Relative Dating Rock Layers project

Relative Age Dating - Rock Layers Project
In this project you will create a rock layer scene and
describe the sequence or order of events.
Remember to create 10 point quality work!
It must include the following things:
At least four different rock layers. Use a different color for each
layer. (you could also save room at the top for a little ‘above ground’ scene, like
grass or the sun, etc.– not required)
2. One fault line OR one igneous intrusion (magma).
3. At least one unconformity (line of erosion). Use a wavy/rough
edge at the top of a rock layer to symbolize this.
At least two layers that contain fossils (life forms must be in the
correct sequence). You can draw these separately and paste them
on, or draw them directly onto the layer. (Use your geologic time scale,
examples in the room, or a text book for hints about which types life forms could be fossilized.)
5. AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR PAGE: A neatly written
description of the events in your scene. Assign letters to the
events with labels along the side so you can accurately describe
the sequence.
Example: Layer X was deposited first, then it was eroded. Layer
W was deposited next and a fish fossil was preserved. Then an
igneous intrusion cut through both of the layers. Etc…….
6. Neatness is critical!
Rock Layer Scene:
Description of Events: