 of a random variable, e.g. assigned value or long term average {ISO 5725-1} 16 Reference: 17 ISO Standard 3534-2: Vocabulary and Symbols Part 2: Applied Statistics, ISO, Geneva, 18 2006 19 ISO Standard 5725-1: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and 20 results, Part 1: 21 General principles and definitions, ISO, Geneva, 1994.” 22 23 True value6: Quantity value consistent with the definition of a quantity. 24 Notes: In the error approach to describing measurement, a true quantity value is considered 25 unique and in practice unknowable. The uncertainty approach is to recognize that, owing to 26 the inherently incomplete amount of detail in the definition of quantity, there is not a single 27 true quantity value, but rather a set of quantity values consistent with the definition of a 28 quantity. However, this set of values is, in principle and in practice unknowable. Other 29 approaches dispense altogether with the concept of true quantity value and rely on the 30 concept of metrological compatibility of measurement results for assessing their validity. 31 When the definitional uncertainty associated with the measurand is considered to be 24 1 negligible compared to the other components of the measurement uncertainty the 2 measurand may be considered to have an essentially “unique” true value. 3 Reference: 4 VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd Edition, 2007, 5 ISO, Geneva.” 6 7 Validation6: Verification, where the specified requirements are adequate for an intended use. 8 References: 9 VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd Edition, 2007, 10 ISO, Geneva.” 11 12 Validated Test Method6: An accepted test method for which validation studies have been 13 completed to determine the accuracy and reliability of this method for a specific purpose. 14 Reference: 15 ICCVAM Guidelines for the nomination and submission of new, revised and alternative 16 test methods, 2003.” 17 18 Validated range6: That part of the concentration range of an analytical method which has been 19 subjected to validation. 20 Reference: 21 Harmonized guidelines for single-laboratory validation of methods of analysis, 2002.” 22 23 Verification6: Provision of objective evidence that a given item fulfills specified requirements. 24 Notes: When applicable method uncertainty should be taken into consideration. The item 25 may be e.g. a process, measuring procedure, material, compound or measuring system. The 26 specified requirement may be that a manufacturer’s specifications are met. Verification in 27 legal metrology, as defined in VIM and in conformity assessment in general pertains to the 28 examination and marketing and/or issuing of a verification certificate for a measuring 29 system. Verification should not be confused with calibration. Not every verification is a 30 validation. In chemistry, verification of the identity of the entity involved or of the activity, 31 requires a description of the structure and properties of that entity or activity. 25 1 References: 2 VIM, International vocabulary for basic and general terms in metrology, 3rd Edition, 2007, 3 ISO, Geneva.” 4 5 Performance Criteria 6 7 The Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling is currently considering 8 new guidance for inclusion in the Codex Manual of Procedures with respect to implementation 9 of the criteria approach for analytical methods6. This guidance is based on accepted approaches 10 to the establishment of performance criteria for analytical methods22,23,24 and will have been 11 subject to extensive consultation by representatives of major international organizations and 12 national regulatory authorities prior to acceptance and implementation and therefore it is 13 recommended that these recommendations should be considered for inclusion in guidance on 14 single laboratory validation of methods developed for use by this working group. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 26 1 Table 2: Guidelines for establishing numeric values for analytical method performance criteria, 2 as proposed by the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS)6: 3 Method Applicability Minimum applicable range Limit of Detection (LOD) Limit of Quantification (LOQ) Precision Recovery (R) Trueness 4 5 6 a The method has to be applicable for the specified provision, specified commodity and the specified level(s) (maximum and/or minimum) (ML). The minimum applicable range of the method depends on the specified level (ML) to be assessed, and can either be expressed in terms of the reproducibility standard deviation (sR) or in terms of LOD and LOQ. For ML ≥ 0.1 mg/kg, [ML - 3 sR , ML + 3 sR ] For ML < 0.1 mg/kg, [ML - 2 sR , ML + 2 sR ] sRa = standard deviation of reproducibility For ML ≥ 0.1 mg/kg, LOD ≤ ML · 1/10 For ML < 0.1 mg/kg, LOD ≤ ML · 1/5 For ML ≥ 0.1 mg/kg, LOQ ≤ ML · 1/5 For ML < 0.1 mg/kg, LOQ ≤ ML · 2/5 For ML ≥ 0.1 mg/kg, HorRat value ≤ 2 For ML < 0.1 mg/kg, the RSDTR < 22%. RSDRb = relative standard deviation of