Nuclear Data Section International Atomic Energy Agency P.O.Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria Memo CP-D/800 Date: To: From: 27 July 2013 Distribution N. Otsuka Subject: Dictionary transmission 9106 Dictionary transmission 9106 is available in three formats (Trans, Archive and Backup) from the following place: These dictionaries in zipped form are also available:;O=D. All memos submitted no later than 27 June (for dictionary 1, 2, 4, 16, 24-25, 3035, 37, 236) and 27 June (for other dictionaries) are considered in this update. Viktor Zerkin (NDS) made dictionary processing codes (DAN2X4101, executable for LINUX and Windows machines. This update is therefore done without the VMS Alpha server! MAKE_BACK_PC, NUC_DICT) Dictionary 227 (natural isotopic mixtures and nuclides) was updated based on the new mass evaluation NUBASE2012 [1]. Following the Conclusion 12 of the NRDC 2013 meeting, dictionary 9-14, 27, 36, 42, 44, 124-125 and 136 are not included in the transmission. The dictionary was inspected by Nicolas Soppera (NEA DB). He reported that JANIS detects 24 uses of quantities (SF5-SF8) not defined in dictionary 236 on the latest EXFOR Master (Ver.2013-06-21) with this new dictionary. (It was detecting 51 such error messages with the previous dictionary.). The parameter code CRL (Correlation) and all quantity codes defined with this parameter code were made obsolete following Conclusion 19 of the NRDC 2013 Meeting. See also CP-D/748. New quantity codes with the branch code. Additional changes introduced in this memo 1. Addition of new codes Dictionary 3 (Institute Codes) 3INDCCT Calicut University, Calicut 3INDMNP Manipal University, Manipal Dictionary 6 (Reports) 3INDCCT Calicut University, Calicut 3INDMNP Manipal University, Manipal Dictionary 213 (Reaction types) PYE Product yield d/dAngle PZE Partial multiplicity at resonance 2. Change in expansions Dictionary 3 (Institute Codes) 1USANCS North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC Dictionary 6 (Reports) 3INDCCT Calicut University, Calicut 3INDMNP Manipal University, Manipal 3. Change coded information Dictionary 5 (Journals) RE (Extinct) Dictionary 23 (Analysis codes) DIFFR (Special use code PHOT restored. See CP-D/220.) LEAST (Special use code PHOT restored. See CP-D/220.) PHDIF (Special use code PHOT restored. See CP-D/220.) PLA (Special use code PHOT restored. See CP-D/220.) REDUC (Special use code PHOT restored. See CP-D/220.) REGUL (Special use code PHOT restored. See CP-D/220.) THIES (Special use code PHOT restored. See CP-D/220.) Dictionary 236 (Analysis codes) ,ETA (Unit family code changed to YLD.) ,ETA,,RES (Unit family code changed to YLD.) PAR,MLT/DA (Reaction type changed to PZA.) ,PY/DE,,TT/NPD (Reaction type changed to PZA.) All corrections (except trivial editorial corrections) are summarized below. “Status” gives alteration flags and status codes defined in EXFOR/CINDA Dictionary Manual. Dict. Status Code Expansion Memo 003 MTRA 1USANCS North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC This memo 003 MTRA 3BZLUSP Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Editorial 003 ATRA 3INDCCT Calicut University, Calicut This memo 003 ATRA 3INDMNP Manipal University, Manipal This memo 003 MTRA 3VN NNR Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM), Hanoi CP-D/792 003 ATRA 3VN STH Institute of Nuclear Science and Technique, Hanoi CP-D/792 003 ATRA 4KASAFU Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty CP-F/009 003 MTRA 4UKRKHU Kharkivsky Natsionalny Univ. "V.N. Karazin", Kharkiv CP-D/796 005 SEXT PKL Problemy Yadernoj Fiziki i Kosmicheskikh Luchej CP-D/796 005 SEXT RE Radiation Effects This memo 006 ATRA A-IPNO- Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Orsay Activity Report CP-N/113 006 ATRA IC- Internat.Centre for Theoretical Physics, reports This memo 006 DCIN IPNO- Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Orsay reports CP-N/113 006 MTRA IPNO-PHN- Inst. de Phys. Nucl. Orsay Reports (Nucl.Phys.) CP-N/113 006 MTRA IPNO-RC- Inst. de Phys. Nucl. Orsay Reports (Radiochem.) CP-N/113 006 MTRA IPNO-TH- Inst. de Physique Nucleaire Orsay thesis CP-N/113 006 MTRA UU-NF- Uppsala Univ., Neutron Physics Lab. Reports CP-N/115 007 ATRA 82GAITHERS 4.Symp.on Radiation Dosimetry,Washington D.C. 1982 CP-D/788 007 SOBS 82WASH 4.Symp.on Radiation Dosimetry,Washington D.C. 1982 CP-D/788 019 MTRA HARD Hardened This memo 019 MTRA KINDT Kinematically determined This memo 019 ATRA POLPS Polarized on source CP-E/152 023 MTRA AREA Area analysis Editorial 023 MTRA DIFFR Difference spectrum This memo 023 MTRA LEAST Least structure method This memo 023 MTRA MLA Multilevel analysis Editorial 023 MTRA PHDIF Photon difference This memo 023 MTRA PLA Penfold-Leiss method This memo 023 MTRA REDUC Reduction method This memo 023 MTRA REGUL Regularization method This memo 023 MTRA RFN R-function formalism Editorial 023 MTRA SHAPE Shape analysis Editorial 023 MTRA SLA Single level analysis Editorial 023 MTRA THIES Thies's method This memo 024 ATRA TIME-IRRD Irradiation time CP-D/784 025 ATRA PRD/IN/MEV products per inc. proj. per MeV CP-F/008 031 ATRA CRN More than two products are specified CP-D/786 032 SOBS CRL Correlation This memo 034 ATRA CH per electric charge CP-D/790 207 ATRA MOLNAR Molnar, Handbook of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis CP-D/787 213 ATRA PYE Product yield d/dAngle This memo 213 ATRA PZA Partial multiplicity at resonance This memo 236 MTRA (CUM),FY Fission-product yield (uncertain if cumulative) CP-D/783 236 MTRA (CUM),PY Product yield (uncertain if cumulative) CP-D/783 236 MTRA (CUM),SIG Cross section (uncertain if cumulative) CP-D/783 236 MTRA (CUM),SIG,G Gamma prod. cross sect.(uncertain if cumulative) CP-D/783 236 MTRA (CUM),TTY Sat.thick/thin target yield (uncertain if cum.) CP-D/783 236 MTRA (CUM),TTY,,DT Prod.thick/thin target yld (uncertain if cum.) CP-D/783 236 MOBS (CUM)/(M)/UND,SIG Cross section,uncert. if cum or +meta,undef. CP-D/783 236 MTRA (CUM)/M+,SIG Cross section,incl.isom.trans.,uncert.if cum CP-D/783 236 MOBS (CUM)/UND,SIG Cross section, undef.react.(uncertain if cum.) CP-D/783 236 MTRA ,ETA Neutron yield (Eta) This memo 236 MTRA ,ETA,,RES Eta at resonance This memo 236 ATRA ,MLT,,TT/CH Multiplicity for thick target per electric charge CP-D/790 236 ATRA ,MLT/DA,G,TT/CH Thick target gamma mult.d/dA per electric charge CP-D/790 236 ATRA ,MLT/DE,,TT/CH Thick target multipl. d/dE per electric charge CP-D/790 236 ATRA ,PY,,TT/CH Thick target production yld. per electric charge CP-D/790 236 ATRA ,PY/DA,,TT/CH Thick target prod. yld. d/dA per electric charge CP-D/790 236 ATRA ,PY/DA/DE,,TT/CH Thick d/dA/dE per electric charge CP-D/790 236 ATRA ,PY/DE,,TT Diff.product yield d/dE for thick target CP-F/008 236 MTRA ,PY/DE,,TT/NPD d/dE f.thick target prob.dist. This memo 236 SOBS ,TTY/MLT Outg.part.mult.f.thick tgt,fct.of beam curr. CP-D/790 