Since 1991 the University of Oslo has participated in the EU`s

Forschunginstitutionen und -zusammenarbeit
Nationale Forschungsschwerpunkte
FUGE- Functional Genomics
Norway is supporting growth in the field of functional genomics through FUGE, a national plan for
multidisciplinary research with emphasis on eight areas: bioinformatics; microarrays; proteomics;
structural analysis; molecular imaging; model organisms; and biobanks. Several research programmes.
FUGE is one of the Research Council of Norway’s large-scale programmes. The programme finances
projects that create new understanding in the field of biological processes and those that give a basis to
new products and production processes, and has an annual budget of approximately NOK 19.3 million.
In 2003 the Norwegian Research Council awarded ten Norwegian laboratories status as national FUGE
core facilities. For more information on the FUGE programme, visit
Several documents in English, see
MABIT – Marine Biotechnologie
Forskningsparken i Tromsø AS, N-9291 Tromsø
Telefon: (+47) 77 67 97 60 – Telefax: (+47) 77 67 97 50
The MABIT-programme is an industrial R&D programme for Northern Norway.
Main objectives are to contribute to increased value in fishery, aquaculture and biotechnological
industry, and to be a driving force and coordinator for strengthening biotechnological activities in the
region. The programme supports R&D within companies and research institutions, cooperation between
these, basic process-/pilot production equipment and network activities. The programme was initiated in
1998 and is supported by the Ministry of Fishery and Coastal Affairs, Ministry of Local Government and
Regional Development, Innovasjon Norge and Troms and Finnmark. Main research areas are: Marine
bioprospecting, aquaculture and fish health, the use of marine by-products for biochemicals, functional
food and more, and the development of increased biotechnological knowledge.
Nationale Ebene
Akvaforsk - Institute of Aquaculture Research (Biotechnologie)
P.O.Box 5010, N-1432 Ås
Telephone: (+47) 64 94 95 00 – Telefax: (+47) 64 94 95 02. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 91 employees (39 researchers and doctoral candidates)
Akvaforsk, established in 1971, is one of the world's leading research institutions for aquaculture and
has specialised in breeding and genetics, product quality and marine species. In addition, the Institute
also conducts research related to fish health, environment and operational optimalisation. Akvaforsk’s
objectives are to acquire and publish aquaculture expertise, thereby contributing to a strong and
profitable industry with social benefit. Research fields are: Genetics & Breeding, Nutrition and feeding,
Product quality, Marine species, Molecular genetics and fish biology, Gene technology in breeding
programs. MSc-projects possible.
Aquaculture Protein Centre (Biotechnologie/Lebensmittelwissenschaft)
P.O. Box 5003, N-1432 Ås
Telephone: (+ 47) 64 96 51 00 - Telefax: (+47) 64 96 52 78. E-Mail:
APC consists of scientists from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (NVH), The Norwegian
University of Life Sciences (UMB) and the Institute of Aquaculture Research (Akvaforsk). UMB is the
host institute. The vision of the APC is to secure sustainable growth in aquaculture by providing
integrated basic nutritional, physiological, pathological and technological knowledge required for optimal
use of protein in feeds for farmed fish. Research is carried out in three integrated research sections:
Protein and Amino acid Metabolism, Gut and Health, Feed ingredients and processing.
Bergen Center for Computational Science (Informatik)
Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlensgate 55, N-5008 Bergen.
Telephone: (+47) 55 58 41 70 – Telefax: (+47) 55 58 42 95. E-Mail:
BCCS is a department of UNIFOB AS, affiliated with the University of Bergen. BCCS initiates and
administrates externally financed research projects with special emphasis on Computational Science.
BCCS consists of a common administration and 4 research groups. These groups share significant
needs for computational resources, methods, algorithms, and software. A main objective of BCCS is to
exploit the synergies between its groups and boost cross-disciplinary activity. Student assignments and
programming projects available on the internet:, for other projects:
BCCS units: The Computational Biology Unit (CBU): main objectives are to conduct competitive
bioinformatics research and to expand the interface between bioinformatics and experimental biological
and biomedical research. Application of computational methods within: bio informatics, climate and
reservoir research (coordinated through the respective Unifob departments, theoretical physics, ocean
modelling, high performance computing.
The Biotechnology Centre of Oslo (BiO) (Medizinische Biotechnologie, Informatik)
P.O. Box 1125 Blindern, N-0317 Oslo.
Telephone: (+47) 22 84 05 00 – Telefax: (+47) 22 84 05 01. E-Mail:
The Biotechnology Centre of Oslo (BiO) is an extra-faculty centre established in 1989 housing 80-95
students and researchers from two/three faculties: Natural Sciences, Medicine and Dentistry. They
come from various disciplines such as biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, physiology, biotechnology,
pharmacy and microbiology. The common denominator is the use of technology derived from molecular
biology and molecular genetics, i.e. gene technology. BiO is a melting pot for people from different
disciplines as well as from different nations; at the most recent census 19 nations were represented.
BiO is devoted to research and post-graduate training. BiO is going to be a competitive, excellent and
internationally recognized centre in functional genomics. A reorganisation started in the autumn of 2003,
and within 5-6 years they wish to have 7-8 new internationally recruited research groups (approx 100
people). The research groups at BiO apply functional genomics to studies of cellular communication and
signalling, DNA damages, transporter proteins, bioinformatics and siRNA technology.
Bioforsk - the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research
(Umweltchemie, Bodenkunde)
Fr. A. Dahlsvei 20, N-1432 Ås.
Telephone: (+47) 64 94 70 00. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 500 (Umsatz NOK 40 Millionen)
Bioforsk is a national R&D institute under the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The main
areas of competence are linked to food quality and safety, agriculture and rural development,
environmental protection and natural resources management. The R&D activities of Bioforsk are
organized in seven research divisions: plant health & protection, soil & environment, arable crops,
horticulture & urban greening, grassland & landscape, organic food & farming, arctic agriculture & land
use. Bioforsk encompasses a wide range of competence within natural sciences, with long traditions in
field- and laboratory-based experimental studies. Bioforsk is a new institute constituted as a result of the
merger of three research groups:
1. Jordforsk (The Norwegian Centre for Soil and Environmental Research): A national centre of
expertise for environmental issues related to soil, water, waste and landscape resources.
