Kelsey Borner Kelsey Briggs Borner Curriculum Vitae 1938

Kelsey Borner
Kelsey Briggs Borner
Curriculum Vitae
1938 Learnard Ave.
Lawrence, KS 66046
Telephone: (860) 367-4101
University of Kansas, Clinical Child Psychology Program, Lawrence, KS
Masters of Arts, (in progress)
March 2012 – Present
Major: Clinical Child Psychology
Master’s Thesis: Evaluating the Relationship between Vigorous Physical Activity and Health-Related
Quality of Life among Overweight and Obese Adolescents: An application of Dynamic P-Technique
Academic Mentor: Ric G. Steele, Ph.D., ABPP
Doctorate of Philosophy
Major: Clinical Child Psychology
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Psychology
Expected: 2017
May 2009
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), Student Affiliate
American Psychological Association (APA), Student Affiliate
APA Division 38 (Health Psychology), Student Affiliate
APA Division 47 (Sport and Exercise Psychology), Student Affiliate
APA Division 53(Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology), Student Affiliate
APA Division 54 (Pediatric Psychology), Student Affiliate
August 2010 - Present
January 2012 - Present
January 2012 - Present
January 2012 - Present
January 2012 - Present
January 2012 - Present
University of Kansas Psychology Strategic Initiative Grant
May 3, 2012 - Present
Description: Recipient of $1,000 award by the Department of Psychology to fund research activities
Project title: Evaluating the effects of vigorous physical activity on health related quality of life (HRQOL)
among youth seeking treatment for pediatric obesity using Dynamic P-Technique
PI: Kelsey Borner
Status: In progress
Manuscripts Under Review:
Cushing, C. C., Borner, K. B., & Steele, R. G. (under review). Family-based treatment of pediatric obesity:
Case and analysis. Invited chapter under review for M. C. Roberts, B. S. Aylward, & Y. P. Wu (Eds.),
Clinical practice of pediatric psychology: Cases and service delivery. New York: Guilford.
Kelsey Borner
Manuscripts in Preparation:
Van Allen, J., Borner, K. B., Gayes, L., & Steele, R. G. (in preparation). The Impact of a Family-based
Lifestyle Intervention on Participants' Physical Activity.
Borner, K. B., Van Allen, J., & Steele, R. G. (in preparation). Physical Activity Self Efficacy (PASE) as a
Mediator of the Relationship between Self-esteem and Physical Activity among Middle-school
Borner, K. B., Gayes, L., & Hall, J. (in preparation). Friendship during childhood and cultural variations.
Invited chapter for H. Keller (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences 2nd
Edition. Oxford: Elsevier.
Borner, K.B., Wu, Y., Parikshak, S. Roberts, M. C., & Amylon, M. D. (in preparation). Exploring Social
Support and Health-Related Quality of Life in a Pediatric Oncology Population.
Professional Presentations:
Borner, K.B., Wu, Y., Parikshak, S., & Poppert, K. (2013, April). Exploring Social Support and Health-Related
Quality of Life in a Pediatric Oncology Population. Poster presented at the National Conference in
Pediatric Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Borner, K., Gayes, L., Steele, R. G., & Van Allen, J. (2012, October). Weighing Physical Activity: The Impact
of a Family-based Lifestyle Intervention on Participants' Physical Activity. Poster presented at the
National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Lawrence, KS.
Gayes, L., Borner, K. B. & Steele, R. G. (2012, October). Association between Weight Reduction and
Depressive Symptoms in a Behavioral Weight Loss Intervention for Overweight Children. Poster
presented at the National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Lawrence, KS.
Borner, K. B., Van Allen, J., Gayes, L. A., & Steele, R. G. (2012, April). Physical Activity Self Efficacy (PASE)
as a Mediator of the Relationship between Self-esteem and Physical Activity among Middle-school
Children. Poster presented at the Midwest Regional Conference on Pediatric Psychology, Milwaukee,
Van Allen, J., Steele, R. G., Borner, K. B., & Gayes, L. A. (2012, April). Hope as a Mediator of the
Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Quality of Life in a Sample of Youths Enrolled in a
Weight-Management Intervention. Poster presented at the Midwest Regional Conference on Pediatric
Psychology, Milwaukee, WI.
Gayes, L. A., Borner, K. B., Van Allen, J., & Steele, R. G. (2012, April). Parent Dieting Behavior as a
Moderator of the Relationship between Child BMI and Child Body Dissatisfaction. Poster presented at
the Midwest Regional Conference on Pediatric Psychology, Milwaukee, WI.
Borner, K. B., Dorf-Caine, R., Bearman, S. K., & Stice, E. (2010). Let’s Get Physical: The Effect of Activity
Level on Body Dissatisfaction and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescent Boys and Girls. Poster presented
at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), San
Francisco, CA.