236 SOBS ,TTY/MLT/DA Thick target mult.d/dA,fct.of beam current CP-D/790 236 SOBS ,TTY/MLT/DA,G Thick targ.mult.d/dA,fct.of beam curr., for g CP-D/790 236 SOBS ,TTY/MLT/DA/DE Thick target mult.d/dA/dE,fct.of beam current CP-D/790 236 SOBS ,TTY/MLT/DE Thick target mult.d/dE,fct.of beam current CP-D/790 236 SOBS ,TTY/PY Thick-target prod.yld(fct.of inc.beam curr.) CP-D/790 236 SOBS ,TTY/PY/DA Thk-targ.prd.yld(fct.of inc.beamcurr.)d/dA CP-D/790 236 SOBS ,TTY/PY/DA/DE Thk-targ.prd.yld(fct.of inc.beamcurr.)d/dAdE CP-D/790 236 SOBS IND,FY/CRL Independent yield of correlated fragment pairs This memo 236 SOBS IND,FY/CRL,LF/HF Indep.yield of correl.light/heavy fragm.pairs This memo 236 ATRA PAR,DA,,LEG/1K2 Partial to k**2 d/dA=Sum(a(L)*P(L)) CP-D/796 236 ATRA PAR,MLT,,TT/CH Partial thick target mulit. per electric charge CP-D/790 236 ATRA PAR,MLT,G,TT/CH Ptl.thick target gamma mult.per electric charge CP-D/790 236 MTRA PAR,MLT/DA Partial multiplicity d/dA This memo 236 ATRA PAR,MLT/DA,,TT/CH Ptl.thick target mult. d/dA per electric charge CP-D/790 236 ATRA PAR,MLT/DA,,RS0/TT/CH Ptl.thick targ.mult.d/dA per 0deg CP-D/790 236 ATRA PAR,MLT/DA,G,TT/CH Ptl.thick targ.gam.mult.d/dA per electric chrg. CP-D/790 236 ATRA PAR,POL/DA,G Diff. polarization for gamma-ray specified d/dA CP-N/114 236 ATRA PAR,PY/DA,,TT/CH for thick targ.per e.chrg. CP-D/790 236 MTRA PAR,PY/IPA,,TT d/dA for thick targ.,int.ang.range Editorial 236 SOBS PAR,TTY/MLT Partial thick target mult. as fct.of beam curr. CP-D/790 236 SOBS PAR,TTY/MLT/DA Partial thick target mult.d/dA,fct.of beam curr. CP-D/790 236 SOBS PAR,TTY/MLT/DA,,RS0 Ptl.thick target mult.d/dA,fct.of beam curr., 0 deg. CP-D/790 236 SOBS PAR,TTY/MLT,G Thick targ.multiplicity,fct.of beam curr., for g CP-D/790 236 SOBS PAR,TTY/MLT/DA,G Thick targ.mult.d/dA,fct.of beam curr., for g CP-D/790 236 SOBS PAR,TTY/PY,G Ptl.Thk-targ.prd.yld(fct.of inc.beamcurr.)for gammas CP-D/790 236 SOBS PAR,TTY/PY/DA Ptl.Thk-targ.prd.yld(fct.of inc.beamcurr.)d/dA CP-D/790 236 MOBS PAR/(CUM)/UND,SIG Partial cross section,undef.reac.,uncert.if cum. CP-D/783 236 MTRA PR,NU/DA/DE,N+*F/N Diff.prompt neut.mult.d/dA(n+frag.spec.)/dE(n) 4C-4/205 236 SOBS PR,SIG Prompt fission cross section CP-D/767 236 ATRA PR/TER,NU/DA,N+*F Diff.prompt neut.mult.d/dA(n+frag.spec.),ter.fis 4C-4/205 236 SOBS PRE,FY/CRL Primary of correl.frag. pairs This memo 236 SOBS PRE,FY/CRL,LF/HF Yield of correl.primary light/heavy fragm.pairs This memo 236 SOBS PRE/TER,KE/CRL,FF/A Energy correlation prim.fragment/tern.alphas This memo 236 SOBS PRE/TER/PAR,FY/CRL,A/FF Yield of alphas of This memo 236 SOBS SEC,FY/CRL Post-neutron-emiss.yield of correl.fragm.pairs This memo 236 SOBS TER,FY/CRL,*/*F (particle)/(fragment) correl., ternary fission This memo 236 SOBS TER,FY/CRL,*F Frag.given/(fragment) correl., ternary fission This memo 236 SOBS TER,FY/CRL,A Fragment given/alpha correl., ternary fission This memo 236 SOBS TER,FY/CRL,FF/FF Fragment/fragment correl., ternary fission This memo 236 SOBS TER,FY/CRL,HCP Fragm.gvn/heavy charged partl.corr.,tern.fiss. This memo 236 SOBS TER,FY/CRL,LCP Fragm.gvn/light charged partl.corr.,tern.fiss. This memo 236 SOBS TER,FY/CRL,LCP/HF Light chgd prt./heavy frag.corr.,tern.fiss. This memo 236 SOBS TER,FY/CRL,LCP/LF Light chgd prt./light frag.corr.,tern.fiss. This memo 236 SOBS TER,FY/CRL,LF/HF Light frag./heavy frag.correl.,tern.fission This memo Reference [1] G Audi et al., Chin. Phys. C 36 (2012) 1157. Distribution: