Academic and Cultural Activities (download file)

Haifa University
Research Unit for the Cultures of Spain
Academic and Cultural Activities
With the collaboration of UNESCO Chair for Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue at the University
of Haifa, and with cooperation with research centers and universities in Israel and across the world: Spain,
Italy, France, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and the U.S.A.
A unique project: Encounters of Scholars- Moslems, Jews and Christians
From Israel and Arab countries based on the paradigm of Medieval Spain
Scholars and Artists from Israel and Arab countries maintain prolific dialogue that paves channels
of influence on policy makers.
Organizing Bodies – Israel, Spain, Morocco
International Conferences
Windows to the soul in two languages
POETS' Encounter - Promoting dialogue between Jews and Arabs in Israeli society:
Encounters among Orthodox and Non-Orthodox creative artists
Promoting dialogue in a pluralistic Israel:
Television Programs
Delicate Balance
Toledo as a Model: Jews, Moslems and Christians - Tension and Coexistence
Role-Play promoting Intercultural Dialogue
Publication of a book: Intercultural Dialogue: Between Myth and Reality
based on the paradigm of Medieval Spain
Studies of scholars from Israel, Spain, Morocco, Egypt and Jordan.
A unique project: Encounters of Scholars- Moslems, Jews and Christians
From Israel and Arab countries based on the paradigm of Medieval Spanish Heritage
Organizing Bodies – Israel, Spain, Morocco:
Four Universities: University of Haifa; University of Autonoma, Barcelona; University of Alcala,
Madrid; University of Mohamed V - Agdal, Rabat Moroco; with the collaboration of the institutes
Fundaciόn cultura de paz Madrid and Fundaciόn tres culturas, Sevilla, under the patronage of
Goals of the Project
Strengthening intercultural dialogue among Jewish, Moslem and Christian scholars by meetings
based on the mutual interest of intellectuals in the research of cultural encounters that took place in
-Andalus, Sefarad). Discussing common values, identification of
reciprocity and mutual fertilization that prevailed in the past all contribute to the promotion of a
culture of peace and of mutual respect at present.
Promoting a Culture of Peace and Understanding among Peoples
Enlighten the interaction and coexistence among Jews, Moslems and Christians in Medieval Spain,
in the Middle East and in the Mediterranean Basin throughout the ages in all scenes of life:
political, economic, scientific, literary, artistic, etc'. helps in reducing alienation among different
cultures, and promotes an intercultural dialogue based on tolerance towards the 'other' and a
culture of peace.
Study and discussion from a multidisciplinary standpoint
Study the interdisciplinary aspects of intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean Region in the
past, present and future, and illuminate the convergence of cultures from all different viewpoints.
To this end scholars from the following fields were invited to participate in this meeting: Hebrew
literature in Spain, Arab literature in al-Andalus, Christian-Spanish literature, Islamic philosophy
in al-Andalus, Jewish philosophy in Spain and the history of the Cabbala, Spanish history, Jewish
Using Spain as the springboard for discussion of current affairs
Using the historical experience of contacts and confrontations in Spain as a linkage to the dialogue
that exists at present between Jews, Moslems and Christians in the Mediterranean countries.
To this end invitations were sent to scholars representing these three cultures whose areas of study
are the history and culture of Spain, sociology, anthropology, education sciences, Middle Eastern
Study and discussion from a multicultural standpoint
To bring together scholars from different cultures, thereby enabling them to contribute to the
discussion and enrich the meeting with the different standpoints of the collective memories of
Jews, Moslems and Christians. To this end scholars from Israel, Spain and Arab countries were
invited to participate in the meetings.
Project's Rationale:
Spain holds a special place in both the Jewish and Arab collective memory. The descendants of
each of these cultures see the historical chapter that occurred in the Iberian Peninsula as one of the
greatest chapters in their entire cultural development. While neither Jews nor Moslems have
forgotten the shadows that clouded their lives in this corner of the world, nor the abrupt ending to
the existence of Jews and Moslems in Spain, yet both peoples continue to talk of Sefarad - alAndalus, as their homeland for hundreds of years in the shared recollection of the times they lived
together in close interaction; Jews and Arabs alike extol the coexistence that prevailed in the
This joint cultural link, based on the historical experience in Spain, makes it possible to create
frameworks for talks between Israeli and Arab researchers, with the participation of Spanish
scholars. It is hoped that these discussions will enable reflection on contemporary issues, crucial to
people in Mediterranean countries and especially those in the Middle East, so as to lead them to
share a wealth of common values and build up a positive image of each other.
