May 12, 2013 - St. John University Parish

MAY 19TH, 2013
WOMEN’S GUILD: The St. John’s Women’s Guild will meet
on Monday, May 20th, at 7:00pm in the parish hall. Please
bring a friend. We will be discussing the upcoming Women’s Spring
Luncheon. All women of the parish are invited—see you there.
~CLASS OF 2013~
CONGRATULATIONS to all the high school students
who will be graduating this week!! We pray that the
love of Christ and their faith accompany them in
all their future endeavors!
Parish Collection Report
Beginning of the New Fiscal Year
May 12, 2013
~Contributions needed weekly: $5,288.40~
Collection Total
Year to Date
Birth Choice/Mother’s Day $1,382.83
The Decent of the Holy
This Sunday we honor our high school graduates at the
9:30 am Mass, offering them our congratulations and
praying God's blessing on them in all their future
endeavors. It is an exciting moment for them in their
lives, and our best wishes and prayers are with them
always. We're also pleased this weekend to have with us
James Porter, a seminarian for the Diocese of Tulsa who
will be entering his fourth year of college seminary. He
will be with us through early August and helping out in
various parish ministries.
Today we celebrate the great Solemnity of Pentecost,
commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit as tongues
of flame upon Mary and the apostles gathered in the
Upper Room in Jerusalem. This was a pivotal moment in
the life of the Church. At Jesus' baptism in the Jordan,
the Holy Spirit descended upon him as he began his public
ministry. The Son proclaimed the Father's will for
salvation in the power of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost is the
same kind of descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples
so that they may continue living and preaching the saving
message of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit is ever present, ever active in our lives of
faith. He most often works invisibly, prompting us in
ways we hardly notice. Yet we ought to pray fervently for
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that we might make use
of the gifts God provides to help us not only in walking the
path of holiness for ourselves, but in leading others to
know the revelation of Jesus Christ.
~~Fr. Stuart
Food for the Poor has acknowledged the generosity
of St. John’s parishioners by sending pictures of two
families standing in front of their homes built with
funds through your donation. Please see the pictures
and letter of gratitude in the church lobby
and parish hall.
Thank you to all who gave so generously.
Father Stuart and Dolores Willett
Father Joe, who served Saint John and Saint Pius parishes as a
priest is celebrating his Silver Jubilee of priesthood. The
Church of Saint Benedict, 2200 W. Ithica, Broken Arrow,
invites all to join and celebrate with him during the
Saturday 5:00pm Mass on June 1st, 2013. There will be a
dinner following the Mass and all are invited.
St. John Women’s Guild will host a spring luncheon
for the women of St. Francis Altar Society and our
guild members. The luncheon will be on Sunday,
June 2nd, 2013 in the parish hall from 1:00 to 3:00pm.
Father Stuart will be showing slides of his trip to the
Holy Land. Please RSVP to the St. John parish office
at 372-6408 by 5:00pm, May 28th if you plan to attend.
BOOK OF THE INNOCENTS: The Catholic community
seeks to provide support for parishioners experiencing the loss
of a child in the womb, at birth, or shortly after birth. The
“Book of the Innocents” is located in Our Lady of
Consolation Chapel on the north side of St. Francis.
One may write memories, poems, or a few words about the
child, either anonymous or signed. We hope the book facilitates
healing by offering peace and wholeness in life’s challenging
sorrows. There will be a formal prayer service around the Feast
of the Guardian Angels on October 2nd, 2013. May those
affected by these losses find solace and honor the baby who is
forever embraced in the arms of Jesus and the heart.
PRESCHOOL NEWS: SFSJMP will only be open from
8:30pm to 12:oopm this week hosting a “camp-like”
curriculum. Each day the children will focus on a different area
of learning such as music, creative art, mad scientist day and
technology. What a great way to end the year.
On behalf of the preschool staff, I would like to thank each and
every one of our wonderful parishioners for the prayers and
support we have received this year. We have had an amazing
year and look forward to next year and all that it will bring.
In Jesus through Mary,
Maggie Beckham, Director
Have a great summer!!
NEW WEBSITE: Parishioner Gil Emde has created a new
website for the Stillwater Catholic Community at St. Francis and St. John still
maintain their regular websites, but the new website provides
joint information for both parishes and updates on our longrange planning.
FOUND: A ring was found in the Change for Life
container. If anyone has lost a ring, please contact the
parish office at 372-6408. Thank You.
We need your help! Volunteers needed to support this fun
adventure for our youth. Join us July 15th-19th, 2013
from 9:00am to noon for lots of fun and fellowship!!
Contact Sarah Dorman at
or 372-7987 if you can help.
Adult, young adult, teen, and tween helpers needed!
SQUARE ONE ART: Your art is in! If you ordered items
from Square One Art fundraiser, please pick up in the St.
Francis Church Business office. Contact Lori Wieder if you
have any questions at 372-6886. Thank you for ordering.
TOTUS TUUS: Totus Tuus 2013 is coming in June.
You may contact Andrea Wilcox at 377-6195.
BANANA SPLIT: Attention all youth: Slide your way
into summer with “Banana Split n’ Slide Spectacular!!”
See the insert in the bulletin for more details.
The Secular Order of Franciscans meets every third
Sunday of the month at 2:00pm in the classroom at St. John.
Liturgy of the Hours: Dick Ortez is offering instructions
and answering questions on how to pray the Liturgy of the
Hours. The group meets Sunday mornings in the St.
John Library following 9:30 Mass until 11:15.
Grief Support Group: For information on meeting, please
call Marilyn Seiler at 405-334-1630.
Natural Family Planning: Please contact Daryl and Kathy
Krehbiel at 612-2005 or for more
“NEW” Beginning Spanish Class: this class meets on
Tuesdays, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the Early Childhood
Center, Room 5 at St. Francis. No previous experience
necessary. Instructor: Mrs. Luz Flores.
