stanley r. hart - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

March 2009
Isotope Geochemist
Senior Scientist
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Tel: (508) 289-2837; FAX: 508-457-2175; E-mail:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B. S., 1956
California Institute of Technology, M. S., 1957
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph. D., 1960
Carnegie Fellow, 1960-1961.
Staff Member, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1961-1975.
Visiting Associate Professor, University of California, San Diego, 1966-1967.
Professor, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1975-1989;
Visiting Professor, 1989 - 1992.
Senior Scientist, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution, 1989 – 2007.
Senior Scientist Emeritus, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole
Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research, 1966-1968.
Associate Editor, Reviews of Geophysics, 1970-1972.
Associate Editor, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1970-1976.
Advisory Editor, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 1975-1992.
Advisory Editor, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 1978-1987.
Advisory Editor, Chemical Geology, 1985-2003.
Editorial Advisory Board, G3, 1999–
National Science Foundation Earth Science Advisory Panel, 1970-1973.
National Science Foundation Advisory Comm. for Earth Sciences, 1985-1988.
National Science Foundation Ocean Science Decadal Planning Group, 1998–2000.
National Research Council Associateship Program Review Panel, 1995-1997.
JOIDES Igneous and Metamorphic Petrography Panel, 1970-1975.
U. S. National Committee for Geochemistry, 1973-1976 (Vice-Chairman, 1974;
Chairman, 1975; Subcommittee on "Orientations for Geochemistry", 1972-1973).
U. S. National Committee for the International Geological Correlations Program,
Co-chief scientist, Leg 34, Deep Sea Drilling Project, 1973/1974.
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IUGS Subcommittee on Petrology of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks of Oceanic
Regions, 1971
Director, M. I. T. Alumni Summer College, (July 1977).
Co-convenor, Carnegie Institution Conference on "Plate Tectonics and Evolution of
Continents" March 1972.
Organizing Committee, summer school on "Chemistry and Physics of Planetary
Interiors", Corsica, August 1973.
Organizing Committee, "International Conference on the Geology and Chemistry of
the Oldest Precambrian Rocks", September 1974.
Ocean Crust Panel, International Phase of Ocean Drilling (IPOD), 1974-1976.
Organizing Committee, "Second International Kimberlite Conference", 1977.
Basaltic Volcanism Study Project, Team 7, Lunar Science Institute, 1976-1979.
Vice-Chairman, University of Paris VI Visiting Committee, 1979.
Member, Brown University Visiting Committee, 1977; Yale University Visiting
Committee, 1985; Carnegie Institution of Washington Visiting Committee, 19861989; 1994; Max-Planck Institut für Chemie, Mainz, 1993–2003; Mass. Inst. of
Technology Visiting Committee, 1999-2003.
Geochemical Society; program committee, 1971-1972; nominating committee, 1975;
Clarke Medal Committee, 1979-1982; Council, 1980-1983; Vice President, 19831985, President, 1985-1987; Fellows Committee Chair, 1995-1996; Goldschmidt
Medal Committee, 2000-2003.
Performance Evaluation Committee III, Ocean Drilling Program, 1991.
Co-Convenor, Plume 2 Conference, Rottach-Egern, Germany, 1995.
Co-Convenor, Plume 3 Conference; Kona, Hawaii, 2000.
Advisory Board, Society for Amateur Scientists, 1995 –
Chief Scientist, AVON 3 cruise, March 1999.
Co-Chief Scientist, Deep Freeze 2000 Cruise, March 2000.
Co-Chief Scientist, Deep Freeze 2001 Cruise, March 2001.
Ocean Studies Board, National Academies/National Research Council, 2003-2005.
Co-Principal Investigator, Ka’imikai-o-Kanaloa/Pisces V Cruises, March 2005; July
Co-Chief Scientist, ALIA Cruise KM 05-06, April 2005.
Co-Organizer, Cooperative Institute for Deep Earth Research (CIDER), Summer
Program 2004, 2006, 2008.
Fellow: Geological Society of America; American Geophysical Union; Geochemical
Society; European Association of Geochemistry.
Honorary Fellow, European Union of Geosciences.
National Academy of Sciences, 1983 –
President, Geochemical Society, 1985-1987.
Goldschmidt Medal, Geochemical Society, 1992.
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Lester W. Strock and Family Honorarium, Geochemical Society, 1992.
Columbus O’Donnell Iselin chair for excellence in Oceanography, W. H. O. I.,
1994 –1999.
1995 Daly Lecture, American Geophysical Union.
H. H. Hess Medal, American Geophysical Union, 1997.
The International Who’s Who, listed 2000 Fourth Annual Alfred O. Nier Lecture, University of Minnesota, 2003.
Fellow, Deep Ocean Exploration Institute, W. H. O. I., 2004 – 2007.
Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2005 –
Doctor Honoris Causa, Institut de Physique du Globe, University of Paris, 2005.
Arthur L. Day Prize and Lectureship, National Academy of Science, 2008.
Moore, J. M., S. R. Hart, C. C. Barnett and P. M. Hurley, Potassium-argon ages in northern
Manitoba, Bull. Geol. Soc. America 71, 225-230, 1960
Hart, S. R., Mineral ages and metamorphism, in Geochronology of Rock Systems, Ann.
New York Acad. Sci., 91, 159-594, 1961.
Hart, S. R., The use of hornblendes and pyroxenes for K-Ar dating, J. Geophys. Res., 66,
2995-3001, 1961.
Hurley, P. M., D. G. Brookins, W. H. Pinson, S. R. Hart and W. H. Fairbairn, K-Ar age
studies of Mississippi and other river sediments, Bull. Geol. Soc. America, 72, 1807-1816,
Tupper, W. M. and S. R. Hart, Minimum age of Middle Silurian in New Brunswick based
on K-Ar method, Bull. Geol. Soc. America, 72, 1285-1288, 1961.
Hart, S. R., and R. T. Dodd, Jr., Excess radiogenic argon in pyroxenes, J. Geophys. Res.,
67, 2998-2999, 1962.
Doe, B. R. and S. R. Hart, The effect of contact metamorphism on lead in potassium
feldspars near the Eldora Stock Co., J. Geophys. Res., 68, 3521-3530, 1963.
Hart, S. R., A study of mineral ages in a contact metamorphic zone, in Nuclear Geophysics,
National Academy-National Research Council, Nuclear Science Ser., No. 38, Publ. No.
1075, 62-67, 1963.
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Hart, S. R., Radioactive isotopes and geochronology, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 44, 523526, 1963.
Tilton, G. R. and S. R. Hart, Geochronology, Science, 140, 357-366, 1963
Hart, S. R., The petrology and isotopic mineral age relations of a contact zone in the Front
Range, Co., J. Geol., 72, 493-525, 1964.
Hart, S. R. and J. S. Steinhart, Terrestrial heat flow: Measurement in lake bottoms, Science,
149, 1499-1501, 1965.
Rama, S. N. I., S. R. Hart and E. Roedder, Excess radiogenic argon in fluid inclusions, J.
Geophys. Res., 70, 509-511, 1965.
Rama, S. N. I. and S. R. Hart, Neon isotope fractionation during transient permeation,
Science, 147, 737-738, 1965.
Hart, S. R. and G. R. Tilton, The isotopic geochemistry of strontium and lead in Lake
Superior waters. In: The Earth Beneath the Continents, Geophysical Monograph 10, (J. S.
Steinhart and T. J. Smith, eds. ), Washington, D. C. : American Geophysical Union, 127138, 1966.
Hart, S. R., A test for excess radiogenic argon in micas, J. Geophys. Res., 71, 1769-1770,
Hart, S. R., Current status of radioactive age determination methods, Trans. Am. Geophys.
Union, 47, 280-286, 1966.
Ohmoto, H., S. R. Hart and H. D. Holland, Studies in the Providencia area, Mexico: II. KAr and Rb-Sr ages of intrusive rocks and hydrothermal minerals, Econ. Geol., 61, 12051213, 1966.
Wetherill, G. W., G. R. Tilton, G. L. Davis, S. R. Hart and C. A. Hopson, Age
measurements in the Maryland Piedmont, J. Geophys. Res., 71, 2139-2155, 1966.
Hart, S. R. and L. T. Aldrich, Fractionation of potassium/rubidium by amphiboles:
Implications regarding mantle composition, Science, 155, 325-327, 1967.
Steiger, R. H. and S. R. Hart, The microcline-orthoclase transition within a contact aureole,
Am. Mineral., 52, 87-116, 1967.
Davis, G. L, S. R. Hart and G. R. Tilton, Some effects of contact metamorphism on zircon
ages, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 5, 27-34, 1968.
Fisher, Von G., W. Schreyer, G. Troll, G. Voll, and S. R. Hart, Hornblendalter aus dem
Ostbayerischen Grundgebirge, N. Jb. Miner., Nh., 11, 385-404, 1968.
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Hart, S. R., Discussion of K-Rb in amphiboles and amphibolites from northeastern
Minnesota, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 4, 30-31, 1968.
Hart, S. R., G. L. Davis, R. H. Steiger and G. R. Tilton, A comparison of the isotopic
mineral age variations and petrologic changes induced by contact metamorphism. In:
Radiometric Dating for Geologists, (E. I. Hamilton and R. M. Farquhar, eds. ), New York:
Interscience Publishers, 73-110, 1968.
Steinhart, J. S. and S. R. Hart, Calibration curves for thermistors, Deep Sea Res., 15, 497503, 1968.
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Brooks, C., S. R. Hart, T. E. Krogh and G. L. Davis, Carbonate contents and Sr/ Sr
ratios of calcites from Archaean meta-volcanics, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 6, 35-38, 1969.
Hart, S. R. and G. L. Davis, Zircon U-Pb and whole rock Rb-Sr ages and early crustal
development near Rainy Lake, Ontario, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 30, 595-616, 1969.
Hart, S. R., Isotope geochemistry of crust-mantle processes. In: The Earth's Crust and
Upper Mantle, Geophysical Monograph N. 13, (P. J. Hart, ed. ), Washington, D. C. :
American Geophysical Union, 58-62, 1969.
Hart, S. R., K, Rb, Cs contents and K/Rb, K/Cs ratios of fresh and altered submarine
basalts, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 6, 295-303, 1969
Philpotts, J. A., C. C. Schnetzler and S. R. Hart, Submarine basalts: Some K, Rb, Sr, Ba,
rare earth, H2O and CO2 data bearing on their alteration, modification by plagioclase, and
possible source materials, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 7, 293-299, 1969
Aldrich, L. T., S. R. Hart and T. E, Krogh, Mass spectroscopy and earth science. In: Recent
Developments in Mass Spectroscopy, Proc., International Conference on Mass
Spectroscopy, Kyoto, (K. Ogata and T. Hayakawa, eds. ), Tokyo: University of Tokyo
Press, 621-628, 1970.
Hart, S. R., review of: Potassium–Argon Dating, by G. Brent Dalrymple and Marvin A.
Lanphere. EOS, 51, 554-555, 1970.
Hart, S. R. and A. J. Nalwalk, K, Rb, Cs and Sr relationships in submarine basalts from the
Puerto Rico Trench, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 34, 145-155, 1970.
Hart, S. R., C. Brooks, T. E. Krogh, G. L. Davis and D. Nava, Ancient and modern
volcanic rocks: A trace element model, Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 10, 17-28, 1970.
Hart, S. R., K, Rb, Cs, Sr and Ba contents and Sr isotope ratios of ocean floor basalts, Phil.
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A, 268, 573-587, 1971
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Hart, S. R., B. M. Gunn and N. D. Watkins, Intralava variation of alkali elements in
Icelandic basalt, Am. J. Sci., 270, 315-318, 1971.
Brooks, C. and S. R. Hart, An extrusive basaltic komatiite from a Canadian Archaean
metavolcanic belt, Can. Jour. Earth Sci., 9, 1250-1253, 1972.
