"An Episode of War," Stephen Crane

"An Episode of War," Stephen Crane
In "An Episode of War," what is the lieutenant
doing when he gets wounded?
What is the most likely reason that Crane never
tells us the lieutenant's name?
from My Bondage and My Freedom, Frederick
What causes Mrs. Auld to stop teaching young
Frederick Douglass to read?
How do Douglass's experiences prove his owners'
idea that education and slavery are incompatible?
What is the likely reason that the young white
children treat Douglass better than their parents do?
What might Douglass mean when he says that
slaveholders are also victims of slavery?
Which word best describes the tone or attitude of
the adult Frederick Douglass?
"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,"
Ambrose Bierce
How does Bierce build suspense in the opening
section of the story?
For what reason is the railroad at Owl Creek Bridge
being repaired?
What does Mary Chesnut's Civil War diary reveal
about her attitude toward the war?
In "Recollections of a Private," how does Private
Goss's attitude toward the war change after he has
How do McKim's and Jackson's accounts of Civil
War battles contrast in tone?
"To Build a Fire," Jack London
Which statement best expresses the man's attitude
when we first meet him?
What "traps" does the man unsuccessfully try to
What happens to the man and the dog at the end of
the story?
What does the story most strongly suggest about
"The Story of an Hour," Kate Chopin
To what does the opening sentence probably refer
when it speaks of Mrs. Mallard's "heart trouble"?
How does Mrs. Mallard react to news of her
husband's death?
What has Mrs. Mallard apparently resented about
her marriage?
Which detail in Farquhar's background explains
why he would risk his life on such a dangerous
How does the setting outside the window reflect
Mrs. Mallard's feelings?
How are Farquhar's perceptions of time and motion
distorted as he waits to be hanged?
What seems to be the actual reason for Mrs.
Mallard's death?
What do we learn in the end about Farquhar's
"The Gettysburg Address" and "Second
Inaugural Address," Abraham Lincoln
"Letter to His Son," Robert E. Lee
What was Lincoln's purpose in the "Gettysburg
What was Lincoln's purpose in his second inaugural
Extended MetaphorSimileHyperboleThemeStyleAllusion-
With what choice is Robert E. Lee struggling in his
Point of View-
According to his letter, why did Lee ultimately
decide to return to his native Virginia?
from Mary Chesnut's Civil War, Mary
"Recollections of a Private," Warren Lee
"A Confederate Account of the Battle of
Gettysburg," Randolph McKim
"An Account of the Battle of Bull Run,"
Stonewall Jackson