NORTH WARWICKSHIRE BOROUGH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE RESOURCES BOARD Present: 8 October 2007 Councillor Gordon in the Chair Councillors Bowden, Butcher, Dirveiks, Johnston, Lea, Moore, B Moss and M Moss. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Payne and Smith. Councillor Winter was also in attendance. 81 Declarations of Personal or Prejudicial Interests Any personal interests arising from the membership of Warwickshire County Council of Councillors Lea and B Moss and membership of various Parish Councils of Councillors Butcher (Polesworth), Moore (Baddesley Ensor), B Moss and M Moss (Kingsbury) were deemed to be declared at the meeting. 82 Minutes Subject to the amendment made to Minute No 58 (Atherstone ArtsCentre) at the Full Council meeting held on 3 October 2007, the minutes of the meetings of the Board held on 30 July and 10 September 2007, copies having been previously circulated, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 83 Procurement of Contractors for Decent Homes/Bronze Standard Works The Board was invited to review the decision made in July 2007 regarding the number of contractors to be procured for Decent homes / Bronze standard work. Members were asked to agree a suggested course of action. Resolved: 84 a That a decision on the number of contractors to undertake the Decent Homes/Bronze standard programme be reviewed by the Board following the tendering exercise; and b That the proposals made regarding the contract conditions be noted. Tenant Partnership Agreement and Housing Customer Involvement Strategy The Director of Resources presented the Tenant Partnership Agreement and Housing Customer Involvement Strategy for consideration. 109 D:\106739523.doc Resolved: That the Tenant Partnership Agreement and Housing Customer Involvement Strategy be agreed. 85 Tenant Satisfaction Survey The Director of Resources presented the results of the Council’s triannual survey of its tenants in order to receive feedback on satisfaction levels with the Housing Service. Resolved: 86 a That the results of the Tenant Satisfaction Survey be noted; b That the funding to carry out a survey annually in future be agreed; and c That a supplementary estimate for £4,000 be approved to cover the cost of the annual Tenant Satisfaction Survey in 2007/08 HouseMark Consultancy The Director of Resources updated Members on the work carried out by a consultant who had been working with the Housing Division to review and improve services. The Board was asked to agree a request for an extension to their work. Resolved: 87 a That the extension to the consultancy work being undertaken by HouseMark be agreed; and b That a supplementary estimate for £5,000 be approved to cover the costs of additional consultancy work to be undertaken by HouseMark. Supporting People – Progress Report The Director of Resources reported on the progress of the Supporting People programme. Resolved: That the report be noted. 88 Exclusion of the Public and Press Resolved: That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business, on the grounds that they involve the likely 110 D:\106739523.doc disclosure of exempt information as defined by Schedule 12A to the Act. 89 Disabled Facilities Grant – 6 Mythe View Atherstone The Assistant Director (Regulatory and Community Support) reported on a disabled facilities grant case in respect of 6 Mythe View, Atherstone Resolved: That an additional award of grant or loan up to a maximum £10,000 be authorised in principle for the case described, with details to be approved at the discretion of the Director of Community and Environment. 90 Results of Job Evaluations The Assistant Chief Executive reported on the results of two job evaluations in the Regulatory and Community Support Division. Resolved: That financial provision be made to reflect the additional staffing costs. 91 Car Park at Park Road Coleshill The report in respect of the car park at Park Road, Coleshill was withdrawn. Chairman 111 D:\106739523.doc