Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft
Wintersemester 2006/2007
Veranstaltung: Teaching Specific Domains of English Language Competence
Veranstalterin: Frau Brüning
Referentin: Mareen Hoepfner
The relationships among words in the lexical system of the English language
Word – world (link between meaning and world)
Denotative meaning : a word has reference to an object, action, or event [labelling system]
Connotative meaning : belongs to attitudes and emotions of a language user
Word – word(s) (sense relations among words)
Syntagmatic relations : relations between items in sentences
Collocations (e.g. a long road , *a tall road)
Idiomatic expressions (e.g. metaphors, similes, catch phrases, phrasal verb idioms,…)
Paradigmatic relations : complex relations between items in the whole lexical system
Synonymy : a linguist item can be exchanged for another without changing the meaning
complementary : oppositions (e.g. male – female)
converseness: one term implies the other (e.g. parent – child)
gradable antonymy : scale of items which may or may not relate to a
similar scale in the learners L1 (e.g. boiling – hot – tepid – cold)
Hyponymy : one word includes others within a hierarchy (computer
keyboard, mouse)
Acquisition of vocabulary
Active vocabulary : produced in speech and writing
Passive vocabulary : recognized when encountered
Vocabulary knowledge as a scale:
words making greater sense
words in context
automatic production
Strategies for vocabulary learning
Cognitive (concrete mental operations )
Keyword: word from L1 which sounds like new word from L2
Learning words in groups
Lexical inference: cover a word through morphology and/or context
Metacognitive (activities used to remember words)
Collecting words from authentic contexts
Making word cards
Categorize words into lists
Vocabulary notebook
Factor affecting vocabulary acquisition
Features of input
most frequent words in the English language are the most useful ones
recognizing correct word stress and syllabus patterns leads to facilitate quick comprehension
words in context lead to better retention than isolated words
The relationship between input and storage
Depth of processing
active mental involvement and emotional response
Building word networks
aim: categorize words systematically and build careful networks of meaning