1 Coupling between chip based isotachophoresis and multi-collector 2 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry 3 for separation and measurement of lanthanides 4 5 Laurent Vio1,3, Gérard Crétier3, Frédéric Chartier2, Valérie Geertsen4, Alkiviadis 6 Gourgiotis1, Hélène Isnard1, Pierre Morin5, Jean-Louis Rocca3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Saclay, DEN/DPC/SEARS/LANIE, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France 2 Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Saclay, DEN/DPC, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France 3 Université 4 de Lyon, Institut des Sciences Analytiques (UMR CNRS 5280), Villeurbanne, France Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Saclay, DSM/IRAMIS/SIS2M/LIONS, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France 5 AREMAC-Polymer, Caluire et Cuire, France 19 -1- 20 Abstract 21 22 23 This paper presents the conception and fabrication of a microsystem for lanthanides 24 separation and its coupling with a multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass 25 spectrometer for isotope ratio measurements. The lanthanides separation is based on the 26 isotachophoresis technique and the microsystem conception has been adapted in order to fit 27 with glove box limitations in view of future spent nuclear fuels analysis. The micro-device 28 was tested by using a mixture of standards solutions of natural elements and the separation of 29 13 lanthanides was successfully performed. The micro-device was then coupled to 30 multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer for the on-line meausrements of 31 Nd and Sm isotope ratios. The isotopes of Nd and Sm were acquired online in multicollection 32 mode after separation of the two elements with an injection amount of 5 ng. Results obtained 33 on the Nd and Sm isotope ratio measurements on transient signals are presented and 34 discussed. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Keywords Isotachophoresis Multicollector Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Lab-on-chip Lanthanides Fission products Transient signals Isotope ratio 47 -2- a 48 Introduction 49 50 Over the past decade, major progress in the development of analytical chemistry has been 51 accomplished via the miniaturization of separation techniques towards lab-on-chip 52 technology1-4. Research in miniaturization is driven by the need to reduce the costs and the 53 consumption of expensive reagents and to increase throughput and automation. The chip 54 could be directly coupled to high sensitive detection system such as inductively coupled 55 plasma mass spectrometry5, 6. This technique offers the advantages of providing simultaneous 56 multielement capability and facilitating ultra sensitive analysis of samples 7. To obtain 57 uncertainty at several per mil level on isotope ratio, multicollector inductively coupled plasma 58 mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) has demonstrated its potential for numerous elements8-10. 59 The coupling between a separative technique and MC-ICPMS is a great challenge related to 60 the limited signal duration. When discrete amounts of analyte are carried into a stream of a 61 flowing liquid, analyte signals do not reach a steady state and transient time-dependent signals 62 are obtained11-13. 63 The major applications in the Laboratory of Nuclear Isotopic and Elementary Analysis in the 64 French Nuclear Agency are the characterisation of isotopic and elemental composition of 65 nuclear fuel samples using multicollector mass spectrometry techniques14-20. In nuclear 66 industry the reduction of reagent and decrease of sample size is a major requirement in 67 relation to the reduction of radiation dose for the analysts. In a previous study21, we have 68 demonstrated the feasibility of the separation for all lanthanides present in a fuel sample using 69 isotachophoresis (ITP). The band shape obtained for lanthanides are quasi-rectangular and the 70 concentration plateau obtained at the top of the eluted band leads to a constant detection 71 signal of a certain duration which can be modulated. ITP allows a quasi steady state 72 acquisition of ion beams which could be very useful for direct coupling with MC-ICPMS. 