2. Planteforsk (The Norwegian Crop Research Institute): A leading institute for applied research on crop
production, actively contributing to the development of the future of agriculture and horticulture in
3. NorsØk (Norwegian Centre for Ecological Research): Works with research and development of
organic agriculture, plays a major role as the national centre of competence for organic agriculture in
BCCR - Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (Landschaftsökologie/Ökologie der Gehölze)
Allégaten 55, N-5007 Bergen.
Telephone: (+47) 55 58 98 03 –Telefax: (+47) 55 58 43 30
The Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR) is a joint climate research venture between the
University of Bergen (UiB), the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) and the Nansen Environmental and
Remote Sensing Center (NERSC).The vision of the Bjerknes Centre is to become a leading
international centre for climate research with particular emphasis on the sensitivity and variability of the
climates in high latitude regions, and the role of the oceans in the climate system.
CMBN- Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (Informatik, Umweltmikrobiologie,
P.O. Box 1105 Blindern, N-0317 Oslo
Telephone: (+47) 22 85 15 28 – Telefax: (+47) 22 85 14 88. E-Mail:
The Centre carries out research within the fields of molecular biology and neuroscience and shall take
on a leading role in elucidating the role of DNA repair and genome maintenance mechanisms in
preventing neurological disease and brain ageing. The Centre consists of 11 research groups in
cooperation between the Institutes of Anatomy and Physiology at the University of Oslo (UiO), the
hospitals Rikshospitalet/Radiumhospitalet and the Biotechnology Centre of Oslo. In total, more than 180
people are involved in the research at CMBN. The Centre shall take on a leading role in elucidating the
role of DNA repair and genome maintenance mechanisms in preventing neurological disease and brain
ageing. TThe research groups are the following:
Laboratory for molecular neuroscience
Genome dynamics and microbial pathogenesis
The synaptic neurochemistry laboratory
Laboratory of cellular neurophysiology and ion channel function
Bacterial pathogenesis – molecular and cell biology
The neurotransporter group
NeSys – Neural systems and graphics computing laboratory
Forebrain development and neural stem cells
Genomic (in)stability group
Laboratory for molecular biology
Bioinformatics group
CICERO - Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research
(Landschaftsökologie/Ökologie der Gehölze, Systemumwelttechnik)
P.O. Box 1129 Blindern, N-0318 Oslo
Telephone: (+47) 22 85 87 50 – Telefax: (+47) 22 85 87 51. E-Mail:
CICERO is an independent research centre associated with the University of Oslo. CICERO conducts
research on and provides information and expert advice about national and international issues related
to climate change and climate policy. Three interdisciplinary research programmes: Scientific basis and
international agreements, mitigation and costs impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.
CMR - Christian Michelsen Research AS
(Systemumwelttechnik, Umweltverfahrenstechnik, Informatik)
P.O.Box 6031 Postterminalen, N-5892 Bergen
Telephone: (+47) 55 57 40 40 – Telefax: (+47) 55 57 40 41. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 52 (Umsatz NOK 48.2 Millionen) (2004).
Christian Michelsen Research AS was established in 1992 to carry out research as a limited company
owned by the University of Bergen. The potential for increased industrial activity through focused
development and the use of new technology form the basis of CMR's activity. CMR's activities range
from technological research and development to the construction of prototypes and the
commercialisation of completed products. This is done in co-operation with customers and the
subsidiaries Prototech AS (provider of mechanical engineering, product design and manufacturing
services) and GexCon AS (consulting company operating in the field of gas and dust explosion
safety).Three departments:
1. Department of industrial Instrumentation deals with environmental monitoring, fisheries and
aquaculture, oil and gas, process instrumentation and more.
2. Department of Advanced Computing deals with mathematical models, visualization, virtual reality and
software development.
3. Department of business development
EMBIO - Steering board for research in molecular biology, biotechnology
and bioinformatics at the University of Oslo (Informatik, Medizinische Biotechnologie)
P.O.Box 117 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo
Telephone: (+47) 22840585 – Telefax: (+47)22 85 44 43. E-Mail:
EMBIO is the nickname for an interfacultary steering board appointed by the University of Oslo to
stimulate and coordinate research in molecular biology, biotechnology and bioinformatics, one of the
priority areas for the university. A group of selected scientists has been given budget and power to
promote this field and coordinate facilities to the benefit of researchers across traditional institute
borders from medicine to chemistry. EMBIOs activity is closely linked with the national program for
research in functional genomics (FUGE).
Fiskeriforskning - Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research
P.O. Box 6122, N-9291 Tromsø.
Tel: +47 77 62 90 00 Fax: +47 77 62 91 00. E-Mail:
Fiskeriforskning performs research and development work for the fishery and aquaculture industry.
Fiskeriforskning contributes towards development and commercialisation of high quality seafood,
aquaculture species of interest, biotechnological products and technological solutions. Fiskeriforskning's
expert competence covers the areas of aquaculture, raw materials/marine biotechnology, processing,
product and market. Main research areas are breeding, aqua feed development, fish disease
prevention, fish welfare and environmental integrated production. Fiskeriforskning is the second largest
partner in the five year programme SEAFOODplus (promoting healthy high-quality seafood), in which
several European institutions are participating.
Folkehelseinstituttet - Norwegian Institute of Public Health (Medizinische Biotechnologie,
Lebensmittelchemie, Umweltverfahrenstechnik, Umweltmikrobiologie)
P.O.Box 4404 Nydalen, N-0403 Oslo.
Telephone: (+47) 22 04 22 00 – Telefax: (+47) 22 35 36 05. E-Mail:
Teil der zentralen staatlichen Sozial- und Gesundheitsverwaltung in Norwegen, mit 750 Angestellten.
Zusammenarbeitsprojekte in Regie von National Institutes of Health, und auch Beratung binnen EU,
WHO, OECD. Arbeit mit Mikrobiologie, Umweltmedizin, Sozialmedizin, psykischer Gesundheit,
Drogenforschung und rechtlicher Toxikologie.
Abteilung Umweltmedizin: Abteilungen von analytischen Chemie, Luftverschmutzung,
Umweltimmunologie, Lebensmitteltoxikologie, Chemikalietoxikologie und Wasserhygiene.
Abteilung Ansteckungsschutz (Infectious Disease Control): z.B. Bakteriologie und Infektionsimmunolgie,
biopharmazeutische Produktion, Infektions-Überwachung, lebensmittelübertragbare Infektionen.
