Seminar Presentation Guidelines

Seminars On Motherhood
Presentation Guidelines
Your final grade in this seminar will be almost entirely
dependent upon your presentation of a seminar (to last between 1
hour 15 minutes and 1 1/2 hours) on one of the topics related to
the course. See the syllabus for the schedule. This page is an
attempt to elaborate on what your seminar should accomplish
and how you should go about organizing it. This seminar will
take the place of a final paper, and so it should accomplish most
of the same ends as a seminar paper. It should also be as
substantive as a final paper.
Power Point or
You should plan to organize your seminar using either a
powerpoint presentation or a web based one. If you do not know
how to use powerpoint, please see me for a tutorial. The
powerpoint should help you to organize what you want to present
to the class visually and give you something to refer to during the
presentation. You should include the most important
information, points you want everyone to remember, visuals,
questions for discussion, key terms and concepts.
You should do all the relevant research for your topic and
organize it into a bibliography (please consult the appropriate
manual for correct forms). Let's try to all agree on a similar
format so that we can compile the bibliographies. Should we do
annotated bibliographies or just standard ones? Which format?
Class Reading
From your bibliography you should select one relatively short
reading (article length) which I will copy for the entire class the
week before your presentation (you need to supply me with a
copy). The entire class should do this reading so that they will
have some basic information about your topic. This will help you
to engage the class in discussion during your seminar.
You should plan on presenting information from your power
point for about 20 min to 1/2 hour. The rest of your time should
be taken up with class discussion. You should allow time for the
class to ask you questions and you should have some questions for
discussion for the class. Part of your grade will be dependent on
the success of the class discussion.
Let's spend some class time talking about how we should evaluate
these. Should the class have some input into evaluation or should
I do it all? What criteria should determine final grade?
Evaluative Criteria
Evaluation Sheet