CMP-451 1 “© 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.” 2 CMP-451 Multiobjective Sequential Design Optimization of PM-SMC Motors for Six Sigma Quality Manufacturing Gang Lei1, J. G. Zhu1, Y. G. Guo1, J. F. Hu1, Wei Xu2, K. R. Shao3 1 School of Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems, University of Technology, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia 2 Platform Technologies Research Institute, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia 3 College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, China In our previous work, two kinds of permanent magnet (PM) synchronous motors, transverse flux motor (TFM) and claw pole motor were designed and fabricated by using the soft magnetic composite (SMC) cores. This paper presents the multiobjective and robust design optimization for high quality manufacturing of these PM-SMC motors to improve their industrial applications. Meanwhile, an improved multiobjective sequential optimization method is presented to reduce the computation cost. Thereafter, a PM TFM with SMC core is investigated to illustrate the performance of the proposed method. From the discussion, it can be found that six sigma quality manufacturing was achieved for all Pareto design schemes of this motor by using the proposed method, and the reliability of the motor has increased significantly. Furthermore, manufacturing cost and computation cost have been reduced a lot. Index Terms— Design optimization, PM transverse flux motor, six sigma quality manufacturing, soft magnetic material (SMC). I. INTRODUCTION S OFT magnetic composite (SMC) is a relatively new kind of magnetic material which is made of iron powder particles. It has been introduced as an alternative to electrical steel sheets and ferrites for a wide range of applications, for example, electrical machines. Since this material is rather new, the development of material, process and application is ongoing at a high pace [1]. Compared with traditional steel sheets, SMC cores have many merits, such as low eddy current loss, low cost and environmentally friendliness. Furthermore, they are suitable for the design of 3-D flux path as they are isotropic both mechanically and magnetically. Therefore, SMC is a promising material for the design of PM motors with complex structure and 3-D flux path, such as PM transverse flux motor (TFM) and claw pole motor [2]-[4]. In our previous work, two kinds of PM-SMC motors, TFM and claw pole motor have been designed, fabricated and tested [4]-[7]. We found that these motors can make full use of the characteristics of SMC and provide good performances. Meanwhile, their performances highly depend on the material and manufacturing method. SMC cores are manufactured by modules which are different from the core’s manufacturing method with the traditional steel sheets. Therefore, besides structure parameters, material and manufacturing parameters must be investigated for the PM-SMC motors as well. A robust analysis method was presented to include manufacturing condition in the design optimization of PM-SMC motors [7]. From the discussion, it can be found that the manufacturing quality of these motors has been increased a lot. However, two other issues are needed to investigate for the industrial applications of these motors besides robust analysis. Firstly, multiobjective design schemes are necessary as it is hard to determine the weights for different objectives without detailed information of industrial applications. Secondly, high computation cost is also an important issue as this is a high dimensional optimization problem and 3-D finite element analysis is involved. Therefore, this paper presents an improved multiobjective sequential optimization method for six sigma manufacturing quality design optimization of these PM-SMC motors to improve their industrial applications. II. MANUFACTURING OF PM-SMC MOTORS AND OPTIMIZATION MODELS Considering the manufacturing of PM-SMC motors, two issues, namely manufacturing quality and cost, are needed to investigate as they are different from traditional motors made of steel sheets. Fig. 1 illustrates three magnetization curves for a type of SMC core with different density values [1]. From this figure, it can be found that there are significant differences of B-H data between different density’s cores. Actually, the density of SMC core depends on the manufacturing condition, namely the compaction pressure. And it has great effect on the electromagnetic field analysis of motors. Therefore, all these parameters and issues should be taken as design optimization factors for the industrial applications of these motors to improve their manufacturing quality. Fig. 2 shows the manufacturing cost and productivity of this SMC core by using different pressures. As the SMC core is compressed by module, SMC core’s density can be calculated by the compacting pressure applied on the core’s surface and the pressure is related to the compaction pressure. Therefore, core’s density, manufacturing cost and productivity directly depend on the pressure, which must be selected