reproducibility Concentration Ratio Unit Recovery (%) 100 1 100% (100 98 – 102 g/100g) ≥10 10-1 ≥ 10% (10 98 – 102 g/100g) ≥1 10-2 ≥ 1% (1 g/100g) 97 - 103 -3 ≥0.1 10 ≥ 0.1% (1 mg/g) 95 – 105 0.01 10-4 100 mg/kg 90 – 107 -5 0.001 10 10 mg/kg 80 – 110 0.0001 10-6 1 mg/kg 80 – 110 -7 0.00001 10 100 μg/kg 80 – 110 -8 0.000001 10 10 μg/kg 60 – 115 0.0000001 10-9 1 μg/kg 40 – 120 Other guidelines are available for expected recovery ranges in specific areas of analysis. In cases where recoveries have been shown to be a function of the matrix other specified requirements may be applied. For the evaluation of trueness preferably certified reference material should be used. The sR should be calculated from the Horwitz / Thompson equation. When the Horwitz / Thompson equation is not applicable (for an analytical purpose or according to a regulation) or when “converting” methods into criteria then it should be based on the sR from an appropriate method performance study. 27 1 2 3 b The RSDR should be calculated from the Horwitz / Thompson equation. When the Horwitz / Thompson equation is not applicable (for an analytical purpose or according to a regulation) or when “converting” methods into criteria then it should be based on the RSDsR from an appropriate method performance study. 4 5 Performance Characteristics 6 7 In order for a method to be fit-for-purpose certain performance requirements should be evaluated 8 and met. Listed below are the requirements for a quantitative method. A screening or 9 confirmation method may require different, usually fewer, parameters. 10 Ruggedness (completed during method development phase) 11 Selectivity (completed during method development phase) 12 Matrix Effects (may be completed during method development phase) 13 Limit of Detection (LOD) 14 Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) 15 Analytical range 16 Linearity 17 Stability of analyte in standard solution 18 Stability of analyte in matrix 19 Stability of analyte in extract/digest 20 Accuracy 21 Repeatability of detection system (may be completed during method development phase) 22 Repeatability of method 23 Intermediate precision 28 1 Reproducibility (if appropriate) 2 Measurement Uncertainty 3 4 Technical Guidelines & Approaches 5 Linear Range and Calibration Curve 6 A typical chemical measurement process at trace concentrations involves two types of 7 calibration, one involving the determination of the detector response to changing concentrations 8 of pure standard (instrument response), while the second assesses the response to changes in 9 analyte concentration in the presence of matrix co-extractives and reagents. The first, referred to 10 as the calibration function, is defined as the “functional (not statistical) relationship for the 11 chemical measurement process, relating the expected value of the observed (gross) signal or 12 response variable E(y) to the analyte amount . The corresponding graphical display for a single 13 analyte is referred to as the calibration curve. When extended to additional variables or analytes 14 which occur in multicomponent analysis, the curve “becomes a calibration surface or 15 hypersurface”25. The limit of detection and the limit of quantification, when obtained from the 16 calibration function, are the instrumental detection and quantification limits. It should be 17 specified whether these determinations are based on pure analyte only or pure analyte in the 18 presence of reagents used in the method, as the detector responses may differ. This function is 19 commonly used when the method of “external calibration” is applied in a method. 20 21 The second type of calibration is referred to as the analytical function, defined as a 22 “function which relates the measured value Ca to the instrument reading, X, with the value of all 23 interferants, Ci, remaining constant. This function is expressed by the following regression of the 24 calibration results, Ca = f(X)”26. This is the calibration result obtained when the response of the 25 detector to the analyte is assessed in the presence of typical matrix co-extractives or digestion 26 products from the sample material in which the analyte concentration is being measured. 27 Detection and quantification limits derived from this calibration are the “method” detection and 28 quantification limits and are considered to provide a more accurate portrayal of the actual 29 1 performance capabilities of an analytical method. Since they reflect any interferences or matrix 2 enhancement or suppression effects, as well as analyte recovery from the matrix during the 3 performance of the analytical method, the detection and quantification limits determined from 4 these experiments are in most cases (the exception being matrix enhancement effects on the 5 detector) higher than the equivalent instrumental limits of detection and quantification 6 determined using pure analyte, or pure analyte in the presence of method reagents. This method 7 of calibration is used in internal standard calibration. 