Question Q1 In your opinion, what is the most important problem facing the state of Texas? DO NOT READ CATEGORIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The budget deficit The State's economy Education Water Environmental quality Illegal immigration Crime The death penalty Social Security The war in Iraq Terrorism Something else (SPECIFY) 88 DK 99 REF Question Q1oth RECORD RESPONSE Question Q2 For the following, please tell me whether each problem should be a low priority or high priority for the state's lawmakers. Use a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means "low priority" and 5 means "high priority." The nation's economy The state's economy Education Water Environmental quality Illegal immigration Crime The death penalty LOW HIGH PRIORITY PRIORITY |---------|---------|---------|---------| 1 2 3 4 5 8 DK 9 REF Question Q3 Would you strongly support, support, oppose, or strongly oppose a federal tax increase to fund programs to prevent illegal immigration? 1 2 3 4 Strongly oppose Oppose Support Strongly support 8 DK/NOT SURE 9 REF Question Q4 Do you believe that children of illegal immigrants who are born in the United States should continue to receive citizenship automatically? 1 Yes 2 No 8 DK/NOT SURE 9 REFUSED Question Q5 Do you think that illegal or undocumented immigrants should or should not be eligible to send their children to public schools? 1 Eligible 2 Not eligible 8 DK/NOT SURE 9 REFUSED Question Q6 Now I would like to ask how you feel about Texas as a place to live. How much pride do you have in the State of Texas? Would you say you have a great deal of pride, some pride, a little pride, or no pride at all in Texas? 1 2 3 4 A great deal Some A little None at all 8 DK 9 REF Question Q7 How would you rate the job opportunities in the State of Texas for people like yourself. Would you rate them as excellent, good, fair, or poor? 1 2 3 4 Excellent Good Fair Poor 8 DK 9 REF Question Q8 Are you registered to vote? 1 Yes 2 No 3 Not able to register 8 DK 9 REF Question Q9 Did you vote in the last general election? 1 Yes 2 No 8 DK 9 REF Question Q9a Why not? 1 2 3 4 I I I I was did was was 8 DK 9 REF not not not not interested in the election have time to vote registered to vote eligible to vote Question Q10 Please tell me which of the following statements comes closest to your opinion. 1 I feel that a woman president would be as capable of a leader as any man 2 I feel that a woman president would be as capable of a leader as any man, but prone to resistance from male-oriented institutions. 3 I feel that a woman president would not be as capable a leader as a male president 8 DK 9 REF Question Q11 Please tell me which of the following statements comes closest to your opinion. 1 I believe that a woman president would be capable of commanding as much foreign respect as a male president. 2 I believe that a woman president would struggle to command as much foreign respect as a male president. 3 I believe that a woman president would be incapable of commanding as much foreign respect as a male president. 8 DK 9 REF Question Q13 Now I would like to ask how comfortable you would be with several different scenarios. Please use a scale where 1 means very uncomfortable and 5 means very comfortable. Would you be very uncomfortable, uncomfortable, neither comfortable nor uncomfortable, comfortable, or very comfortable if: Secondary school teachers were allowed to carry concealed handguns with them to school? VERY VERY UNCOMFORTABLE COMFORTABLE |---------|---------|---------|---------| 1 2 3 4 5 8 DON'T KNOW 9 REFUSED Question Q14 Would you be very uncomfortable, uncomfortable, neither comfortable nor uncomfortable, comfortable, or very comfortable if: College professors were allowed to carry concealed handguns with them to school? VERY VERY UNCOMFORTABLE COMFORTABLE |---------|---------|---------|---------| 1 2 3 4 5 8 DON'T KNOW 9 REFUSED Question Q15 Would you be very uncomfortable, uncomfortable, neither comfortable nor uncomfortable,comfortable, or very comfortable if: College students were allowed to carry concealed handguns with them to school? VERY VERY UNCOMFORTABLE COMFORTABLE |---------|---------|---------|---------| 1 2 3 4 5 8 DON'T KNOW 9 REFUSED Question Q16 Some people want to keep American soldiers in Iraq, while others want to begin withdrawing U. S. troops. Which comes closest to how you feel? 1 Keep the troops in Iraq 2 Bring the troops home immediately 3 NEITHER 8 DK 9 REF Question Q17 Some people feel that the government in Washington should make an effort to reduce gas prices, while others feel it is best to let the market set gas prices. Which comes closest to how you feel? 1 The government should make an effort to reduce gas prices. 