Definition : A Rube Goldberg machine, contraption, invention, device, or apparatus is a deliberately overengineered or overdone machine that performs a very simple task in a very complex fashion, usually including a chain reaction. The expression is named after American cartoonist and inventor Rube
Goldberg (1883-1970).
A successful Rube Goldberg entry must have the following:
A minimum of 10 'cause and effect’ steps
Inclusion of three simple machines (e.g. lever, wheel and axle, pulley, incline plane, screw, wedge)
A continuous video from start to finish of the project working and/or the project present and working during judging demonstrations.
Written alphabetic procession from beginning to final step
Submission can be an illustration, collage or construction; or a combination of the fore-mentioned
Additional judging will be based on the following:
Device has a clearly identified task
Initialization of sequence is simple and straightforward
Use of several types of physical forces (inertia, gravity, friction, combustion, stored energy. etc.
Operational procession clearly labeled in alphabetic sequence
Simple machines identified correctly with indications of direction of force
Illustrations or collage (if used) clearly define operation of sequence
Detail of illustrations or collage show different views of the steps in the sequence and of the timelin
Device's construction has specific theme, or specific grouping of materials are used in constructions
Device runs fully to completion with little or no outside intervention
Complexity of device
Thought was given to reset time and effort required
Multiple paths of events occur and rejoin
Other Contests in this category
Rube Goldberg Machine Contest:
Theta Tau Rube Machine Contest:
Definition : Scientific Inquiry requires students to use higher order thinking skills as they learn science using a hands-on minds-on approach.
The Scientific Inquiry category is the basic experimentation category and covers Scientific Methodology, Research, Hypothesis,
Experiment Design, Data Collection and Analysis.
A successful Scientific Inquiry entry must have the following:
Scientific method must be utilized
Ask a testable question
Research the topic
Make a hypothesis about the outcome based on the research or their own knowledge
Design the investigation
Conduct the investigation
Collect Data
Make sense of the data and draw a conclusion
Present their findings for peer review
Tri-fold display must address all elements of scientific method, must include visuals
Project display must be viewer friendly and safe
Additional judging is based on the following:
The scientific method shows completeness of thought and cause and effect are clearly explained
The Inquiry relates to broader scientific principles, real world applications
The idea for investigation is original or innovative
The procedure, materials, trial length, etc. are innovative or creative in approach
Business/Career possible connections:
Scientist, researcher, industry, education
Defintion : A robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance, typically by remote control. Robots can be autonomous, semi-autonomous or remotely controlled.
The participant in the robotics category must design a robot that accomplishes a specific purpose. Robotics teaches practical engineering, technology, and math concepts.
A successful Robotics entry must have the following:
Description paper explaining operation and functionality of all components - can include illustrations and/or images
Mock-up of key components or fully functional robot
Additional judging will be based on the following:
Purpose of robot logical and explainable
Mechanical design is elegant and appropriate
Efficient parts use, with no extraneous pieces (except pieces specifically for decoration)
Manipulators are used as needed to do tasks appropriate to their design
If mobile, drive train is accurate, consistent, and controllable
If mobile, steering system is accurate, consistent, and controllable
Sensors are used appropriately / Sensors guarantee certain actions in every trial
Design allows for variables (power, environment, etc.)
Software Programs (if applicable) do what is needed, with allowance for variables
Software Programs (if applicable) are documented, explained, and understood
Safety considerations are in place
Description paper describes purpose of robot as a whole
Description paper describes operation of individual components
Each component/sub-system is described, with no needed components missing
Illustrations/Images appropriate and understandable (and labeled correctly)
Description paper organized and well written
The system presented is innovative and creative
The robot shows completeness of thought and cause and effect are clearly explained
The robot relates to real world applications
The robot and/or it’s purpose is original or innovative
The methodology/materials/design are innovative or creative in approach
Degree of complexity
Business/Career possible connections: Engineers, robotics, computer design, architect, CAD, designer, mechanic
A successful Invention must have the following:
Labeled illustration showing two viewpoints of proposed invention
A ‘mock-up’ or prototype construction
Written report detailing: materials needed; how invention would be used; how it would be beneficial; and description of intended audience / user of the invention
Additional judging will be based on the following
Sequential steps in the design process identified, including any problems encountered, and their
Research evidence provided that no similar process or product exists
The inventor has taken further steps beyond creation: patents applied for, publicity created, etc.