73 In this article, the separation was miniaturized to be implanted in glove box environnement 74 for coupling with MC-ICPMS. Chip-based ITP as separation technique was the topic of 75 numerous articles in the years 2000-2006. The major developments published during this 76 period are summarized in the review of Chen et al22. The technique continues to be developed 77 in terms of new application23, device fabrication24 and detection method25. But, to date, there 78 is no report dealing with the use of chip-based ITP for the complete separation of all 79 lanthanides. However, some authors carried out the analysis of model samples containing a 80 few lanthanides mixed with alkaline earth or transition metal cations, in order to demonstrate 81 the separation capability of their miniaturized device26-28. In these three studies, HIBA was -3- 82 added to the leading electrolyte to improve the separations of metal ions and microchips were 83 fabricated using polymeric substrates such as poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)28, polystyrene 84 (PS)27 and poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA)26. Our microsystem was specially designed to 85 perform an efficient separation of lanthanides and during its conception some requirements 86 must be performed in order to implant the chip in glove box environment. 87 In a first part of this paper we presented the conception of a microchip based on previous 88 studies29, 89 improvements have been brought to the system in order to fulfill glove box regulation in 90 terms of safety and costs. In a second part the coupling between a chip based ITP and a MC- 91 ICPMS was performed and the potentiality for Nd and Sm isotope ratio measurements has 92 been explored. 30 . On this microsystem, the separation of lanthanides was tested and slight 93 94 2. Materials and methods 95 96 2. 1. Isotachophoretic separation with the micro-device 97 98 2. 1. 1. Fabrication of the micro-system 99 100 A layout of the miniaturized isotachophoresis device is shown in Figure 1a. The 65 mm 101 diameter COC (cyclo-olefin copolymers) disk integrates the injection channel IC (130 µm 102 wide, 130 µm deep and 4.5 cm long, corresponding to a volume of 0.8 µL) and the different 103 channels and connectors L(Leader), T(Terminal) and S(Sample), which are used to introduce 104 electrolytes and sample in the micro-system. Separation is carried out in a silica capillary SC 105 (30 µm i.d. x 360 µm o.d. x 70 cm length) connected to the (COC) micro-system via a zero 106 dead volume connector C using an Upchurch (Cluzeau Info Labo) modified nut. The current 107 used to drive the separation is provided by a SL50 10W high voltage power supply 108 (Hauppauge, New York, USA) and applied between the port M (which includes a porous 109 Teflon membrane) and the capillary outlet O which is immersed in a leader electrolyte vial or 110 connected to the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. With this configuration, the 111 Pt electrode is not directly in contact with the working electrolyte solution, which prevents 112 from gas bubble formation by electrochemical reactions inside the separation compartment. A 113 contactless conductivity detector CD is placed at 14 cm from the separation capillary outlet. 114 Full details of the fabrication procedure were previously published31. 115 -4- 116 2. 1. 2. Electrolyte filling and analysis protocol 117 118 As shown in Figure 1a, sample injection and filling of the micro-system with leading 119 electrolyte and terminal electrolyte are achieved using three ISM832C peristaltic pumps PPS, 120 PPL and PPT (Ismatec, Glattbrugg, Switzerland) respectively. When the pumps are stopped 121 during separation, their rollers automatically close the inlet of channels, which minimizes 122 hydrodynamic flow and the consequent dispersion32. 123 The control program used to achieve the separation is given in Table 1. In the first step, PPS 124 and PPT pumps are stopped while the injection channel and the separation capillary are filled 125 with leading electrolyte by PPL pump. Then, PPL pump is disconnected in order to make a 126 waste outlet in the microchip. In step 2, the injection channel is filled with sample by PPS 127 pump. In step 3, lateral channels are filled with terminal electrolyte until the microchip outlet 128 (port L) by PPT pump. Thus, the sample contained in the injection channel, is sandwiched 129 between the leading and terminal electrolytes. The actual isotachophoretic separation takes 130 place in step 4 by the application of a constant current intensity of X µA (with X ≠ 0). 