2 Gas prices should be set by the marketplace. 3 NEITHER 8 DK 9 REF Question Q18 People blame many different factors for the increased cost of gas in recent years. Which comes closest to the reason you feel gas prices have increased? 1 The average consumer has caused gas 2 Normal economic factors have caused 3 U. S. involvement in middle-eastern to increase 4 President Bush caused gas prices to prices to increase. gas prices to increase. wars has caused gas prices increase. 8 DK 9 REF Question Q19 Should the US government or the state government of Texas be more responsible for securing the southern border of Texas? 1 US government 2 Texas government 3 EQUAL Responsibility 8 DK 9 REF Question Q21 Now I would like to ask you about sex education in public schools in Texas. Some people feel that teaching only abstinence to our children is the correct way to teach about sex, while others feel that teaching safe sex practices is the correct way to teach about sex. Which comes closest to how you feel? 1 Abstinence only 2 Safe sex practices 3 NEITHER 8 DK 9 REF Question q22 Finally, I have just a few questions about you. employment status? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Working for pay Unemployed Retired Keeping house Full-time student Not working due to disability 8 DK 9 REF What is your current Question q23 In what year were you born? ENTER YEAR 19 99 DK/REF Question q24 What race or ethnicity do you consider yourself to be? 1 2 3 4 5 6 White African-American/Black Hispanic/Latino Asian/Pacific Islander Native American/Native Alaskan/Aleut Other 8 DK 9 REF Question q25 Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin? 1 Yes 2 No 8 DK 9 REF Question q26 Generally speaking, do you consider yourself to be a Republican, a Democrat, an independent, or something else? 1 2 3 4 Republican Democrat Independent Something else 8 DK 9 REF Question q26rep Do you consider yourself to be a strong or not so strong Republican? 1 Strong 2 Not so strong 8 DK 9 REF Question q26dem Do you consider yourself to be a strong or not so strong Democrat? 1 Strong 2 Not so strong 8 DK 9 REF Question q26ind Do you lean more toward the 1 Republican 2 Democrat 3 NEITHER 8 DK 9 REF Question Q27 When it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, extremely conservative, or haven't you thought much about this? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Extremely liberal Liberal Slightly liberal Moderate or middle of the road Slightly conservative Conservative Extremely conservative 8 DON'T KNOW/HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT IT 9 REF Question Q28 What is the highest level of education you have completed? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Less than high school High school diploma/GED Some college, no degree Two-year degree (Associate's degree) Four-year degree (Bachelor's degree) Graduate or professional degree (Master's, Doctorate) 8 DK 9 REF Question Q29 What is your current marital status? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Single/never married Not married but living with partner Married Separated Widowed Divorced 8 DK 9 REF Question Q30 How many adults age 18 and older live in your household? ENTER NUMBER: 8 DK 9 REF Question Q31 How many children under the age of 18 live in your household? ENTER NUMBER: 8 DK 9 REF Question Q32 1 Yes 2 No 8 DK 9 REF Question Q33 How many years have you lived in the State of Texas? IF LESS THAN 1, ENTER 0 ENTER NUMBER: 88 DK 99 REF Question Q34 Is your annual household income above or below $40,000? 1 Above 2 Below 8 DK 9 REF Question Q34a Is your annual household income above or below $65,000? 1 Above 2 Below 8 DK 9 REF Question Q34b Is your annual household income above or below $25,000? 1 Above 2 Below 8 DK 9 REF Question Q35 RECORD RESPONDENT'S GENDER 1 MALE 2 FEMALE