Clinical Mentor Resident Checklist

Clinical Pharmacist/ Resident Mentor Checklist
Many times residents will learn their role within the organization better if they have a “peer sponsor or
mentor” – a seasoned employee assigned to them to help answer their questions and share with them an
understanding of organizational practices. The mentor may also help to introduce the new resident to
people with whom they will be interacting on a regular basis.
The selection of clinical mentor may be, but not limited to a practice area interest of the resident. The
mentor may include but not necessarily a project preceptor.
The document below is a list of roles and responsibilities of the mentor and the resident during the
The clinical pharmacist mentor will help facilitate the new resident’s orientation to Hillcrest Hospital’s
operations, and clinical development. The mentor/resident relationship will continue throughout the
duration of the residency.
The document below is a checklist of roles and responsibilities the clinical pharmacist mentor and
resident are to complete:
Employee Completed
1. Welcome/Introduction
2. Assist in orientation to the city if not from Cleveland
3. Exchange Mentor/Resident Contact Information
4. Review and support of Operational Processes within EPIC
as they are presented in normal daily workflow:
a. Creating Patient Lists
b. Search Medication Reports
c. Submit EPIC Rx Issues
d. Outlook (signatures/ things to keep folder, etc.)
e. Room scheduling
5. Provide support for conference room scheduling via
Outlook and Audio/Visual set up.
6.. Employee Engagement Review including review of
Gallup Survey metrics
7. Provide mentorship on career planning (i.e. registering for
Midyear PPS, etc)
8. Reinforce that all questions that are unanswered should
be sent to RPD or Asst Director of RX depending on content.
9. Have a scheduled brief monthly meeting starting in August
-meeting shall be informal and not interfere with residents
monthly rotation
a. ______
b. ______
c. ______
d. ______
e. ______
a. ______
b. ______
c. ______
d. ______
e. ______
a. ______
b. ______
c. ______
d. ______
e. ______