131 132 2.1.3 Radioactivity controlled area analysis protocol 133 134 To prevent contamination and reduce dose exposure, the source of the MC-ICPMS used in 135 this study is confined in a glove box (GB)33. So the initial configuration of the microchip and 136 the analysis protocol must be adapted. To fit the operating system with GB limitations, the 137 peristaltic pump for sample and terminal electrolyte to S and T entries have been substituted 138 by modified back flow valve suppressor Upchurch CV-3301 (Cluzeau Info Labo, St Foy la 139 Grande, France), SBV and TBV. The injection steps are manually completed using a 140 disposable plastic syringes, SS and TS, connected to the valves (Figure 1b). Furthermore 141 inside the syringe, a filter Millex-GV 0.2 µm (Interchim SA, Montluçon, France) was added 142 to prevent channel clogging. A syringe pump (PSL) was introduced inside the glove box. This 143 pump has a double function. During the optimization phase for MC-ICPMS measurements, 144 the role of this pump is to inject the leading electrolyte in all microchip and the separation 145 capillary with a HMBA solution containing Nd. During the analysis of the sample, the syringe 146 pump is connected to the Burgener nebulizer to provide the sheat flow of leading electrolyte 147 (10 µL/min). The L channel of the microchip becomes so the waste channel. According to this 148 new configuration the microchip is compatible with GB environment without changing its 149 operating process previously described (Part 2.1.2). -5- 150 151 2.1.4. Chemicals and samples 152 153 Natural element standards (Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd) were obtained from SPEX as 1000 mg.L-1 stock 154 standard solutions. Aliquots of the stock solutions of each lanthanide were evaporated to 155 dryness and dry extracts were dissolved in adequate volume of pure water. The isotopic ratios 156 of these Sm and Nd natural SPEX solutions were evaluated in the laboratory by Thermal 157 Ionisation Mass Spectrometry and using the technique of Total Flash Evaporation34, 35. The 158 values of these ratios expressed respectively on the 159 Table 3 as reference ratios. 146 Nd and 149 Sm isotopes36 are listed in 160 161 2.2. Chip – MC- ICPMS Interface 162 163 The Mira Mist CE (Burgener Research, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) interface was used 164 between ITP micro-device and MC-ICPMS. The parallel flux nebulizer used in this interface 165 is able to operate with low sample flow rates (3 - 10 µL / min). The nebulizer is connected to 166 a linear PTFE micro spray chamber (Burgener Research). 167 168 2. 3. ICP - MS detection 169 170 2. 3. 1. Multi-Collection ICPMS 171 172 The isotopic ratio measurements were performed with a single focusing sector field MC- 173 ICPMS from GV Instruments (Manchester, UK) which was previously modified in order to 174 work with radioactive materials in safe experimental conditions33. It is equipped with a 175 standard ICP source, a Radio-Frequency-only hexapole collision-reaction cell (using Ar as 176 collision gas), a magnetic sector and a multicollector system with nine Faraday cups and one 177 Daly electrode implanted in the axial position. The measurements are performed in static 178 multicollection mode with Faraday cups. The Faraday amplifier gains were calibrated daily 179 before the analytical session yielding to a reproducibility of the electric gains better than 20 180 ppm/day. The integration time for the acquisition of the transient signals was fixed at 300ms. 181 A Nd test solution was pushed via the syringe pump towards the nebulizer by applying 182 constant pressure on the buffer (3 bar) and the parameter were optimized in order to obtain the 183 maximum counting rates on 142 Nd. Torch position, gas flow rate, ion focusing beam and -6- 184 magnet field settings were daily optimized. The operating conditions and data acquisition 185 procedure are summarized in Table 2. Sm and Nd sensibility was about 15 V/ppm during the 186 analytical session. The baselines were measured at half-masses at the method start and 187 corrected on-line during each measurement. 188 189 2. 3. 2. Mass bias correction for MC-ICPMS measurements 190 191 The analytical developments were performed on natural SPEX solutions well characterized in 192 the laboratory for their isotopic ratios by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (cf 2.1.4). 193 Internal mass bias correction using the ratios 194 1.93009(51) and the mass bias was corrected by using the exponential law37. 144 Nd/146Nd = 0.72333(8) and 152 Sm/149Sm= 195 196 3. Results and discussion 197 198 3. 1. Separations on hybrid micro-device 199 200 The final objective is to couple a disposable isotachophoretic platform to ICPMS detection. 