Brooks, C., S. R. Hart and I. Wendt, Realistic use of two-error regression treatments as
applied to rubidium-strontium data, Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., 10, 551-557, 1972
Burrhus, K. D. and S. R. Hart, Constant-level liquid feed-control for high purity distillation
apparatus, Anal. Chem., 44, 432, 1972
Hart, S. R., W. E. Glassley and D. E. Karig, Basalts and sea-floor spreading behind the
Mariana Island arc, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 15, 12-18, 1972.
Melson, W. G., S. R. Hart and G. Thompson, St. Paul's rocks, Equatorial Atlantic:
Petrogenesis, radiometric ages, and implications on sea floor spreading, Geological Society
Am. Memoir 132, 241-272, 1972.
Wright, T. L., W. E. Benson, W. G. Melson, and S. R. Hart, Petrology and basaltic rocks
collected from leg 14, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol. XIV,
Washington, D. C. : U. S. Government Printing Office, 767-772, 1972.
Hart, S. R., J. -G. Schilling and J. L. Powell, Basalts from Iceland and along the Reykjanes
Ridge: Sr isotope geochemistry, Nature, Phys Sci., 246, 104-107, 1973.
Hart, S. R., Submarine basalts from Kilauea Rift, Hawaii: Non-dependence of trace
element composition on extrusion depth, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 20, 201-203, 1973.
Seitz, M. G. and S. R. Hart, Uranium and boron distributions in some oceanic ultramafic
rocks, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 21, 97-107, 1973.
Shimizu, N. and S. R. Hart, Differential dissolution technique (DDT): Chemical separation
of crystals from glass, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Yearbook, 72, 268-270, 1973
Brooks, C. and S. R. Hart, On the significance of komatiite, Geology, 2, 107-110, 1974.
Hart, S. R. and C. Brooks, Clinopyroxene-matrix partitioning of K, Rb, Cs, Sr and Ba,
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 38, 1799-1806, 1974.
Hart, S. R., A. J. Erlank and E. J. D. Kable, Sea floor basalt alteration: Some chemical and
Sr isotopic effects, Contr. Mineral Petrol., 44, 219-230, 1974
Hart, S. R. and S. S. Goldich, Most-ancient known rocks may be found in all Earth’s
Precambrian shields, Geotimes, pp. 22-24, March 1975.
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Brooks, C., D. E. James and S. R. Hart, Ancient lithosphere: Its role in young continental
volcanism, Science, 193, 1086-1094, 1976.
Brooks, C., S. R. Hart, A. Hofmann and D. E. James, Rb-Sr mantle isochrons from oceanic
regions, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 32, 51-61, 1976.
Hart, S. R., LIL - element geochemistry, Leg 34 basalts, in Yeats, R. S., Hart, S. R. et al.,
Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. XXXIV, U. S. Govt. Printing Office, p
283-288, 1976,
Hart, S. R., Basement rock synthesis: Geochemistry, petrology, physical properties and
paleomagnetism, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol. XXXIV,
Washington, D. C. : U. S. Government Printing Office, 763-768, 1976
White, W. M., J. -G. Schilling and S. R. Hart, Strontium isotope geochemistry of the
Central North Atlantic: Evidence for the Azores mantle plume, Nature, 263, 659-663,
Yeats, R. S. and S. R. Hart, Introduction and principal results, leg 34, Initial Reports of the
Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol. XXXIV, Washington, D. C. : U. S. Government Printing
Office, 3-7, 1976.
Brooks, C., M. Strobel, D. E. James and S. R. Hart, Use of correlation statistics with
rubidium-strontium systematics, Science, 196, 1234-1235, 1977
Dickey, J. S., F. A. Frey, S. R. Hart, E. B. Watson and G. Thompson, Geochemistry and
petrology of dredged basalts from the Bouvet Triple Junction, South Atlantic, Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta, 41, 1105-1118, 1977.
Hart, S. R. and C. Brooks, Geochemistry and evolution of early Precambrian mantle,
Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 61, 109-128, 1977
Allègre, C. J. and S. R. Hart (eds. ), Trace Elements in Igneous Petrology, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 1978.
Brooks, C. and S. R. Hart, Rb-Sr mantle isochrons and variations in the chemistry of
Gondwanaland's lithosphere, Nature, 271, 220-223, 1978.
Hart, S. R. and H. Staudigel, Oceanic crust: Age of hydrothermal alteration, Geophys. Res.
Lett., 5, 1009-1012, 1978.
Hart, S. R. and K. E. Davis, Nickel partitioning between olivine and silicate melt, Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 40, 203-219, 1978.
Hofmann, A. and S. R. Hart, An assessment of local and regional isotopic equilibrium in
the mantle, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 38, 44-62, 1978
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Langmuir, C. H., R. D. Vocke, Jr., G. N. Hanson and S. R. Hart, A general mixing equation
with applications to Icelandic basalts, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 37, 380-392, 1978.
Zindler, A, S. R. Hart, F. A. Frey and S. Jakobsson, Nd and Sr isotope ratios and REE
abundances in Reykjanes peninsula basalts: Evidence for mantle heterogeneity beneath
Iceland, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 45, 249-262, 1979.
Hart, S. R. and K. E. Davis, Reply to D. B. Clarke and M. J. O'Hara, Nickel and the
existence of high-MgO liquids in nature, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 44, 159-161, 1979.
Hart, S. R. and C. J. Allègre, Trace element constraints on magma genesis. In: Physics of
Magmatic Processes, Bowen Volume, (R. B. Hargraves, ed. ), Princeton University Press,
Princeton, New Jersey, 120-159, 1980.
Hart, S. R. and H. Staudigel, Ocean crust - seawater interactions: Site 417 and 418, Initial
Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol. 51, 52, 53, Washington, D. C: U. S.
Government Printing Office, 1169-1176, 1980.
James, D. E., E. R. Padovani and S. R. Hart, Preliminary results on the oxygen isotopic
composition of the lower crust, Kilbourne Hole, Maar, New Mexico, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
7, 321-324, 1980.
Richardson, S. H., S. R. Hart and H. Staudigel, Vein mineral ages of old oceanic crust, J.
