



: Hook: Students will be shown a model of a balance and told that balancing equations is similar. The teacher will place different weights that will either balance the scale or shift it to one side. Students will then be introduced to Hand on Equations. Their job is to be the judge, but like a judge they have to be fair, each equation represent a case in which they as judges have to be just and “balanced.”


: Students will be able to solve equations using addition and subtraction.

General Description

: Students have been working with algebraic expression in the previous lesson, now they will be able to manipulate and solve for unknown variable using Hands on Equations. Students will be introduced to the concept that equations are algebraic sentences that show an equal (=) relationship between two expressions.

They will be given several example such as X-20=36. Student will model this problem using the hands on equation kit. The hands on equations kit has little pawns that represent X and Y, it also has dice that represent numbers.

Students in the aforementioned example will add 20 to each side to find X. They will do this with several examples.

Students will be introduced to solving subtraction equations with signed numbers (e.g. X- (-40) = 50). After ample practice of solving equation using addition students will begin to solve equations using subtraction. They will be given a problem such as X+9=20. Students will use the hands equation to set up the problem and correctly identify x by subtracting nine form both sides. Student will also be introduced to solving addition equations with signed numbers (i.e. X + (-6) = (-5)). Students will correctly model this problem using their hands on equations and solve for X using subtraction.


: Students will select 10 equations five solved with addition and five solved with subtraction, they will draw their model and explain the process of how they figured out the solution in their journals.



: Hands on Equation


: Students will correctly solve and model equations using multiplication and division.

General Description (full lesson provided):


Several problems posted on the board or as a worksheet

Hands on Equation kit for every student



Student will review the addition and subtraction method of solving equations

Students will understand that multiplication and division are inverse operations. Multiplication undoes division

Students will solve equations such as x/4=7 using the hands on equations kit and explain and draw a picture of the balance(see kit) in their journals

They will multiply each side by four and find x

Students will make sure their answer is correct by checking their solution, they will replace the variable with the solution

Students will also practice solving division equations with signed number (i.e. x/3=-8)

After students have had ample time to understand solving equations with multiplication they will begin to solve equations using division

Student will be given a set of problem posted on the board or as a worksheet and will use their hand on kits to solve the equations.

Students will check their work by replacing the variable with the solution

Students will draw they balanced equation (see kit) and explain their process in their journals


: Student will demonstrate their knowledge of solving equations using multiplication and division in their journals.


