I have read and understood the rules on cheating, plagiarism and appropriate referencing as outlined in my handbook and I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own, unless otherwise acknowledged. Signed: ...................................................................... (for on-line submission it is only necessary to type your name in this space) MODULE TITLE: MODULE CODE: MODULE DATE: NAME: ........................................................... GROUP: ......................................................... Template: 533566388 THE UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURING GROUP MSc PROGRAMMES POST MODULE ASSIGNMENT PRODUCT EXCELLENCE USING SIX SIGMA 1 Module assessment 2006 Module Assessment: 70% post-module work and 30% in-module work The In-module assignment will be given out before the start of the module. Post-module assignment must be submitted by the date given below. 2 Post- Module assignment This assessment is worth 70% of the overall mark for this module. The marks will be awarded as follows: It is marked out of 70 with 25 marks for question 1 and 25 marks for question 2. 20 marks are available for overall presentation and effort. Question 1 and 2 are compulsory. 1. Investigate the links between Systems engineering and DFSS and discuss any overlaps or synergy. Identify how the philosophies of both areas can work together to satisfy customer requirements with regard to product quality, reliability and maintenance. 2. Compare and contrast the R&M case with the objectives of DFSS. Illustrate if these philosophies have synergy by assuming that you are employed as the reliability manager in a company that designs and manufactures high value audio equipment and produce an outline plan of how DFSS can be used to help develop the R&M case for a new product design. In these questions you should refer to data and information from journals or books to support your answer. However it is strongly advised not to copy any text or figure from module notes. Number of words for each question are 2000 per question. A copy of the post-module work should be emailed to the module tutor. This electronic copy will be used to check electronically for copying and plagiarism. Template: 533566388 COMPLETION DATE: To be submitted electronically using the appropriate web-form available from http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/ftmsc/pmw/ and following the guidelines provided in your handbook BEFORE 09:00 on MONDAY 10TH APRIL 2006 PLEASE NOTE 1. PMW received after 09:00 will be stamped as having arrived on the next working day. 2. Post Module Work which does not reach Warwick Manufacturing Group by the due date will be considered to be late. Penalties for lateness may be applied at the rate of 3 percentage points per University working day after the due date, up to a maximum of 14 days late. After this period the work may be counted as a non-submission. Template: 533566388 Module Title Page 1 Complete your assignment from here (heading styles have been set up to assist you in this work) (Delete the instructions in this font before you save and submit your work): MODULE TITLE Table of Contents 1 Heading 1 – Suggested that you use this for each Question answered .................... 1 1.1 Heading 2 – suggested that you use this for each sub-heading in each question answered .............................................................................................................. 1 1.1.1 Heading 3 – you may use this heading as appropriate ................................. 1 Enter a page break here and between each question 3 Heading 1 – Suggested that you use this for each Question answered 3.1 Heading 2 – suggested that you use this for each sub-heading in each question answered 3.1.1 Heading 3 – you may use this heading as appropriate Use ‘body text’ style for the paragraph text. It inserts a space between paragraphs and uses 1.5 line spacing. For lists without paragraph spaces use the ‘normal’ style. It uses single line spacing. Your name