8 9 Instrument calibration may be determined by use of external or internal standard 10 calibrations, but the calibration approach used should be clearly stated. In most circumstances 11 involving elemental analysis, external standard calibration is the method of choice. Linear range 12 is determined by the injection of standard solutions in order to determine at what level the 13 instrument response no longer conforms to a linear equation (y = mx + b). This is determined in 14 the following manner: 15 16 17 the samples. 18 19 22 The concentrations of the solutions must be evenly spaced to determine the precise level at which the calibration curve is no longer linear. 20 21 Injections of calibration solutions (minimum six) made up in similar solvent/reagent as The range of concentration should encompass the expected concentration range from routine samples if known. The amount or concentration of analyte injected is plotted vs. the instrument response to determine the linear portion of the curve. 23 The instrument linear range is used to determine the analyte concentration range for which the 24 method will be fit for purpose. 25 26 Matrix effect 30 1 Blank Matrix 2 Once the linearity has been determined the effect of the matrix on the instrument 3 response must be determined. The matrix may alter the results or create an enhanced or 4 suppressed response from the detector. In order to determine matrix effect, calibration curves of 5 neat and matrix fortified standards must be prepared and compared. The matrix fortified 6 calibration curves are prepared by using extracted/digested blank matrix as diluent. Prior to 7 reconstitution of the samples, fortify the extracts with aliquots of standards to provide the 8 required concentration in the final solution to be equivalent to that of neat standards. The 9 standards are analysed by duplicate or triplicate injections. When the results obtained for matrix- 10 fortified standards are lower (or higher) than the results obtained for pure standards taken 11 through the complete analysis, the results may be due to low recovery of analyte from the matrix 12 material (or the presence of interferences when high recoveries are obtained) or may be due to 13 matrix suppression or enhancement effects changing detector response. To check on these 14 possibilities, compare the results obtained for pure standards, pure standards taken through the 15 complete analysis, standards spiked into blank matrix extract and standards added to matrix prior 16 to extraction. The following comparisons can then be made: 17 Pure standards versus pure standards taken through the analysis is indicative of any losses 18 of analyte which are related to the method, while enhanced results may indicate reagent 19 contamination. 20 Pure standards taken through the analysis compared with pure standards added to 21 extracted or digested extracts provides an indication of matrix enhancement or 22 suppression effects on the detection system. 23 Pure standards added to blank matrix after extraction or digestion, compared to pure 24 standards fortified in matrix prior to extraction or digestion, provides an indication of 25 losses of analyte during processing. 26 Calibration curves for the neat and matrix fortified standards are prepared by plotting the 27 average response of the standard solution against the standard concentration. Differences 28 (>10%) of the slope of the matrix fortified calibration curve in relation to that of the neat 29 standards, or significant changes in the elution profile indicates that the matrix does indeed affect 31 1 the instrument response. If this is the case the routine analysis will have to be performed using 2 matrix fortified standards or possibly an internal standard. 3 There are several additional considerations which affect the experimental design and 4 specifically the choice of matrices and analytes for validation of method performance. In a 5 regulatory environment, such as testing of foods for the presence of residues or contaminants, 6 there are many sample materials which potentially require testing. Resources are usually not 7 available to fully validate each analytical method for all analytes and matrices to which it may be 8 applied. Therefore, the concepts of representative commodity18 (matrix) and representative 9 analytes18 have been proposed to facilitate method validation and routine application. Using this 10 approach, for example, in validating a method for application to “fish”, representative matrices 11 are salmon for “high fat” finfish, tilapia for “low fat”, shrimp for “crustaceans”. Apples may be 12 the representative matrix for apples and pears, oranges for “citrus fruit” and strawberries for 13 “berries”, while head lettuce may represent “leafy vegetables” and carrots may represent “root 14 crops”. Once the method has been validated for an analyte or analytes on the “representative 15 commodity”, it is considered to be applicable to all commodities represented by that matrix until 16 performance issues are observed when the method is applied to for the first time to a less 17 commonly analyzed member of the group. When this happens, further work is required to adapt 18 and validate the method for that application. 