Programme Specification: MSc Psychological Anthropology

Programme Specification: MSc Social Anthropology (Learning and Cognition)
(Previously MSc Psychological Anthropology, Re-titled 2011/12)
1. Awarding Body
2. Details of accreditation by a
professional/statutory body, e.g. ESRC;
BPS etc
3. Name of final award
4. Programme Title
5. Duration of the course
6. Based in the Department/Institute:
7. Relevant QAA subject benchmark
8. Application Code
9. First written/last amended
Programme Specification: MSc Social
Anthropology (Learning and Cognition)
(Previously MSc Psychological Anthropology,
Re-titled 2011/12)
12 months full-time; 24 months part-time
Anthropology Department
2003 / December 2010
10. The programme aims:
to provide an understanding of recent developments in anthropological approaches to
learning and cognitive development, in the context of a general understanding of
social anthropology as the comparative study of human societies and cultures;
to encourage students to reflect on the variety of social, cultural and educational
contexts in which human learning and cognitive development takes place, as well as
of the natural constraints (including cognitive ones) which help shape human
to give students - particularly those from other academic traditions or with
undergraduate training in cognate disciplines – a good overview of the discipline of
anthropology, thus preparing them for PhD research training;
to impart an appreciation of the importance of ethnography as the basis for
generating anthropological theory;
to provide a knowledge of the theory and history of anthropology (primarily in the
British, French and North American tradition), and an advanced understanding of
specific themes in social anthropology;
to provide an understanding of recent developments in psychology and the
interdisciplinary field of cognitive science.
11. Programme outcomes: knowledge and understanding; skills and other attributes
On successful completion of the programme, students will have developed:
a critical understanding of and ability to use major theoretical perspectives and concepts
in anthropology, and approaches to psychology, learning and cognition, both orally and
in written form;
ability to relate new developments in cognitive science to key themes in the
anthropological tradition;
an enhanced ability to think critically about key themes in the human and natural
a realisation that knowledge is contested, and that anthropology constantly generates
new priorities and theories;
an ability to plan, research and write scholarly work that demonstrates an understanding
of methods and theory in anthropology and the cognitive sciences; and independently to
write and research a dissertation on an approved subject.
See information relating to careers.
12. Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved
and demonstrated
Teaching and learning strategies:
 Students take the core course in Anthropological Theory, the core course in
Anthropology of Learning and Cognition, and either Anthropology of Religion or
Kinship, Sex and Gender;
 Content imparted in weekly lectures enables students to develop a critical
understanding of major theoretical issues;
 Weekly seminars enable critical discussion of these issues, opportunities to apply
anthropological knowledge to cognitive science, and critical reflection on the
relationship between the human and natural sciences;
 Hour-long supervisions in groups of two, with discussion of individual essays, enables
students to develop their critical and writing skills, and to prepare for the exams and the
Assessment strategies:
 The writing of three unseen examination papers in the Summer Term enables
assessment of students’ mastery of major theoretical perspectives in anthropology,
learning and cognition;
 The 10,000 word dissertation enables assessment of students’ independent planning,
researching and writing of scholarly work, and of their ability to relate developments in
the cognitive sciences to themes in the anthropological tradition.
13. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules and awards
See the MSc Social Anthropology (Learning and Cognition) programme Regulations
Additional information
14. Criteria for admission to the programme
A first degree, in a cognate subject, at 2.1 level or above, and a demonstrated interest in the
interdisciplinary study of culture and cognition. Students whose first degree is not English will
need to provide evidence of competence in English.
15. Indicators of quality
Student assessment returns show the Department is above average in relation to
overall figures in the School;
Successful completion of internal (LSE) and external (QAA) audits of teaching quality;
Research quality: 5*A in 2001 RAE; 40% of 4* (quality that is world-leading in terms
of originality, significance and rigour) in 2008 RAE; success in obtaining competitive
research grants;
Members of the department have published important texts in the areas which we
The LSE Careers Centre website provides data on career destinations of LSE
16. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standard of teaching and
Student feedback during small group tutorials throughout the year;
Course teaching surveys;
External examiners’ reports;
Participation in activities of LSE’s Teaching and Learning Centre;
Mentoring/review/promotion process includes an assessment of teaching;
Departmental TLAC review once every five years;
The Teaching Learning and Assessment Committee which regulates all aspects of
teaching quality;
The Graduate Studies Sub-Committee which oversees all graduate programmes and
ensures that significant changes to programmes and courses pass through a
sequence of formal stages, so that curricular changes are appropriate and compatible
with other developments.