Eckshtain, D., Langer, D. A., Borner, K. B., Hawley, K. M., & Weisz, J. R. (2010). Child and Caregiver
Agreement on Target Problems as a Predictor of Treatment Outcome. Poster presented at the annual
convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), San Francisco, CA.
Kelsey Borner
Borner, K. B., Chew, C., Glauber, A., Jacobs, J., Kelly, D., & Putnam, S. (2009). The Relationship between
Body Image, Social Stress, Hedonic Eating and Eating Style. Poster presented at the annual Bowdoin
College science convention, Brunswick, ME.
Coles, E. K., Slavec, J., Ugueto, A. M., Borner, K. B., Hartley, K. R., Jacobs, J. F., Paul, J. L., Freeks, M. A.,
& Rutt, C. (2009). The Impact of Praise on the Behavioral Functioning of Children with ADHD in the
Context of the Summer Treatment Program. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for
Research in Child Development (SRCD), Denver, CO.
Slavec, J., Coles, E. K., Zablotsky, B., Paul, J. L., & Borner, K. B. (2008). Exploring the Gender Gap in
Referrals for Children with ADHD. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research
in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Project Assistant
Ric G. Steele, Ph.D., ABPP
NIH R01 Grant Application: Positively Fit - Plus
Grant Application: USD 497 Longitudinal Project
Evaluation of a Summer Sports Camp
September 2011 - Present
Assist with current grant applications by editing materials, researching literature, writing portions of measures
sections, and creating references. Develop and edit Human Subjects Committee applications for laboratory
projects. Coordinate research materials, develop data collection procedures, and supervise undergraduate
research assistants with data collection coordination.
Lab Assistant
Ric G. Steele, Ph.D., ABPP
Pediatric Health Promotion and Maintenance Lab
August 2011 - Present
Graduate student in the Pediatric Health Promotion and Maintenance Lab. Supervise undergraduate research
assistants with data entry, literature searches, and article summaries. Orient undergraduate research assistants to
the lab by discussing procedures of the lab and past and current research projects.
Project Coordinator
June 2010 - July 2011
John R. Weisz, Ph.D., ABPP, & Bruce Chorpita, Ph.D., Primary Investigators
Judge Baker Children’s Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Child System and Treatment Enhancement Project (STEPs): Clinic Treatment Project—Maine
Chosen among a team of research assistants to serve as Project Coordinator. Coordinated an inter-state, multisite, randomized clinical effectiveness study (funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation,
Casey Family Programs, and Annie E. Casey Foundation), comparing evidenced-based treatments to usual care
in community clinic settings for children in the child welfare population presenting with depression, anxiety,
trauma, and/or conduct problems. Served as direct liaison between study personnel, community clinics, and
Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) case workers to facilitate enrollment of children.
Supervised a team of Research Assistants to ensure accurate administration of measures, data quality, and
positive rapport with participating families. Trained new Research Assistants in proper administration of
assessment measures. Assisted in overseeing all aspects of data management and entry.
Senior Research Assistant
Laboratory for Youth Mental Health
October 2010 - July 2011
Kelsey Borner
Judge Baker Children’s Center, Harvard Medical School
Selectively promoted from a team of second year Research Assistants for strong leadership style, skill in
communication, and professionalism. Chosen to serve as a leader of the team of eleven research assistants and to
fill the role as a liaison between research assistants and post-doctoral fellows for laboratory related issues not
specific to individual projects.
Research Assistant
John R. Weisz, Ph.D., Primary Investigator
Judge Baker Children’s Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Meta-Analysis of Child and Adolescent Therapy Outcome Studies
August 2009 - July 2011
Performed comprehensive literature search of publication database of randomized clinical trials for psychosocial
interventions for children and adolescents. Served as member of team screening over 5,000 publications to
evaluate an article’s eligibility for the meta-analysis. Trained in assessing study quality indicators such as clear
psychotherapy descriptions and approaches, subject inclusion and exclusion criteria, and experimental design.
Principal Assistant
May 2010 - June 2010
Dikla Eckshtain, Ph.D.
NIMH K23 Grant Application: Using SMART Design to Personalize Treatment for Child Depression
Chosen to assist a Post-Doctoral Fellow to collect, prepare and edit application materials for a National Institute
of Mental Health (NIMH) Grant: Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (K23) for
the development of a personalized treatment for childhood depression through a SMART research design.
