0910 ch13 outline questions - soil and vegetation

Canadian Geography - Making Connections - Outline Questions Chapter 13 – Soil & Vegetation
Define the following
1) soil
2) tundra
3) leaching
4) transition zone
5) permafrost
6) humus
7) calcification
8) boreal and taiga forest
9) coniferous trees
10) deciduous trees
11) mixed forest
12) short-grass prairie
13) long-grass prairie
18) the most northerly
vegetation region of Canada
A) tundra
B) boreal forest
C) cordilleran vegetation
D) mixed forest
E) taiga forest
19) the material used to
build the houses of the first
settlers on the grasslands
A) logs
B) tree bark
C) buffalo skins
D) sod
E) tree branches covered
with skins
Multiple Choice
14) The minerals in soil
come from rock known as
A) surface deposits.
B) nutrient rock.
C) humus.
D) parent material.
E) mineralized rock.
20) the wettest vegetation
region in Canada
A) tundra
B) long-grass prairie
C) boreal forest
D) east coast forest
E) west coast forest
15) Ontario has
A) complex soils.
B) tundra soils.
C) transition soils.
D) wet-climate soils.
E) dry-climate soils.
21) the smallest vegetation
region in Canada
A) boreal and taiga forest
B) mixed forest
C) grassland
D) deciduous forest
E) cordilleran vegetation
16) the vegetation region
that is considered a
transition zone
A) deciduous forest
B) grassland
C) tundra
D) boreal forest
E) mixed forest
22) About half the volume of
a high-quality soil is
composed of
A) water and air.
B) sand, clay, and bedrock.
C) water.
D) soluble minerals.
E) air.
17) the type of vegetation
found in a warm, dry climate
A) maple, oak, beech, and
elm trees
B) deciduous forest
C) dense forest
D) tundra
E) short-grasses
23) What is the soil like
under a coniferous forest?
A) acidic
B) thick
C) black in colour
D) highly calcified
E) rich in humus
Short Answer
24) Calcium, phosphorous,
and potassium are
__________ needed by
plants for growth.
25) When plants and
animals die, they are
__________ by bacteria in
the soil.
26) The _________ line
separates the tundra from
the boreal and taiga forest.
32) The heavy rainfall and
mild climate of the west
coast have created
a_________ rain forest.
33) The vegetation on the
higher slopes of the
Cordilleran mountain ranges
is similar to that of the
34) The wettest vegetation
region in Canada is the
__________ region.
Short Answer
27) __________ trees have
characteristics that make
them well-suited to areas
with cold temperatures and
short growing seasons.
28) The black soil under the
____________ prairie is the
richest soil in Canada, and
produces some of the best
grains in the world.
29) The coniferous trees of
the _________ forest are the
raw materials for pulp,
paper, and lumber.
30) Permanently frozen
ground is called _________ .
31) The northern part of the
coniferous forest is called
the __________ forest and
the southern part is called
the __________ forest.
35) Describe the four
components that constitute a
true soil.
36) Discuss the process of
leaching and its impact on
37) Describe the process of
calcification and its impact
on soil.
38) Explain the differences
between calcification and
39) What are the differences
between natural vegetation
and crops cultivated for food
and industry?
40) Why are there
differences in the thickness
of topsoil in various parts of