The invention uses unique or innovative methodologies in solving the problem or need
Drawings or descriptive text clearly describes construction process.
Materials required to build the invention are described and specified.
Benefits of invention to target users and general public are clearly explained
Target audience or users of the invention are identified and have a valid need for the invention
Overall invention described clearly
Visual Aids promote understanding
Prototype is well designed and constructed
Function of each part is identified and completely described
The Invention is practical in terms of size - cost - materials - etc, for the problem being solved.
The invention offers functionality that solves the problem efficiently
The Invention addresses a real world problem or need
Other Contests in this category:
Lemelson-MIT Awards for Invention and Innovation:
Absolutely New Student Invention Contest:
Definition : The Environmental Innovation category is intended to provide a means of sharing environmentally innovative ideas. These ideas may be new products, procedures, inventions, promotional projects, community events, etc.
A successful Environmental Innovation entry mu st have the following:
A proposal for a project and/or a product that demonstrates ways to minimize environmental impact and protect ecosystems
and biodiversity.
Pro posal developm ent should address such issues as ecological restoration, green building, product
stewardship, pollution prevention, and eco-efficiency.
Must prepare a plan for implementation, to include a time line, budget and partnerships.
May be combined with Invention category
Additional judging will be based on the following:
Ecosystem/biodiversity threat or problem is accurately described
The solution accurately identifies a way or ways to minimize impact and counter the threat or problem
Plan for implementation is clear
Plan includes a comprehensive time line
Plan includes a comprehensive budget and defines partnerships required to accomplish the plan's goals
Benefits to the environment are well discussed
Plan addresses environmental concerns that pertain to the innovation(e.g. ecological restoration, green building, product stewardship, pollution prevention, eco-efficiency)
Proposal steps clearly written, organized and easy to read
Visual aids used for better understanding of proposal
Tradeoffs between economics, efficiency and sustainability are considered
Research notes and sources are provided and comprehensive
Business/Career possible connections:
Green industry, waste manager, landfill operator, recycler, repurposing, utilities
Definition: Reverse engineering is the process of discovering the technological principles of a device, object, or system through analysis of its structure, function, and operation. It often involves taking something (e.g., a mechanical device or electronic component) apart and analyzing its workings in detail to be used in maintenance.
Requirements :
A successful Reverse Engineering entry must have the following:
Locate and acquire two similar mechanical products (ie: toasters)
Disassemble one product, then mount and label all components
Description paper explaining operation and functionality of all components - can include illustrations and/or images
Additional judging will be based on the following :
Product is mechanical or electrical in nature, contains several major components, made from a variety of materials
Project scope is reasonable and allows for disassembly to adequate levels
Operation of assembled unit is explained
Product has properly been disassembled to represent all components and all have been labeled
Parts are described adequately and descriptions are accurate
Function of each part is identified and correct
Component parts are located to assembled unit correctly
Components are identified into sub-assembly groups by purpose (or location)
Layout of parts vs. assembled unit is clear and promotes understanding of location and purpose
Project is defined and organized
Visual Aids promote understanding
Descriptive Paper
Overall unit, and operation of unit is described
Each Sub-assembly (by purpose or location) is described and defined
Each component is described adequately, material of composition is identified, and it’s function is
Shows that the student grasps the purpose of the components and sub-assemblies, and how they
work together.
The project shows completeness of thought and cause and effect within the product are clearly
The product is a real world item who’s operation is not generally well understood
High degree of complexity, or difficult disassembly process required
Assembly/Disassembly methodology is presented and documented
Business/Career possible connections: Engineers, robotics, computer design, architect, CAD, designer, mechanic