Thoroughly studied updated application requirements and meticulously edited all materials to meet NIMH
Project Assistant
Erika Coles, Ph.D. & Ana Ugueto, Ph.D., Primary Investigators
Judge Baker Children’s Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Summer Treatment Program (STP)
September 2009 - April 2010
Program Recruiter for the third year of administration of an eight-week evidence-based outpatient treatment
program for children with ADHD and/or other disruptive behavioral disorders (created by Dr. William Pelham,
State University of New York at Buffalo). Served as one of two points of contact for interested families in the
greater Boston area. Explained program and recruited qualifying participants. Scheduled families for intake
Positively Fit Behavioral Therapist
March 2013 - Present
Supervisor: Ric G. Steele, Ph.D., ABPP
Clinical Child Psychology Program, University of Kansas
Pediatric Health Promotion and Maintenance Lab/ KU Child and Family Services Clinic
Hours: 2-3 per week
Delivering 10-week pediatric obesity intervention to several families with overweight or obese adolescents.
Engage in group therapy to facilitate discussion of techniques, goals, and strategies for overcoming barriers to
adherence. Teach nutrition and behavioral components of intervention, establish weekly goals for treatment, and
employ motivational interviewing and cognitive-behavioral therapeutic techniques to facilitate participants’
adherence to treatment and goals.
Kelsey Borner
Clinic Associate
Supervisors: Yo Jackson, Ph.D., Julie Boydston, Ph.D.
Clinical Child Psychology Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
KU Child and Family Services Clinic
Hours: 18 hours per month
January 2012 - Present
Provide assessment services for adult and child clients, which include administration and interpretation of
psychological batteries (i.e., tests of cognitive ability, achievement, development, adaptive behavior, and socioemotional functioning) and consultations with school staff. Write integrated reports and provide feedback to
clients and families. Provide therapeutic services for children and families with a variety of presenting concerns
(i.e., behavior problems, internalizing disorders, and developmental delays). Therapeutic services typically
include behavioral parent training and individual/family cognitive-behavioral therapy. Currently undergoing
weekly individual and group supervision by a licensed Ph.D. level clinical psychologist with student therapist
Clinic Coordinator
Supervisors: Eric Vernberg, Ph.D., ABPP & Yo Jackson, Ph.D., ABPP
Clinical Child Psychology Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
KU Child and Family Services Clinic
Hours: 6-9 hours per week
August 2011 – Present
Coordinate clinic operations, which includes assisting in assignment of new clinic cases to therapists, overseeing
client database, organizing clinic materials and files, and screening intakes of interested clients. Provide
guidance to first year graduate student therapists on orientation to the clinic.
Clinical Assistant
Judge Baker Children’s Center, Harvard Medical School Boston, MA
Judge Baker Clinical Care
February 2010 - July 2011
Completed 12 hour training in administration of the K-SADS-PL 2009 (Schedule for Affective Disorders and
Schizophrenia for School Aged Children), a semi-structured diagnostic interview designed to assess current and
past episodes of psychopathology in children and adolescents according to DSM-IV criteria. Assisted in
evaluations of children and families seeking services and receiving intake assessments at Judge Baker Clinical
Care. Consulted with Ph.D. level clinicians to discuss clinical considerations and clinical diagnoses for assessed
Clinical Interviewer
July 2009 - July 2012
Judge Baker Children’s Center, Harvard Medical School Boston, MA
Child System and Treatment Enhancement Project (STEPs): Clinic Treatment Project—Maine
Administered assessments at baseline, weekly, quarterly, and post-treatment time points for parents and children
participating in the Child STEPs Clinic Treatment Project- Maine. Established and built rapport throughout the
administration of interviews. Passed training of the UCLA PTSD Index for DSM-IV by demonstrating interrater reliability and a sensitive clinical style. Adhered to follow-up interview protocol when information
regarding abuse was obtained from families previously or currently involved in the child welfare system and
information regarding risk of harm or suicide was obtained from any participating family. Collaborated with
post-doctoral fellows to draft abuse reports and to notify appropriate authorities. Reviewed interview
assessments with postdoctoral fellows to determine study eligibility.
Intern: Lead Sports Counselor
Erika Coles, Ph.D. & Ana Ugueto, Ph.D., Primary Investigators
Judge Baker Children's Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Summer Treatment Program (STP)
June 2008 - August 2008, August 2009
Kelsey Borner
Received an intensive 35-hour training on adherence to the Summer Treatment Program (created by Dr. William
Pelham, State University of New York at Buffalo), a highly structured set of evidence-based treatments
incorporated into a 6-week therapeutic summer day camp setting. Served as the lead basketball counselor among
4 additional counselors within the intervention program for 11 children with ADHD and other disruptive
behavior disorders. Implemented an empirically supported behavior modification treatment for children during
recreational activities: basketball, soccer, and softball. Coded and recorded more than 30 behaviors constantly
while supervising recreational activities. Administered psychometric assessments to participants. Also
responsible for implementation, organization, and management of daily basketball games, which included
coaching and teaching of basketball skills, tracking individual children's abilities and game knowledge, and
monitoring children's attention. Tracked children's individual goals and daily behavior frequencies and assisted
in developing an individualized program with Dr. Erika Coles for children not responding to standardized
Volunteer Milieu Counselor/ Practicum Student
Barbara Held, Ph.D., Supervisor
Bath, ME
MidCoast Hospital Behavioral Health Unit
February 2008 - May 2008
Visited with 12 members of a short-term inpatient unit who suffered from a broad range of psychopathology.
Organized and led occupational therapy activities for patients on a weekly basis, tailoring activities to the
individual needs of each patient. Observed the lived experience of select mental disorders, including bipolar
disorder, schizophrenia, and severe depression. Participated in a weekly supervisory meeting with a clinical
psychologist to discuss experiences and potential concerns.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Instructor of Record: Michael Roberts, Ph.D., ABPP
Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Child Development (Psyc 333)
January 2013 - Present
Responsible for grading weekly writing assignments and exams. Attend classes and help coordinate class
materials. Communicate with students to improve academic performance and discuss lecture topics.
Instructor of Record: Paula Fite, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Advanced Child Behavior and Development (Psyc 632)
January 2012 - May 2012
Assisted in the preparation of materials for class instructor. Graded exams and papers of all students. Met with
interested students and provided feedback for improving test preparation and paper writing skills. Kept
organized grading system for class instructor.
Instructor of Record: Ric Steele, Ph.D., ABPP
Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Developmental Psychopathology (Psyc 535)
August 2011 - December 2012
Assisted in the preparation of materials for class instructor. Graded exams and written assignments of all
students. Assisted in development of quiz items. Met with interested students and provided feedback for
improving test preparation. Kept organized grading system for class instructor.
Invited Guest Lecturer
Kelsey Borner
Instructor of Record: Paula Fite, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Advanced Child Behavior and Development (Psyc 632)
Lecture: Criminal Behavior
Lecture: Behavioral Parent Training
February 2, 2012
April 16, 2012
Instructor of Record: Marilyn Sampilo, M.A.
Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Abnormal Psychology (Psyc 350)
Lecture: Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
July 17, 2012
Instructor of Record: Allison Elledge, M.A.
Developmental Psychopathology (Psyc 535)
Lecture: Childhood Chronic Illness
November, 15, 2012
Student Representative, HSC Reviewer
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Human Subjects Committee, Lawrence
September 2012 - Present
Appointed as student representative to the Human Subjects Committee-Lawrence. Review human subjects
research applications submitted to the Human Subjects Committee - Lawrence to determine safety risks to
human subjects and provide feedback to principal investigators of projects not approved. Attend monthly
meetings to discuss issues related to policies for research on human subjects as overseen by the HSC-L,
unapproved research projects, and general topics to ensure the safety of human subjects completing research
through the University of Kansas.
Vice President, Graduate Student Organization
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Clinical Child Psychology Program
August 2012 - Present
Voted for and appointed by fellow graduate students. Plan and implement activities to promote professional
development, education, and training of current graduate students of the Clinical Child Psychology Program.
Support Counselor
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Safe Space
September 2007 - May 2009
Completed an 8 week, 24-hour intensive training from professional counselors of the Sexual Assault Support
Services of Midcoast Maine (SASSMM). Served as a confidential counselor for supporting Bowdoin College
student survivors of sexual assault, violence, sexual harassment, child sexual abuse, and rape.
Brunswick, ME
Bears & Cubs
September 2006 - May 2008
Volunteered for the Bowdoin College program associated with Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of Brunswick, ME.
Provided weekly mentoring of a local child in need of a positive role model.
Kelsey Borner
KU Spring Ethics Workshop
Ethical Dilemmas, Decision Making, and Risk Management in the Digital Age
Presenter: Jeffrey E. Barnett, Psy.D., ABPP
April 2012
Bowdoin College Varsity Outdoor Track & Field, 2006-2009
Varsity Captain, 2009
New England Division III Champion, Discus Throw, 2008, 2009
Bowdoin College Varsity Indoor Track & Field, 2005-2006; 2007-2009
Varsity Captain, 2008-2009
New England Small College Athletic Conference
NESCAC All-Academic Selection, Spring 2008, Winter 2008-09, Spring 2009
Awarded for strong academic performance to selected junior or senior student-athletes who are
varsity letter winners.
Bowdoin College
Colonel Edward A. Ryan Award, 2009
Presented annually to that member of the women's track & field team who has distinguished herself
through outstanding achievement and leadership during her four-year career at Bowdoin.