Geophys. Res., 85, 7195-7200, 1980.
Staudigel, H., F. A. Frey and S. R. Hart, Incompatible trace element geochemistry and
Sr/86Sr in basalts and corresponding glasses and palagonites, Initial Reports of the Deep
Sea Drilling Project, Vol. 51, 52, 53, Washington, D. C: U. S. Government Printing Office,
1137-1144, 1980.
Hart, S. R. and C. Brooks, Sources of terrestrial basalts: Isotopic characteristics. In:
Basaltic Volcanism on the Terrestrial Planets - Basaltic Volcanism Study Project, (R. B.
Merrill, R. Ridings, ed. ), Pergamon Press, Inc., New York, 987-1014, 1981.
Hart, S. R., Diffusion compensation in natural silicates, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 45,
279-291, 1981.
Hart, S. R., Introduction of Jean-Francois Minster for the F. W. Clarke Medal 1981,
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 46, 1135-1136, 1981.
Hart, S. R., N. Shimizu and D. Sverjensky, Lead isotope zoning in galena: An ion
microprobe study of a galena crystal from the Buick Mine, Southeast Missouri, Econ.
Geol., 76, 1873-1878, 1981.
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Padovani, E. R. and Hart, S. R., Geochemical constraints on the evolution of the lower
crust beneath the Rio Grande rift, in Conference on the processes of planetary rifting: Lunar
and Planetary Institute Contribution No 457, p. 149-152, 1981.
Staudigel, H., K. Muehlenbachs, S. H. Richardson and S. R. Hart, Agents of low
temperature ocean crust alteration, Contrib. Mineral Petrol., 77, 150-157, 1981.
Staudigel, H., S. R. Hart and S. H. Richardson, Alteration of the oceanic crust: Processes
and timing, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 52, 311-327, 1981.
Zindler, A., S. R. Hart and C. Brooks, The Shabogamo intrusive suite, Labrador: Sr and
Nd isotopic evidence for contaminated mafic magmas in the Proterozoic, Earth Planet. Sci.
Lett., 54, 217-235, 1981.
Hart, S. R. and H. Staudigel, The control of alkalies and uranium in sea water by ocean
crust alteration, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 58, 202-212, 1982.
Hart, S. R. and M. J. Mottl, Alkali and Sr isotope geochemistry of waters collected from
basaltic basement, hole 504B, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 69, 70,
Washington, D. C. : U. S. Government Printing Office, 1982
Kurz, M. D., W. J. Jenkins and S. R. Hart, Helium isotopic systematics of oceanic islands:
Implications for mantle heterogeneity, Nature, 297, 43-47, 1982.
Kurz, M. D., W. J. Jenkins, J. G. Schilling and S. R. Hart, Helium isotopic variations in the
mantle beneath the north Atlantic ocean, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 58, 1-14, 1982.
Morris, J. D., P. A. Jezek, S. R. Hart and J. B. Gill, The Halmahera Island Arc, Molucca
Sea Collision Zone, Indonesia: A geochemical survey. In: The Tectonic and Geologic
Evolution of Southeast Asian Seas and Islands, Part 2 (Geophysical Monograph Series, V.
27) 1982.
Ray, G. L. and S. R. Hart, Quantitative analysis of silicates by ion microprobe, Int. J. Mass
Spect. Ion Phys., 44, 231-255, 1982.
Shimizu, N. and S. R. Hart, Applications of the ion microprobe to geochemistry and
cosmochemistry, Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 10, 483-526, 1982.
Shimizu, N. and S. R. Hart, Isotope fractionation in secondary ion mass spectrometry, Jour.
Appl. Phys., 53, 1303-1311˙, 1982.
Allègre, C. J., S. R. Hart and J. -F. Minster, Chemical structure and evolution of the mantle
and continents determined by inversion of Nd and Sr isotopic data, I. Theoretical methods,
Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett., 66, 177-190, 1983.
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Allègre, C. J., S. R. Hart and J. -F. Minster, Chemical structure and evolution of the mantle
and continents determined by inversion of Nd and Sr isotopic data, II. Numerical
experiments and discussion, Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett. 66, 191-213, 1983.
Hart, S. R. and H. Staudigel, Age of Hydrothermal Circulation on the Rio Grande Rise:
Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 516, Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol.
LXXII, Washington, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1983.
Hart, S. R., N. Shimizu and D. A. Sverjensky, Toward an ore fluid lead isotope
"stratigraphy" for galenas from the Viburnum Trend, S. E. Missouri. Proc. Intern. Conf.
Miss. Valley Type Pb-Zn Deposits, Univ. Missouri, 257-270, 1983.
Kurz, M. D., W. J. Jenkins, S. R. Hart and D. Clague, Helium isotopic variations in
volcanic rocks from the Loihi Seamount and the island of Hawaii, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.
66, 388-406, 1983.
Le Roex, A. P., H. J. B. Dick, A. J. Erlank, A. M. Reid, F. A. Frey and S. R. Hart,
Geochemistry, mineralogy and petrogenesis of lavas erupted along the Southwest Indian
Ridge between the Bouvet Triple Junction and 11 degrees east, J. of Petro., 24, Part 3, 267318, 1983.
Morris, J. D. and Hart, S. R., Isotopic and incompatible element constraints on the genesis
of island arc volcanics from Cold Bay and Amak Island, Aleutians, and implications for
mantle structure., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 47, 2015-2030, 1983.
Ray, G. L., N. Shimizu, and S. R. Hart, An ion microprobe study of the partitioning of trace
elements between clinopyroxene and liquid in the system diopside-albite-anorthite,
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 47, 2131-2140, 1983.
Staudigel, H. and S. R. Hart, Alteration of basaltic glass: Mechanisms and significance for
the oceanic crust-seawater budget, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 47, 337-350, 1983.
Zindler, A., H. Staudigel, S. R. Hart, R. Endres, and S. Goldstein, Nd and Sr isotopic study
of mafic layer from Ronda ultramafic complex, Nature, 304, No. 5923, 226-230, 1983.
100. Hart, S. R., A large-scale isotope anomaly in the Southern Hemisphere mantle, Nature, 309,
753-757, 1984.
