Short course - Clue Location 1: Kent Koval enjoys fencing in his spare time, and owns his own sabre for the sport. The crime lab inspected Kent's sabre and found microscopic traces of type O positive blood on it. Police found a sample of the killer's hair at the crime scene, and so they know the killer has naturally brown hair. Short course - Clue Location 2: The killer left footprints at the crime scene. Police have determined that the killer wore size 10 shoes. Tim Tuttle recently sued James Jefferson for medical malpractice, an accusation that James claims is completely without merit. Short course - Clue Location 3: As a doctor, James Jefferson has a favorite scalpel. The crime lab inspected James's scalpel and found that it had recently been meticulously sterilized. Henry Hooper has type O positive blood. Short course - Clue Location 4: Henry Hooper built several custom wooden kitchen cabinets for Tim Tuttle. But Tim claimed that the workmanship was shoddy, and only paid Henry half of what he originally promised him for the job. An autopsy of Tim Tuttle's body determined that the cause of death was a slicing wound to his neck. Short course - Clue Location 5: As a butcher, Gary Grodin owns a large butcher's knife. The crime lab inspected Gary's butcher's knife and found traces of blood on it... many different types of blood. Henry Hooper is right handed. Short course - Clue Location 6: Henry Hooper owns a carpenter's knife. The crime lab inspected Henry's knife and found microscopic traces of type O positive blood on it. Gary Grodin wears size 13 shoes. Short course - Clue Location 7: Police found a sample of the killer's blood at the crime scene. They analyzed it and determined that the killer has type O positive blood. Gary Grodin has naturally brown hair. Short course - Clue Location 8: Kent Koval is left handed. Tim Tuttle recently published a newspaper column that accused Gary Grodin's butcher shop of not following proper sanitary procedures. Gary's business has suffered as a result. Short course - Clue Location 9: James Jefferson wears size 10 shoes. Henry Hooper has naturally red hair. Short course - Clue Location 10: James Jefferson regularly donates blood, as he has the rare type AB negative blood. Tim Tuttle was having an affair with Kimberly Koval, Kent Koval's wife. Kent recently found out about the affair.