19 Calibration using the analytical function, or internal standardization, approach usually 20 assumes and requires the availability of representative blank matrix. However, situations will be 21 encountered when no material is available for a particular commodity which is free of naturally 22 incurred analyte. Ideally, in such situations, a “representative commodity” which is free of the 23 analyte can be chosen as a surrogate material for the validation or to represent the commodity 24 grouping of which the material is considered a member. In some situations, there is no such 25 material available and mixing of materials may be required to approximate the composition of 26 the target commodity. The following sections provide some approaches which may be used when 27 no blank matrix material is available for use in method validation or for method calibration. 28 No Blank Matrix 32 1 If blank matrix cannot be found, such as the case in many elemental analysis techniques, 2 a different approach is needed. First, test material must be characterized to determine the analyte 3 concentration in tissue by conducting a total of 20 determinations over 4 days. Then, prepare a 4 solution with similar analyte concentration to the matrix under investigation. Run matrix and 5 prepared solution with varying fortification levels (ie. 3 levels) in the same analytical run and 6 repeat on a second day. Plot analyte concentration versus instrument response for both matrix 7 and solution on the same graph. If the slopes of the curves diverge by >10% or final fortification 8 level concentrations show a >10% difference, then a matrix effect is evident. If curves do not 9 diverge (<10% difference in slopes), or final fortification level concentrations show a <10% 10 difference then no matrix effects are evident. When the response to standards (calibration 11 function) and matrix fortified standards (analytical function) does not differ, then response 12 related method performance parameters may be assessed using pure standards. 13 14 15 Limit of Detection and Limit of Quantification There are many procedures typically used to determine LOD and LOQ, however, the 16 technique chosen can be used as long as it can be defended scientifically. It is recommended to 17 use an approach that is common to the field of analytical chemistry you are practicing and would 18 be accepted by other scientific colleagues. 19 Blank Matrix 20 The limit of detection (LOD) must be determined for each analyte for which the method 21 is validated. This is done by evaluating the noise level of 5 blank samples per run on 4 separate 22 instrument runs (n=20). One approach that could be used to determine the LOD for the analyte 23 in the matrix is by calculating the average noise of the 20 observations + 3SD. A procedure for 24 estimation of the LOD and the LOQ from the y-intercept of the calibration curve is used in many 25 laboratories27, as it is considered to provide a more realistic estimate of these parameters than a 26 direct calculation from the observed noise level. With some techniques, a reagent blank taken 27 through the method may be the only means of evaluating background noise. In this case 5 28 reagent blank samples per run on 4 separate instrument runs (n=20) would be completed and 3 33 1 standard deviations of the background analyte level may be used as a good indicator of LOD. 2 The limit of quantification (LOQ) can be a mathematical determination based on the LOD. The 3 LOQ is calculated by multiplying the LOD x 3 (in most cases). 4 No Authentic Blank Matrix 5 If no authentic blank matrix can be found and background levels of the analyte are 6 appreciable, a different approach will be needed. Run 5 reagent blanks per day, for 4 days, 7 through the digestion procedure and calculate the standard deviation (SD) of the background 8 noise for these blanks. LOD = 3SD; LOQ = 3LOD 9 Since all approaches may give varied results for LOQ, an experiment could be conducted 10 where solutions of the analyte of interest are prepared at increasing intervals between the lowest 11 and highest calculated LOQ. If multiple injections of a particular solution has acceptable 12 precision then this concentration would be indicative of the LOQ. 13 14 Method Recovery 15 The recovery of the analyte(s) by the method for each validated matrix is to be 16 determined by the analysis of that matrix fortified with a specified amount of the analyte(s)20. 17 Recovery studies are to be carried out on a minimum of three fortification levels. These levels 18 should be chosen depending on the intended use for the method, and whether authentic blank 19 matrix can be found. Five replicated analyses at each fortification level shall be carried on 3 20 separate days. Calculate the mean, standard deviation and % relative standard deviation for each 21 of the three levels. 