Viele machen ein Praktikum bei FHI, aber es hängt von Wünschen und Qualifikationen ab, was für
Praktikums, Bedarfs und Ressourcen FHI zurzeit hat.
Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt - the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
(Chemie, Informatik, Medizinische Biotechnologie)
P.O.Box 25, N-2027 Kjeller.
Telephone: (+47) 63 80 70 00 – Telefax: (+47) 63 80 71 15. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 600 (400 Forschern und Ingenieuren)
FFI is the prime institution responsible for defence-related research in Norway. The Establishment is
also the chief adviser on defence-related science and technology to the Ministry of Defence and the
Norwegian Armed Forces’ military organization.
FFI bietet an Sommerprojekte (Bewerbungsfrist 15.März, 10 Wochen dauer) mit Forschung in
Bereichen wie Mathematik, Physik, Informatik, Chemie, Biologie, Medizin, Psychologie, Politik,
Geschichte und Wirtschaft. FFI macht Analysen und Entwicklungsprojekte für das norwegische
Bundeswehr, aber auch zivile Projekte. MSc-studenten sind vorziehend.
Kontakt: FFI Personalkontoret, P.O. Box 25, N-2027 Kjeller
Telephone: (+47)63 80 71 20/21 – Telefax: (+47) 63 80 71 23. E-Mail:
Auch Möglichkeiten für MSc- und PhD-arbeiten.
Fridtjof Nansen Institute (Systemumwelttechnik, Umweltverfahrenstechnik)
P.O. Box 326, N-1326 Lysaker
Telephone: (+47) 67 11 19 00 – Telefax: (+47) 67 11 19 10. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 29 (Umsatz NOK 22 Millionen) (2004).
The Fridtjof Nansen Institute was established in 1958. Main research areas are: International
environmental, resource management and energy politics; the effectiveness of international
environmental regimes, ocean management and ocean law, management of living resources, air- and
ocean pollution, polar issues (both the Arctic and Antarctica), the relationship between Norway and
Russia in the north, international climate politics, the EU as a decision-making system and actor in
international environmental politics, Chinese environmental politics, development of environmentally
friendly energy technology and biodiversity.
GenØk – Norwegian Institute of Gene Ecology (Biotechnologie)
Forskningsparken i Breivika, P.O. Box 6418, N-9294 Tromsø
Telephone: (+47) 77 64 66 20 - Telefax: (+47) 77 64 61 00. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 20 (molecular biologists, ecologists and social scientists)
GenØk, founded in 1998, is an independent research institute engaged in the professional field of gene
ecology. The institute focuses in particular on the environmental and health-related consequences of the
application of gene technology and gene modification. It is also engaged in the broad dissemination of
information and offers advisory and consulting services in its field of expertise. Research encompasses
a broad range of activities from laboratory trials with molecular biological and ecological analyses to
ethics, social sciences, and law.
GenØk has been carrying out the capacity-building program related to gene technology and gene
modification in developing countries since 2003. The program consists of an annual International
Biosafety Course, development of a web-based MSc Program in cooperation with the Global Virtual
University/United Nations University, a free Internet-based service that provides forecasts, checklists
and access to literature on trends in development and products with biosafety implications, and a
Gateways Institute Initiative. The aim of the Gateways Institute Initiative is the establishment of a global
network of genuinely independent research institutions serving as regional coordinating centres in
biosafety matters related to gene technology and GMO. Zambia, Ethiopia and China are participating in
the pilot phase of the project.
Institute for Cancer Research (Medizinische Biotechnologie)
Institute for Cancer Research, The Norwegian Radium Hospital, 0310 Oslo.
Telephone: (+47) 22 93 55 92. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 230 (scientists, medical doctors, technicians and students)
The Institute for Cancer Research, founded in 1954, plays a central role within the field of cancer
research both in Norway and internationally. The institute has at present seven research departments
(Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Radiation Biology, Tumour Biology, and
Environmental Occupational Cancer) and many of the researches have national and international
commissions and ongoing collaborations. ICR carries out basic studies of the biology of cancer and the
mechanisms of growth control, as well as applied research aiming to improve diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures. The Institute is engaged in both basic and translational cancer research involving
experimental research on model organisms from various evolutionary levels as well as human material
from all types of cells and tissues.
Matforsk – Norwegian Food Research Institute (Lebensmittelwissenschaft)
Osloveien 1, N-1430 Ås
Telephone: (+47) 64 97 01 00 - Telefax: (+47) 64 97 03 33 E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten:160
Matforsk, established 1970, is a leading research centre in the understanding of food quality. Our
primary goal is to contribute to increased profitability in the food industry through food research and
development at an internationally recognised level. It is financed by a research levy from the industry,
public funding and contract work, and owned by the Agricultural Food Research Foundation, which is an
independent, non-profit making organisation. Matforsk serves the food industry, contractors to the food
industry, public authorities, educational establishments and research institutions, grocery trade and
institutional households. In addition, Matforsk emphasizes close collaboration with the food industry. Its
research strategies in the period 2005-2008 are: Optimal utilisation of raw material, maintaining shelf life
and controlling risk factors in food, food for health, rapid access to product and process information,
modelling and understanding consumer and product information.
Zusammenarbeit mit UMB für das Food Alliance Project. Mehr als 350 Forschern arbeitet binnen des
Themas Essen. Zusammenarbeit mit Akvaforsk und UMB für Akvatische Forschung. Das Hauptziel mit
dieser Zusammenarbeit, ist die Erhöhung von Forschungsqualität und -umfang binnen der
Lebensmittelindustrie, die die zweite größte Wirtschaft des Norwegens ist (Anzahl von Angestellten und
Zusammenarbeit mit UMB und Akvaforsk für das Akvaforsk-projekt. 80 Forschern beschäftigen sich mit
Ernährung und Futter, Genetik, Umwelt- und Produktionstechnik und Fischveredlung.
MIS - Molecular Imaging Center (Neurobiologie, Medizinische Biotechnologie)
Department of Biomedicine,University of Bergen
Jonas Lies vei 91, N-5009 Bergen
Telephone: (+47) 55 58 60 07/55 58 66 98 – Telefax: (+47)55 58 63 60. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 10
The Molecular Imaging Center is a national FUGE core facility, providing a variety of equipment, and
scientific and technical expertise for the general research community of Norway. The mission of the
Center is to maintain and develop modern technologies of biological imaging, and make them available
to scientists to be applied in specific projects carried out in different research fields, such as Cell and
Developmental Biology, Neurobiology, and Cancer Biology.