101. Hart, S. R., He diffusion in olivine, Earth and Planet Sci. Lett., 70, 297-302, 1984.
102. Roden, M. K., S. R. Hart, F. A. Frey and W. G. Melson, Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic and REE
geochemistry of St. Paul's Rocks: the metamorphic and metasomatic development of an
alkali basalt mantle source, Contrib. Mineral Petrol., 85, 376-390, 1984.
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103. Sillitoe, R. H. and S. R. Hart, Lead-isotopic signatures of porphyry copper deposits in
oceanic and continental settings, Colombian Andes, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 48, 21352142, 1984.
104. Sneeringer, M., S. R. Hart, and N. Shimizu, Strontium and Samarium diffusion in diopside,
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 48, 1589-1608, 1984.
105. Staudigel, H., A. Zindler, S. R. Hart, T. Leslie, C. Y. Chen and D. Clague, The isotopic
systematics of a juvenile intraplate volcano: Pb, Nd and Sr isotope ratios of basalts from
Loihi seamount, Hawaii, Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett., 69, l3-29, 1984.
106. LeRoex, A. P., H. J. B. Dick, A. M. Reid, F. A. Frey, A. J. Erlank and S. R. Hart, Petrology
and geochemistry of basalts from the American-Antarctic Ridge, Southern Ocean:
Implications for the westward influence of the Bouvet Mantle Plume, Contrib. Mineral.
Petrol., 90, 367-380, l985.
107. Mottl, M. J., E. R. M. Druffel, S. R. Hart, J. R. Lawrence, and E. S. Saltzman, Chemistry of
hot waters sampled from basaltic basement in Hole 504B, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg
83, Costa Rica Rift, pp. 315-328, In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project,
Volume LXXXIII, Washington, 1985.
108. Richardson, S. H., A. J. Erlank and S. R. Hart, Kimberlite-borne garnet peridotite xenoliths
from old enriched subcontinental lithosphere, Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett. 75, 116-128,
109. Staudigel, H. and S. R. Hart, Dating of ocean crust hydrothermal alteration: strontium
isotope ratios from Hole 504B carbonates and reinterpretation of Sr isotope data from Deep
Sea Drilling project sites 105, 332, 417, and 418, pp. 297-303, In: Initial Reports of the
Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume LXXXIII, Washington, 1985.
110. Gerlach, D. C., S. R. Hart, V. W. J. Morales, and C. Palacios, Mantle heterogeneity beneath
the Nazca Plate: San Felix and Juan Fernandez Islands, Nature, 322, 165-169, 1986.
111. Gieskes, J. M., M. Kastner, J. Erzinger, J. Bouleque and S. R. Hart, Geochemical studies in
the Hole 504B, Leg 92, 547-562, In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol.
XCII, 1986.
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115. Machado, N., C. Brooks and S. R. Hart, Determination of initial 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd
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119. Taras, B. D. and Hart, S. R., Geochemical evolution of the New England seamount chain:
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122. Salters, V. J. M., S. R. Hart and G. Panto, Origin of the late Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the
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123. Blusztajn, J., and S. R. Hart, Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic character of Tertiary basalts from
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125. Hart, S. R. and E. D. Kinloch, Osmium isotope systematics in Witwatersrand and Bushveld
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129. Hart, S. R., Citation of C. Allègre for the Arthur L. Day Medal, Bull. Geol. Soc. America,
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130. Li, S., S. R. Hart, S. Zheng, A., D. Liu, G. Zheng and A. Guo, Timing of collisions
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131. Reid, M. R., S. R. Hart, E. R. Padovani and G. A. Wandless, Contribution of metapelitic
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132. Salters, V. J. M. and S. R. Hart, The Hf-paradox and the role of garnet in the MORB
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133. Staudigel, H., S. R. Hart, H-U. Schmincke and B. M. Smith, Cretaceous ocean crust at
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134. Kennedy, A. K., S. R. Hart, F. A. Frey, Composition and isotopic constraints on the
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135. Li, S., S. R. Hart and W. Tieshan, “Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic dating of an Early
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136. Richardson, S. H., A. J. Erlank, J. W. Harris and S. R. Hart, “Eclogitic diamonds of
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137. Staudigel, H., S. R. Hart, H. U. Schminke and B. M. Smith, Reply to “Global CO2
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138. Chen, C. Y., F. A. Frey, M. O. Garcia, G. B. Dalrymple and S. R. Hart, The tholeiite to
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139. Hart, S. R. and M. R. Reid, Rb/Cs fractionation: A link between granulite metamorphism
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140. Hattori, K. and S. R. Hart, Osmium isotope ratios of platinum-group minerals associated
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141. Hattori, K., L. J. Cabri and S. R. Hart, Osmium isotope ratios of PGM grains associated
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142. Salters, V. J. M. and S. R. Hart, The mantle sources of ocean ridges, islands and arcs: The
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143. Hart, S. R., E. H. Hauri, L. A. Oschmann and J. A. Whitehead, Mantle plumes and
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144. Hart. S. R., E. H. Hauri, L. A. Oschmann and J. A. Whitehead, Mantle Plumes and Mantle
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145. Hattori, K., K. P. Burgath and S. R. Hart, Os-isotope study of platinum-group minerals in
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146. Frey, F. A., N. Walker, D. Stakes, S. R. Hart and R. Nielsen, Geochemical Characteristics
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147. Hart, S. R. and T. Dunn, Experimental cpx/melt partitioning for 24 trace elements, Contr.
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148. Hart, S. R., Acceptance Speech for the 1992 V. M. Goldschmidt Award, Geochim. et
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149. Hart, S. R., Equilibration during mantle melting: a fractal tree model, Proc. Natl. Acad.
