DRAINAGE BOARD APRIL 12, 2010 The Fulton County Drainage Board meeting was held on Monday, April 12, 2010 at 9:00 A.M. D.S.T. in the Conference Room of the Fulton County Office Building. The following members were present: Chairman, Roger Rose; Vice Chairman, Sherry Fulton; and Stanley Musgrave. Others in attendance were Fulton County Surveyor; Don Towne; Assistant Surveyor, Tom Chudzynski; Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud; Tim Durkes and Josh Durkes. It is noted that Drainage Board Attorney, Greg Heller arrived at 9:30 A.M. D.S.T. Chairman, Roger Rose, called the meeting to order at 9:02 A.M. D.S.T. IN REF: WILLIAM GRAHAM OPEN CAUSE NO. 4-1972 #545 REQUEST TO BUILID IN RIGHT OF WAY Tim Durkes presented building plans for Ron and Donna Riggle’s home to be built adjacent to the said county drain of record and is asking permission to build within the seventy-five (75) foot right of way of said drain. Surveyor, Don Towne, reported cleaning and brushing of the drain on the north side was recently done. After brief discussion, Sherry Fulton made a motion to allow landowner’s to build in the right of way of said drain no closer than fifty (50) feet from the top of bank of said drain. Stanley Musgrave seconded the motion. Motion carried three to zero. Secretary, Jean Cloud, commented an agreement will be sent to the landowners. IN REF: MINUTES Sherry Fulton made a motion to approve the minutes of February 8, 2010, February 16, 2010, March 8, 2010 and March 16, 2010 as presented. Stanley Musgrave seconded the motion. Motion carried three to zero. IN REF: SPRAY BIDS BIDS RECEIVED: PROJECTS AWARDED Prairie Marsh, Inc. submitted the following bids: DRAIN Mud Creek Joe Mathias Open Lewis Bailey Main Reichard Arm to Bailey Stephen Bruce Open CAUSE NO 10-1980 1-1988 2-1984 2-1984 6-1967 DITCH # #723 #663 #505 #505 #519 1 Per Ft. $.098 $.085 $.10 $.104 $.145 Total Amount $1,097.60 $ 952.00 $3,050.00 $1,456.00 $ 177.63 DRAINAGE BOARD APRIL 12, 2010 Thompson, Wynn, Rannels 5-1987 Dennis McMahan & Arms 1-1992 Robbins & Walters Open 4-1985 Theodore White Open 3-1983 Lucenia Smith & Arms Open 1-2008J Matthew Zanger Open 1-2004 Upper Mill Creek 9-1999 Mill Creek Arm # 2 & Fry 1-1994 Steinke Wilson Main 3-1985 Troutman Hogan Open 4-1995 J Traverse Open 1-1975 Henry Ware Open 3-1995 Carl Emery Open 25-1968 C B Moore Open 4A-1970 Hugh Miller 63-1966 Mikesell Mahoney 5-1970 Mikesell Mahoney Arm 2-1998 George Barkman Open 21-1968 Secor Barnes 9-1970 David Clevenger 15-1968 Spohn and Ward 66-1966 #664 #704 #670 #637 #797 #788 #762 #712 #649 #717 #631 #719 #674 #659 #590 #585 #706 #510 #613 #525 #623 $.09 $.089 $.114 $.089 $.088 $.12 $.088 $.098 $.08 $.088 $.088 $.088 $.099 $.098 $.14 $.125 $.135 $.125 $.138 $.10 $.125 $2,052.00 $2,696.70 $ 478.80 $1,726.60 $6,019.20 $1,632.00 $3,643.20 $4,174.80 $2,053.60 $1,496.00 $2,305.60 $ 431.20 $1,648.35 $ 852.60 $ 616.00 $1,400.00 $ 229.50 $ 500.00 $ 293.25 $ 340.00 $ 385.00 DITCH # #723 #663 #505 #505 #519 #664 #704 #670 #637 #797 #788 #762 #712 #649 #717 #631 #719 #674 #659 #590 #585 Per Ft. $.089 $.109 $.094 $.119 $.24 $.094 $.089 $.094 $.099 $.099 $.099 $.089 $.089 $.094 $.094 $.109 $.089 $.089 $.119 $.14 $.119 Total Amount $ 996.80 $1,220.80 $2,867.00 $1,666.00 $ 294.00 $2,143.20 $2,696.70 $ 394.80 $1,920.60 $6,771.60 $1,346.40 $3,684.60 $3,791.40 $2,412.98 $1,598.00 $2,855.80 $ 436.10 $1,481.85 $1,035.30 $ 616.00 $1,332.80 Shideler Spray submitted the following bids: DRAIN CAUSE NO Mud Creek 10-1980 Joe Mathias Open 1-1988 Lewis Bailey Main 2-1984 Reichard Arm to Bailey 2-1984 Stephen Bruce Open 6-1967 Thompson, Wynn, Rannels 5-1987 Dennis McMahan & Arms 1-1992 Robbins & Walters Open 4-1985 Theodore White Open 3-1983 Lucenia Smith & Arms Open 1-2008J Matthew Zanger Open 1-2004 Upper Mill Creek 9-1999 Mill Creek Arm # 2 & Fry 1-1994 Steinke Wilson Main 3-1985 Troutman Hogan Open 4-1995 J Traverse Open 1-1975 Henry Ware Open 3-1995 Carl Emery Open 25-1968 C B Moore Open 4A-1970 Hugh Miller 63-1966 Mikesell Mahoney 5-1970 2 DRAINAGE BOARD APRIL 12, 2010 Mikesell Mahoney Arm George Barkman Open Secor Barnes David Clevenger Spohn and Ward 2-1998 21-1968 9-1970 15-1968 66-1966 #706 #510 #613 #525 #623 $.099 $.119 $.14 $.129 $.089 $ $ $ $ $ 168.30 476.00 297.50 438.60 274.12 DITCH # #723 #663 #505 #505 #519 #664 #704 #670 #637 #797 #788 #762 #712 #649 #717 #631 #719 #674 #659 #590 #585 #706 #510 #613 #525 #623 Per Ft. $.083 $.083 $.083 $.093 $.36 $.083 $.083 $.083 $.093 $.013 $.083 $.083 $.083 $.098 $.11 $.078 $.12 $.078 $.083 $.23 $.083 $.11 $.083 $.35 $.25 $.30 Total Amount $ 929.60 $ 929.60 $2,531.50 $1,302.00 $ 441.00 $1,892.00 $2,514.90 $ 348.00 * $1,804.20 $8,892.00 $1,128.80 $3,436.20 $3,535.80 $2,515.66 $1,870.00 $2,043.60 $ 588.00 $1,298.70 $ 722.10 $1,012.00 $ 929.60 $ 187.00 $ 332.00 $ 743.75 $ 850.00 $ 924.00 DITCH # #723 #663 #505 #505 #519 Per Ft. $.08 $.08 $.06 $.08 $.14 Total Amount $ 913.10 * $ 920.00 * $1,955.00 * $1,121.25 * $ 172.50 Right of Way Management submitted the following bids: DRAIN CAUSE NO Mud Creek 10-1980 Joe Mathias Open 1-1988 Lewis Bailey Main 2-1984 Reichard Arm to Bailey 2-1984 Stephen Bruce Open 6-1967 Thompson, Wynn, Rannels 5-1987 Dennis McMahan & Arms 1-1992 Robbins & Walters Open 4-1985 Theodore White Open 3-1983 Lucenia Smith & Arms Open 1-2008J Matthew Zanger Open 1-2004 Upper Mill Creek 9-1999 Mill Creek Arm # 2 & Fry 1-1994 Steinke Wilson Main 3-1985 Troutman Hogan Open 4-1995 J Traverse Open 1-1975 Henry Ware Open 3-1995 Carl Emery Open 25-1968 C B Moore Open 4A-1970 Hugh Miller 63-1966 Mikesell Mahoney 5-1970 Mikesell Mahoney Arm 2-1998 George Barkman Open 21-1968 Secor Barnes 9-1970 David Clevenger 15-1968 Spohn and Ward 66-1966 Anderson Tree Co. submitted the following bids: DRAIN Mud Creek Joe Mathias Open Lewis Bailey Main Reichard Arm to Bailey Stephen Bruce Open CAUSE NO 10-1980 1-1988 2-1984 2-1984 6-1967 3 DRAINAGE BOARD APRIL 12, 2010 Thompson, Wynn, Rannels 5-1987 Dennis McMahan & Arms 1-1992 Robbins & Walters Open 4-1985 Theodore White Open 3-1983 Lucenia Smith & Arms Open 1-2008J Matthew Zanger Open 1-2004 Upper Mill Creek 9-1999 Mill Creek Arm # 2 & Fry 1-1994 Steinke Wilson Main 3-1985 Troutman Hogan Open 4-1995 J Traverse Open 1-1975 Henry Ware Open 3-1995 Carl Emery Open 25-1968 C B Moore Open 4A-1970 Hugh Miller 63-1966 Mikesell Mahoney 5-1970 Mikesell Mahoney Arm 2-1998 George Barkman Open 21-1968 Secor Barnes 9-1970 David Clevenger 15-1968 Spohn and Ward 66-1966 #664 #704 #670 #637 #797 #788 #762 #712 #649 #717 #631 #719 #674 #659 #590 #585 #706 #510 #613 #525 #623 $.06 $.05 $.08 $.07 $.04 $.06 $.06 $.06 $.06 $.05 $.04 $.06 $.05 $.08 $.15 $.05 $.09 $.06 $.18 $.14 $.06 $1,454.75 $1,535.25 $ 356.50 $1,431.75 $2,817.50 $ 862.50 $2,415.00 $2,357.50 $1,610.00 $ 862.50 $1,121.25 $ 273.70 $ 875.15 $ 661.25 $ 661.25 $ 586.50 $ 161.00 $ 248.40 $ 380.65 $ 477.25 $ 172.50 * * DITCH # #723 #663 #505 #505 #519 #664 #704 #670 #637 #797 #788 #762 #712 #649 #717 #631 #719 #674 #659 #590 #585 Per Ft. $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 Total Amount $ 2,094.40 $ 2,094.40 $ 5,703.50 $ 2,618.00 $ 229.07 $ 4,263.60 $ 5,666.10 $ 785.40 $ 3,627.80 $12,790.80 $ 2,543.20 $ 7,741.80 $ 7,966.20 $ 4,800.29 $ 3,179.00 $ 4,899.40 $ 916.30 $ 3,113.55 $ 1,626.90 $ 822.80 $ 2,094.40 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Townsend’s submitted the following bids: DRAIN CAUSE NO Mud Creek 10-1980 Joe Mathias Open 1-1988 Lewis Bailey Main 2-1984 Reichard Arm to Bailey 2-1984 Stephen Bruce Open 6-1967 Thompson, Wynn, Rannels 5-1987 Dennis McMahan & Arms 1-1992 Robbins & Walters Open 4-1985 Theodore White Open 3-1983 Lucenia Smith & Arms Open 1-2008J Matthew Zanger Open 1-2004 Upper Mill Creek 9-1999 Mill Creek Arm # 2 & Fry 1-1994 Steinke Wilson Main 3-1985 Troutman Hogan Open 4-1995 J Traverse Open 1-1975 Henry Ware Open 3-1995 Carl Emery Open 25-1968 C B Moore Open 4A-1970 Hugh Miller 63-1966 Mikesell Mahoney 5-1970 4 DRAINAGE BOARD APRIL 12, 2010 Mikesell Mahoney Arm George Barkman Open Secor Barnes David Clevenger Spohn and Ward 2-1998 21-1968 9-1970 15-1968 66-1966 #706 #510 #613 #525 #623 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $.187 $ $ $ $ $ 317.90 748.00 397.37 635.80 575.96 DITCH # #723 #663 #505 #505 #519 #664 #704 #670 #637 #797 #788 #762 #712 #649 #717 #631 #719 #674 #659 #590 #585 #706 #510 #613 #525 #623 Per Ft. $.09 $.09 $.08 $.09 $.10 $.09 $.09 $.09 $.08 $.10 $.10 $.08 $.08 $.08 $.09 $.09 $.09 $.09 $.09 $.09 $.09 $.10 $.09 $.10 $.09 $.50 Total Amount $1,008.00 $1,008.00 $2,440.00 $1,260.00 $ 122.50 * $2,052.00 $2,727.00 $ 378.00 $1,552.00 $6,840.00 $1,360.00 $3,312.00 $3,408.00 $2,053.60 $1,530.00 $2,358.00 $ 441.00 $1,498.50 $ 783.00 $ 396.00 * $1,008.00 $ 170.00 $ 360.00 $ 212.50 * $ 306.00 * $1,540.00 The Daltons Inc submitted the following bids: DRAIN CAUSE NO Mud Creek 10-1980 Joe Mathias Open 1-1988 Lewis Bailey Main 2-1984 Reichard Arm to Bailey 2-1984 Stephen Bruce Open 6-1967 Thompson, Wynn, Rannels 5-1987 Dennis McMahan & Arms 1-1992 Robbins & Walters Open 4-1985 Theodore White Open 3-1983 Lucenia Smith & Arms Open 1-2008J Matthew Zanger Open 1-2004 Upper Mill Creek 9-1999 Mill Creek Arm # 2 & Fry 1-1994 Steinke Wilson Main 3-1985 Troutman Hogan Open 4-1995 J Traverse Open 1-1975 Henry Ware Open 3-1995 Carl Emery Open 25-1968 C B Moore Open 4A-1970 Hugh Miller 63-1966 Mikesell Mahoney 5-1970 Mikesell Mahoney Arm 2-1998 George Barkman Open 21-1968 Secor Barnes 9-1970 David Clevenger 15-1968 Spohn and Ward 66-1966 Recess at 10:15 A.M. Reconvene at 10:20 A.M. Stanley Musgrave made a motion to award each drain project to the lowest bidder and if contractor declines the award, then award to the second lowest bidder. Sherry Fulton seconded the motion. Motion carried three to zero. “*” indicates lower bidder on each project. 5 DRAINAGE BOARD APRIL 12, 2010 IN REF: WILLIAM GARMAN SHOREWOOD ESTATES DRAINAGE PLANS UPDATE Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, reported Mr. Garman had another soil test done on the property and does not need a perimeter drain. No action needed to be taken by the Drainage Board. IN REF: DOLLAR GENERAL AKRON, INDIANA DRAINAGE PLANS The Drainage Plans were approved with a retaining wall and also without the retaining wall. There were problems of obtaining the easement to do the project without the retaining wall, so the original plans are what they are working with now. The Surveyor and Chairman had signed the agreement prior to today’s meeting in order for them to proceed with the project. The Drainage Board signed a copy of the original plans with today’s date in order to signify those plans are being used for the project. IN REF: SYLVESTER S COLLINS OPEN DITCH SYSTEM CAUSE NO. 2-2010 #806 SURVEYOR’S MAINTENANCE REPORT Project would consist of brushing one bank and excavation of the channel to the original grade for approximately 15,920 feet on the Main ditch; 15,147 feet on Arm #2; 7,482 feet on Arm #3; and 2,120 feet on Arm #4; for a total of 40,669 feet of open ditch maintenance. Ditch would be set up on a spray program. Estimated total cost of project: $333,010.00 4 Year assessment period with annual estimated maintenance of $83,252.50. Proposed maintenance rate: $7.25 per benefited acre with a $10.00 minimum for 4 years, then Drainage Board could review after the fourth year and possibly lower the rate to $2.00 per benefited acre with $10.00 minimum for general maintenance. Signed petition received in the Surveyor’s office on January 26, 2010. There was discussion that most of the landowners in this watershed are currently paying on the Bailey Open. The Board took no action today, and will further discuss this issue at next month’s meeting. 6 DRAINAGE BOARD APRIL 12, 2010 IN REF: CLAIMS There was discussion about a contractor not turning in claims for bid work and repair work for the County. Letters had been sent and the one letter came back unclaimed. After further discussion, Chairman, Roger Rose, stated the Contractor has been officially notified of the problem and at some point the Board needs to withhold the awarding of projects to said contractor in order to enforce the notification. Drainage Board Attorney, Greg Heller, stated he is not aware of any statute of limitation for invoicing, but suggested the Secretary contact the State Board of Accounts and see if they know of any statute of limitation for submitting claims. Being no further business to come before the Board, Sherry Fulton made a motion to adjourn at 11:22 A.M. D.S.T. Stanley Musgrave seconded the motion. Motion carried three to zero. MAINTENANCE: DeSabatine Brothers Excavating, Inc. Gudas Excavating Heltzel Construction Gudas Excavating Gudas Excavating Animal Control Services Jesse Rude Jesse Rude Ramer’s Dozing Service Gudas Excavating Overmyer Excavating LLC Gudas Excavating Gudas Excavating Heltzel Construction Prairie Marsh, Inc. Ulerick and Bruntlett Ditching Heise Excavating Animal Control Services Gudas Excavating Jesse Rude LDP Excavating Stephen Bruce Open & Tile #519 Ammon Bucher Open #521 Gast Arm #4 Adam Grube Open #550 Steinke Wilson #649 Steinke Wilson #649 Cessna Open #652 Cessna Open #652 Dean Neff Open # 653 Reed Olmstead #679 Bryant Leininger #708 Willow Creek #714 Willow Creek #714 Mud Creek #723 Mud Creek #723 McCaughey & McKessey #734 Eddy Creek #756 Eddy Creek #756 Geo Rentschler Arm #4 Open Austin Blue #776 Chippewanuck Creek #799 7 $ 428.90 $15,774.00 $ 1,215.00 $ 5,278.50 $ 2,964.00 $ 280.00 $ 937.50 $ 2,137.95 $ 3,447.63 $ 913.50 $ 4,760.00 $ 1,475.00 $ 5,117.00 $ 23.00 $ 7,820.00 $ 956.00 $ 4,706.50 $ 280.00 $ 2,738.00 $ 6,132.70 $ 800.00 DRAINAGE BOARD APRIL 12, 2010 FULTON COUNTY DRAINAGE BOARD _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ________________________________________ Surveyor ATTEST:________________________________ Jean E. Cloud, Secretary 8