as a design as well as a noise factor for the robust design of these motors. Considering the manufacturing condition and material characteristic of SMC cores, the multiobjective design optimization model of PM-SMC motors can be defined as min : s.t. f k ( x s , x mt , x mf ), k 1,..., M g i ( x s , x mt , x mf ) 0, i 1,..., N , xl x [ x s , x mt , x mf ] xu (1) 3 CMP-451 Define problem 2.5 2 Initial sampling process Use NSGA II to generate the initial sample set S(0) and get Pareto optimal solution P(0) B (T) 1.5 1 7.32 g/cm3 0.5 k th modeling process Generate sample set S(k) and construct Kriging model 7.16 g/cm3 6.69 g/cm3 0 0 20 40 60 H (kA/m) 80 100 Fig. 1. B-H curves with respect to different SMC density values 500 Update S(k) by orthogonal design technique with P(k) NSGA II optimization and get the Pareto solution P(k) 500 Cost ($/hr) 400 400 300 300 200 200 Productivity (pieces/hr) Cost Productivity Compute the RMSEs for all Kringing models RMSEs ? No Yes 100 100 200 300 Press size (ton) 400 100 500 End and output Fig. 2. Manufacturing cost and productivity for SMC cores Fig.3. The flowchart of improved MSOM where xs, xmt, and xmf are the structure, material and manufacturing parameters, and M and N are the numbers of objectives and constraints, respectively. To achieve six sigma quality manufacturing, the design model can be converted into (2) within the framework of design for six sigma (DFSS) technique [6]. min : F ( s.t. gi ( f (x), f (x)) 0, i 1,..., N x n x n . x x u x l n LSL f f f n f USL k fk ( x), fk ( x)) , k 1,..., M (2) where μ and σ are the mean and standard deviation of the corresponding terms. LSL and USL are lower and supper specification limits; n is the sigma level, which is generally defined with respect to a probability value of a standard normal distribution. In our work, the designed SMC motors are expected to achieve six sigma manufacturing quality, so n will be set as 6. For industrial manufacturing and quality control, six sigma level manufacturing quality means 0.002 defects per million for the “short term sigma quality”, and 3.4 defects per million for the “long term sigma quality” [6], [7]. III. IMPROVED MSOM For the practical design of motors, the implementation process is usually quite time-consuming as finite element model (FEM) is generally involved and the costs of FEM are always very expensive and will take most of the optimization time, especially for some complex electromagnetic devices, e.g., PM-SMC motors. To deal with this problem, we presented a multiobjective sequential optimization method (MSOM) [8]. However, it is hard for that method to handle high dimensional problems. Therefore, we present an improved MSOM in this paper. Fig. 3 shows its flowchart, which mainly includes four steps. 1) Generate an initial sample set S(0) and Pareto optimal solutions P(0) by using NSGA II optimization method. 2) Update the samples. As we already got the Pareto optimal solutions, we will use them to generate new samples. Firstly, use orthogonal design technique to find the significant parameters. Secondly, choose 2-level sampling method for the significant factors. With the new samples, we can construct new Kriging models for all objectives and constraints. 3) Optimize the obtained Kriging model by using NSGA II, and we can get updated Pareto optimal solutions P(k). 4) Determine that if P(k) is the final Pareto solutions, compute the root mean square error (RMSE) of the obtained 4 CMP-451 min : Fk fk (x), k 1, 2 Pareto points for each Kriging model. If all RMSEs are no more than ε, output the solution, otherwise go to step 2. s.t. gi (x) n gi (x) 0, i 1,..., 4 , (4) TABLE I MAIN DESIGN MATERIAL AND PARAMETERS (a) (b) Fig. 4. Magnetically relevant parts of PM-SMC TFM (a) rotor, (b) stator Parameter Value Number of phase 3 Number of poles 20 Number of stator teeth 60 Number of magnets 120 Stator core material (SMC) SOMALOYTM 500 PM NdFeB, N30M 850 IV. DESCRIPTION OF A PM-SMC TFM A PM-SMC TFM is investigated to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method. Fig. 4 shows the magnetically relevant parts of this machine. It is designed to deliver a power of 640 W at 1800 r/min. Fig. 5 shows the region for 3D FEM [5]. Table I lists several parameters and materials for this machine. From our design experience, eight structure parameters and one manufacturing parameter are needed to investigate this motor. They are x1 and x2: circumferential angle and axial length of PM; x3 to x5: circumferential width, axial length and radial height of SMC tooth; x6 and x7: number of turns and diameter of copper wire winding; and x8: air gap. The last one, x9 is the pressure, which is selected as a design factor as well as a noise factor for the robust manufacturing quality optimization. And x1, x2, x6, x7 and x9 are significant parameters. The deterministic optimization model can be defined as, f (x) Cost min : 1 f 2 (x) Pout g1 (x) 0.795 0, (3) g (x) 640 Pout 0, 2 s.t. g3 (x) sf 0.8 0, g 4 (x) J c 6 0. where the Cost in objective mainly includes material costs of PM, SMC core, wire winding, steel and manufacturing cost of the core; η and Pout (unit: W) in g1 and g2 are the motor’s efficiency and output power respectively; sf and Jc (unit: A/mm2) in g3 and g4 are the fill factor and current density of the winding respectively. Then we can get the robust multiobjective optimization model of this motor within the framework of (2). 750 700 650 600 25 Deterministic Robust 27 29 31 Cost [$] 33 35 Fig. 6. Pareto solutions for both methods 1 Probability of Failure (POF) Fig. 5. Region for the 3D field analysis of TFM Pout [W] 800 Deterministic Robust 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 Number of Pareto Points 50 Fig. 7. POFs for the Pareto solutions V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In the implementation, each parameter is defined to follow a normal distribution with standard deviation as 1/3 of its manufacturing tolerance. And 3000 points are selected as the first sample set in the improved MSOM. Then 5 parameters are selected as the significant parameters in the updating processes as discussed in Section IV. Moreover, to illustrate the performance of different methods, the probability of failure (POF) is taken as a criterion, which is defined as 5 CMP-451 1 i 1 P( gi 0) . Figs. 6-9 illustrate the optimization results 4 for both deterministic and robust design optimization approaches. We can draw the following conclusions from them. Mean of current desnsity (A/mm2) 6.3 Deterministic (average = 5.99) Robust (average = 5.87) 6.2 6.1 6 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.5 0 10 20 30 Number of Pareto Points 40 50 Fig. 8. Mean of current density for the Pareto solutions Deterministic Robust Core's desnsity (g/cm3) 7.6 7.4 7.2 7 6.8 3) Fig. 8 shows the means of current density (JC) for all Pareto points. It can be seen that deterministic design schemes have higher means of JC compared with robust design schemes. The means of JC of the robust schemes are obviously smaller than the upper limit 6 A/mm2, and the average is 5.87 A/mm2. However, many points are higher than the limit for the deterministic approach; in this case the average is 5.99 A/mm2. Meanwhile, the standard deviations of these JC for both methods are 0.04 A/mm2. Therefore, the POF values of g4 of deterministic approach are higher than those of robust approach. For other constraints, we can also get their POFs, means and standard deviations for all Pareto points. However, not too much difference has founded for them. Therefore, current density issue is the main reason why deterministic schemes have higher POFs than robust schemes as shown in the Fig. 7. 4) Fig. 9 illustrates the core’s density for all Pareto points. It can be found that the core densities for deterministic schemes are around 7.2 g/cm3, which means 200-ton pressure is needed for compacting the cores with all deterministic schemes. However, for the robust design schemes, 200ton pressure will be used for the first to the 29th design scheme; and then only 100ton pressure will be needed for the rest design schemes, and the core densities are around 6.6 g/cm3 for these schemes. Therefore, robust approach needs less manufacturing condition and cost. 5) For the computation cost, 3820 FEM points are needed by using the proposed method. This is much less than the FEM points required by using the direct optimization method of NSGA II with FEM. For the latter case, it needs about 10000 FEM points. 6.6 0 10 20 30 Number of Pareto Points 40 VI. CONCLUSION 50 Fig. 9. SMC core’s density for the Pareto solutions 1) Fig. 6 illustrates the optimal Pareto solutions obtained from deterministic and robust optimization models respectively. It can be found that the output power increases with the increase of cost and vice versa. The front of the Pareto solutions obtained from robust multiobjective approach is obviously lower than that from the deterministic approach. This means that to achieve the same output power, the needed cost of robust design is higher than that of deterministic design. 2) Fig. 7 illustrates the POF values of all Pareto points for both approaches. It can be found that the POF values of deterministic design schemes (or Pareto points) are unstable and obviously higher than those of robust schemes. Some of them are even more than 50%. These are bad design schemes from the point of view of high quality of industrial design. For the robust multiobjective design schemes, the POF values are almost 0. Therefore, though the needed cost for the same output power of deterministic approach is less than that of robust approach, its lower cost is at the cost of lower POF. An improved MSOM was presented for the robust design optimization of PM-SMC motors in this work. From the design example, it can be found that the proposed method can significantly improve the reliability and manufacturing quality of the motor with lower manufacturing condition and cost. In summary, robust multiobjective design optimization makes products with higher reliability and manufacturing quality, and will improve the industrial applications of PM-SMC motors. 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