201 Once the ITP separation was optimized on a commercial instrument, a cost-effective hybrid 202 micro-device composed of two parts was developed (Figure 1a). The first one is a microchip 203 made of COC including injection channel, driving electrode, pump inlets and channels system 204 needed to filling process. The second one is a 30 µm i.d. x 70 cm length PVA-coated silica 205 capillary used as separation capillary and connected to the COC microchip by means of a zero 206 dead volume connexion. Prior to investigate hyphenation with MC-ICPMS detection, the 207 ability of the hybrid micro-device to separate lanthanides was checked using contactless 208 conductivity detection. Figure 2b shows the isotachophoregram obtained for the sample of 13 209 lanthanides separated under the same conditions as those previously used with a coupled 210 capillary configuration (Figure 2a)21. As can be seen in figure 2a and 2b, there is a good 211 agreement between results obtained in both experiments. However, the resolutions observed 212 with the hybrid micro-device are slightly lower than those obtained with the coupled capillary 213 configuration: the average resolution is equal to 0.72 in the former case and 0.78 in the latter 214 one21. A possible cause of these lower RS values with hybrid micro device is that, during 215 separation, sample is in contact with two different materials (COC in injection compartment 216 and PVA-coated silica in separation capillary). The difference of electro kinetic properties of 217 these inner surfaces probably involves a difference of EOF which is responsible for an -7- 218 additional dispersion phenomenon. Indeed, the presence of a non-negligible cathodic EOF on 219 COC surface under acidic conditions was also demonstrated38, 39. 220 221 3. 2. Coupling chip based ITP with MC-MC-ICPMS and nuclearization 222 223 The hybrid micro-device was then coupled with a multicollector inductively coupled plasma 224 mass spectrometer (ITP/ MC-ICPMS). The separation was focused on the four lanthanides 225 Nd, Sm, Eu, and Gd. Four non-interfered isotopes (146Nd, 147Sm, 151Eu, 155Gd) were acquired 226 in multicollection mode with a dwell time of 300 ms. As previously observed by ICP-QMS 227 using a capillary separation system21, the separation profile obtained by MC-ICPMS (Figure 228 3) shows for the Eu element two different plateaus probably due to europium subspecies like 229 EuOH+ and/or Eu(II)21. 230 The implantation of the micro-device in the glove box requires refinements that were 231 previously presented in Part 2.1.3. 232 233 3. 3. Isotopic ratio measurements by MC-ICPMS 234 235 The transient signals provided by ITP coupled with an MC-ICPMS have the particularity to 236 present a plateau within a specific time window. In contrast to ITP, Gas Chromatography 237 (GC) or High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) methods provide transient 238 signals with characteristic Gaussian peaks’ shape. For isotope ratio measurements in the 239 single data points of GC/HPLC transient signals, a significant drift has been observed that 240 deteriorate the isotope ratio accuracy11, 13, 40-43. In many cases the authors attribute this drift to 241 the data acquisition system behind the Faraday cups, which is not suitable for fast changing 242 signals44. For this reason, in this section we would like to investigate the potential use of the 243 plateau portion of the transient signals provided by ITP for isotope ratio measurements. Thus, 244 the hybrid micro device was coupled with the MC-ICPMS and only Nd and Sm in a first 245 approach were selected for isotope ratio measurements. 246 A solution of 5 ng of Nd and Sm in a volume of 0.8 l was injected on the hybrid micro 247 device and the nine selected isotopes were measured simultaneously on the nine Faraday cups 248 with an integration time of 300 ms (Table 3). As can be seen in the Figure 4, two quasi- 249 rectangular bands corresponding to Nd and Sm solutes are observed. The duration of the two 250 peaks on the plateau was evaluated at about 9 s. The signal stability of the intensities on the 251 major isotopes of 142Nd and 147Sm evaluated by the standard deviation (RSD), was equal to ~3 -8- 252 %. In Figure 5 only two isotopes (146Nd and 147Sm) are illustrated in logarithmic scale in order 253 to better visualise the mixing zone between the two solutes. As illustrated in this figure no 254 important contribution of Sm fraction within Nd is observed while a contribution of Nd tailing 255 (~1%) during Sm elution is observed. 