WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY PROPOSAL FOR NEW COURSES Department ____Computer Science______________________________ ___468_______ Course No. Date ____3/29/05______ ____Algorithms in Bioinformatics ________ Course Name This proposal is for a(n) ___X__ Undergraduate Course ___3___ Credits ______ Graduate Course Applies to: ___X__ Major ___X__ Required ______ Elective Prerequisites ____CS 341, CS 368 and BIOL 310_______________________________________ Grading method __X____ Grade only ______ Minor _____ Required _____ Elective ______ P/NC only ______ University Studies* ____ Grade and P/NC Option Frequency of offering ___every other year______ *For University Studies Program course approval, the form Proposal for University Studies Courses must also be completed and submitted according to the instructions on that form. Provide the following information (attach materials to this proposal): A. Course Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Rationale 1. 2. 3. C. Statement of the major focus and objectives of the course. Specify how this new course contributes to the departmental curriculum. Indicate any course(s) which may be dropped if this course is approved. Impact of this Course on other Departments, Programs, Majors, or Minors 1. 2. D. Catalog description. Course outline of the major topics and subtopics (minimum of two-level outline). Basic instructional plan and methods. Course requirements (papers, lab work, projects, etc.) and means of evaluation. Course materials (textbook(s), articles, etc.). List of references. Does this course increase or decrease the total credits required by a major or minor of any other department? If so, which department(s)? List the departments, if any, which have been consulted about this proposal. University Studies Course Proposals The form Proposal for University Studies Course must also be completed and submitted according to the instructions on that form. Attach a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet. Attach an Approval Form. Department Contact Person for this Proposal: ____Mingrui Zhang__________________________ Name (please print) _507-457-2980__ Phone e-mail address A. Course Description 1. Catalog description. CS 468 – Algorithms in Bioinformatics 3 S.H. Theory-oriented approach to the design and analysis of contemporary algorithms, and their applications to bioinformatics. This course offers an exposition of the algorithmic principles driving advances in the field of bioinformatics. Data modeling, algorithm design techniques such as dynamic programming and divide-andconquer, and machine learning algorithms are discussed in the contexts of genomics and proteomics. Credit will only be given for one of CS 440, CS 468, and CS 469. Prerequisite: CS 341, CS 368 and BIOL 310. 2. Course outline of the major topics and subtopics (minimum of two-level outline). I. Introduction a) Review of fundamental biology concepts for bioinformatics i. Genes and the genetic code ii. Transcription, translation, and protein synthesis b) Overview of computer algorithms for solving bioinformatics problems II. Data Representations a) Table, list, heap, stack and tree b) Data as maps and sequences c) Mapping and Phylogeneics i. Physical mapping of DNA ii. Restriction site mapping, hybridization mapping iii. Phylogenetic trees III. Algorithms and Their Complexity a) The RAM model of computing b) Time and space complexity, Big-O notation c) Algorithm design techniques i. Exhaustive search ii. Branch-and-bound algorithms iii. Greedy algorithms iv. Dynamic programming v. Divide-and-conquer algorithms vi. Randomized algorithms vii. Machine learning d) Tractable versus intractable problems e) Sequence alignments i. Comparison of two sequences ii. General and affine gap penalty functions iii. Comparing multiple sequences iv. Sequence searching statistics and significance f) Fragment assembly of DNA i. The biological process of DNA sequencing ii. Shortest common Superstring iii. Reconstruction iv. Multicontigs IV. Advanced Topics a) Gene recognition and prediction i. Gene structure and open reading frame ii. Algorithms and techniques b) Proteomics i. The protein folding problem ii. Branch and bound techniques for protein threading iii. Protein structure prediction c) Microarray Analysis d) Genetic Algorithms V. A project on a chosen field of bioinformatics. 3. Basic instructional plan and methods. This course needs to strike a balance between practical computer algorithms and their applications to bioinformatics, emphasizing the ideas underlying computer algorithms rather than offering a collection of apparently unrelated problems and their solutions. Following the introduction to the theories of computer algorithms and their designs, their applications need to be discussed. Guest speakers may be invited to give talks in their expertise areas. Students will apply the theories covered in class in a major project, and make presentations to the class. Student project during the class period may lead to either a capstone project or research project later. Appropriate field trips, e.g., to Mayo Clinic’s Genomics Center, may be arranged for students. 4. Course requirements (papers, lab work, projects, etc.) and means of evaluation. 5. Course materials (textbook(s), articles, etc.). 6. Two exams to assess student’s understanding of fundamentals (40%) A set of 3-4 smaller projects for student to get hand-on experience with computer algorithms. (20%) A major term-project (30%) o Instructor helps student to identify a problem, and to develop a computer algorithm for solving the problem. o Group project of 2-3 students. o 25 minutes oral presentation. Research paper presentation. (10%) Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos, Algorithm Design, Addison-Wesley, 2005. Neil C. Jones and Pavel A. Pevzner, An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms, MIT Press, 2004. Software: Perl, Matlab with Bioinformatics toolbox. List of references. William Smyth, Computing Patterns in Strings, Addison-Wesley, 2003. Pavel A. Pevzner, Computational Molecular Biology: An Algorithmic Approach, MIT Press, 2nd edition, 2001. D. E. Krane and M. L. Raymer, Fundamental Concepts in Bioinformatics, Benjamin Cummings, 2002. Peter Clote, Rolf Backofen, Computational Molecular Biology: An Introduction, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2000 Gusfield, D., Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences -- Computer Science and Computational Biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (1997). Videos: B. 20th Century with Mike Wallace: The DNA Revolution, History Channel. Rationale 1. Statement of the major focus and objectives of the course. This course is taught to students with interests in the design of computer algorithms for solving bioinformatics related problems. The algorithms to be developed are data-oriented, where the data is the huge magnitude of DNA and protein sequences. Computer algorithms need to be adapted before their applications. As such, bioinformatics provides an excellent environment, as well as examples, for discussing design issues of computer algorithms. 2. Specify how this new course contributes to the departmental curriculum. Bioinformatics is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary area. The increase in the computational aspects of the field makes bioinformatics an excellent example for presenting and discussing algorithm designs with regard to DNA and protein sequences. The course will broaden student knowledge about the data-driven algorithms and their designs for solving real-world problems. Computer Science is broadening to include areas of emphases related to other disciplines. This course will serve the course requirements for the Bioinformatics track. 3. Indicate any course(s) which may be dropped if this course is approved. None. C. Impact of this Course on other Departments, Programs, Majors, or Minors 1. Does this course increase or decrease the total credits required by a major or minor of any other department? If so, which department(s)? This course is not required by any other major or minor. 2. List the departments, if any, which have been consulted about this proposal. Biology at RCTC and WSU, and Mathematics at WSU. WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY FINANCIAL AND STAFFING DATA SHEET Course or Program_____CS 468_______________________ Include a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet with any proposal for a new course, new program, or revised program. Please answer the following questions completely. Provide supporting data. 1. Would this course or program be taught with existing staff or with new or additional staff? If this course would be taught by adjunct faculty, include a rationale. Existing staff will cover this new course. 2. What impact would approval of this course/program have on current course offerings? Please discuss number of sections of current offerings, dropping of courses, etc. This course is part of the new CS curriculum being proposed. In the new curriculum, some existing courses are eliminated, existing course content is reorganized, and some courses no longer require multiple sections per semester. Thus, we will be able to offer this new core course every other year. 3. What effect would approval of this course/program have on the department supplies? Include data to support expenditures for staffing, equipment, supplies, instructional resources, etc. No impact. WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY APPROVAL FORM Routing form for new and revised courses and programs. Course or Program____CS 468________________________ Department Recommendation _________________________________ Department Chair ________________ Date Dean’s Recommendation _____ Approved _________________________________ Dean of College A2C2 Recommendation _____ Disapproved ________________ Date _____ Approved _____ Disapproved _________________________________ Chair of A2C2 ________________ Date Graduate Council Recommendation (if applicable) _____ Approved _________________________________ Chair of Graduate Council ________________ Date _________________________________ Director of Graduate Studies ________________ Date Faculty Senate Recommendation _____ Approved _________________________________ President of Faculty Senate _____ Disapproved _____ Disapproved ________________ Date Academic Vice President Recommendation _____ Approved ________________________________ Academic Vice President Decision of President _____ Approved _________________________________ President ____________________________________________ e-mail address _____ Disapproved ________________ Date _____ Disapproved ________________ Date Please forward to Registrar. Registrar _________________ Date entered Please notify department chair via e-mail that curricular change has been recorded.