22 Blank Matrix with MRL/Target Level 23 If authentic blank material is available, and there is a published concentration of 24 importance (ie. Canadian MRL for mercury in fresh tuna is 0.5 ug/g) then spike levels should be 25 a factor of this MRL. Spike at ½MRL, 1MRL, and 2MRL with each level replicated 5 times 26 over three days. 27 Blank Matrix with no MRL/Target Level 34 1 If authentic blank material is available, and there is not a published concentration of 2 importance then spike levels should be a factor of the LOD. Spike at 3LOD, 10LOD, and the 3 tissue equivalent concentration of the upper limit of the calibration curve. Each level will be 4 replicated 5 times over three days. 5 No Blank Matrix with MRL/Target Level 6 If authentic blank material cannot be found, a surrogate matrix (one in which low or non- 7 detectable levels of the analyte(s) of interest are present) may be used to fulfill validation 8 requirements. If an appropriate surrogate matrix cannot be found, spike solution is added to 9 previously characterized tissue so that target concentration(s) (background level + spike added) 10 of tissue are equal to ½ MRL, 1MRL and 2MRL with each level replicated 5 times over three 11 days. 12 No Blank Matrix with no MRL/Target Level 13 If authentic blank matrix cannot be found and there is no published MRL or 14 concentration of interest a surrogate matrix (one in which low or non-detectable levels of the 15 analyte(s) of interest are present) may be used to fulfill validation requirements. If an 16 appropriate surrogate matrix cannot be found, spike levels will be determined based on the 17 previously characterized analyte concentration(s). A low, medium, and high spike level will be 18 used for this study, ie. spike equivalent to ½X, 1X, and 2X (or upper limit of the calibration 19 curve) of the analytical range of the characterized tissue concentration. 20 In all scenarios, spiking at the LOQ may be required for verification purposes (if 21 possible). Calculate average spike recovery for each level, standard deviation and percent 22 relative standard deviation (%RSD) and compare to Table 2 above. 23 24 25 Repeatability As noted previously in the discussion of calibration approaches, there are two types of 26 repeatability that are to be determined. The first type is a function of the instrument. Instrument 27 repeatability is determined by repeat injections of the standards as well as a fortified sample at 35 1 each of the fortification levels. The second type is the method repeatability. It is determined by 2 replicate extraction and analysis of a fortified or incurred material at or near each of the 3 fortification levels. If a CRM is available, it may be used in repeatability experiments. 4 Instrument Repeatability 5 Inject each of the standard solutions that are used to prepare the working calibration 6 curve as well as an incurred or fortified sample at each of the spike levels 5 times. These 7 injections should be done in random order to prevent any sort of bias. Calculate average, 8 standard deviation and percent relative standard deviation (%RSD). 9 Method Repeatability 10 Prepare pools of sample material with levels of the analyte(s) at or near the same 11 concentrations that were used for the method recovery studies. This may be done by using 12 incurred material or by fortifying material (blank or incurred) with the required amount of the 13 analyte(s). Prepare five replicate extracts of each of these samples and analyse on the same day. 14 This process is to be repeated on two other days. Calculate average, standard deviation and 15 percent relative standard deviation (%RSD). 16 17 18 Intermediate Precision This parameter is used to determine if there are biases in the method. The bias can come 19 from the analyst, instrumentation, or other sources. To study this parameter prepare pools of 20 sample material with, either incurred or fortified, levels of the analyte(s) at or near the same 21 concentrations that were used for the recovery and repeatability studies. The same material may 22 be used as was prepared for the repeatability studies if sufficient is remaining. As a minimum 23 the study must be carried out by an additional analyst over three separate days. The second 24 analyst is to prepare all fresh reagents and the samples are to be extracted and analysed in 5 25 replicates over three separate days by the second analyst. If multiple instruments are available 26 then the study by the second analyst must be carried out on the second instrument, to take into 27 account any instrument bias. 36 1 2 3 Measurement Uncertainty The uncertainty of a result from a chemical analysis can be caused by many issues. In 4 practice the uncertainty on the result may arise from many possible sources, including examples 5 such as incomplete definition, sampling, matrix effects and interferences, environmental 6 conditions, uncertainties of masses and volumetric equipment, reference values, approximations 7 and assumptions incorporated in the measurement method and procedure, and random 8 variation.8, 28 9 A document which provides extensive guidance on the estimation of measurement 10 uncertainty in analytical methods is available from Eurachem29. Rather than attempting to 11 calculate the uncertainty from each factor independently and combining the results, our approach 12 is to the look at the methodology as a whole and group the uncertainty into two categories: 13 Accuracy and Precision. 