256 This tailing is probably due to the short washout time for eliminating Nd memory effects from 257 the introduction system. Direct injection systems should be an alternative way in order to 258 minimize the tailing effect. 259 260 3.3.1 Nd isotopic ratio 261 262 For Nd isotopic ratio measurements the plateau area between 993 s and 1002 s was used 263 (Figure 5). The average isotope intensities before the elements elution were used for the 264 evaluation of the background noise. 265 All isotope intensities in the plateau were corrected after data acquisition for the background 266 noise. As illustrated in Figure 5 a drift (~2%) of the point by point 142Nd/146Nd isotope ratio is 267 observed indicating an isotopic fractionation between 142Nd and 146Nd during the plateau area. 268 In order to better investigate this drift, the relative difference between the raw Nd isotope 269 ratios, and the Nd reference values was calculated according to the next equation: 270 271 X X 146 146 Nd ref Nd m X (%) 100 X 146 Nd ref (2) 272 where X and (X/146Nd)m are the Nd isotopes and the measured Nd ratios (no corrected for 273 instrumental mass bias), respectively and where (X/146Nd)ref is the Nd reference ratio values as 274 reported by Dubois et al36. A drift during the peak elution for all Nd(%) ratios was observed 275 indicating a continuous fractionation of the Nd isotope ratios within the plateau area (Figure 276 6a). Plotting the linear regression slopes of the Nd(%) as a function of mass as illustrated in 277 Figure 7, shows that isotope fractionation is mass dependent. Two independent injections of 5 278 ng of Nd and Sm were carried out in the same experimental conditions and the same drift for 279 Nd isotope ratios was observed. 280 For transient signals in order to continuously monitor the machine drift an external tracer 281 directly connected in the nebulizer is generally used. Here, we should point out that an isotope 282 ratio drift of about 2% generated from within the machine in a time window of 9 s and for a -9- 283 no time-changing signal seems unrealistic. Although, data acquisition conditions and system 284 configuration could generate an isotope ratio drift during transient signals acquisition46, in this 285 case the mass-depended drift (Figure 7) suggests that this drift could come from the ITP 286 separation system. During element separation lighter ions should migrate faster (kinetic 287 isotope fractionation) and thus their concentrations increase in the beginning of the element 288 bands. Isotope ratio fractionation has already been observed for capillary zone electrophoresis 289 (CZE) and also the potential use of CZE for performing elemental and isotopic separations in 290 natural abundance chloride has already been investigated45. 291 292 293 Despite the fact that Nd isotope ratios drift in plateau area, the precision of the mass bias 294 corrected Nd isotope ratios was investigated. The linear regression slopes of the 295 simultaneously collected intensities for all Nd isotopes were calculated using the method 296 developed by Fietzke et al. and recently applied by Epov et al.46, 47 for transient signals. They 297 show that “the slope of the linear regression of the simultaneously measured intensities of two 298 isotopes represents their isotopic ratio”. The internal error varies between 4 and 6% (Table 3) 299 and is inferior to the drift observed along the plateau (~2%). The slope values and their 300 associated errors (expressed at a 95% confidence level) of all the linear regressions used in 301 this work were calculated by employing the robust regression option of the ISOPLOT 302 program version 3.27. ISOPLOT developed by K.R. Ludwig (Berkeley Geochronology 303 Center) and is a flexible tool for isotope data interpretation. 304 To have an evaluation of the bias between the corrected Nd ratio and the reference value36, we 305 have chosen to perform an internal mass bias correction. The measured 306 ratio and the exponential law37, 48 were used for this correction. The Nd isotope ratio accuracy 307 varies between 0.1 and 1.2 % (Table 3). 