Dr Charles Gordon

The Highcliffe Gastroenterology Clinic
Dr Charles Gordon MBBS MRCP
Consultant Gastroenterologist and Physician
Dr Gordon will be available for out-patient appointments on the first Tuesday
of every month at The Highcliffe Clinic (otherwise at the Nuffield,
Bournemouth). Any procedures (radiological, endoscopic etc) will be
performed at the Nuffield, Bournemouth
Current posts
Consultant Gastroenterologist Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch NHS
Clinical availability
Tuesday afternoon/evening
Current memberships:
British Society of Gastroenterology, British Medical Association, Royal
College of Physicians (London)
Professional interests
Endoscopy, reflux disease, the hiatus hernia, colonoscopy, irritable bowel
syndrome and GI physiology , Coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease, Capsule
Endoscopy, Barrett's Oesophagus
As a postgraduate, Charles Gordon trained on the South West London
rotation, including the St George's National Endoscopy Centre, and The Royal
London (The Wingate Centre). During his training he established an upper GI
Physiology Centre at St George's whilst researching oesophageal physiology,
Barrett's oesophagus and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. He is now a
Consultant Gastroenterologist at the Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch
NHS Trust. He is lead for Endoscopy and Endoscopy training, as well as GI
Physiology. He is spearheading new developments in oesophageal medicine
and in the management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. He is an experienced
endoscopist, both upper GI and colonoscopy. His areas of specialist interest
include endoscopy, reflux disease, the hiatus hernia, colonoscopy, irritable
bowel syndrome and GI physiology.
Recently he has started a new service for patients with Barrett’s oesophagus.
Radio-frequency ablation (RFA) completely removes abnormal Barrett’s tissue
via an endoscope, in patients who may have previously required major
surgery to remove their oesophagus. This is the 12th unit in the UK to offer this
service, and the only unit in the South West.
Links to other sites
www.theguttrust.org for patients with irritable bowel syndrome
www.barrx.com for details on radio-frequency ablation of Barrett’s
www.barretts-oesophagus.co.uk for patients with Barrett’s oesophagus
www.nacc.org.uk for patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
www.bsg.org.uk British Society of Gastroenterology
www.gasdocs.info our anaesthetic partners
www.mayoclinic.com website of the Mayo Clinic USA
Contact details/appointments
01202 702845
01202 702841