Mental Lexicon - The Ohio State University

NAME: ______________________
Multiple Choice Questions (27 items * 2 points/each)
Direction: Circle your answer (i.e. a, b, c, or d), and make your choice clear.
1. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. Phonetics is the study of mental representation of speech sound.
b. Morphology is the study of word-formation rules.
c. Syntax is the study of sentence structure.
d. Semantics is the study of meaning in language.
2. Which of the following is NOT used in categorizing consonants?
a. Vocing
b. Lip Rounding
c. Manner of Articulation
d. Place of Articulation
3. Identify the following description: a class of speech sounds identified by a native speaker as
the same sound; Usually tested in minimal pairs.
a. Phone
b. Phoneme
c. Allophone
d. Morpheme
4. Identify the following description: the native speaker’s ability to judge grammatical vs.
ungrammatical sentences, and generate infinite number of grammatical sentences.
a. Innateness of language
b. Systematicity of language
c. Linguistic performance
d. Linguistic competence
5. Identify the following description: the smallest linguistic unit which has a meaning or
grammatical function
a. Phone
b. Phoneme
c. Allophone
d. Morpheme
6. Which of the following lists can be categorized by the same place of articulation?
a. k, g, š, č
b. t, d, s, z
c. s, z, f, v
d. p, k, f, θ
7. Which of the following lists can be categorized by the same manner of articulation?
a. k, g, š, č
b. t, d, s, z
c. s, z, f, v
d. p, b, f, θ
8. Which of the following lists presents front vowels?
a. i, e, a
b. ε, Λ, o
c. I, ae, ε
d. u, o, a
9. Which is of the following lists include content morphemes only?
a. salt, and, pepper
b. function, morpheme, only
c. the, Ohio, state, university
d. king, of, England
10. One of the difficulties in speech perception is non-discreteness of speech signal. In other
words, there is no sharp physical break between adjacent sounds in a syllable (i.e. Ice-cream
vs. I scream). What is this problem called?
a. Categorical perception
b. Invarience problem
c. Segmentation problem
Q. 11 ~ 12
There exist allophonic variations (i.e. there are more than one phonetic realization of one
phoneme) and diversity in different speakers such as variations in accent, loudness and pitch.
Due to these variations and diversity, it is extremely difficult to make a machine that understands
human speech (the talking robots we saw in movies are lies!)
11. What is this nature of speech?
a. Categorical perception
b. Invarience problem
c. Segmentation problem
12. Despite the problem, we (human speakers) are able to identify and discriminate speech
stimuli without much difficulty. What makes it possible for us to understand variations of
speech signals?
a. Categorical perception
b. Invarience problem
c. Segmentation problem
13. In phoneme monitoring tasks, participants sometimes do not detect a missing sound in a
sentence and report that the deleted phoneme is perceptually restored. In addition, their
phoneme restoration depends on the sentence context. What is this processing strategy
a. Integration processing
b. Top-down processing
c. Bottom-up processing
d. Context processing
14. In word recognition, it is easier to recognize words like “belly” compared to “abdomen.”
What is this effect called?
a. frequency effect
b. phonological neighborhood effect
c context effect
d. familiarity effect
15. In word recognition, it is easier to recognize a word that is presented in a sentence than in
isolation. What is this effect called?
a. frequency effect
b. phonological neighborhood effect
c context effect
d. familiarity effect
16. There is a study that shows human speakers tend to integrate visual and auditory information
in speech perception. What is this called?
a. Top-down effect
b. Bottom-up effect
c. Visual perception effect
d. McGurk effect
17. Levelt proposed that each word is stored in the form of so-called “lexical entry”. Lexical
entries are composed of lemma and lexeme. Which of the following information sets is
stored in lemma?
a. morphology, meaning
b. syntax, meaning
c. syntax, morphology
d. morphology, phonology
18 ~ 20 Words are stored associated with other words by meaning, by form, or by collocate
relationship. The lexical organization can be observed in word association task, lexical judgment,
and speech error data. Identify the type of word association from the following examples.