142 Nd/146Nd isotope 308 309 310 3.3.2 Sm isotopic ratio 311 312 For Sm isotopic ratio the plateau area between 1004 s and 1013 s was used (Figure 5). Like 313 Nd, the Sm plateau area starts 2 seconds after the beginning of the Sm plateau and its end is 314 ~1 s before the decreasing phase of the signal. All isotope intensities in the plateau were 315 corrected after data acquisition for the background noise. Before examining the point by point 316 Sm isotope ratios, the 144 Sm/147Sm, 148 Sm/147Sm and - 10 - 150 Sm/147Sm ratios were corrected for 144 Nd, 148 Nd and 150 317 isobaric interferences from Nd, respectively. This correction has been 318 realized using the interference-free isotope, 146Nd, according to the next equation: 319 320 i i Nd Smtrue i Smmeas 146 Nd 146 Nd meas (3) 321 322 where iSmtrue and iSmmeas are the corrected and the measured intensities of the interfered Sm 323 isotopes (144, 148, 150). (iNd/146Nd)meas are the measured ratios for the Nd isotopes of 324 interest. As can be seen in Figure 5 the non-interfered point by point 147Sm/149Sm isotope ratio 325 shows a drift of about 1% within the plateau area. By following the same procedure as for the 326 Nd ratios, it is clear that the point by point Sm isotope ratios drift in the plateau (Figure 6b) 327 and this drift is mass dependent (Figure 7). 328 For Sm, isotope ratios are evaluated by the linear regression method previously described and 329 the measured 330 correction. Table 3 shows that the internal error is ~2% for 148Sm/149Sm and 150Sm/149Sm and 331 ~9.5% for the 144Sm/149Sm ratio (144 is the minor isotope of Sm with a natural abundance of 332 about 3.07%). The Sm isotope ratio accuracy varies between 0.14 and 1.69%. 147 Sm/149Sm isotope ratio and the exponential law were used for mass bias 333 334 4. Conclusion 335 336 In this article the conception and fabrication, based on lab on chip technology, of a micro- 337 device dedicated to the separation of lanthanides in nuclear fuel samples is shown. The micro- 338 device fabrication is standardized and high reproductibility between chips replicas is obtained. 339 The isotachophoretic separation of lanthanides is effective along a capillary, connecting the 340 microsystem directly with the detection system. The separation is based on the presence of a 341 complexing agent (HMBA) added to the leading electrolyte. The lenght of the capillary could 342 be adapted to the different amounts of lanthanides present in a fuel sample. The micro-device 343 was adapted to be implanted in glove box and the solutions are never in contact with the 344 hardware fixed on the micro-device in order to prevent their contamination and allow 345 successive uses. 346 The micro-device was directly coupled to an MC-ICPMS for the on-line measurements of Nd 347 and Sm isotopic ratio. This is the first time that such a coupling is performed and the 348 feasibility is demonstrated in this study. Accuracy and reproducibility obtained for isotope - 11 - 349 ratio measurements are very promising. However, further work in order to investigate and 350 control the drift on isotope ratio during the plateau elution is major for future applications. 351 352 - 12 - 353 354 355 Table 1 : Control program of the different steps for isotachophoretic separation on the micro- 356 device. 357 Step Current Pump status (µA) PPL PPS PPT 1 0 on off off 2 0 disconnected on off 3 0 disconnected off on 4 X≠0 disconnected off off 358 359 - 13 - 360 361 Table 2: Instrument settings of the MC-ICPMS. 362 Parameter Value / description Make-up flow 10 µL / min RF power 1350 W Nebulizer gas flow 0.7 - 0.8 L / min Auxiliary gas flow 1.2 L / min Cool gas flow 14 L / min Hex. RF Amplitude 80% Acquisition mode Static multicollection Resolution (10%) 400 RP Integration time 300 ms 363 364 - 14 - 365 366 Table 3: Reproducibility and accuracy for Nd and Sm isotopic ratios derived from linear slope 367 regression of natural Nd, Sm solution obtained by ITP-MC-ICPMS. Nd isotopic ratios 142Nd/146Nd 143Nd/146Nd 144Nd/146Nd 145Nd/146Nd 148Nd/146Nd 150Nd/146Nd Corrected ratio Rtrue 0.706(33) 1.378(55) 0.4800(93) 0.340(13) 0.330(20) % Error (2σ) 4.6 0.70641(11) 4.0 1.3825(2) 1.9 0.48213(6) 0.095 0.35 0.44 36 Reference ratio Rref 1.5756(3) Accuracy (%) Sm isotopic ratios 144Sm/149Sm 147Sm/149Sm 148Sm/149Sm 150Sm/149Sm Corrected ratio Rtrue 0.225(22) 0.815(16) 0.525(09) % Error (2σ) Reference ratio36 Rref 9.5 0.22382(14) 2.0 0.81419(6) 1.8 0.53366(15) Accuracy (%) 0.75 0.14 1.69 1.0868(2) 368 - 15 - 3.7 6.1 0.33597(14) 0.32932(12) 1.24 0.26 369 Références 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 1. P.-A. Auroux, D. Iossifidis, D. R. Reyes and A. Manz, Anal. Chem., 2002, 74, 2637. 2. D. Figeys and D. Pinto, Anal. Chem., 2000, 72, 330 A. 3. D. R. Reyes, D. Iossifidis, P.-A. Auroux and A. 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