In this way we can develop a direct and profound dialogue among intellectuals, researchers and
lecturers, whose influence on society can be felt, on issues such as: “contacts between peoples and
cultures”, “positions of tolerance and the acceptance of the other”, “extremism versus openness”,
The psychological factor of moving the focus of the discussion to Medieval Spain encourages
dialogue, with the aim of learning from past events in order to draw lessons to promote best
practices of living together in the present.
The first Colloquium was held at The University of Haifa, February 13-15, 2000 on the theme:
Culture, Science and Coexistence: Historic and Cultural Spain.
With the participation of Mr. Doudou Diene, Director, Division for Intercultural Projects,
UNESCO, Paris, and His Excellency Mr. Miguel Angel Moratinos, Representative of the
European Community for the Peace Process in the Middle East.
The second Colloquium was held at Autónoma University, Barcelona, November 26-28, 2000 on
the theme: Dialogue, Debate and Cultural Diversity in the Tradition of Spain.
With the special participation of: His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal, Royal Palace,
Amman, Jordan and Mr. Doudou Diene, Director, Division for Intercultural Projects, UNESCO,
The third Colloquium was held at The University of Alcalá, Madrid, May 8-10, 2003 on the
theme: “Intercultural Dialogue – From Past to Future”. The Keynote address was delivered by
His Excellency Don Federico Mayor Zaragoza, formerly the Director General of UNESCO;
President, Fundación Cultura de Paz, Madrid.
The fourth Colloquium was hosted by CIDOB Institute and Autónoma University, Barcelona,
May 30-June 1, 2004 on the theme: “Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean Sceneries:
Past, Present and Future”, With the special participation of: Mr. Narcis Serra, President,
CIDOB Foundation, Spain.
The fifth Colloquium was hosted by Fundación tres Culturas, Seville, Spain, September 26-29,
2005 on the theme: “Cultural Diversity in the Mediterranean: Between Conflict and Dialogue".
With the participation of Mr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza, President of “Alliance of Civilizations”
and Fundación Cultura de Paz, Madrid and that of Mr. Doudou Diene, Special Repporteur on
Contemporary forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and related Intolerance,
Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, United Nations.
The Sixth Colloquium of the project is scheduled for January 2008 in Sevilla on the theme:
"Between Myth and Reality".
Achievements of the Colloquiums
Among the achievements of the colloquiums we can mention the following results:
During the concluding sessions the participants noted that the level of the discussions had
been very high and that the integration of the disciplines had contributed much to an
understanding of intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean Basin, both from a historical
perspective, and as a point of departure for discussion of coexistence in the present and in
the future;
A core group of scholars and figures of influence continue to develop the dialogue among
Israeli and Arab scholars based on the Spanish connection; While foundations for joint
projects with Spain, Morocco and Egypt were laid during initial encounters, later encounters
pave the way to real collaboration between nations in order to promote projects and
International Conferences
== Cultural Relations Israel-Spain: Past, Present, Future, University of Haifa, November 12,
2006, in collaboration with the Spanish Embassy in Israel, the Israeli and Spanish Foreign Offices,
in the framework of events celebrating 20 years of Diplomatic Relations between Israel and Spain.
The conference combined fruitful academic debates on a variety of issues with an expansion of
cultural and scientific relations between Israel and Spain. Among the participants: Mr.Yitzhak
Navon, the Fifth President of Israel, Prof. Aaron Ben-Zeév, President, Prof. Magid Al-Haj, Dean
of Research, Mr. Eudaldo Mirapeix, Spanish Ambassador in Israel, leading scholars and authors
from Israel and Spain, such as the author A. B. Yehoshua; Jewish and Arab poets from Israel; the
Spanish president of P.E.N (world association of writers) and scholars from different universities
in Israel and in Spain, among them: Prof. Carlos Alvar, Vice-president of the International
Association of Hispanists, Prof. Joseph Yahalom, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Towards the conclusion of the conference Spanish participants were awarded honorary diplomas
for their ongoing collaboration with Israel on cultural projects. These figures are among the
leading intellectuals in Spain, for their scientific accomplishments and for their pivotal position at
the Spanish Academy and cultural milieu.
== Medieval Pluralistic Societies: Historic Models for Coexistence. The Iberian Peninsula, El
Mashrek and the Magreb, Tel Aviv – Haifa, June 2 - 4, 1999. With the participation of Mr. Yoro
fall, UNESCO, Paris, and the Spanish Ambassador in Israel.
==Culture, Science and Coexistence: Medieval Spain and its Heritage, November 23 - 25, 1995.
First colloquium organized in Israel with participation of Scholars from Morocco and Spain.
Windows to the soul in two languages
POETS' Encounter - Promoting dialogue between Jews and Arabs in Israeli society:
Negative and hostile attitudes towards the other are often the result of lack of knowledge and
understanding. Reality in Israel and in the Middle East witnesses both Jews and Arabs failing to
regard each other with respect, due to a strong and persistent feeling of alienation. One of the most
helpful means of altering this sad situation is the endeavor to open windows of acquaintance with
the heritage, the cultural achievements and the pains guiding each side. This project offers
acquaintance with the inner feelings of each party, so magnificently portrayed by literature. The
project consists of a series of encounters with literary texts depicting Jews and Arabs in Arab
Literature and in Hebrew Literature.The contents of the encounters and the manner of
implementation (an encounter with an artist, a theatrical performance, and musical pieces) create
an artistic experience, aesthetic pleasure and emotional identification. These combined with the
intellectual experience enhance awareness to the complex situation of each party and promote
mutual respect which is a stipulation for coexistence.
Encounters among Orthodox and Non-Orthodox creative artists
Promoting dialogue in a pluralistic Israel:
Israeli society is torn apart nowadays by internal conflicts among orthodox and non-orthodox
Jews. This project aims at opening windows of acquaintance with the cultural heritage and with
the inner feelings of each party, as they unfold in its literature and poetry. Orthodox and nonorthodox authors discuss their attitudes and their creativity. Encounters with both artists and works
of art create an artistic experience, aesthetic pleasure and emotional identification promoting
mutual respect and understanding among the different fractions in Israel, paving the path towards a
more pluralistic society.
Television Programs
The Chair has produced T.V. programs in the framework of The Academic Channel, highlighting
Medieval Spain as a paradigm of Intercultural Dialogue. In this project, too, as in others,
participated leading artists and authors.
A. Along the Pathways of Spain: a Contemplative Perspective
With the participation of: Prof. Moshe Idel, Prizewinner of the "Israel Prize”, Hebrew University
of Jerusalem; The Author A. B. Yehoshua, Prizewinner of the "Israel Prize”.
B. Along the Pathways of Literature in Spain
With the participation of: Prof. Nurit Govrin, Tel-Aviv University; Prof. Ephraim Hazan,
Bar-Ilan University; Prof. George Kanazi, University of Haifa; Prof. Ziva Shamir, Tel-Aviv
C. The Culture of Spain through the eyes of poets, part I
With the participation of the poets: Asher Reich; Itamar Yaoz-Kest; Dr. Fahed Abu-Khadra.
D. The Culture of Spain through the eyes of poets, part II
With the participation of the poets: Arie Sivan; Erez Biton; Dr. Faruq Mawasi
Delicate Balance
Unique Role-Play aimed at promoting Intercultural Dialogue
Toledo as a Model: Jews, Moslems and Christians - Tension and Coexistense
Created by Prof. Aviva Doron
Promoting pluralism and a culture of peace.
Assisting in education towards accepting the other, tolerance between peoples and openness
between those of different religions and cultures.
Encouraging dialogue among Jews, Moslems and Christians.
Target Audience:
Groups in various educational frameworks: Highschools, Universities, Cultural Centers,
Pedagogical Centers, Community Centers.
The role-play offers a personal experience based on the unique phenomenon of vast and prolific
cooperation among Jews, Moslems and Christians in Medieval Spain, a “travel in the tunnel of
time”, allowing for perspective and contemplation. Participants of the experience workshops
assume roles of members of different cultures in Medieval Toledo, a city that has become the
symbol of intercultural dialogue and multicultural cooperation in the history of Mankind.
Members of the three communities cooperated in culture, science and economy, while preserving
their spiritual and religious identity. The uniqueness of the project lies in the intertwining of
psychological distancing from situations of conflict at present with a clear paradigm of historical
experience in the past in order to promote openness and tolerance in daily situations. The
intellectual and emotional experience the role-play provides, promotes attitudes and behaviors
conducive to peaceful and democratic societies where non-violence, tolerance and cultural
pluralism are sacred values.
Detailed Description:
The role play presents the participants with a hypothetical situation: the mosque in the Moslem
Quarter was burnt down, women and children died in that awful fire and rumor has it that the
perpetrators were young Christians. Representatives and leaders of the communities gather to
discuss the dilemma: how to react towards the dreadful event and to find ways to carry on living in
coexistence. At this point the participants are introduced into the situation described above. Each
participant plays the role of one of the community leaders, who are now faced with this intriguing
dilemma of whether to respond with segregation, demand vengeance, or perhaps condemn the
violent act and suggest ways of rebuilding trust.
The psychological distancing from the painful conflicts of the present, leads to contemplation
that helps generate a transformation in the participants’ attitudes and positions. They open up their
hearts and minds to others, and embrace non-violent, tolerant channels of communication.
Participants embark on a journey in the course of which they develop a mature perception of the
complexity of coexistence, and become aware of its difficulties and obstacles together with
possibilities of conflict resolution. At the end of their journey they generally realize that joint
efforts to eliminate all evil, and reaching out to one another to promote tolerance, pave the way
towards harmony and prosperity.
The role-play has been translated to several languages:
An English version of the kit was produced by UNESCO's Chair at the University of Haifa in
collaboration with UNESCO, Paris, Division for Intercultural Dialogue.
A Russian version of the kit was lately produced by UNESCO, Division of Intercultural Dialogue.
A German version of the kit was produced by the Institute for International Cooperation of the
German Adult Education Association, Bonn, Germany.
An Arabic version is about to be published in a bilingual edition (English-Arabic) thanks to the
courtesy and implementation of the National Committee for UNESCO, Jerusalem, Israel.
A Spanish version is about to be published in Madrid.
World Presentation of the role-play:
There is growing interest in the role-play in many institutions, centers and universities all over the
world and it is presented by our Chair at international seminars, colloquiums and workshops in
different countries across the world, among them: Spain, Germany, Austria U. S. A, Argentina,
Brazil, Bulgaria, Poland, Russia.
The Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Oslo, September 2-5, 2004 Heinrich-BoellStiftung – Bildungswerk, Berlin
Graz, Austria. July 2003
European Parliament, Strasbourg, November 19, 2003
National Institute against Discrimination, INADI, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 2001
Central Asian Round Table, Almaty, Kazakhstan, June 2007
The role-play was presented at many universities in Spain, among them: the University of Alcala,
University of Complutense, Madrid and University of Autonoma, Barcelona.
Publication of a book: Intercultural Dialogue: Between Myth and Reality
based on the paradigm of Medieval Spain
A collection of essays based on lectures presented at the six colloquiums of the project:
“Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean Basin - España, al-Andalus, Sefarad: Lessons
and Prospects - Towards a Culture of Peace" - Encounters of Scholars- Moslems, Jews and
Christians from Israel and Arab countries based on the paradigm of Medieval Spain
Among the themes:
The Other: Literary and Historic Myths
Religiosity, Secularity and Scope of Rights
Myths and Stereotypes: Jews, Moslems and Christians
Hebrew and Arab Cultures in Studies and Teaching in Spain
Myths and Conflict Resolution Processes
The book includes studies of scholars from Israel, Spain, Morocco, Egypt and Jordan.