
Section 5
Summary of Mitigation Measures
Measures that would be taken to mitigate adverse impacts under Alternatives 2, 3,
and 4 are discussed in this section. All mitigation measures discussed here apply to all
of the action-based alternatives.
Under all of the action-based alternatives, sedimentation and erosion control measures
would be required for all floodplain areas. Floodplain areas are not anticipated for the
construction sites. The project specifications would state that all construction in
floodplain areas shall be restored to pre-project conditions. Native vegetative cover
would be restored to the extent practicable and no significant addition of fill material
is anticipated for the proposed improvements and would not be allowed for use
within floodplain areas.
COMAPA de Río Bravo and their consultant engineer would ensure that all applicable
environmental requirements of Mexico are complied with during the construction of
the proposed project. For reference, the US Army Corps of Engineers “Nationwide
Permit 12” for utility line installations may provide alternative guidance measures.
Appropriate erosion and sedimentation controls would be specified for the selected
sites and these mitigative measures would be properly installed and maintained
throughout the duration of the project to protect the quality of the receiving waters
and floodplain areas.
Prior to construction under Alternative 2, available floodplain information would then
be carefully reviewed to ensure that construction of new infrastructure would not
negatively impact floodplains. Most construction under the action-based alternatives
would be at sites that are already in use such as in roadway right-of-ways and
easements or on existing agricultural land. Construction at sites that are already in use
or on agricultural land would not likely adversely affect floodplains.
Air Resources
Alternatives 2, 3 and 4 involve construction activities that may temporarily increase
soil erosion and release dust and particulate matter near the areas of construction.
Dust suppression techniques such as watering and the application of soil stabilizers
would be used at construction sites to minimize fugitive dust.
Biological Resources
Biological resources would not likely be adversely affected by the acquisition and
clearing of agricultural land or land in use for the existing lagoons for the WWTP sites.
The commitment of land for a new tanks and water and wastewater lift stations
would not likely adversely affect biological resources due to the small area required
and probable location of lift station sites between roads and agricultural land. Shortterm impacts on land use would be related to minor traffic disruption during work on
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Section 5
Summary of Mitigation Measures
or near roadways and within easements, which most likely would not impact
biological resources. These impacts would cease after completion of construction
Most of the proposed construction work would take place on land that is already
disturbed, such as existing streets, easements and agricultural land, and thus would
not likely affect biological resources. Biological resources would not be affected by
habitat loss as the selected land was not providing any known critical habitat. After
construction, the WWTP effluent lagoons under Alternative 2 would probably make a
beneficial contribution to supporting wildlife habitat.
Voluntary compliance is recommended for consideration, if allowable, with the US
Migratory Bird Treaty Act as follows:
vegetation disturbances must either avoid the general nesting period of March 1st
through August 31st, or
areas proposed for disturbance must be surveyed for nesting birds immediately
prior to construction activities, in order to avoid the inadvertent destruction of
nests, eggs, etc.
Voluntary compliance is also recommended with the following measures to avoid
potential harm to the Texas horned lizard:
All construction personnel shall be instructed to avoid killing, injuring, or any type
of harmful disturbance to the Texas horned lizard during construction
Pipeline trenches which remain open overnight, and for more than two daylight
hours would be inspected for the presence of the Texas horned lizard prior to
Texas horned lizards discovered in any open trench would be carefully removed
and relocated safely away from the construction area
Any Texas horned lizard relocation(s) by construction crews would be reported to
the consultant engineer
Beneficial reseeding of construction-disturbed landscapes should be limited to seeding
and replanting with native species, where possible. A mixture of grasses and forbs
appropriate to address potential erosion problems and long-term cover should be
planted when seed is reasonably available for permanent soil stabilization.
Cultural Resources
If cultural materials are encountered during construction, work must cease in the
immediate area of the discovery. In the event of a potential discovery, the contractor
must immediately notify the consultant engineer who would then contact the
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Section 5
Summary of Mitigation Measures
appropriate authorities for guidance. Work may continue in those project locations
that are outside of the cultural resources discovery area.
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