Appendix H Fairfax County Public EXPECTATIONS Schools Fairfax County Public Schools INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT (IA) PERFORMANCE Employee’s Name Employee ID No. School/Department Position Title Evaluation Year Instructional Assistant Media Center JOB-SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Demonstrates an understanding of the instructional program as relevant to the assignment. The IA… helps with ordering of new materials which support various types of curriculum within the school. aids in locating appropriate materials in the Media Center for teachers and students. recommends FCPS-approved videos that follow classroom curriculum. labels all videos with correct curriculum and grade-level approval set by FCPS or local site approved forms. keeps school staff informed of new materials appropriate for their curriculum. creates book displays that emphasize different curriculum. Exhibits the skills required to successfully execute specific tasks. The IA… checks in/out materials for students and staff, using computerized library circulation system (Work Flows). assists students and staff in finding materials using the Online Catalog (iBistro). checks info out equipment using equipment circulation system (ACIS). assists with book ordering by entering books needing replacement or books recommended for purchase by librarians (OSA Online Selection and Acquisition). maintains local site approved Video Database (Microsoft Office Access). performs general word processing (Microsoft Office Word). uses computer in creation of Media Center displays and graphic manipulation (Microsoft Publisher). monitors students for correct use of computers according to FCPS correct usage policy (SyncronEyes). Possesses the ability to adapt to different tasks as needed. The IA… serves as receptionist, answers phones, and assists visitors to accomplish the purpose of their visit. monitors library when it is necessary for librarian to be absent for professional purposes. creates and sets up bulletin boards, table displays, and showcases which emphasize Noteworthy Events, Media Center activities, new books, and incentive programs run by the Media Center. performs tasks which may not be specifically listed, but which are within the general occupational area. Demonstrates a working knowledge of child development. The IA… works with students in grades 7-12. works with and assists students with learning disabilities in the Media Center environment. assists in ordering age-appropriate materials for the collection. assists students in locating age appropriate materials. encourages age-appropriate behavior in all students. creates book displays to appeal to students in grades 7-12 using themes that include humor, popular literature, and subjects that relate to curriculum. Supports classroom management and behavior of students. The IA… explains established library procedures to teachers and students in absence of librarian. assists librarians to ensure users adhere to FCPS, School and Media Center rules. helps with schoolwide behavior program. monitors "Traveling" student from programs at other schools who spend time in the Media Center. corrects inappropriate student activity and behavior in absence of librarian or teacher. QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY Works with minimum assistance. The IA… anticipates the needs of the librarians in the Media Center. functions as initial point of contact when students enter the Media Center and directs students to librarians as needed. creates books displays and showcase displays with only brief topical instruction. Effectively performs job-related tasks. The IA… processes new materials by affixing barcodes and spine labels as needed, stamping materials with school identification, and labeling all DVDs and CDs with school identification. converts and/or maintains separate records on materials not in the normal inventory (supply inventory and locally approved video database). sends materials to IPS Center/Library Services to be processed and cataloged. Demonstrates time-management skills. The IA… performs a variety of tasks throughout the day in a timely manner. prioritizes tasks according to deadlines. maintains up-to-date monthly or seasonal displays Uses a variety of problem-solving techniques. The IA… makes suggestion on how problems can be solved. answers questions when patrons have problems with their Media Center Accounts. answers questions when patrons have problems locating materials in the Media Center. Uses available resources appropriately. The IA… demonstrates the ability to use all relevant office equipment as well as use of business correspondence format and editorial skills. uses computer programs and internet to accomplish work related activities. repairs damaged books and magazines. replaces lamps in overhead projectors. makes minor repairs to equipment, CDs and DVDs. INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT Communicates specific performance expectations to students. The IA… makes sure that students visiting without their teacher have an appropriate assignment or activity to do in the Media Center. monitors student behavior and encourages them to stay on task with their assigned work. assists librarians and teachers in maintaining a proper learning atmosphere in the Media Center. Advises the teacher(s)/supervisor(s) of student performance. The IA… informs a librarian when a student needs assistance with a project or activity. informs a librarian when students are not following the rules of FCPS, the school, and or Media Center. informs a librarian when students are successfully following proper procedures and instructions given during lessons in Media Center if requested. Follows through with instructional directives. The IA… completes duties as assigned by the librarians. completes requests from staff members which fall within assigned duties. copies video tapes requested by librarians and staff. completes displays and signage requested by the librarians. Works with the teacher(s) to differentiate instruction to meet students’ diverse needs. The IA… assists teachers in locating materials for their students including ESOL materials, Hi-Lo interest books, AP list reading material. helps maintain special book carts for teachers to cover specific topics or reading interests. directs students and staff to different types of media available to patrons which might fill their needs (Reference Books, E-Books, Foreign Language material, Audio Books, Online Databases, etc.). Supports the teacher in accessing student performance. The IA… notifies teachers if one of their students needs help or direction when their classes are in the Media Center. HUMAN RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS Promotes and maintains positive relationships with diverse groups in the school and community. The IA… creates book displays that address the various ethnic populations of the school using the FCPS Calendar of Noteworthy Events. understands social issues which relate to different ethnic populations in the school. relates to all patrons of the Media Center (staff, students, and parents). helps direct parent volunteers who work in the Media Center. Demonstrates effective communication skills. The IA… answers the phone professionally and relays messages as needed. speaks clearly and at a level that can be understood by students, faculty and parents. interacts with all students that come to the Media Center in a welcoming and positive manner. Demonstrates teamwork. The IA… works well with all members of the Media Center staff. helps individual members of the Media Center staff with specific projects and class activities. helps maintain the school-wide Behavioral Initiative collection boxes. PROFESSIONALISM Contributes positively toward the accomplishment of the program goals. The IA… supports the librarians in the presentation of lessons in the Media Center. helps maintain the On-Line Catalog database (updating, inventory, entering new items). submits librarian requests for change recommendations to IPS/Library Services. Demonstrates knowledge of FCPS policies and school procedures. The IA… adheres to FCPS rules and regulations, especially those related to leave and attendance. issues receipts for payments made for lost or damaged books. enforces Student Rights and Responsibility. checks that all adults who are not members of the staff or do not have a FCPS ID Badge are wearing a school issued pass to be in the building. requires all students who enter the Media Center have the correct type of pass in their planner or an office pass. labels all videos with correct curriculum and grade level approval set by FCPS or local site approved forms. performs assigned duties during security lock down. has been assigned and trained in the use of first aid kit to be used during emergency events or evacuation of the building. reports all misuse of computers by students to School Technology Team (observed in person on SyncronEyes system). alerts a librarian if any student, or adult is posing some form of a security risk. Maintains confidentiality and integrity. The IA… manages student and staff personal information in the circulation system. collects and registers payments of fees for over dues and lost materials. I understand that my work hours are limited to 37.5 hours a week. Job specification is attached. Signature of Supervisor or Evaluator: Date: Signature of Employee: Date: Distribution: Original – Local Site File Copy – Instructional Assistant