MØre Research, Ålesund Department (Biotechnologie, Lebensmittelwissenschaft,
Møreforsking Ålesund, P. O. Box 5075, 6021 Ålesund
Telephone: (+47) 70 11 16 00 - Telefax: (+47) 70 11 16 01. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 46 insgesamt MØre Research (Umsatz NOK 28 Millionen)
Main research areas: fisheries, management of natural resources and environmental/material
technology, and biotechnology issues related to the use of marine raw materials. Cooperation with
Ålesund University College.
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (Umweltverfahrenstechnik,
Thormøhlensgt. 47, N-5006 Bergen.
Telephone: (+47) 55 20 58 00 – Telefax: (+47) 55 20 58 01. E-Mail:
A non-profit research institute affiliated with the University of Bergen. Also offers a joint Masters Degree
in climate research; cooperation between Russia, Norway and the Baltic Countries - St. Petersburg
State University, Helsinki, Vilnius, University of Bergen, and the Nansen Center in Bergen. NERSC's
vision is to make a significant contribution to the understanding of regional and global environmental
problems through research and development within: climate process studies and modelling, marine
monitoring and forecasting and global resource management.
NCS – Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research (Medizinische Biotechnologie)
Forskningsparken, Gaustadalléen 21, N-0349 Oslo
Telephone: (+47) 22 95 81 55. E-mail:
The Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research was founded in 2003 after receiving a strategic research
grant from the Research Council of Norway. The centre carries out basic and applied research on stem
cells. A particular focus is on the use of stem cells for regenerative medicine. In addition, implications of
stem cell biology on cancer development are studied. Research groups in Oslo (in cooperation with the
two hospitals Rikshospitalet and Radiumhospitalet), Bergen and Trondheim. NCS also arranges
research seminars on stem cells’ basic biology and biomedical potential, intended for PhD students,
researchers, medical students and specialists.
NFLI- Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute (Umweltchemie, Bodenkunde, Ökologie
der Gehölze, Biotechnologie, Landschaftsökologie)
Høgskoleveien 8, N-1432 Ås
Telephone: (+47) 64 94 90 00 – Telefax: (+47) 64 94 70 00. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 230
The Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute was established through a merger between the
Norwegian Forest Research Institute and the Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory (NIJOS) on the 1st
of July, 2006. At the same time, the Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre was established as a part of
the new institute. NFLI, associated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, will collect data and carry
out research on forest, soils, mountains and landscapes. The institute will also disseminate information
to the authorities, industry, commerce and the public to contribute to the sustainable management and
development of land resources.
NIJOS provides basic, unbiased biological and environmental data, which is required in order to ensure
the sustainable utilization of our natural resources (for example national forest inventories and soil
maps). NIJOS provides national statistics on forest and cultural landscape resources, land-use and
landscape information and consulting services. NIJOS work closely with experts at numerous scientific
institutions, amongst others the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
The Norwegian Forest Institute is the leading research institute in Norway in areas related to forest. The
main tasks of the institute are to strengthen the scientific basis for the management of forest resources,
the creation of wealth from forests and countermeasures against environmental problems in forests.
The Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre gives advice in questions related to genetic resources in
agriculture, and is divided into three departments (animal husbandry, plants and forest vegetation).
NIFES- National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (Lebensmittelchemie)
P.O. Box 2029 Nordnes, N-5817 Bergen
Telephone: (+47) 55 90 51 05 – Telefax: (+47) 55 90 52 99. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 136
The institute gives scientific advice to the government and the food authorities concerning health and
safety aspects of seafood from both wild harvest and farmed fish. Provides seafood safety data,
coordinates an EU Project on food quality and safety, involving several European partners, research on
seafood and health issues. NIFES is unique among its European partners in being the only research
institute to have evolved from fisheries and aquaculture nutrition to encompass human nutrition. NIFES
has collaborations with many institutions abroad, including in China, Canada and the United States.
Msc/Phd: cooperating with the University of Bergen, offering MSc and PhD education in Nutrition (with
subject such as toxicology and chemistry).
NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research (Umweltverfahrenstechnik,
P.O.Box 100, N-2027 Kjeller.
Telephone: (+47) 63 89 80 00 – Telefax: (+47) 63 89 80 50. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 140 (von denen 72 Forschern) (Umsatz $ 20 Millionen)
NILU performs approx. 250 projects each year for governments, industries and national/international
organizations. The institute conducts environmental research with emphasis on the sources of airborne
pollution, atmospheric transport, transformation and deposition and is also involved in the assessment
of the effects of pollution on ecosystems, human health and materials. A main priority for NILU is to
provide scientific facts on the quantitative relationships between these factors, and at the same time
make the results available in user friendly manners for decision-makers. Main objectives are:
 To advice the public environmental administration and participate in meetings on behalf of
Norwegian authorities, as for instance to participate in international bodies.
 To provide information and do educational work directed to public administrations, trades and
industries and the man in the street in the field of air pollution.
 To ensure the quality standard of data and attend to national librarian and database services.
 To give advice and support to other institutes and laboratories about methods to be used in
measurement/monitoring and analyses.
NINA - Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (Landschaftsökologie, Ökologie der
Gehölze) (englisch)
Tungasletta 2, N-7485 Trondheim
Telephone: (+47) 73 80 14 00 – Telefax: (+47) 73 80 14 01. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 150
NINA is Norway’s leading institution for applied ecological research. NINA is responsible for long-term
strategic research and commissioned applied research to facilitate the implementation of international
conventions, decision-support systems and management tools, as well as to enhance public awareness
and promote conflict resolution. Two research stations focusing on long time series of salmon/trout and
water, and the consequences of global change. Also engaged in several EU-projects.
NIVA – Norwegian Institute for Water Research (Umweltverfahrenstechnik,
P.O.Box 173 Kjelsås, N-0411 Oslo
Telephone: (+47) 22 18 51 00– Telefax: (+47) 22 18 52 00. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 240 (Umsatz € 25 Millionen)
The NIVA foundation is nationally leading in environmental issues related to water. NIVA is
characterised by broad expert knowledge and good networks to other disciplines, with more than 80
researchers in the fields of chemistry, biology, limnology, geology, hydrology, environmental technology,
environmental toxicology, oceanography, geography, resource management and economy. Their
research aims towards developing complete and thorough management systems for water resources,
considering fresh water, marine water, chemistry and biology as interdependent components.