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150. Hauri, E. H. and S. R. Hart, Re-Os isotope systematics of HIMU and EMII oceanic island
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151. Hauri, E. H., N. Shimizu, J. J. Deiu, and S. R. Hart, Evidence for hotspot-related
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152. Jones, J. H., S. R. Hart and T. M. Benjamin, Experimental Partitioning Studies near the FeFeS eutectic, with an emphasis on elements important to iron meteorite chronologies — Pb,
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153. Li, S., Xiao, Y., Liou, D., Chen, Y., Ge, N., Zhang, A., Sun, S., Cong, B., Zhang, R., Hart,
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154. Snow, J. E., S. R. Hart and H. J. B. Dick, “Orphan” 87Sr in abyssal peridotites: Daddy was
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155. Hart, S. R., J. Blusztajn, H. J. B. Dick and J. R. Lawrence, Fluid Circulation in the Oceanic
Crust: Contrast between Volcanic and Plutonic regimes, J. Geophys. Research, 99, 31633173, 1994.
156. Hart, S. R. and P. R. Kyle, The Geochemistry of McMurdo Group Volcanic Rocks, The
Antarctic Journal of the United States, 28, 14-16, 1994.
157. Hart, S. R., J. S. Steinhart and T. J. Smith, Terrestrial Heat Flow in Lake Superior,
Canadian J. Earth Sciences, 31, 698-708, 1994.
158. Hauri, E. H. and S. R. Hart, Constraints on melt migration from mantle plumes: A trace
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99, 24301-24321, 1994.
159. Hauri, E. H., J. A. Whitehead, and S. R. Hart, The Nature of Entrainment in Mantle
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rheologies and depth-dependent physical properties. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 24275-24300,
160. Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., A. W. Hofmann and S. R. Hart, Hydrothermal lead transfer from
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161. Roden, M. F., T. Trull, S. R. Hart, and F. A. Frey , New He, Nd, Pb and Sr isotopic
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162. Snow, J. E., Hart, S. R., Dick, H. J. B., Nd and Sr isotope evidence linking mid-ocean-ridge
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163. Blusztajn J., S. R. Hart, N. Shimizu and A. McGuire, Trace element and isotopic
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164. Hart, S. R., J. Blusztajn and C. Craddock, Cenozoic Volcanism in Antarctica: Jones
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165. Magde, L., H. Dick and S. R. Hart, Tectonics, alteration and the fractal distribution of
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166. Rocholl, A., M. Stein, M. Molzahn, S. R. Hart and G. Worner, Geochemical evolution of
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Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 131, 207-224,
167. Smith, H. J., A. J. Spivak, H. Staudigel, and S. R. Hart, The Boron isotopic composition of
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168. Staudigel, H., Davies, G., Hart, S. R., Marchant, K. M. and Smith, B. M., Large Scale
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169. Rhodes, J. M. and S. R. Hart, Episodic trace element and isotopic variations in historic
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170. Basu, A. and Hart, S. R., editors; Earth Processes: Reading the Isotopic Code, American
Geophys. Union Monograph 95, 437 pages, 1996.
171. Blusztajn, J. and S. R. Hart, Sr and O isotopic ratios of aragonite veins from site 895, in
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172. Hart, S. R. and G. Ravizza, Osmium partitioning between phases in lherzolite and basalt,
pp. 123-134, in: Earth Processes: Reading the Isotopic Code, A. Basu, and S. R. Hart,
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173. Hart, S. R. and A. L. Cohen, Sr/Ca in Corals: An ionprobe study of annual cycles of Sr/Ca
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174. Hattori, K., S. R. Hart, and N. Shimizu, Melt and source mantle compositions in the late
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175. Hart, S. R., J. Blusztajn, W. E. LeMasurier and D. C. Rex, Hobbs Coast Cenozoic
volcanism: Implications for the West Antarctic Rift System, Chemical Geology, 139, 223248, 1997.
176. Hauri, E. H. and S. R. Hart., Rhenium abundances and systematics in oceanic basalts,
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177. Howes, B. L. and S. R. Hart, Epilogue: Three Decades of Change, pp. 79-109 in, A
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Environmental Trust, Falmouth, MA 1997.
178. Cohen, A. L. and S. R. Hart, The effect of colony topography on climate signals in coral
skeleton, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 61: 3905-3912, 1997.
179. Eiler, J. M., K. A. Farley, J. W. Valley, E. Hauri, H. Craig, S. R. Hart, and E. M. Stolper,
Oxygen isotope variations in ocean island basalt phenocrysts, Geochimica et
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180. Hart, S. R., A. L. Cohen and P. Ramsay, Microscale analysis of Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca in Porites,
Proceedings Eighth International Coral Reef Symposium, 2, 1707-1712, H. Lessios, editor;
181. Hart, S. R., Acceptance speech for H. H. Hess Medal, EOS, 78, 403 and 412, 1997.
182. Hart, S. R. and J. Blusztajn, Clams as recorders of ocean ridge volcanism and hydrothermal
vent field activity, Science, 280: 883-886, 1998.
183. Hemming, N. G., R. J. Reeder and S. R. Hart, Growth step-selective incorporation of
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184. Kelemen, P. B., S. R. Hart and S. Bernstein, Silica enrichment in the continental upper
mantle via melt/rock reaction, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 164, 387-406, 1998.
185. Saal, A. E., R. L. Rudnick, G. E. Ravizza, and S. R. Hart, Re-Os isotope evidence for the
composition, formation and age of the lower continental crust, Nature, 393: 58-61, 1998.
186. Saal, A. E., S. R. Hart, N. Shimizu, E. H. Hauri, and G. D. Layne, Pb isotopic variability in
melt inclusions from oceanic island basalts, Polynesia, Science, 282, 1481-1484, 1998.
187. Hart, S. R., J. Blusztajn, H. J. B. Dick, P. S. Meyer and K. Muehlenbachs, The fingerprint
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Cosmochimica Acta, 63: 4059-4080, 1999.
188. Panter, K. S., S. R. Hart, P. Kyle, J. Blusztajn and T. Wilch, Geochemistry of Late
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Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica, Chemical Geology, 165, 215-241, 2000.
189. Blusztajn, J., S. R. Hart, G. Ravizza, H. J. B. Dick, Platinum-group Elements and Os
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190. J. B. Macelwane Citation for Erik Hauri, EOS, 81, 323-325, 2000
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191. Hart, S.R., H. Staudigel, A.A.P. Koppers, J. Blusztajn, E. T. Baker, R. Workman, M.
