
Watermark Award 2012
Guidelines and Application Form
For Organisations
The Watermark Award is an annual award presented by PUB to recognise individuals and
organisations for outstanding contributions and commitment towards protecting and raising
awareness of Singapore’s precious water resources. The Award aims to inspire and
encourage Singaporeans to take ownership of our water resources and contribute towards
Singapore’s water sustainability.
Nominations are open to all individuals and organisations. Organisations refer to companies,
educational institutions, NGOs, volunteer groups, grassroots organisations, public agencies
etc. Self-nominations are accepted.
To be eligible, nominees must have:
 Made significant contributions to protect and raise awareness of Singapore’s water
resources consistently over the past one year, and
 Contributed beyond core work scope, direct economic interest and regulatory
Winners are selected by a panel of judges comprising representatives from the People,
Private and Public sectors. Nominations are assessed using the following criteria:
1) Leadership, Commitment and Structure
Water-related efforts should be well-integrated into the organisation’s overall activities, core
functions and processes:
 Set up policy/vision/mission statements to guide water efforts
 Appoint individuals/teams to look into water efforts
 Management commitment and support
 Presence of a good track record in protecting water resources (and the environment)
 Strive towards continuous improvement
2) Impact of initiatives on water resources
Initiatives (project, programme, process etc) planned/implemented should result in positive
and tangible impact on water resources:
 Adoption of good water conservation practices
 Efforts taken to keep our water resources clean
 Future plans for continued and increased positive impact
3) Promotion of good water practices among stakeholders
Presence of initiatives planned/implemented to Educate (raise awareness), Encourage
(providing incentives and support to encourage action) and Engage (forming partnerships
and collaborations) stakeholders:
 Outreach to internal stakeholders - employees, members, students etc
 Outreach to external stakeholders - contractors, suppliers, partners and general
public etc
 Future plans for continued and increased positive impact
The closing date for nominations is 30 April 2012, Monday.
1. Download and complete the application form at http://www.pub.gov.sg/WatermarkAward
2. Submit the completed form AND supporting documents via:
 Email: pub_watermark_award@pub.gov.sg OR
 By post: Watermark Award Secretariat, PUB, Environment Building, 40 Scotts Road,
#22-01, Singapore 228231
Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged!
For enquiries on Watermark Award, please email the Watermark Award Secretariat at
1. An Award trophy and a letter of commendation
2. The right to use the Award logo and wordings “Recipient of Watermark Award 2012” on
various publicity media such as websites, letterheads and other promotional materials, in
accordance with PUB terms and conditions of use.
3. Special recognition and publicity with regards to the Award, including the Award website
and PURE magazine.
1. Nomination form must be correctly filled and signed. Incomplete forms will not be
2. Late entries will not be accepted.
3. Only nominations submitted in the format specified in the nomination form will be
4. Nominators must inform nominees about the nomination.
5. All recipients are expected to work with PUB to share their achievements with the
community following the announcement of the results.
6. PUB is not responsible for any loss or damage to entries or supporting materials.
7. PUB will not return any entries or supporting materials to the entrant.
8. All construction companies will need to submit their Qualified Erosion Control
Professional (QECP) report with the nomination form.
9. PUB reserves the right to decline any entry by a nominee who is being investigated for
possible breach of Sewerage and Drainage Act (whether or not prosecution will be
initiated), or where the acceptance of the entry may be detrimental to the objectives of
the Award.
10. The decision of the judges is final.
Application Form for Watermark Award 2012
For Official Use Only
Date acknowledged:
Type of Organisation :
There are 4 parts in this application form:
- Part 1: Nominator Information and Declaration
- Part 2: Nominee Information
- Part 3: Nomination Citation
- Part 4: Self-assessment Checklist
Please type your answers. For items marked with an
asterisk “*”, please delete accordingly.
As an annex to this nomination, please provide
evidence and details of the contributions stated in part
3 and 4. Supporting documents such as press
releases, photographs, collaterals and drawings must
be submitted as part of the annex.
Please ensure all attachments are referenced to each
criteria and points raised.
The closing date is 30 April 2012, Monday.
Part 1: Nominator Information and Declaration
Particulars of Person Submitting the Nomination
Salutation: Mr/Ms/Mdm/Dr/Prof*
Tel No (Home/Office*):
Name of Organisation:
Mobile No.:
Mailing Address:
I hereby certify that the information given in this nomination, including the annex and
supporting documents, is correct to the best of my knowledge and that no material and
information have been withheld. I accept the terms and conditions of entry and agree to
abide by the decisions of the judging panel on all matters relating to this Award.
Signature of Nominator & Date
The Nominator knows about the Watermark Award through (Please tick) :
Advertisements in print media
Banners at PUB’s facilities and reservoirs
Direct Mailers
Through friends and colleagues
Through past Watermark Award recipients
Through PUB staff
Others (Please State) : ____________
Part 2: Nominee Information
Particulars of Organisation Nominated
Name of Organisation:
Year of formation:
Size of the organisation (number
employees, members, students etc): :
Nature of business/service/work engaged in – limit to 50 words
Particulars of Head of Organisation nominated
Salutation: Mr/Ms/Mdm/Dr/Prof*
Contact No:
Particulars of Contact Person of the Organisation Nominated
Salutation: Mr/Ms/Mdm/Dr/Prof*
Mobile No.:
Mailing Address:
Tel No (Office/Home*):
Part 3: Nomination Citation
In not more than 300 words, please explain why nominee merits the award.
Part 4: Self-assessment Checklist
This checklist is intended for the nominee to conduct a self-assessment. It is advisable for a nominator
to get the nominee to complete this checklist.
The checklist serves as a guide as to how well the nominee has performed. It is not necessary to
implement all the recommended practices under the checklist to be recognised as a recipient of the
Award. The “not applicable” (N/A) option is offered so that items which do not apply to the nominee will
not be counted against the nominee in the judging process.
Leadership, Commitment and Structure
1. Has nominee incorporated the need to care for water (or the
environment) as part of its policy/vision/mission
statements/CSR commitments?
2. Are there water controllers/facilities managers/teams
appointed to look into water consumption and pollution?
3. Is the senior management involved in driving the water
4. Are reports on water initiatives sent to the senior
5. Has the nominee received any recognition (e.g. awards,
certifications, ISOs, SEC’s Green Label Accreditation etc) for
its water/environmental efforts?
6. Has the nominee observed all water and environment
regulations/codes of practice in Singapore?
7. Has the nominee set clear goals/targets for its water
8. Does the nominee monitor the progress of the water
initiatives against the goals/targets set?
9. Are there review mechanisms (feedback, after-action-review,
cost benefit analysis etc) in place to assess water initiatives?
Impact of initiatives on water resources
10. Has the nominee been certified as Water Efficient Building
by PUB, install water-efficient fittings under Water Efficiency
Labelling Scheme (WELS) or adopt equivalent water efficient
flow rates at the following fittings:
 Basin taps & mixers
 Showers
 Sink/bib taps and mixers
 Urinals/flushing cisterns
For details on Water Efficient Building programme and
Water Efficient Flow rates, please refer to
For details on Water Efficient Labelling Scheme, please
refer to www.pub.gov.sg/wels/Pages/default.aspx
11. Are there private water meters and leak detection system in
place for better monitoring and control of water usage at
major water usage areas such as gardens, swimming pools
12. Are there suitable systems that utilise alternative water
sources for non-potable uses (such as irrigation, washing,
water features, cooling tower etc) to reduce use of potable
Alternative sources can include rainwater, greywater,
NEWater and recycled water from approved sources.
13. Are cooling tower water treatment systems which can
achieve 7 or better cycles of concentration at acceptable
water quality used on premises?
14. Are water efficient irrigation system (e.g. Drip irrigation
system, rain sensors) used on premises?
15. Has the nominee completed and submitted their Water
Efficiency Management Plan (WEMP)?
WEMP aims to assist the non-domestic sector to have a
better understanding of their water usage, reduce water
consumption and improve efficiency through better
management of their water use. For more information,
please refer to
16. Has the nominee taken any measure to keep premises litterfree so as to prevent litter from being blown/ washed into
17. Are there designated washing areas which drain into the
sewerage system, and not into drains?
18. Has the nominee incorporated the following Active, Beautiful
& Clean (ABC) Waters Design Features in their premises/
Bioretention Swales/other bioretention systems
Rain Gardens
Constructed Wetlands
Cleansing Biotopes
For details on ABC Waters Design Features, please refer to:
19. Has the nominee received the ABC Waters Certification for
their developments?
For information on ABC Waters Certification, please refer to:
20. If the reply is no for Question 19, does nominee intend to
apply for ABC Water Certification. Please state the project if
nominee intends to apply for the certification.
21. Are there plans to continue, expand or enhance the water
Promotion of good water practices among stakeholders
22. Has the nominee ever volunteered in any of PUB’s waterrelated initiatives /programmes? For example as guides at
PUB’s facilities or visit households to spread water
23. Are there initiatives to raise internal stakeholders’ (e.g.
employees, members, students etc) awareness of the
importance of water?
24. Is training provided to the internal stakeholders to raise their
capabilities to protect water resources?
25. Are internal stakeholders involved / engaged in outreach
initiatives that aim to increase public awareness about
26. Are there any incentives schemes to reward or motivate
internal stakeholders to their part for water?
27. Are there outreach initiatives to raise external stakeholders’
(e.g. contractors, suppliers, partners and general public etc)
awareness of the importance of water?
28. Are there any outreach initiatives to promote ABC Waters
Design features to stakeholder’s (e.g. contractors, suppliers,
partners and general public etc)?
29. Has nominee encourage or influence its contractors,
suppliers and customers to do their part for water?
30. Has the nominee shared its good water-related practices,
processes, behaviours with external stakeholders?
31. Has the nominee partnered/collaborated with any external
stakeholders in its outreach efforts?
32. Has the nominee organised or involved its stakeholders
(internal or external) in activities on, in or along the
Some examples:
- Beautifying the waterways
- Clean-ups
- Water-related activities
33. Are there plans to continue, expand or enhance the outreach