14 15 Data sets that are to be considered for Accuracy are; recovery, CRM data, PT samples 16 etc. Data to be included with precision are; intermediate precision, in-house check samples, 17 CRM data, etc. The relative uncertainty for the method is calculated by determining square root 18 of the sum of the squares of the respective relative uncertainties for accuracy and precision. 19 UofM 20 2 ( RU (accuracy) RU ( precision) 2 21 22 23 Ruggedness 24 25 The ruggedness of an analytical method is the resistance to change in the results produced 26 by an analytical method when minor deviations are made from the experimental conditions 27 described in the procedure. The ruggedness of a method is tested by deliberately introducing 28 small changes to the procedure and examining the effect on the results. Methods should be 37 1 ruggedness tested as the last stage of method development, prior to method validation. 2 Ruggedness testing should not be used to determine critical control points (these should be 3 determined earlier during method development) and critical control points should not be included 4 in ruggedness testing, as they are known to have a significant impact on the analysis. 5 Ruggedness testing does not need to be performed for each matrix tested as this examination of 6 matrix effects should be performed in method development. The matrix used for ruggedness 7 testing should be as representative as possible of the proposed workload, i.e. the most common 8 matrix, or the matrix intermediate in a quality for which the typical matrices cover a wide variety 9 (non-fat, low-fat, high-fat). 10 11 Examples of variables to be tested include 12 pH 13 temperature (extraction, evaporation) 14 solvent/acids 15 reagents (age, source, concentrations) 16 delays in the method 17 analytical columns 18 SPE cartridges 19 sample weight 20 extraction/digestion (time, technique, solvents/acids) 21 different instruments 22 23 The easiest approach is to use Youden’s factorial approach10, where seven variables can 24 be combined in a specific manner to determine the effects of all seven variables using eight 25 combinations in a single experiment. If the method has fewer variables to be tested, then blanks 26 can be included, or variables can be examined individually. The experiment should also be 27 carried out in duplicate in order to eliminate the possibility of a single sample affecting the 28 outcome. Values for each sample should be spike recoveries or concentrations if 29 incurred/fortified tissue is being used. 30 31 38 Sample Factor Combinations Measurement 1 ABCDEFG s 2 ABcDefg t 3 AbCdEfg u 4 AbcdeFG v 5 aBCdeFg w 6 aBcdEfG x 7 abCDefG y 8 abcDEFg z 1 2 To determine effect of individual factor, 3 [(s + t + u + v)/4] – [(w + x + y + z)/4] = J 4 Effect of A and a: 5 This simplifies to: 6 Effect of B and b: [(s + t + w + x)/4] – [(u + v + y + z)/4] = K 7 Effect of C and c: [(s + u + w + y)/4] – [(t + v + x + z)/4] = L 8 Effect of D and d: [(s + t + y + z)/4] – [(u + v + w + x)/4] = M 9 Effect of E and e: [(s + u + x + z)/4] – [(t + v + w + y)/4] = N 10 Effect of F and f: [(s + v + w + z)/4] – [(t + u + x + y)/4] = O 11 Effect of G and g: [(s + v + x + y)/4] – [(t + u + w + z)/4] = P (4A/4) – (4a/4) = J 12 13 After calculating the differences between factors (J-P) examine those values. Small 14 changes in factors with larger differences can lead to significant changes in results. Determine 15 which factors create statistically significant changes by performing a two-sample t-test assuming 16 equal variance for each factor. If the p-value is <0.05 the factor is significant, if the p-value is 17 >0.15 the factor is not significant, and if 0.05<p<0.15 the factor may be significant. 18 19 If factors are determined to be significant the procedural instructions dealing with those 20 factors should be made more specific and the ruggedness testing repeated, including those factors 21 with intermediate p-values (0.05<p<0.15). These factors may be determined to be critical 39 1 control points, and if this is the case the procedural instructions should be changed to reflect an 2 acceptable variance. 