Jackson, E. Hauri, M. Kurz, K. Sims, D. Fornari, A. Saal, and S. Lyons, Vailulu’u
Undersea Volcano: The New Samoa, G-Cubed, GC000108, 1-13, 2000.
192. Cohen, A. L., G. D. Layne, S. R. Hart, and P. Lobel, Kinetic Control of Skeletal Sr/Ca in a
Symbiotic Coral: Accounting for Anomalous Estimates of Past Sea Surface Temperature.
Paleoceanography, 16, 20-26, 2001.
193. Ravizza, G. J. Blusztajn, K. L. Von Damm, A. M. Bray, W. Bach and S. R. Hart, Sr isotope
variations in vent fluids from 9°46’–9°54’ N East Pacific Rise: Evidence of a non-zero-Mg
fluid component at Biovent, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 65, 729-739, 2001.
194. Skovgaard, A. C., M. Storey, J. Baker, J. Blusztajn, S. R. Hart, Osmium-oxygen isotopic
evidence for a recycled and strongly depleted component in the Iceland mantle plume,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 194: 259-275, 2001.
195. Saal, A. E., E. Takazawa, F. A. Frey, N. Shimizu and S. R. Hart, Re-Os isotopes in the
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196. Sims, K.W., S.J. Goldstein, J. Blichert-Toft, M.R. Perfit, P. Kelemen, D.J. Fornari, P.
Michael, M.T. Murrell, S.R. Hart, D.J. DePaolo, G. Layne, L. Ball, M. Jull and J. Bender,
Chemical and isotopic constraints on the generation and transport of magma beneath the
East Pacific Rise, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 66, 3481-3504, 2002.
197. Standish, J. J., S. R. Hart, J. Blusztajn, H. J. B. Dick and K. L. Lee, Abyssal peridotite
osmium isotopic compositions from Cr-spinel, G-Cubed, 3, GC000161, 24 pp, 2002.
198. Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., W. Bach, S. R. Hart, J. S. Blusztajn, and T. Abbruzzese,
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199. Bach, W., B. Peucker-Ehrenbrink, S. R. Hart, J. S. Blusztajn, Geochemistry of
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200. Hart, S.R., H. Staudigel, R. Workman, A.A.P. Koppers, A.P. Girard, A Fluorescein Tracer
Release Experiment in the Hydrothermally Active Crater of Vailulu'u Volcano, Samoa, J.
Geophysical Research, 108, 2377, JB001902, 11pp, 2003.
201. Sims, K.W., J. Blichert-Toft, D.J. Fornari, M.R. Perfit, S.J. Goldstein, P. Johnson, D.J.
DePaolo, S.R. Hart, M.T. Murrell, P. Michael, G. Layne, L. Ball. Aberrant youth:
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202. Moreira, M., J. Blusztajn, J. Curtice, S. Hart, H. Dick and M. Kurz, He and Ne Isotopes in
oceanic crust: implications for noble gas recycling in the mantle, Earth Planet. Sci. Letters,
216, 635-643, 2003.
203. Staudigel, H., S.R. Hart, A.A.P. Koppers, C. Constable, R. Workman, M. Kurz, E. T.
Baker, Hydrothermal Venting at Vailulu'u Seamount: The Smoking End of the Samoan
Chain, G-Cubed, 5, 2003GC000626, 2004.
204. Workman, R. K., S. R. Hart, M. Jackson, M. Regelous, J. Blusztajn, M. Kurz, K. Farley
and H. Staudigel, Recycled Metasomatized Lithosphere as the Origin of the Enriched
Mantle II (EM2) End-member: Evidence from the Samoan Volcanic Chain, G-Cubed, 5,
2003GC000623, 2004.
205. Konter, J. G., H. Staudigel, S. R. Hart and P. M. Shearer, Seafloor seismic monitoring of
an Active Submarine Volcano: Local Seismicity at Vailulu`u Seamount, Samoa, G-Cubed,
5, 2004GC000702, 2004.
206. Hart, S. R., M. Coetzee, R. K. Workman, J. Blusztajn, K. T. M. Johnson, J. M. Sinton, B.
Steinberger and J. W. Hawkins, Genesis of the Western Samoa Seamount Province: Age,
Geochemical Fingerprint and Tectonics, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 227, 37-56, 2004.
207. Cohen, A. L. and S. R. Hart, Deglacial sea surface temperatures of the tropical Pacific: A
new look at old coral, Paleoceanography, 19, 2004PA001084, 2004.
208. Workman, R. K. and S. R. Hart, Major and Trace Element Composition of the Depleted
MORB Mantle (DMM), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 231, 53-72, 2005.
209. Jackson, M., N. Oskarsson, R. G. Trønnes, J. F. McManus, D. W. Oppo, K. Grönvold, S.
R. Hart, J. Sachs, Holocene Loess Deposition in Iceland: Evidence for Millenial-scale
Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling in the North Atlantic, Geology, 33, 509-512, 2005.
210. Stracke, A., A. W. Hofmann and S. R. Hart, FOZO, HIMU and the rest of the Mantle Zoo,
G-Cubed, 6, 2004GC000824, 1-20, 2005.
211. Parman, S. W., M. D. Kurz, S. R. Hart and T. L. Grove, Helium solubility in olivine and its
implications for high 3He/4He in ocean island basalts, Nature, 437, 1140-1143, 2005.
212. Saal, A. E., S. R. Hart, N. Shimizu, E. H. Hauri, G. D. Layne and J. M. Eiler, Pb isotopic
variability in melt inclusions from the EMI-EMII-HIMU mantle end-members and the role
of oceanic lithosphere, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 240, 605-620, 2005.
213. Sims, K. W. W. and S. R. Hart, Comparison of Th, Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes in oceanic
basalts: Implications for mantle heterogeneity and magma genesis, EPSL, 245, 743-761,
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214. Panter, K. S., J. Blusztajn, S. R. Hart, P. R. Kyle, R. Esser, W. C. McIntosh, The origin of
HIMU in the SW Pacific: Evidence from intraplate volcanism in Southern New Zealand
and Subantarctic Islands, J. Petrology, 47, 1673-1704, 2006.