Participant in several international R&D projects, for example Aquamoney (
and CO2net (
Norsk Polarinstitutt – Norwegian Polar Institute (Bodenkunde, Umweltchemie)
N-9296 Tromsø
Telephone: (+47) 77 75 05 00 (Tromsø) or (+47) 79 02 26 00 (Longyearbyen) - Telefax: (+47) 77 75 05
01 (Tromsø) or (+47) 79 02 26 04 (Longyearbyen). E-Mail:
A main objective of the Norwegian Polar Institute is to be the state's main institute for research,
surveillance and environmental management in the Arctic and Antarctic. Research areas are: Geology,
biology, geophysics, polar history, climate research, biodiversity, ecotoxicology, long-range
transportation of pollutants. Four main research programmes: biodiversity, ecotoxicology, geological
mapping and polar climate, several receiving EU funding.
NorStruct - Norwegian Structure Biology Centre (Chemie, Informatik)
Department of Chemistry, Science building. University of Tromsø, N-9037 Tromsø
Telephone: (+47) 77 64 40 70. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: cirka 30
NorStruct was founded with the aim of establishing a structural biology centre of high international
standard for reasonably high throughput structure determination and 3D analysis of biologically active
macromolecules. The Centre seeks to streamline the processes starting from recombinant protein
production to 3D structure determination using X-ray crystallographic techniques. Internal NorStruct
projects are to a large extent dealing with molecular studies of fish pathogenic organism and fish
defence systems. On top of this, NorSturct is involved in a range of projects nation-wide as an external
partner, ranging from extensive search for crystallization conditions and optimization, data collection and
structure determination, to structure-functional analyses using a variety of techniques.
The Centre is established through the Norwegian functional genomics initiative (FUGE), and financed by
the FUGE-program and the University of Tromsø, and consists of several research groups, amongst
others in molecular Biology and RNA. Possibilities for PhD-work.
Norut IT (Informatik)
P.O. Box 6434, Tromsø Science Park, N-9294 Tromsø
Telephone: (+47) 77 62 94 00 – Telefax: (+47) 77 62 94 01. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 27
Norut IT is an independent institute for research in the fields of ICT and Earth Observation/Satellite
Remote Sensing at the Tromsø Research Park. The institute is a subsidiary of the research company
Norut Gruppen AS of which the University of Tromsø is the majority owner. Norut IT's main sources of
income are research contracts with the EU Framework Programmes, industry, government, the
Research Council of Norway, ESA and the Norwegian Space Center. In 2003 more than 30% of the
turnover was generated by international contracts. Norut IT is organized into two research areas: IKT
(Information and Knowledge Technology) and JOBS (Earth Observation). On top of this, they have
established a bioinformatics group in cooperation with the institute for molecular biology, the
mathematical department and the unit for computer science at the University of Tromsø. Possibilities for
Polarmiljøsenteret (Bodenkunde, Umweltchemie)
N-9296 Tromsø
Telephone: (+47) 77 75 02 00 – Telefax: (+47) 77 75 02 01. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 200
Polarmiljøsenteret is Norway's new centre of research, environmental monitoring and advisory services
in the Northern Region and the Arctic/Antarctic. It shall be a cooperative organization with coordination
of independent institutions with assignments within the areas of environmental issues and cooperation
in the polar areas and the Barents Sea. Collaboration at the Polar Environmental Centre was in 2005
concentrated to 9 institutions - seven research institutions (e.g. NINA, NIVA, NILU, Norsk Polarinstitutt)
and two state agencies - six of them with close connection to the Ministry of the Environment. Five
research areas are prioritized: Ecotoxicolgy, biodiversity, polar environment, soil observations and
environmental data.
PROBE – Proteomic Unit, University of Bergen (Medizinische Biotechnologie)
Jonas Lies vei 91, N-5009 Bergen
Telephone: (+47)55 58 63 68 – Telefax: (+47)55 58 63 60. E-Mail:
PROBE is a FUGE core facility for proteomics supported by the Norwegian Research Council and the
University of Bergen. The unit was established to aid Norwegian researchers in the identification and
characterization of expressed proteins in any given biological sample. Protein samples may be
submitted to PROBE for non-profit analysis by state-of-the-art mass spectrometry. The Unit aims to be a
national resource laboratory for mass spectrometry analysis of proteins, with emphasis on interactomics
and post-translational modifications. Collaboration projects on these two priority research areas will be
An important aspect of the Unit is to train students and scientists in proteomics. PROBE is an open
facility in which external students and scientists are welcome for training.
Rikshospitalet - the Norwegian National Hospital (Medizinische Biotechnologie,
Umweltmikrobiologie, Biologische Chemie)
N- 0027 Oslo
Telephone: (+47) 23 07 00 00. E-Mail:
Mehrere Projekte benutzen MSc- Studenten, die ihren Masterarbeit dort schreiben wollen. Einige
Beispiele von Forschungsprojekten:
Bioinformatics Group
Medical Informatics (meistens postdoc)
Institut für Krebsforschung (Biochemie, Immunologie, Zellebiologie, Genetik)
Institut für Mikrobiologie (Bakterien, Virus, Molekularbiologie usw.)
SINTEF - The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the NTNU
N-7465 Trondheim.
Anzahl von Angestellten: 1700 (1400 in Trondheim, 300 in Oslo)
SINTEF is the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia. It works in close cooperation
with NTNU and UiO. SINTEF is divided into several research divisions, amongst these are:
1. SINTEF Energy Research
Telephone: + 47 73 59 72 00. E-Mail:
Finding solutions related to power production and conversion, transmission / distribution and the end
use of energy both onshore and offshore/subsea. We cover all the key areas from the indoor climate
and energy use in buildings to gas technology, combustion, bioenergy, refrigeration engineering and
technology for the food and nutrition industry.
Research within Energy Processes (Umweltverfarhenstechnik, Systemumwelttechnik): The Department
is engaged in contract research within numerous disciplines. These range from the handling and use of
hydrogen, natural gas and CO2, to energy and heating supply, combustion, air conditioning in buildings,
food and nutrition technology and applied refrigeration engineering.
