TONKINESE CAT CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Please print all details and delete where relevant [block letters please] TITLE: Mr/ Mrs/ Miss/ Ms SIGNATURE: SURNAME: FORNAME: ADDRESS: POSTCODE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: E-MAIL: PREFIX: DATE GRANTED: *PROPOSED BY: *SECONDED BY: [* Not required for membership renewals. Proposers to be paid up members, either of the Tonkinese Cat Club or a cat club affiliated to the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy. Please state name of the club if other than the TCC. If two of these cannot be found, a recommendation from a veterinary surgeon may be accepted] Subscription Rates:1 Year Single: £7.00 Joint: £9.00 Junior [under 16]: £4.00 10 Years £56.00 £72.00 No. ____ ____ ____ I enclose payment of:Each Total: @ £______ = £_________ @ £______ = £_________ @ £______ = £_________ Total payment: = £_________ Please return the completed form with pedigree[s] and cheque payable to Tonkinese Cat Club to: Membership Secretary Tonkinese Cat Club Mrs Coral Macey 1 Pilgrim Spring Folkestone Kent CT19 6QE Email: In order to build up our records, would you kindly supply the following information together with a copy of your cat’s pedigree. This information is stored for club archives. If you own more than one Tonkinese cat, please continue overleaf. Cat’s Name:……………………………………….…. Breed No. ……………. D.O.B. ……………………