Research Status Report Form (Sponsor/CRO – Multicenter/Registry Study) ► HANDWRITTEN FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ◄ THIS FORM IS FOR CONTINUING REVIEW ONLY. IF THE STUDY HAS BEEN COMPLETED OR TERMINATED COMPLETE THE FINAL REPORT – MULTICENTER/REGISTRY To be completed by the Sponsor/CRO or their designee at the time designated by Aspire IRB for continuing review of the protocol (normally one year after initial review, but may be sooner). Sponsor: Protocol #: Due Date: Protocol Title: SECTION 1: REPORT TYPE Report Type: Due date: Study Continuation – Subjects are still being seen Closed to Enrollment – Subjects are still in follow-up or data collection is continuing Study has not begun – note reason below Study Cancelled or Terminated Study is on hold First subject not yet enrolled Other (explain): SECTION 2: PROTOCOL AMENDMENTS Have there been any amendments / modifications to the protocol since the approval of the study? Yes* No * Complete Appendix A and provide a summary of amendments / modifications SECTION 3: SITE INFORMATION All numbers should be cumulative totals, since the study began. Please enter responses for each item below by providing information for sites approved by Aspire IRB only Please be sure to enter a number for a, b, c and d and that a+b+c=d a. Number of sites actively participating in the study: b. Number of sites that have completed the study: + c. Number of sites that have withdrawn or been discontinued from the study*: + *Complete Appendix B. d. TOTAL NUMBER OF SITES THAT HAVE PARTICIPATED IN THIS STUDY: e. Do you anticipate adding additional sites to the study? No = Yes – if yes, how many? SECTION 4: SITE MONITORING INFORMATION Version Date: 04/01/2014 Aspire IRB, LLC 11491 Woodside Avenue Santee, CA 92071 619.469.0108 (phone) 619.469.4108 (fax) Page 1 of 7 Research Status Report Form (Sponsor/CRO – Multicenter/Registry Study) Please enter responses for each item below by providing information for sites approved by Aspire IRB only. a. Please describe how sites have been monitored for this study: b. Have any deficiencies/non-compliance been found that might represent an increased risk to study subjects? No Yes Has Aspire been notified of these additional identified risks? No – attach an explanation Yes c. Have any general informational or alert letters been sent to the sites about frequently occurring GCP/non-compliance deficiencies identified through the monitoring process? No Yes – please attach copies of this / these item(s). SECTION 5: SUBJECT INFORMATION Please enter responses for each item below by providing information for sites approved by Aspire IRB only a. What is the subject enrollment goal for the study/protocol? b. What is the anticipated date of last subject enrolled? c. What is the anticipated date of last subject completed? d. Have there been any subject complaints about the research since the last IRB review? No Yes – please attach a summary. Please attach a summary of the reasons for subject withdrawals / discontinuations since the study began. SECTION 6: SAFETY MONITORING INFORMATION Please enter responses for each item below by providing information for sites approved by Aspire IRB only. Please attach a summary of unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others since the last IRB review. a. Has the Sponsor acquired any information that materially changes the potential benefits of the study as described in the original protocol and consent form? No Yes – please explain (attach separate sheet). b. Is there a DSMB for this study? No Yes Please provide all DSMB meeting dates since the last IRB review Have copies of DSMB reports been provided to Aspire IRB? No – please provide copies for all dates reported above Yes c. Have Safety Reports been submitted to the FDA for the study drug? No N/A Yes – please provide a listing of all Safety Reports submitted to FDA, including dates Version Date: 04/01/2014 Aspire IRB, LLC 11491 Woodside Avenue Santee, CA 92071 619.469.0108 (phone) 619.469.4108 (fax) Page 2 of 7 Research Status Report Form (Sponsor/CRO – Multicenter/Registry Study) d. Has the Sponsor noted any trends or patterns in relation to AEs, Safety Reports or DSMB findings to date that suggest any increased risks to subjects in the study? No Yes- Has this information been provided to study sites? No Yes - please attach copies of the information provided to the sites that has not been previously provided to Aspire IRB e. Has the Sponsor conducted timely information searches (including literature searches) regarding the test article? No Yes Has this information been provided to study sites? No – please explain why not Yes Have the results of the information search suggested an increased risk to subjects enrolled in this study? No Yes – please attach a summary f. Has any new information regarding study risks been communicated to study subjects in any form other than the Informed Consent Document? No Yes - please attach copies of communication(s) provided to subjects and not previously provided to Aspire IRB g. Has there been a change to the Sponsor’s assessment of the risk/benefit ratio based on study results? No Yes – please explain SECTION 7: RESEARCH STATUS REPORT CHECKLIST The following information must be completed in Appendix C with your Research Status Report Form by the submission deadline in order to be guaranteed placement on the agenda: Date of Current Protocol Date of Current Investigator’s Brochure OR Date of Current Package Insert Date(s) of Current Multicenter Informed Consent Document(s) Additional information that you feel may be useful to the Board in considering continuing approval for this protocol N/A Included – described below As a representative of the Sponsor/CRO of this study, I certify that the information contained above is correct to the best of my knowledge, as of (insert date). Sponsor/CRO Representative Name: Title/Company: Phone Number: Fax Number: Version Date: 04/01/2014 Aspire IRB, LLC 11491 Woodside Avenue Santee, CA 92071 619.469.0108 (phone) 619.469.4108 (fax) Page 3 of 7 Research Status Report Form (Sponsor/CRO – Multicenter/Registry Study) Email: @ Signature of Sponsor/CRO Representative Version Date: 04/01/2014 Date Aspire IRB, LLC 11491 Woodside Avenue Santee, CA 92071 619.469.0108 (phone) 619.469.4108 (fax) Page 4 of 7 Research Status Report Form (Sponsor/CRO – Multicenter/Registry Study) APPENDIX A Protocol Amendments & Addenda None Amendment/Addendum Number Version Date: 04/01/2014 Date Aspire IRB, LLC 11491 Woodside Avenue Santee, CA 92071 619.469.0108 (phone) 619.469.4108 (fax) Consent Changes Made? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Page 5 of 7 Research Status Report Form (Sponsor/CRO – Multicenter/Registry Study) APPENDIX B Site Withdrawals & Discontinuations (attach separate sheet if necessary) NONE PI Name Version Date: 04/01/2014 City, State Date of Withdrawal Or Discontinuation Aspire IRB, LLC 11491 Woodside Avenue Santee, CA 92071 619.469.0108 (phone) 619.469.4108 (fax) Reason for Withdrawal or Discontinuation Page 6 of 7 Research Status Report Form (Sponsor/CRO – Multicenter/Registry Study) APPENDIX C (Section 7, Research Status Report Form Checklist) DOCUMENT TITLE Version Date: 04/01/2014 Aspire IRB, LLC 11491 Woodside Avenue Santee, CA 92071 619.469.0108 (phone) 619.469.4108 (fax) DATE OF CURRENT DOCUMENT Page 7 of 7