215. Workman, R. K., E. Hauri, S. R. Hart, J. Wang and J. Blusztajn, Volatile and trace
elements in basaltic glasses from Samoa: Implications for water distribution in the mantle,
Earth Planetary Science Letters, 241, 932-951, 2006.
216. Staudigel, H., S. R. Hart, A. Pile, B. E. Bailey, E. T. Baker, S. Brooke, D. P. Connelly, L.
Haucke, C. R. German, I. Hudson, D. Jones, A. A. P. Koppers, J. Konter, R. Lee, T. W.
Pietsch, B. M. Tebo, A. S. Templeton, R. Zierenberg and C. M. Young, Vailulu’u
Seamount, Samoa: Life and death on an active submarine volcano, Proc. National
Academy of Sciences, 103, 6448-6453, 2006.
217. Ahmed, A. H., K. Hanghoj, P. B. Kelemen, S. R. Hart, S. Arai, Osmium isotope
systematics of the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic ophiolitic chromitites: In situ ion probe
analysis of primary Os-rich PGM, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 245, 777-791, 2006.
218. Hart, S. R. and G. A. Gaetani, Mantle Pb paradoxes: the sulfide solution, Contributions
Mineralogy and Petrology, 152, 295-308, 2006.
219. Jackson, M. G. and S. R. Hart, Strontium isotopes in melt inclusions from Samoan basalts:
Implications for heterogeneity in the Samoan plume. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
245, 260-277, 2006.
220. Hart, S. R. and J. Blusztajn, Age and geochemistry of the mafic sills, ODP Site 1276,
Newfoundland margin, Chemical Geology, 235, 222-237, 2006.
221. Saal, A. E., M. D. Kurz, S. R. Hart, J. Blusztajn, J. Blichert-Toft and D. J. Geist, The role
of lithospheric gabbros on the composition of Galapagos lavas, Earth Planetary Science
Letters, 257, 391-406, 2007.
222. Jackson, M. G., S. R. Hart, A. A. P. Koppers, H. Staudigel , J. Konter, J. Blusztajn , M.
Kurz & J. A. Russell, The return of subducted continental crust in Samoan lavas, Nature,
448, 684-687, 2007.
223. Jackson, M. G., M. D. Kurz, S. R. Hart and R. K. Workman, New Samoan lavas from Ofu
Island reveal a hemispherically heterogeneous high 3He/4He mantle, Earth Planetary
Science Letters, 264, 360-374, 2007.
224. Courtier, A. M., M. G. Jackson, J. F. Lawrence, Z. Wang, C-T. A. Lee, R. Halama, J. M.
Warren, R. Workman, W. Xu, M. Hirschmann, A. M. Larson, S. R. Hart, C. LithgowBertelloni, L. Stixrude, W-P. Chen, Correlation of seismic and petrologic thermometers
suggests deep thermal anomalies beneath hotspots, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 264,
308-316, 2007.
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225. Sims, K. W. W. S. R. Hart, M. K. Reagan, J. Blusztajn, R. Sohn, H. Staudigel, G. Layne,
L. Ball, J. Andrews, 238U-230Th-226Ra-210Pb-210Po, 232Th-228Ra and 235U-231Pa constraints on
the ages and petrogenesis of Vailuluu and Malumalu Lavas, Samoa, G-Cubed, 9,
10.1029/2007GC001651, 1-30, 2008.
226. Hart, S. R., M. D. Kurz and Z. Wang, Scale length of mantle heterogeneities: Constraints
from He diffusion, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 269, 507-516, 2008.
227. Koppers, A. A. P., J. A. Russell, M. G. Jackson, J. Konter, H. Staudigel, S. R. Hart, Samoa
Reinstated as a Primary Hotspot Trail, Geology, 36, 435-438, 2008.
228. Workman, R. K., J. M. Eiler, S. R. Hart, M. G. Jackson, Oxygen Isotopes in Samoan lavas:
confirmation of continent recycling, Geology, 36, 551-554, 2008.
229. Jackson, M. G., S. R. Hart, A. E. Saal, N. Shimizu, M. D. Kurz, J. S. Blusztajn, A.
Skovgaard, Globally elevated titanium, tantalum and niobium (TITAN) in ocean island
basalts with high 3He/4He, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 9, Q04027, doi:
10.1029/2007GC001876, 2008.
230. Chan, L-H., J. C. Lassiter, E. H. Hauri, S. R. Hart, J. Blusztajn, Lithium isotope
systematics of lavas from the Cook-Austral Islands: Constraints on the origin of HIMU
mantle, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 277, 433-442, 2009.
231. Jackson, M. G., S. R. Hart, N. Shimizu, J. S. Blusztajn, 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd
disequilibrium between Polynesian hotspot lavas and the clinopyroxenes they host:
Evidence complementing isotopic disequilibrium in melt inclusions, Geochem. Geophys.
Geosyst., 10, Q03006, doi:10.1029/2008GC002324, 2009
232. Wang, Z., A. L. Cohen, R. Gabitov, G. Gaetani and S. R. Hart, Temperature dependent Mg
isotope fractionation in corals: developing a new carbonate paleothermometer, Geochimica
et Cosmochimica Acta, in review, October 2008.
Open File Reports, web-accessible
S. R. Hart, R. K. Workman, L. Ball, and J. Blusztajn, High Precision Pb Isotope Techniques from
the WHOI NEPTUNE PIMMS, WHOI Plasma Facility Open File Technical Report 10, May,
S. R. Hart, L. Ball, and M. Jackson, Sr Isotopes by Laser Ablation PIMMS: Application to Cpx
from Samoan Peridotite Xenoliths, WHOI Plasma Facility Open File Technical Report 11, May,
2004; updated February 2005.
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S. R. Hart and L. Ball, Isotopic Homogeneity of the SRM981 Pb Isotopic Standard, WHOI
Plasma Facility Open File Report 12, June, 2004.