3 4 If intermediate precision data are available then an additional comparison may be made. 5 Comparing the standard deviation of the method as determined in intermediate precision testing 6 to the standard deviation of the differences of factors examined during ruggedness testing may 7 reveal that a combination of factors has a significant effect on the method even though no 8 individual factors have a significant effect on the method. In this case the procedural instructions 9 should be made more specific and the ruggedness testing should be repeated using the more 10 specific instructions. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 40 1 2 3 4 Example of an Experimental Method Validation Plan for Tin in Canned Foods 5 Method Title: Validation of a Method for the Determination of Tin (Sn) in Canned Pears 6 Project Participants: Analyst 1, Analyst 2, Analyst 3 7 Start Date: January 1, 2009 8 Projected Completion Date: March 31, 2009 9 Instrument(s): ICP-OES 10 MRL/Target Level: 250 ug/g 11 NOTE: For this validation plan, authentic blank pears for Sn was found. 12 13 Linearity Survey: 14 Analysis of standard solutions prepared at equal concentration intervals (minimum 6) to 15 determine at what concentration the calibration curve is no longer linear. Should include 16 expected concentration of samples if known. 17 18 Analytical Range: 19 Determined using the LOQ as the lower limit and the upper end of the linear range as the 20 upper limit. 21 22 Matrix Effects: 23 Blank pear material is digested and as per the method. The resulting digest is then used 24 as diluent to prepare a calibration curve. A neat standard curve (ie. 10% HCl) is also 25 prepared. The neat and matrix fortified standards are run on the same day on the ICP- 26 OES to determine if slope of curves are similar. If similar, then neat standards can be 27 prepared for the remainder of the validation experiments and for quantifying samples. If 28 slopes are different (>10% difference), then matrix fortified calibration curves will need 29 to be prepared for the remainder of the validation experiments and for quantifying 30 samples. 41 1 2 LOD/LOQ: 3 Since authentic blank pears can be found, run 20 blank matrix tissue samples through 4 digestion over 4 days and measure the noise level for each. Calculate the average noise 5 and standard deviation of the 20 data points. LOD may be calculated several ways such 6 as LOD = 3SD or LOD = noise + 3SD, or using the approach as outlined by Miller and 7 Miller (1988). LOQ = 3LOD. Since all approaches may give varied results for LOQ, an 8 experiment should be conducted where solutions of tin are prepared at increasing 9 intervals between the lowest and highest calculated LOQ. If multiple injections of a 10 particular solution has an acceptable precision, then this concentration is the LOQ. 11 12 Stability: 13 Analyte in standard solution: 14 Compare a freshly prepared working standard to one that has been made and stored. 15 Measure at intervals over a specified time period to determine Sn stability in solution. 16 17 Analyte in matrix: 18 Run a canned pear sample at specified time intervals over the time that the sample would 19 typically be stored to see if Sn levels degrade or concentrate. Ensure standards used for 20 the calibration curve are not degraded or expired. 21 22 Analyte in sample digest: 23 Digest a sample with a known concentration of tin and measure daily for a period of a 24 week. 25 26 Recovery: 27 Since blank pear matrix is available and an MRL exists, fortify blank matrix at 3 levels: 28 ½ MRL, 1MRL and 2MRL. Run five samples per level, on 3 separate days. 29 30 Repeatability: 42 1 Instrument: 2 Inject each of the standards of the calibration curve, as well as a CRM or fortified 3 samples, five times in random order on the same day. 4 5 Method: 6 Make pooled pear material at three levels ½ MRL, 1MRL and 2MRL. Run five samples 7 per each level over 3 separate days. If a CRM exists for Sn in canned pears (or canned 8 fruit) incorporate this into these experiments. 9 10 11 Intermediate Precision: 12 A second analyst in the same laboratory repeats the procedure for method repeatability as 13 above. If possible use a different ICP-OES instrument. 14 15 Reproducibility: 16 Using our methodology, other laboratories would analyze pooled material at 3 levels as 17 well CRMs if available. 18 19 Measurement Uncertainty: 20 Data from recovery/repeatability experiments will be used to determine accuracy and 21 precision. Upon implementation of the method, these values will be updated with 22 analytical sample data as well as check sample data. 23 24 Other: 25 Other analyses may be required to further validate the method for use in the chemistry 26 section. Analysis of CRM, inter-laboratory samples, proficiency samples and in-house check 27 samples add to the method validation data and should be included as this data is available. 28 29 30 43 1 References 1 ISO (1999). ISO/IEC-17025: General requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva. 2 CAC (1997). CAC/GL 27-1997. Guidelines for the Assessment of the Competence of Testing Laboratories Involved in the Import and Export Control of Food. 3 Thompson, M., & Wood, R. (1995). Harmonized Guidelines for Internal Quality Control in Analytical Chemistry Laboratories. Pure & Appl. Chem. 67: 649-666. 4 Thompson, M. and Wood, R. 1993. International Harmonized Protocol for Proficiency Testing of (Chemical) Analytical Laboratories. Pure & Appl. Chem. 65: 2132-2144. 5 CAC (2009). Codex Alimentarius Commission Procedural Manual, 17th ed., Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Program; ftp://ftp.fao.org/codex/Publications/ProcManuals/Manual_17e.pdf; accessed March 24, 2009. 6 CAC (2008). ALINORM 08/31/23; Report of the twenty-ninth session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling, Budapest, Hungary, 10 - 14 March 2008, Appendix II, pp. 31-33; http://www.codexalimentarius.net/download/report/699/al31_23e.pdf; accessed March 24, 2009. 7 ISO 8402 (1994). 8 Eurachem (1998). The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods - A Laboratory Guide to Method Validation and Related Topics. http://www.eurachem.org/guides/valid.pdf; accessed March 24, 2009. 9 Thompson, M., Ellison, S.L.R., and R. Wood. 2002. Harmonized Guidelines for Single Laboratory Validation of Methods of Analysis. (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure Appl. Chem., Vol. 74, No. 5, pp. 835–855. 10 Youden, W.J., & Steiner, E.H. (1975) Statistical Manual of the AOAC, pp.33-36. 11 AC (2007). Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods - Codex Stan 193-1995, Rev.3-2007. 12 EU (2006). Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs. Official Journal of the European Union, L 364: 5-24. 44 13 . 14 EU (2001). COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 2001/22/EC of 8 March 2001 laying down the sampling methods and the methods of analysis for the official control of the levels of lead, cadmium, mercury and 3-MCPD in foodstuffs. Official Journal of the European Union, L77: 14-21 HC (2009). Food & Drug Act and Regulations, B.15.003; http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/showtdm/cr/C.R.C.-c.870; accessed March 25, 2009. 15 HC (2007). Canadian Standards ("Maximum Limits") for Various Chemical Contaminants in Foods, Heakth Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada; http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fnan/securit/chem-chim/contaminants-guidelines-directives-eng.php; accessed March 25, 2009. 16 IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology (Gold Book). International Union of Applied Chemistry, copyright 2005-2008. http://goldbook.iupac.org 17 Anon (1998). AOAC PEER-VERIFIED METHODS PROGRAM- MANUAL ON POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. AOAC International. 18 Alder, L, Holland, PT, Lantos, J, Lee, M, MacNeil, JD, O’Rangers, J, van Zoonen, P, Ambrus, A. 2000. Guidelines for Single-Laboratory Validation of Analytical Methods for Trace-level Concentrations of Organic Chemicals in Principles and Practices of Method Validation, Fajgelj, A, & Ambrus, A (ed.).ISBN 0-85404-783-2. The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, pp. 179-248 (see also: Alder, L, Holland, PT, Lantos, J, Lee, M, MacNeil, JD, O’Rangers, J, van Zoonen, P, Ambrus, A. 2000. Report of the AOAC/FAO/IAEA/IUPAC Expert Consultation on Single-Laboratory Validation of Analytical Methods for Trace-Level Concentrations of Organic Chemicals, Miskolc, Hungary, November 8-11, 1999. Report published on the website of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): http://www.iaea.org/trc) 19 EU (2002). European Communities Commission Decision 2002/657/EC, implementing Council Directive 96/23/EC concerning the performance of analytical methods and the interpretation of results. Off. J. European Communities 17.8: L221/8- L221-36. 20 Thompson, M., Ellison, S.L.R., Fajgelj, A., WILLETTS, P. & WOOD, R. (1999). Harmonized guidelines for the use of recovery information in analytical measurement. Pure & Applied Chemistry 71 (2): 337-348. 21 den Boef, G. & Hulanicki, A. (1983). Recommendations for the usage of selective, selectivity and related terms in analytical chemistry. Pure & Applied Chemistry 55 (3): 553-556. 22 Horwitz, W., Kamps, L. R. and Boyer, K. W. (1980) J. Assoc. Off. Anal.Chem., 1980, 63, 1344. 23 Horwitz, W. and Albert, R. (1996) J. AOAC Int., 79, 589. 45 24 Thompson, M. Analyst, 2000, 125, 385-386). 25 IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology, Electronic version, http://goldbook.iupac.org/C00778.html; accessed April 13, 2009. 26 IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology, Electronic version; http://goldbook.iupac.org/A00332.html; accessed April 13, 2009. 27 Miller J.C., Miller J.N., 1988. Statistics for Analytical Chemistry, 2nd Edition, New York, Ellis Horwood Limited. 28 Standards Council of Canada. 2005. CAN-P-4E (ISO/IEC 17025:2005) General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories. 29 Ellison, S.L.R., Rosslein, M., & Williams, A., ed. (2000). Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement, Second Edition. EURACHEM / CITAC Guide CG4; http://www.eurachem.org/guides/QUAM2000-1.pdf; accessed March 27, 2009. 46