
June 2014
800 S. Fordham St
Longmont, CO 80503
AltaVita Memory Care Centre 800 S. Fordham St. Longmont, CO 80503
That was then,
tHis is nOw…..
Happy Spring!
I love this warmer weather! You may have notice we have been working on the inner
courtyard. We added concrete to create a larger sitting area and an awning. We have
also ordered additional furniture. I hope you will take advantage of Colorado’s cool
evenings and sit out there when you are here visiting. The small courtyards look great!
Thank you to the staff, residents, volunteers, and families that helped plant the flowers
and the garden boxes.
In lieu of Family Council this quarter we will have neighborhood family BBQ’s starting
this month. You will be notified which night the neighborhood your loved one lives in
is scheduled for their BBQ. Since we have grown and are full we are unable to have
everyone at once. We look forward to seeing everyone this summer!
I would like to introduce three new members of our nursing team;
Ernesto Lopez, LPN. Ernesto works the evening shift from 3:00pm to 11:00pm
Stephanie Baldwin, LPN. Stephanie works from 10:00am to 7:00pm.
Mary Benson, LPN. Mary works from 10:00pm to 6:00am.
JUNE Birthdays
June is here and Fathers Day is around the corner, it is time to
drag out those grills and fire them up…
One of my favorite grill items is Tri-Tip; it is so good that I
decided to pass around a recipe you are welcome to try on your
If you were born between June 1 and 21,
you are a Twin of Gemini. Gemini’s make
communicative and lively companions.
Intellectual and imaginative, they are the
ones to sit near at a party. Those born
between June 22 and 30 are Crabs of
Cancer. Crabs love family and nurturing
others. They may be emotional, kind, and
gentle, but they are never soft. Cancers are
strong-willed and tenacious in their search
for peace and hominess.
Tri-Tip with Cabernet Sauvignon Marinade
Yields: 4 servings
Cook time: 30 minutes Prep time: 15 minutes
1 cup Cabernet Sauvignon
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon salt
2½ pounds beef tri-tip
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
3 tablespoons soy sauce
4 sprigs thyme
6 large, cloves garlic roughly chopped
In a medium mixing bowl, whisk first six ingredients together.
In a heavy-duty sealable plastic bag, combine mixture with tri-tip. Seal bag,
pressing out excess air, and place in a shallow baking dish. Marinate in
refrigerator, turning occasionally, at least 4 hours and up to 24.
Prepare grill. Grill meat to desired doneness. For medium rare meat, grill until
center of tri-tip reaches 145°F (approximately 20-25 minutes). Reserve
remaining marinade.
Remove tri-tip from grill and let rest 15 minutes. In a small sauce pan, bring
remaining marinade to boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer 8-10 minutes,
stirring occasionally.
Slice meat and top with reduction sauce.
June 12th – Lois in Tuscan
Betty (housekeeping)
June 18 – Mary (caregiver)
June 29th – Donna K in Tuscan
These are there normal schedules, however sometimes it is necessary for them to work
different shifts. Bonnie works M-F from 8:00pm to 5:30pm.
Please help us welcome them, they are a great addition to our team. As a reminder
our weekend coverage for nurses is 10:00am to 7:00pm in the building. The nurses
take call 24/7 when we do not have one in the building.
wHat’s gOing On?
Thank you,
Linda Berens,
Executive Director
Dear Families,
With summer coming, I know that some of you will be thinking about different
shoes for your loved ones. Please keep in mind their gait, safety awareness. We
recommend no Crocs, no open back sandals, no clogs, no flip flops. Also, with the
warm weather coming, it may be time to bring in lighter clothing, jackets, sweaters,
etc. Thank you,
Bonnie Clark,
Wellness Director
wHat’s cOOkin’
with Anita?
We are half way through the year already…can you believe it!!!!??? But at least it is
warmer and we can spend more time outside now!! Thank you all who came to our
Spring Concert – it was great to have you! We have already started on our Summer
Concert that will be in July, so you have that to look forward to! Thank you also to
those of you who were able to come to the Family Support Group – next month I will
be having an evening group and if that one is well attended then I think we will
alternate month to month between daytime and evening. I want it to be available for
those who need it. Also, as a heads up, the following people have (generously and
bravely) nominated themselves for the Resident Council. If you can help with their
campaign, that would be great!!! Tony, Clyde, Ginny, Dei and Bill. Elections on June
24th!!!! Woohoo! Have a great June! And Happy Father’s Day!