2. SINTEF Materials and Chemistry
Telephone: (+47) 40 00 37 30. E-Mail:
SINTEF Materials and Chemistry is a contract research institute offering high competence within
materials technology, applied chemistry and applied biology, performing research and development,
advanced consultancy and laboratory services and working closely with the industry in the development
of advanced materials, products, processes and new tools. SINTEF seeks out new, environmentally
friendly processing methods that will increase productivity and raise quality standards.
Research within Biotechnology (Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, Umweltmikrobiologie, Chemie): Food
and Fermentation Technology, Microbial Molecular Biology (in cooperation with the Microbiology and
Molecular Genetics Group at NTNU, see ).
Research within Energy Conversion and Materials (Umweltverfahrenstechnik): research in the
development of new technology related to inorganic materials and energy; thermodynamics, transport
properties, synthesis, fabrication and testing.
Research within Hydrocarbon Process Chemistry (Chemie): The development and improvement of
catalysts and adsorbents within the chemical and petrochemical industry. Emphasis is put on the
upgrading of oil and gas.
Research within Marine Environmental Technology (Umweltverfahrenstechnik, Systemumwelttechnik,
Chemie): Ecotoxicology, Biodegradation, Environmental Monitoring, Chemical Analysis, Remediation.
3. SINTEF Health Research
Telephone: (+47) 40 00 25 90 – Telefax: (+47) 93 07 05 00. E-Mail:
SINTEF Health Research will conduct research and development with the aim of raising standards of
health and quality of life, in close collaboration with the authorities, the health sector and users of the
health and social services.
Research within Medical Technology (Medizinische Biotechnologie): The development of new
technology that provides patients with safer diagnosis and improved treatment, e.g. technology and
methods in image guided surgery of brain, blood vessels and abdomen.
Research within Microbiology (Umweltmikrobiologie): Infection prevention, Environmental control,
Laboratory diagnostics.
Tel-Tek - Telemark Technological Research and Development Center
(Umweltverfahrenstechnik, Umweltmikrobiologie, Umweltchemie)
Kjølnes ring 30, N-3918 Porsgrunn
Telephone: (+47) 35 57 40 00 –Telefax: (+47) 35 57 40 10. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 35
Tel-Tek is a R&D institute with a broad network at the national and international levels. Tel-Tek
undertakes both basic and applied research projects for and in collaboration with industry and both
national and international research funding organizations. Tel-Tek is divided into three research
departments: Gas, Energy and Environment, Process Technology and Innovation. The Gas, Energy and
Environment Dept. is represented by activities in environmental biotechnology, cybernetics, sensor
technology, monitoring and control and applied chemometrics. A sub-group of this department, named
KOMTEK, also has an environmental biotechnology group, which is studying suspended and fixed
biological aggregates - Transport phenomena, chemistry, biology, ecology, mathematical modeling.
Applied activities are monitoring (samples, sensors), industrial and medical biofouling, ecology and
pollution treatment and recovery of resources. Possibilities for PhD-assignments at Tel-Tek.
UMB - Norwegian University of Life Sciences
1. CIGENE - Centre for Integrative Genetics (Biotechnologie)
P.O.Box 5003, N-1432 Ås.
Telephone: (+47) 64 96 52 80 –Telefax: (+47) 64 96 51 01. E-Mail:
CIGENE aims to contribute to a deep causal understanding of complex genetic characters in fish, plants
and animals for scientific and commercial exploitation based on an integrative genetics approach. As a
core facility under the Norwegian Functional Genomics Programme (FUGE), CIGENE is also
responsible for providing a national service for detection, typing and interpretation of SNPs (Single
Nucleotide Polymorphisms), and for systems-oriented computational biology.
The CIGENE research programme represents a mix of theory-directed explanatory research,
instrumental research, and explanatory instrumental research involving mathematics, statistics,
informatics and high-throughput and high-resolution functional genomics technologies.
Visiting Fellow Programme: CIGENE funds travel and accommodation expenses for a two-week stay for
at least 12 persons per year. The primary objectives of these visits are to stimulate the output of highquality papers and to consolidate our international collaborative network. Postdocs, junior scientists as
well as senior scientists from all scientific fields of relevance for CIGENE are potential candidates. See
2. Miljöforsk (Ökologie der Gehölze/Landschaftsökologie, Umweltchemie, Bodenkunde)
For information, contact Knut Werner Alsen, ,Telephone: (+47) 64 96 50 34/ 91 15 36
Miljøforsk-UMB is a centre for national and international environmental research, focusing on the
sustainable use and management of terrestrial and aquatic resources, including the use of the natural
environment for increased human and animal welfare. The centre organises interdisciplinary research
groups within the fields of natural science, social science and engineering.
Miljöforsk is divided into three programme areas:
a. Environment and Bioproduction
This programme studies the environmental impact of agriculture, forestry and aquaculture, and is
subdivided into the following subject areas: environment and food, environment and forest, environment
and development and ecotechnology.
b. Environment, Landscape and Climate
This programme studies the impact of environmental changes and pollutants on terrestrial and aquatic
resources, and is divided into two subject areas: environment and climate changes and environmental
c. Environment and Improved Welfare
This programme focuses on our natural environment and how it affects human and animal welfare. It
also studies measures aimed at increasing human welfare and how people experience different
3. Institut für Chemie, Biotechnologie und Lebensmittelwissenschaft hat viele Forschungsgruppen mit
Möglichkeiten für MSc-Arbeit in u.a. Umweltmikrobiologie, Lebensmittelwissenschaft und Biostatistik
IRIS - International Research Institute of Stavanger (Umweltverfahrenstechnik,
Systemumwelttechnik, Chemie usw.)
P. O. Box 8046, N-4068 Stavanger
Telephone: (+47) 51 87 50 00 – Telefax: (+47) 51 87 52 00. E-
Anzahl von Angestellten: 205 (69 PhDs, researchers from 15 different countries) (Umsatz NOK 200
IRIS, established as RF (Rogaland Research) in 1973, is a merger between the former RF and the
University of Stavanger. Main areas of research are within petroleum, marine environment, gas
technology, social science and business development. Within the marine environment group, they focus
mainly on anthropogenic pollution, environmental risk assessments and chemical testing.