18. In speech error data:
I’ve been continuously distressed by her... (Intended: ... continuously impressed by her...)
a. association by meaning
b. association by sound
c. association by frequency of co-occurrence
19. In word association task:
Given word: salt
Response: pepper
a. association by sound
b. association by frequency of co-occurrence
c. blend
20. In word association task:
Given word: summer
Response: winter
a. synonym
b. opposite
c. super-ordinate relation
d. subordinate relation
21. In lexical judgment task, subjects are visually presented an extra word right before a target
word (the word being judged). In such experiment, the findings show that the lexical
judgment time on “doctor” is faster when a word “nurse” is presented compared to when a
word “elephant” is presented. What is this effect called?
a. tip of the tongue
b. frequency of association
c. form based priming
d. semantic priming
22. One of the methods to test the hierarchical network model (one of the theoretical models of
mental lexicon) is to measure people’s reaction time to judge whether a sentence makes
sense. For example, “A canary is a bird.” What is the name of this experiment called?
a. lexical judgment
b. semantic verification
c. naming
d. shadowing
23. What does the following describe?
“A state where you know that the word is in your vocabulary and can even
get a kind of mental image of it, but cannot retrieve its form”
a. slips of the ear
b. slips of the tongue
c. tip of the ear
d. tip of the tongue
24. Which of the following cannot be well accounted for according to the hierarchical network
a. typicality effect
b. semantic field
c. superordinates and subordinates relation
d. none of the above
25. According to the Autonomous Serial Search Model (one of the Word Access Models), a
word is recognized through a serial search. What does this mean?
a. There is no interaction among different types of modalities
b. There is a series of processing stages in terms of word recognition.
c. Words are searched and accessed one at a time.
d. Each word has a serial number tagged to it.
26. According to the Autonomous Serial Search Model, There are search files (i.e. so-called
access files), where sets of words are organized in bins. In each search file, how are these
words organized?
a. alphabetically
b. according to meaning
c. according to frequency
d. according to sound
27. Which of the following is NOT true about the Logogen Model?
a. This model proposes that words are accessed by process of activation.
b. This model proposes that words are accessed by process of search.
c. This model proposes that multiple words are activated at the same time.
d. This model proposes that words are competing with each other.
Short Answer Questions (10 items * 3 points/each)
Direction: Write down the right term for the following descriptions.
28. How many morphemes exist in the following word? Mark all of the morphemes: misspellings
29. In a categorical perception experiment, the interval of time between the release of air
pressure and the onset of vocal cord vibration is manipulated. This time interval is a
measurement to distinguish a voiced stop consonant and its voiceless counterpart.
What is it called?
30. Describe phonological neighborhood effect in spoken word recognition.
31. In a speech perception experiment, a subject is instructed to repeat what s/he hears. What is
this research method called?
32. The Cohort Model has three stages in word recognition. The first stage is called “Access
Stage” where a candidate set of words is activated as soon as speech sounds are heard. The
next stage, incompatible words are eliminated either because they don’t match to the
incoming sound sequence or because they are inconsistent with context. At this stage, one
candidate is singled out. What is this stage called?
33 ~ 34 The following figure represents the typical pattern of a categorical perception
experiment. Identify what the solid line and the dotted line represent respectively.
% of
Identification 50
% of
Stimulus Number
33. Identification experiment : Solid line (
Discrimination experiment: Solid line (
) or Dotted line (
) or Dotted line (
34. What does the solid line mean?
36. In speech perception, it is controversial whether there exists a single idealized representation
of a phoneme or a whole range of sound exemplars are stored. What is this idealized
representation of a phoneme called?
37. Hyponyms are words that are members of the same category. Explain super-ordinates,
subordinates, and co-hyponyms by taking examples.
Essay Questions (3 items * 6 points/each)
Mental Lexicon
38. Levelt proposes that a mental lexicon (simply, a word) is stored in our mind in the form of a
lexical entry. Lexical entries are divided into two levels: lemma level and lexeme level.
Think of the word “cat”, and its lexical entry. What kinds of information are encoded in the
lemma and lexeme the word “cat”? Fill in the following lexical entry of “CAT” with the
information type and the content of the information (e.g. if it is a lexical entry of “apple”, one
of the information types would be “phonological info” and its content would be /æpl/)
Lexical Entry of “CAT”
39. According to the Hierarchical Network Model (one of the theoretical models of mental
lexicon), the words are organized hierarchically. Consider the following words: animal,
bird, robin, penguin. Draw your own hierarchical network of these words.
1. one example of a hierarchical network model;
meaning you are supposed to draw something like this
2. you need to specify the following information
in organizing the words:
breathes, has lungs, has wings, lays eggs, flies,
has red breast, swims, cannot fly.
40. According to the Spreading Activation Model (one of the theoretical models of mental
lexicon), the length of link between words reflect the relationship between concepts.
Consider the following words: animal, bird, canary, ostrich Draw your own spreading
activation model of these words.
1. one example of a spreading activation model;
meaning you are supposed to draw something like this
2. this model is different from the hierarchical model;
include all necessary links (i.e. nodes)
3. be careful about the length of each node