SIGMA IOTA RHO THE HONOR SOCIETY FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Membership Application BYU-Idaho International Studies Society, Epsilon Zeta Chapter of Sigma Iota Rho Membership in SIR represents outstanding academic achievement and maturity in the field of international studies; as such there are certain requirements that must be met before one can be inducted into the society: As outlined in Article III, Section II of the society constitution, members must meet the following requirements in order to gain membership in the EZ Chapter of SIR: 1. Be of Junior or Senior status (cannot be graduated yet). 2. Have completed at least 21 credits contributing to your major, minor or emphasis in international studies/relations. At least two of these courses must be at the 300 or 400 level. 3. Have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher. 4. Have at least a 3.3 GPA in international studies courses (i.e. the 21+ credits mentioned in point 2). 5. Be within the top third of high grades in the international studies major (even if only your minor/emphasis is in I.S.); your cumulative GPA will be used when calculating this. Please fill out the following information accurately; then turn this form in to the current society faculty advisor. Name: Date: Major, Minor & Emphasis: Junior/Senior: Cumulative GPA: I#: BYUI Email: I.S. Courses GPA: Please list the international studies courses taken that go toward fulfilling your major, minor, or emphasis requirement (if you are an I.S. major, we do not need to know your language minor details): 1. 5. 9. 13. 17. 21. 25. 2. 6. 10. 14. 18. 22. 26. Course and Grade 3. 7. 11. 15. 19. 23. 27. 4. 8. 12. 16. 20. 24. 28. If your application is successful, you receive an e-mail from the SIR leadership informing you of such; the membership induction fee (currently $45) will then be deducted from your student account. Towards the end of the second block you will be invited to attend the semesterly induction ceremony, whereby you will be officially inducted into the Epsilon Zeta Chapter of the Sigma Iota Rho National Honor Society for International Studies.