Gemma Wilson,
Life Enrichment Director
June 2014
That was then, this is
Margot – On my wedding day, I was happy and
excited! Family and friends came from all over and I
had my wedding in a big hotel. There was lots of
dancing. It was in February and my flowers were
tulips. It was in Pittsburg on the second Friday. It
was a beautiful day!
Mary – I was so happy to be getting married. That’s
all I could think of on my wedding day. We got
married in a big church surrounded by family and
Maggie – Me and my then boyfriend decided to get
married in Nebraska even though we lived in
Wyoming. So we went to Kimble, NB with my
brother and now sister in law who decided they
would get married at the same time. We stood up
with each other and they looked up a judge and we
went to his house which seemed like an old haunted
house. It was a speedy ceremony in his front room.
My dress we blue and white and we had no flowers.
It was August – our wedding in the haunted house!
Afterwards we drove back to Wyoming.
Dei – We got married in the Boston Memorial
Church. I had a beautiful wedding. My dress was
flowing and white with lace. My husband left a week
later to go into the service. He was gone for 2 years.
But that was ok. He was serving his country. We had
2 beautiful children. They grew up to have children
of their own. My life was a picture and I have much
to be grateful for.
Ree – WE had a nice simple wedding in a small
Church. It was a lovely Spring day in April. The
ceremony was small, mostly family and a few
friends. The weather was just perfect!
Ginny – My wedding was beautiful. It was at John’s
Lutheran Church. There were lots of friends and
family. It was a really pretty day. Dick was very
dashing that day. Well, every day really. I was so
Mastering My Emotion
By Margot, Betty, Ida Mae, Donna C, Jean, Earlene, Dei, Lucy, Lois,
Duane, Phyllis G, P & W, Joy, Tony, Bill, Hugh, Jane, Dee, Steve, Ree,
Marian, Althea, Cherie, Ginny, Eunice, Barb.
I awoke to love’s sweet song
On the morning of my wedding day.
A tidal wave of emotion and adrift with anticipation,
With expectations that were hopeful and real.
Questioning my decision and myself,
Scared, nervous but excited.
Should I run for the hills or enjoy the moment,
And face our future, wherever it may take us?
Yes!!! I am heading forward – you are finally mine!
I’ve mastered my emotion and am on top of the world,
Tipsy with happiness and excitement
And forever grateful for the love we have found!
excited because Dick was the love of my life.
wHat’s gOing On?
JUNE 6th, 10:15am – JAMMIN’ WITH JIM – feel free
to join the fun!
JUNE 18th, 10:15am – JAMMIN’ WITH JIM
Thursday afternoons at 1:30pm sees the start of
our summer field trips – if any one would like to
accompany us on these let us know. The more
volunteers we have, the more intricate our plans
can be!!!!
Resident council elections will take place on June
24th – help your loved one with their campaigning!!
– Tony, Clyde, Ginny, Dei and Bill have put their
hats in the ring!
Happy Days
Phyllis P, Jean, Ginny, Joan, Pearl, Dei, June, Barb,
Alvin, Lois, Bill, Tony, Joy, Lucy, Maebeth, Duane,
Hugh, Jean W, Dee, Tom S, Ida Mae, Margot, Phyllis
G, Donna C.
The sunhat hangs on the potting shed door,
Waiting for the wind, sun and flowers to beckon us,
To tend them with care and love
Beautifying our meadows and gardens.
June is a time for everyone to enjoy
Everything nature and time has to offer.
Longer days and warm weather, refuel,
And gentle winds refresh our tired spirits.
As we bask in the sun, we feel happy and lazy.
School is out and excitement and joy reign.
But with the expectation that the best is yet to
We anticipate the beauty and are ready for love.
This is the fun we had at crackpots (hint, hint) if
anyone would like to come on this field trip…..
The Wonderful Smells of
By Phyllis P, Margot, Eunice, Ida Mae, Earlene, Jean J, Jane,
Donna C, Ginny, Lucy, Lois, Phyllis G, Joy, Tony, Bill, June, Donna,
Mary, Cherie, Connie, BB, Hugh, Steve, Barb, Dei, Maggie
Maebeth and Joan in
Cape Cod
- Welcome to both of
you!! SO GLAD you are
Fields of cows and grass and horses,
Green and fragrant in the balmy air.
Refresh, renew and calm our senses;
Relax and delight our summer.
Skies of blue and clouds and sunshine,
Soft and wispy in the gentle breeze.
Rejuvenates, cools and calm the air;
Feeling heavenly night and day.
Crops ripen in the golden fields,
And the smell of fresh mown hay, invigorates.
As it marches to the drum of life,
Joyfully swaying in the summer sun.