ST MARY'S IN THE MARKETPLACE, STOCKPORT DONATION FORM Please return to: The Treasurer, St Mary’s Parochial Church Council, Rectory Office, St Mary’s Rectory, 24 Gorsey Mount Street, Stockport, SK1 4DU. Surname _________________________________________________________ Title _____________ Forenames _________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ postcode __________________ Daytime Tel : ________________________ email address __________________________________ DECLARATION FOR TAX RECLAIM PURPOSES please complete if you wish to make your donation by Gift Aid I wish Gift Aid to apply to my donation and I confirm I will pay in this tax year an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the amount that all charities including Churches) and Community Amateur Sports Clubs will reclaim against my gifts to them this year. I understand that other taxes such as Council Tax and VAT do not qualify. Signed Date FOR A SINGLE GIFT I wish to make a single donation of £ _____________ and enclose my cheque payable to “St Mary’s PCC”. I wish to make my donation by Gift Aid FOR A REGULAR GIFT – please complete Bank/Building Society instructions below I wish to make a regular donation – details as shown below. I wish to make my donation by Gift Aid INSTRUCTIONS TO YOUR BANK OR BUILDING SOCIETY TO PAY A STANDING ORDER To ______________________________________________________ Bank Building Society Address _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Postcode ____________________ Name of Account holder(s) ______________________________________________________ Bank/Building Soc A/c No ___________________Branch Sort Code Please pay St Mary’s PCC - NATWEST, Stockport Underbank Hall Branch, 10 Great Underbank, Stockport, SK1 1LL Branch Sort Code 01 | 08 | 38 _____|_____|_____ Account: 01935666 Frequency and amount (delete as applicable) Monthly £ Quarterly £ Annually £ Date Payable from 20 Signature(s): ________________________________ Date _________________ PLEASE DO NOT SEND DIRECTLY TO YOUR BANK/BUILDING SOCIETY