Spanish: Intro and Review: Thursdays, 6:15 to 7:15pm at
St. John.
Intermediate Spanish I: Tuesdays, 6:15 to 7:15pm at St.
John. For more information call Dr. Cida at 377-0671.
The churches in the Stillwater Community including St. John the
Evangelist, have ministries available to assist people who are in
need. If you are approached while on St. John property we ask
that you do not give the person money; instead please refer the
person to a priest or deacon to determine if St. John can assist
Former Saint John parishioner is in desperate need
of a reliable and inexpensive used car. If you can
help, please call the parish office at 372-6408.
ORDINATION: Everyone in the diocese is invited to
the Cathedral at 10:00am Saturday, May 25th when
Bishop Slattery will ordain Deacon Todd Nance. Dcn. Todd
lived here for a year when he attended OSU before he entered
the seminary. There will be a reception with first Blessing
following the Ordination Mass.
The St. Francis Altar Society will continue the daily
rosary in 2013-14 and invite all to attend the May 20th
dedication of the Rosary Garden. Please see the insert
in the bulletin for more information.
Those names beginning with A-G please
bring soups of any kind when you come
to Mass next weekend. Thank you!
PRO-LIFE ROSES—If you would like to dedicate a rose, the
minimum cost is $3.00. Forms and envelopes are available on
the Women’s Guild bulletin board or may be brought to the
Parish Office. All donations go to Birth Choice.
6:00 p.m.-Jo Geresi, “Happy Birthday”
9:30 a.m.-All Stephen Ministry Care Receivers
11:30 a.m.-All Families of the Parish
Health Notes from the Parish Nurse: High blood
pressure (HBP) is a serious condition that can lead to
coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure,
and other health problems. The condition itself usually
has no signs or symptoms. You can have it for years
without knowing it. If you’re being treated for HBP and
have repeat readings in the normal range, your blood
pressure is under control. However, you still have the
condition. See your doctor and follow your treatment plan
to keep your blood pressure under control.
The Parish Nurse can be reached in the CYO office
Tuesday Mornings, by appointment or call Marilyn
Seiler at 334-1630.
If you or someone next to you experiences a
medical crisis during Mass, immediately contact
one of the ushers. They have been trained in first
aid, CPR, and AED operation.
May 18 6:00pm†John Geresi-Jodi & Terry Deer
May 19 9:30am-Pro Populo
11:30am†Dcn. Bill Dunbar-Linda Dunbar
May 20
May 21†Bernice Wolnick-Deacon Dick & Pat
May 22†Kenneth Smith-Francis Fusselman
May 23
May 24
May 25 6:00pm
May 26 9:30am-Pro Populo
11:30am†Kenneth Smith-Francis Fusselman
The Stillwater Medical Center will place a
patient’s name on a religion list if the patient
so requests when they are admitted to the
hospital. If the patient is admitted to the
hospital through the ER, it is necessary to
notify the parish of their admission. Even if
admitted through normal channels, it is still
best to notify the parish if a visit by the
clergy is desired.
Please pray for Billie Focht, Deacon Tom Doyle, Mac McKelvey,
Jack Ferchau, Marilyn Choike, Jessica Mealey, Tom Musgrove,
Bruce Williams, Sophie Marie Marlow, Edsel Hall, Josephine
Sitton, Audrey Clark, Bill Moler, Anita Moore, Devon Williams,
Ralph Hamilton, Teresa Kadavy, Joe Weis and those who receive
care from Stephen Ministry.
THOSE SERVING AMERICA: Sergeant Ricardo Inciarte (NG)
Army, Sergeant Justin Finley, CPL Nate Weeks, US Marines,
Commander John Gearhart, US Navy, PFC Chris Guarnera, SPC
Justin McGregory, Army and HN-4 Blake Mueggenborg, SPC
Robert Magallanes, Army, Pvt. Zac York, Army. Captain Karen
Mealey, Air Force, and PFC Ouedraogo Herman, Army.
Please pray for the repose of all souls especially Bruce Williams
(father of Kimberly Williams). If you wish to have a person
put on the prayer list continue beyond two months, or to have a
name removed at any time, please call the office.
Sir 1:1-10; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mk 9:14-29
Sir 2:1-11; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40;
Mk 9:30-37
Sir 4:11-19; Ps 119:165, 168, 171-172,
174-175; Mk 10:38-45
Sir 5:1-8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mk 9:41-50
Sir 6:5-17; Ps 119:12, 16, 18, 27, 34-35;
Mk 10:1-12
Sir 17:1-15; Ps 103:13-18; Mk 10:13-16
Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5;
Jn 16:12-15
Traveling This Summer?
Go to for a complete listing of Mass times.
CONFIRMATION PICTURES: Confirmation pictures are here!!
If you have not picked up your order, they are available in the St.
Francis parish office.
Liturgical Ministry assignments for the weekend of May 18th and May 19th
If you cannot serve when scheduled, please find your own substitute or call Kathi Walker at 372-6408 for assistance.
Day/Time Extraordinary Ministers of
Gift Bearers
Holy Communion
Joe Robinson
6:00 p.m. Judy Robinson
Mick Zaloudek/Elaine Stebler
Joanne Murer/Jean McMullen
Jim Stiegler/Alejandro Penaloza
11:30a.m. Melanie Troy/Charles Leider
Sandrel JonesWebster
Will Goeringer
Catie Hanson
Jan Haan
Kimberly Williams
Larry Jenkins
Kate Goeringer
Terry Deer
Bill Goeringer
Jackson Howell Jay Albright
Michael Albright Gary Pratt
Mona Pratt
Koffi Nomedji
Dick Weis
Daryl Krehbiel