Checklist for an effective academic essay

Checklist for an effective academic essay
1. Word choice and clear, powerful language
1.1 ‘Things’ and ‘stuff’ are vague. Say exactly what you mean.
1.2 ‘Big’ and ‘good’ and other basic vocabulary are too simple. Use a dictionary or thesaurus. Take risks
with new vocabulary!
1.3 Do not over-depend on online translation machines for full phrases and sentences. Use them
cautiously because they are often incorrect.
1.4 Avoid ‘you.’ It confronts the reader too strongly. Use the third person or an alternative structure.
Example: You have to organize your ideas before you write.  Students should organize their ideas
before they write.
1.5 Avoid ‘etc.’ and ‘and so on.’ Example: People commute to work using cars, trains etc.  People
commute to work using cars and trains among other forms of transportation
2. Sentence structure
2.1 Use the active voice when you can. Example: Four principles were developed by the European
Union.  The European Union developed four principles.
2.2 ALWAYS check for your subject and verb.
2.3 Take risks on compound and complex sentences rather than short and simple ones.
2.4 Use transitions (Moreover, Consequently) but do not overuse them.
2.5 Avoid beginning a sentence with “And” “so” and “but.” And  Additionally, …as well, Moreover; So
 Consequently, Thus; But  However.
2.6 Do not use parentheses (like this). Say what you want to say or take it out.
3. Paragraph structure
3.1 Write a clear, specific topic sentence. Make sure it relates to your thesis. Connect it to the preceding
3.2 Check that your paragraph is focused. There should be only ONE topic per paragraph
3.3 Make sure there is plenty of support. A strong paragraph has at least five sentences.
3.4 Conclude the paragraph clearly and specifically about the paragraph topic.
3.5 Beginning writers start a paragraph with “First… Second… and Third.” More advanced writers
experiment! Try transitioning to a new paragraph using ideas from the previous paragraph.
4. Essay success
4.1 Pre-write! Do lots of brainstorming and organizing of ideas. Develop a system that works for you.
4.2 Proofread. Read and re-read your essay to find problems.
4.3 Find a support network. Ask a classmate to read through your essay.
4.4 Seek out your teacher or another teacher of that class. Go to the Writing Center. Talk your ideas
through with a tutor, but STAY with the original ideas of the first draft. The tutor should NOT help you rewrite it!
4.5 Read instructor and peer feedback very carefully. Make improvements.
4.6 Review your course materials and text for guidance on essay components.