TALKING PRACTICE…and PREPARE yourself to talk! Séquence : Talking about my addictions: Séance 1: Teenagers from around the World: 1) Listen to the document. What can you hear in this document? a) b) c) d) 6 young people from different countries. 5 young people from around the world. 5 anxious parents. 6 anxious parents. 2) What are they talking about? a) b) c) d) things they like. Things they don’t like. Things their parents like. Things their children like. 3) Listen and circle the words you hear. (Les mots soulignés sont là pour le prof, à enlever pour élèves) a) Arienne: Addicted to , envy, smoking, cigars, cigarettes, body, only, rest areas, brand, easy, quit, tons. b) Jeff: Indicated, side, activity, only, every, fall. c) Fred :Gin, gym, walk, work, believe, relieves,pleasure, pressure. d) Kevin :Hit, eat, sweat, sweets, fringe, fridge, heating , eating. e) Reky : Shows, hot, here’s, heroes, wash, watch. f) Rebecca: Chocolate, launch, lunch, doner, dinner, bandanas, bananas, sunscreen, ice-cream. 4) Find the French equivalent for the words in exercise 3. regarder manger chaque bananes réfrigérateur déjeuner être accro cigarettes chocolat bonbons dîner glace pression laisser tomber soulage activité programme salle de sports corps travail héros 1 5) Listen and replace the words in the appropriate order. a) b) c) d) e) f) To, addicted, I, am, what, ? It, every, do, day,I me, for, think, I, going, gym, the, good, to, thing, a, is chocolates, eat, like, I, cookies, pudding especially download, usually, I, it, can watch, and, I,it dinner, and, lunch, morning, every, chocolate, eat, can, I 6) Listen again to the first 2 teenagers: a) Arienne from Norway b) Jeff from Canada, and fill the grid. (les réponses élèves sont en rose) People / things they are addicted to Arienne smoking Jeff sports Expressions used for opinion on addiction (good / bad) Justification Really bad Very bad difficult Don’t feel good Verbs used To smoke To be addicted to To quit To need Not do it Homework: Write a short paragraph in which you will describe the 2 youngsters’ addictions. You will use all the details from the grid above. 2 PRACTICE…and PREPARE yourself to talk! Séquence : Talking about my addictions: Séance 2: Expressing frequency. 1) Match the English adverbs of frequency with their French equivalent. a) I Never play football on Sundays 1) Je joue souvent au football le dimanche. b) I Sometimes play football on Sundays 2) Je ne joue jamais au football le dimanche. c) I Usually play football on Sundays 3) Je joue toujours au football le dimanche d) I often play football on Sundays 4) Je joue parfois au football le dimanche. e) I always play football on Sundays 5) D’habitude, je joue au football le dimanche. 2) Listen and number the phrases you hear. (le professeur lit en indiquant de la main pour aider). Once a week three times a month every Monday On Sunday mornings never twice a month Twice a week four times a week once a month 3) Underline with a different colour each phrase from exercise 2, then put these colour codes in the calendar below. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 (Understanding what this task is about, may pose a problem to students, They will want explanations about exactly what to do; tell them it works like a sort of verbal Sudoku!) 3 4) pair work : Check the frequency for these activities with your partner. Complete items 4 and 5 in the grid. Write down his/her answers : ex: Q: How often do you ... play football? A: I play football once a week/every Sunday/never... Activities Frequency : Me Frequency : My partner 1 Watch TV 2 Play video games 3 Do your homework 4 5 Mise en commun orale: reporting how often you /he/she (the partner) does… 5) Recap. List the adverbs and indicators of frequency from the least frequent to the most frequent (put the 6 adverbs first , then the indicators of frequency): Adverbs English French never sometimes usually often Always Indicators of frequency Once a month Twice a month 3 times a month 4 times a month Every day 6) Homework : Write 10 sentences using 10 different adverbs and indicators of frequency concerning your activities.(Try and produce 2 negative sentences and 1 interrogative sentence) 4 PRACTICE…and PREPARE yourself to talk! Séquence : Talking about my addictions: Séance 3 Preparing my script. 1) Match the question with the right answer. A B 1) What are you addicted to? a) I play tennis twice a week 2) When do you play? b) because it helps me unwind 3) Why do you play tennis? c) I play with my best-friend 4) Who do you play with? d) I do it three times a month 5) How often do you play tennis? e) I’m addicted to sweets 2) Read Reky’s script and put the elements underlined in the right column. Reky, Indonesia I'm addicted to TV shows. Now there is a very interesting TV show called “Heroes”. It comes every Monday night, so I usually download it and I can watch it. I like “Heroes” because it's a fiction story and there are very interesting characters inside it. And the character, the people have supernatural power, so people... someone can disappear or read people's minds or can do many different things, so I kind of like it. It's very interesting. Addiction What ? Frequency How often / when / how long ? Advantages and/or positive reasons Why ? … 5 Drawbacks and/or negative reasons Why ? 3) Brainstorming: let’s fill the grid together with your addictions: Ask the question “How do you say…………………………… English?” to find out the names of diverse forms of addictions. Activities French Pros + French 6 Cons - French 4) Homework : using the table in exercise 3 above, complete the following table to speak about your activities, while imitating the example: Addiction What ? Ex : playing video games Frequency How often / when / how long ? Often at night 7 Advantages (2) and/or reasons Why ? Drawbacks (2) and/or reasons Why ? Playing video games is a good thing for me because it helps me forget about my problems… Playing video games is bad because it interferes with my school results … PRACTICE…and PREPARE yourself to talk! Séquence : Talking about my addictions: Séance 4 : Writing my script. 1) Now write your script using the data from the previous lessons. You will mention the following information: - Name, age : - Nature of my addiction : - Frequency (Length and /or quantity if needed) - Positive aspects (2) / why - drawbacks (2) / why 2) A) Read your script out loud. errors corrected by your teacher. B) Listen to the speaker and write down the 3) HOMEWORK : You will learn your script by heart. Your intervention will be filmed/recorded………And put on the school’s website! So be a good orator or a good actor! 8 PRACTICE / EVALUATION FORMATIVE Séquence : Talking about my addictions: Séance 5 : Let’s Roll ! A) 1) Read the text and answer the questions. Reky, Indonesia I'm addicted to TV shows. Now there is a very interesting TV show called “Heroes”. It comes every Monday night, so I usually download it and I can watch it. I like “Heroes” because it's a fiction story and there are very interesting characters inside it. And the character, the people have supernatural power, so people... someone can disappear or read people's minds or can do many different things, so I kind of like it. It's very interesting. 2) Talking about my addictions: Your turn now. You will talk about your addiction. Your speech will cover the following points. Name, age : - Nature of my addiction : - Frequency (Length and /or quantity if needed) - Positive aspects (1) / why - Inconvenients (1) / why Rappel des critères d’évaluation : Attentes Se présenter (nom, âge) Nature de la dépendance Fréquence / durée / quantité Aspects positifs /négatifs et raisons Réalisation de la tâche* 0 ou 1 Recevabilité linguistique** 0 ou 2 ou 4 0 ou 1 0 ou 2 ou 4 /5 0 ou 1 0 ou 2 ou 4 /5 0 ou 1 0 ou 2 ou 4 /5 TOTAL DES POINTS Total /5 /20 (*) tâche non réalisée = 0 : tâche réalisée = 1 (au sens où les moyens mobilisés – choix du type de discours, du lexique et des structures – même limités et approximatifs, correspondent à la tâche demandée. (**) recevabilité linguistique : 0 = l’expression n’est pas compréhensible, même en faisant des efforts. 2 = les moyens linguistiques sont limités mais suffisants pour réaliser une production écrite, cependant la langue comporte des erreurs qui peuvent être systématiques ; la lecture n’est pas fluide et la compréhension demande ponctuellement un effort. 4 = les moyens linguistiques sont nombreux, mais la langue comporte encore quelques erreurs élémentaires qui n’entravent ni la compréhension ni la lisibilité. 9 B) 2) Ecoutez les interventions de vos camarades et remplissez le tableau ci dessous en français. Nom âge je suis accro à… / fréquence 10 aspects + (2) aspects – (2) Situation d’évaluation: EO2 Niveau A2 a) Read the text and answer the questions: Reky, Indonesia I'm addicted to TV shows. Now there is a very interesting TV show called “Heroes”. It comes every Monday night, so I usually download it and I can watch it. I like “Heroes” because it's a fiction story and there are very interesting characters inside it. And the character, the people have supernatural power, so people... someone can disappear or read people's minds or can do many different things, so I kind of like it. It's very interesting. b) Talking about my addictions: Your turn now. You will talk about your addiction. Your speech will cover the following points. - Name, age : Nature of my addiction : Frequency (Length and /or quantity if needed) Positive aspects (1) / why Inconvenients (1) / why Attentes Réalisation de la tâche* 0 ou 1 Recevabilité linguistique** 0 ou 2 ou 4 Se présenter (nom, âge) Nature de la dépendance 0 ou 1 0 ou 2 ou 4 /5 Fréquence / durée / quantité Aspects positifs /négatifs et raisons 0 ou 1 0 ou 2 ou 4 /5 0 ou 1 0 ou 2 ou 4 /5 Lecture à haute voix TOTAL DES POINTS Total /5 /20 (*) tâche non réalisée = 0 Elève muet : tâche réalisée = 1 (au sens où les moyens mobilisés – choix du type de discours, du lexique et des structures – même limités et approximatifs, correspondent à la tâche demandée. (**) recevabilité linguistique : 0 = l’expression n’est pas compréhensible, même en faisant des efforts. 2 = se fait comprendre tout en s’exprimant de manière maladroite et incorrecte, tant du point de vue phonologique que grammatical et lexical en s’aidant de gestes. 4 = langue compréhensible , vocabulaire restreint mais suffisant pour exécuter les tâches demandées. Les erreurs de grammaire peuvent être systématiques et un accent étranger peut être nettement perçu si ces erreurs et cet accent ne compromettent pas le sens du message. 11