IRIS cooperates with several countries, such as Canada, USA, Australia and the EU. The EU project
IRC Norway (EU Innovation) is a cooperation project between IRIS and Norwegian firms to find
European partners for common technological development and cooperation. SINTEF is the project
leader, and the cooperating research institutions are Norut in Tromsø, Christian Michelsen Research in
Bergen, IRIS in Stavanger and Matforsk at Ås.
IFE - Institute for Energy Technology (Umweltverfahrenstechnik, Systemumwelttechnik)
P.O. Box 40, N-2027 Kjeller
Telephone: (+47) 63 80 60 00 – Telefax: (+47) 63 81 11 68. E-Mail:
Anzahl von Angestellten: 510 (Umsatz $80 Million)
The Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), established in 1948, is Norway’s leading international energy
research institute, carrying out market- and technology-driven activities. Main research areas are energy
and environmental technology (within the areas climate technology, process understanding related to
pollution control and waste handling), petroleum and nuclear research. Several projects in cooperation
with EU (see
IMR - Institute of Marine Research (Biotechnologie, Chemie)
P.O. Box 1870 Nordnes, N-5817 Bergen
Telephone: (+47) 55 23 85 00 –Telefax: (+47) 55 23 85 31. E-Mail:
The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) is a leading organization within scientific investigations and
advice on marine ecosystems and aquaculture. It has a holistic approach to marine ecology, using its
modern research vessels and facilities to monitor and study the entire marine ecosystem. The
aquaculture programme at IMR is one of the largest and most comprehensive of its kind in Europe.
Significant resources within the programme are allocated to the study and monitoring of potential
environmental impacts from aquaculture. Together with its partners, IMR is also undertaking research to
sequence the cod genome. Mainly research within marine ecology, but also within chemical pollution of
the marine environment.
Nordische Ebene
Nordic research co-operation involves Nordic research institutions, fixed-term research programmes,
Nordic Centres of Excellence (NCoE), grant schemes and the co-ordination and planning of major
infrastructure investments. The overall objective is to promote research of the highest possible
international quality.
NOVA University Network - the Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural
University Network
The NOVA Secretariat
Box 17, SE-230 53 Alnarp
Telephone: (+46) 40 41 55 41 –Telefax: (+46) 40 41 55 52. E-Mail:
NOVA is a platform for efficient and innovative Nordic cooperation, exploring new ways to forge a
networking university without boundaries. The NOVA member universities in Finland, Denmark, Iceland,
Norway and Sweden deal with issues such as sustainable use of natural resources, food production
from natural resources, job creation in agribusiness and related fields, the safeguarding of the health
and welfare of animals and people and enhancement of the capacity for use of land, water, plants and
animals according to sustainable principles. MSc- and PhD-work possible.
Nordic Centre of Excellence - EcoClim (Landschaftsökologie, Ökologie der Gehölze,
EcoClim coordinator: CEES, Dept. of Biology, P.O. Box 1066 Blindern Oslo Norway
Telephone: (+47) 22 85 44 00 –Telefax: (+47) 22 85 40 01. E-Mail:
Ecoclim is a virtual centre of cooperation between the Integrative Ecology Unit at the University of
Helsinki (Finland), Department of Theoretical Ecology at the University of Lund (Sweden) and headed
by the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis at the University of Oslo. EcoClim explores how
climatic variation affects the dynamics of ecological systems, through the analysis of long-term
population data as well as theoretical models. The Centre brings together ecologists, evolutionary
biologists, climatologists, statisticians and mathematicians. This large spectrum of scientific competence
allows a unique integrative approach. PhD and postdoc opportunities.
Nb! The project period lasts until 2007.
Nordic Centre of Excellence - Food, Nutrition and Health (Lebensmittelwissenschaft)
There will be a launching of the Nordic Centre of Excellence Programme in Food, Nutrition and Health in
mid-August 2006, as a start of a joint effort to enhance the scientific quality and international visibility of
Nordic research within this field. The programme will run during the period 2006-2011. When the
Programme is officially launched in mid-August, the Programme Description defining prioritized areas
will be made available. The deadline for applications will be around end of September 2006. For
questions, contact:
Senior Advisor Ellen Knutsen Rydberg (June 27th-July 14th 2006)
Telephone: (+47) 94 83 91 71
Senior advisor Harry Zilliacus (from July 31st 2006)
Telephone: (+47) 94 83 86 81
Nordic Centre of Excellence - Molecular Medicine (Medizinische Biotechnologie,
Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, stroke, migraine, epilepsy, cancer and autoimmune and metabolic disorders –
these are examples of diseases that will be explored by the NCoE in Molecular Medicine. During 20042009 the three NCoEs coordinated from Norway, Sweden, and Finland, will receive approximately 2
million EURO each, funding that will mainly be used for promoting researcher mobility, education, and
exchange between Nordic research teams. Despite different topics, approaches and methods, the
networks have a common goal: to expand the genetic and molecular knowledge about common
diseases that are causing an increasing burden on the society, thereby creating improved conditions for
better treatments. The three NCoEs are:
1. NCoE for Water Imbalance Related Disorders
2. NCoE in Neurodegradation
3. NCoE in Disease Genetics
For further information, contact:
Teresa Karlsson, NCoE Programme secretariat, The Swedish Research Council – Medicine
Telephone: (+46) 85 46 44 286. E-Mail:
Nordisk InnovationsCenter - Nordic Innovation Centre (Umweltverfahrenstechnik,
Systemumwelttechnik, Lebensmittelwissenschaft)
Stensberggt. 25, N-0170 Oslo
Telefon: (+47) 47 61 44 00
The Nordic Innovation Centre is the Nordic Council of Ministers single most important instrument for
promoting an innovative and knowledge-intensive Nordic business sector. Today, the Nordic Innovation
Centre is an important player in Nordic knowledge platforms within the areas of innovation policy,
creative industries, biotechnology, food safety and innovative building & construction. The total project
portfolio of the Nordic Innovation Centre consists of approximately 120 ongoing projects and networks.
Research areas are amongst others:
 Environmental Technology
In this Nordic initiative, obstacles to innovation and export of Nordic environmental technology are put in
focus. To become competitive in the global market Nordic industry needs to raise their innovation
capacity and combine their know-how to be able to provide competitive integrated solution for
environmental challenges globally.
