CHARLIE MYERS, CHAIR WARREN RUSSELL, VICECHAIR MICHAEL FRANZOIA 569 COURT STREET ELKO, NEVADA 89801 PHONE (775) 738-5398 FAX # (775) 753-8535 ELKO COUNTY REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 569 COURT STREET ELKO, NEVADA 89801 ELKO COUNTY REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, COUNTY OF ELKO, STATE OF NEVADA, REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE ELKO COUNTY COURTHOUSE ROOM 105, 571 IDAHO STREET, ELKO, NEVADA, BEGINNING AT 10:00 A.M., PACIFIC TIME. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION The Regional Transportation Commission, County of Elko, State of Nevada, met in a regular session on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, in Room 105 of the Elko County Courthouse, 571 Idaho Street, Elko, Nevada beginning at 10:00 A.M. (PST). Commissioner Members Present: Others Present: CHARLIE MYERS, Chair MIKE FRANZOIA WARREN RUSSELL ROBERT STOKES CASH MINOR MARILYN TIPTON OTIS TIPTON DELMO ANDREOZZI DENNIS STRICKLAND RANDY HESTERLEE PAM BORDA BRYCE KIMBER, JR. JOLENE SUPP County Manager CFO/Asst. County Mgr. Deputy County Clerk County Road Supervisor Elko Asst. City Manager Elko City Public Works Dir. NDOT Traffic Engineer Spring Creek Assoc. Pres. W. Wendover Public Works Wells City Manager REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 2009 PAGE 1 Commissioner Myers led the meeting participants in the Pledge of Allegiance. I. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: No public comments were submitted. II. APPROVAL OF PRECEDING MINUTES: October 1, 2008 - Regular Meeting MOTION: Commissioner Franzoia moved to approve the October 1, 2008 meeting minutes. Commissioner Russell seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously. III. ELECTION OF 2009 OFFICERS: Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair positions for Calendar Year 2009. MOTION: Commissioner Franzoia moved to re-appoint Commissioner Myers as Chair and Commissioner Russell as Vice-Chair for the Calendar Year of 2009. Commissioner Russell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. IV. ELKO COUNTY REGIONAL STREET AND HIGHWAY FUND: Review of Quarterly Financial Reports relating to Regional Street and Highway fund. Cash Minor presented the written quarterly report. He noted the total collections for the RTC funds in 2007-08 were 1.3 million dollars. He stated the there were four months in which they had collected the two and one-half cent gas tax. He passed out the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 collections depicting the two and one-half cents gas tax collected for each entity. He stated the County elected to allocate their portion to the roundabout, road advisory committee and maintenance. Commissioner Myers requested clarification that for the City of Elko in 07/08 their apportionment would be an additional $72,000 from the additional gas tax. Cash Minor stated that would be for the four months collected in 2007/08. He stated that for the first 4 months in 08-09 the City of Elko’s apportionment would be $73,000 from the additional gas tax. He reported $260,000 was collected within the eight month period. Cash Minor noted on page 4 was the project list. He stated that there was gravel charged with no REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 2009 PAGE - 2 budget in the amount of $34,000. Otis Tipton questioned why the $34,000 would come from RTC because it went to the Jack Creek Bridge and that was not the County’s. He had obtained permission to use the gravel but when the project was completed the rancher wanted payment for the gravel. Commissioner Myers noted he and Commission Nannini were involved with that project but believed the amount should have been $1,800 to the rancher. Robert Stokes clarified that it was a County road but was not maintained by the County. Otis Tipton believed that the amount for the Jack Creek gravel was $4,000. He stated Commissioner Nannini had spoken to Debbie Armuth on the gravel payment and suggested that Cash Minor review that discussion with Debbie Armuth. Cash Minor noted page 5 showed the allocations to the entities and he reviewed the balance of the safety fund. MOTION: Commissioner Russell moved to approve the RTC quarterly financial report. Commissioner Franzoia seconded the motion subject to them getting an answer to the questions on the gravel. Cash Minor stated in the next report they would add the Road Advisory Committee and the Spring Creek Roundabout’s portions into the County’s allocation regarding the two and one-half cent gas tax. The motion was passed unanimously. V. ELKO COUNTY: A. Spring Creek Area Roundabout: Discussion and consideration of the NDOT proposal to address traffic management issues at Licht Parkway in the Spring Creek area and all other matters related thereto. Randy Hesterlee, NDOT Traffic Engineer, reported that the Department was going forward with the roundabout design for that intersection. It would be a single lane roundabout with three right turn lanes. Randy Hesterlee stated there was a request to be on the County’s February agenda for Fred Droes to make a presentation on the roundabout. Commissioner Myers noted there were interviews after the unfortunate accident. He stated one of the individuals interviewed worked for NDOT and he agreed that a traffic light should go out there. He inquired why an NDOT individual would make such a comment when the warrants did not meet the requirements for a traffic signal. Randy Hesterlee REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 2009 PAGE 3 stated they could not put a light out there because their studies did not warrant a traffic signal. Robert Stokes stated they had an issue with their February meetings so it may be held the third week of February. Commissioner Myers invited Randy Hesterlee to come on the radio with him in February to get more information to the public before that meeting was held. VII. NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: Update reporting as may be available relating to traffic counts, projects, and other matters of interest. Randy Hesterlee, NDOT District Traffic Engineer, submitted the recent traffic count through November 2008. He stated their December numbers had not come in. He submitted a comparison from 2004 to 2008 and they were still showing a decrease in their traffic count when they expected growth over that period. Randy Hesterlee reported they lost the Fifth Street traffic counter. He stated it was not replaced because the new pavement was installed and there was no appetite to cut new holes in the new pavement. Commissioner Myers stated Cash Minor informed them there was a downturn in revenue in sales tax and gas tax because more people were not traveling. Randy Hesterlee stated that decrease was over the whole state. Robert Stokes reported that there had been articles in the national and statewide press talking about changing the gas tax formula from a usage formula to a mileage formula. He explained that when an individual renewed their vehicle registration they would submit how many miles they put on that vehicle and a tax would be assessed when they renew their registration. Robert Stokes noted they were looking at that at the federal level also. Commissioner Franzoia commented that California had looked at that gas assessment for several years. Cash Minor noted there was already a program being tested in seven and eight states with that assessment where they charge per mile traveled. Randy Hesterlee stated the metro areas were using that as a congestion reducing measure also. