Issue 129

Volume 129, 1 September 2013
Editor’s note
............................................................................................................................. ........................................ 1
Invited Feature Article
D. Liu, J. K. Keesing, P. He, Z. Wang, Y. Shi, Y. Wang The world’s largest macroalgal bloom in the Yellow
Sea, China: Formation and implications ............................................................................................................ 2
Short communication
C. Lønborg, S. Martínez-García, E. Teira, X. A. Álvarez-Salgado Effects of the photochemical
transformation of dissolved organic matter on bacterial physiology and diversity in a coastal system ............... 11
A. Ugolini, G. Ungherese, M. Ciofini, A. Lapucci, M. Camaiti Microplastic debris in sandhoppers
....................... 19
G. Abril, J. Deborde, N. Savoye, F. Mathieu, P. Moreira-Turcq, F. Artigas, T. Meziane, L. R. Takiyama,
M. S. de Souza, P. Seyler Export of 13C-depleted dissolved inorganic carbon from a tidal forest bordering the
Amazon estuary ................................................................................................................ 23
Research papers
W.-J. Kang, J. H. Trefry Identifying increased inputs of terrestrial phosphorus to sediments of the southwestern
Everglades and Florida Bay ................................................................................................................... 28
E. Houliez, F. Lizon, L. F. Artigas, S. Lefebvre, F. G. Schmitt Spatio-temporal variability of phytoplankton
photosynthetic activity in a macrotidal ecosystem (the Strait of Dover, eastern English Channel)
....................................................................................................................... ..................................... 37
F. Rampazzo, D. Berto, M. Giani, D. Brigolin, S. Covelli, F. Cacciatore, R. B. Brusà, L. G. Bellucci, R.
Pastres Impact of mussel farming on sedimentary geochemical properties of a Northern Adriatic area influenced
by freshwater inflows ........................................................................................................... 49
F. C. Félix-Hackradt, C. W. Hackradt, J. Treviño-Otón, M. Segovia-Viadero, A. Pérez-Ruzafa, J. A.
García-Charton Environmental determinants on fish post-larval distribution in coastal areas of south-western
Mediterranean Sea ........................................................................................................................... 59
A. Turner, A. Pilsbury Accumulation of aqueous and dietary thallium by the marine snail, Littorina littorea ......
S. Wada, T. Hama The contribution of macroalgae to the coastal dissolved organic matter pool .........................
Y. Kamimura, J. Shoji Does macroalgal vegetation cover influence post-settlement survival and recruitment
potential of juvenile black rockfish Sebastes cheni ? .............................................................................. 86
E. Markert, P. Holler, I. Kröncke, A. Bartholomä Benthic habitat mapping of sorted bedforms using
hydroacoustic and ground-truthing methods in a coastal area of the German Bight/North Sea ................. 94
C. Spanò, M. Balestri, S. Bottega, I. Grilli, L. M. C. Forino, D. Ciccarelli Anthemis maritima L. in different
coastal habitats: A tool to explore plant plasticity ..................................................................................... 105
A. Goudie Characterising the distribution and morphology of creeks and pans on salt marshes in England and
Wales using Google Earth ..................................................................................................................... 112
A. Aiello, F. Canora, G. Pasquariello, G. Spilotro Shoreline variations and coastal dynamics: A space – time
data analysis of the Jonian littoral, Italy ................................................................................................. 124
C. Savenkoff, S. Comtois, D. Chabot Trophic interactions in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Canada): Must the blue
whale compete for krill? ...................................................................................................................... 136
C. M. Palinkas, K. A. M. Engelhardt, D. Cadol Evaluating physical and biological influences on sedimentation
in a tidal freshwater marsh with 7Be ................................................................................................. 152
A. Sfriso, C. Facca Annual growth and environmental relationships of the invasive species Sargassum muticum
and Undaria pinnatifida in the lagoon of Venice ................................................................... 162
N. Carbajal, J. H. Gaviño Rodríguez Taylor’s problem and morphodynamics
....................................................... 173
Y. Cai, L. Guo, X. Wang, S. E. Lohrenz, A. K. Mojzis Effects of tropical cyclones on river chemistry: A case
study of the lower Pearl River during Hurricanes Gustav and Ike ............................................................... 180
P. G. Cardoso, E. Sousa, P. Matos, B. Henriques, E. Pereira, A. C. Duarte, M. A. Pardal Impact of mercury
contamination on the population dynamics of Peringia ulvae (Gastropoda): Implications on metal transfer
through the trophic web ................................................................................................................ 189
P. P. Chung, R. V. Hyne, R. M. Mann, J. W. O. Ballard The impact of historic isolation on the population
biogeography of Melita plumulosa (Crustacea: Melitidae) in eastern Australia ................................. 198
K. Mizubayashi, V. S. Kuwahara, T. C. Segaran, K. Zaleha, A. W. M. Effendy, M. R. M. Kushairi, T.
Toda Corrigendum to “Monsoon variability of Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) attenuation and bio-optical factors in
the Asian tropical coral-reef waters” [Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 126 (2013) 34 – 43] .............. 206
A. Sokołowski, M. Wołowicz, H. Asmus, R. Asmus, A. Carlier, Z. Gasiunaité, A. Grémare, H. Hummel, J.
Lesutiené, A. Razinkovas, P. E. Renaud, P. Richard, M. Kędra Corrigendum to “Is benthic food web
structure related to diversity of marine macrobenthic communities?” [Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 108 (2012) 1 –
154] .............................................................................................................................. 207