 Food Safety
The food industry is one of the biggest and most important industries in the Nordic countries. This is
reflected in Nordic Innovation Centre’s prioritisation and project engagements for the past 15 years. The
main goal is to enhance innovation in the Nordic food industry and raise its competitiveness. Previous
engagements, in co-operation between industry, R&D organisations and universities on a Nordic level,
have provided valuable results.
Part of Safefoodera, a European research initiative
 Functional Food
In this initiative, Nordic Innovation Centre wants to support the Nordic food industry in becoming an
active, competitive and successful player in the fast growing functional food market.
NGB - Nordic Gene Bank (Biotechnologie)
P.O. Box 41, SE-23053 Alnarp, Sweden
Telephone: (+46) 40 53 66 40 – Telefax: (+46) 40 53 66 50
The Nordic Gene Bank (NGB), an institution which reports to the Nordic Council of Ministers, is a centre
for the conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources in the Nordic countries. NGB's mandate is:
 To conserve and document the genetic variation in Nordic material from plant species useful for
agriculture and horticulture. The material stored is to be made available for plant breeding,
research and any other bona fide use.
 To foster rational co-operation between the Nordic countries in their efforts to use plant genetic
resources for plant breeding and plant breeding research.
 To participate in international co-operation in the conservation and use of plant genetic
Nordic Energy Research (Umweltverfahrenstechnik, Systemumwelttechnik)
Stensberggt. 25, N-0170 Oslo.
Telephone: (+47) 47 61 44 00 – Telefax: (+47) 22 56 55 65. E-Mail:
Nordic Energy Research has worked with energy research in the Nordic region since 1985 through
supporting various research programmes, and in 1999, Nordic Energy Research was established as an
independent institution designed to further support and develop the Nordic market’s energy sector.
ERA-Net (European Research Area Network) is a European initiative to coordinate research in Europe.
At the moment Nordic Energy Research participate in the following projects:
 INNER - Innovative Energy Research
The objective of the INNER project is to establish cooperation between European research
programmes, or parts within such programmes, that aim to identify and stimulate innovative energy
technologies and unexpected breakthroughs in conventional energy technology fields.,224-2883&tid=224-2883
 HY-CO - Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Co-ordination
Europäische Ebene
EU: Projekte, Kontakte und Internetseiten
EMBO Life Sciences Mobility Portal
The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), established in 1964, promotes bioscience in
Europe through targeted programmes and activities. The EMBO Life Sciences Mobility Portal is an
information platform for European life scientists and those who want to come to Europe, with information
about funding, training and job opportunities. Under the link, it is possible to search for ongoing projects in the desired
country for cooperation (the European Researcher’s Mobility Plan).
Europaportalen is the Norwegian government’s website for information about Norway’s co-operation
with Europe. Here you can read about the EU and the EEA, the development of Norway’s European
policy, security and co-operation in Europe and a number of other related topics. Finding partners in
Norway, see:
IRC - The Innovation Relay Centre of Norway
SINTEF Technology and Society
S.P.Andersensvei 5, N-7465 Trondheim
Telephone: (+47) 73 59 70 37 – Telefax: (+47) 73 59 12 99. E-Mail:
The IRC Network assists companies and research organisations with technology transfer, license
agreements, intellectual property rights (IPR) and identifies sources to finance innovation.
 Technology trade: You can search the IRC network's database to find technologies and suitable
partners. Using keywords you can search all current technology offers and requests from
companies, universities and research institutions from 31 European countries. The database is
updated with new profiles on a weekly basis. See
Technology matching: This new facility has been developed by the IRC in Austria and allows
companies and organisations to access the latest technologies as soon as they are published in
the IRC Network. See
SIU – The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education
P.O.Box 7800, N-5020 Bergen
Telephone: (+47) 55 30 88 00 - Telefax: (+47) 55 30 88 01. E-Mail:
SIU is a Norwegian agency that promotes international cooperation in education and research. SIU is a
public administrative body under the Ministry of Education and Research. SIU is a knowledge and
service organisation with the mission of promoting and facilitating cooperation, standardisation, mobility,
and the overcoming of cultural barriers to communication and exchange within the realm of higher
education on an international level.
The Research Council of Norway
P.O Box 2700 St. Hanshaugen, N-0131 Oslo
Telephone: (+47) 22 03 70 00 - Telefax: (+47) 22 03 70 01. E-Mail:
RCN has the national responsibility for the management of EU framework programmes for research and
technological development. In addition to provide information and guidance to Norwegian stakeholders
from industry, academia and authorities on European collaborative research, RCN also plays a role as
an entry point for researchers and students from other countries.
1. CORDIS Associated Country Service for Norway
Norway is the first non-EU-member to receive a national webpage at CORDIS (Community Research
and Development Information Service). The aims are to offer easy access to details of EU-supported
research and related activities in Norway, and to support interaction between the EU and Norway in the
fields of research and technological development. The CORDIS Associated Country Service for Norway
is maintained by the Research Council of Norway.
2. EU-R&D Department
The Research Council of Norway carries the national responsibility for the management of EU
framework programmes for research and technological development. All contact points' activities are
coordinated by the EU-R&D department, which is part of the integrated staff of the Council's director
general. In addition to providing information and guidance to Norwegian stakeholders from industry,
academia and authorities on European collaborative research, the Research Council also plays a role
as an entry point for researchers and students from other countries.
List of contacts for FP6 thematic priorities/programmes:
NTNU Office of International Relations
O. S. Bragstads plass 3, N-7491 Trondheim
Telephone: (+47)73 59 57 00 - Telefax: (+47) 73 59 51 90. E-Mail:
Companies/R&D: Research possibilities and partner institutions, see
UiB Office of International Relations
P.O. Box 7800, N-5020 Bergen
Telephone: (+47) 55 58 49 84 - Telefax: (+47) 55 58 49 81
UiO - EU R&D programmes
Department of Research Administration
P.O.Box 1072 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo
Telephone: (+47) 22 85 63 56 - Telefax: (+47) 22 85 43 73
Since 1991 the University of Oslo has participated in the EU's framework programme for research and
development. Different research groups have participated in more than 200 EU-financed projects.
UiT – Department of Research and Academic Affairs, Section for Research Administration
N-9037 Tromsø
Telephone: +47 77 64 40 00 - Telefax: +47 77 64 49 00