Mary, The Mother of God

Mary, The Mother of God
Story information:
Highlights included her life as a child all the way through the birth and even death of Jesus. The
apparitions of Mary were discussed with older children. Modifications were made for younger
children to keep the story interesting to them.
The statue of Mary from our church was brought into the room and flowers were placed all around
her. A may pole was created (even though this is a pagan symbol, it usually signifies the bringing
of spring which was a focus for this site). Backdrop of stone house with flowers all around, flowers,
a variety of rosary beads, miraculous medals and the color blue were all present at this site. The
presenter dressed as Mary.
Snack: vanilla pudding with a dollop of Cool Whip and a blueberry, fancy butter cookie, popcorn,
Site Activities:
Younger children
May baskets were made. Children pretended to go into the field and collect silk
flowers (flowers on floor). The basket was made from shaved ice cone
containers painted blue.
all grade levels
May pole--older children did a more structured dance with the maypole strands
while younger children just wrapped the colors and then unwrapped them.
A theme of spring and Mother’s Day was consistent in activities with the idea
that Mary is our mother too.
Older children
Each child was given one flower. Notice how beautiful they are, however when all placed in a vase
they become even more beautiful. This tied into the presenter’s discussion of prayers and
intentions being a spiritual bouquet.
Discussion of different types of rosary beads as well as the prayers
associated with it.
Relating of the names of flowers (Marigold for example) to Mary was done.
Resources Used:
Mystical City of God by Ven. Mary of Agreda
Craft site:
Children will make a rosary. Materials needed include 2 feet of strong
cord or string, 6 heart shaped beads, 3 orange beads, 10 beads each
of 5 different colors-green, yellow, blue, purple, and red, and one cross
cut from foam with a hole punched in the top.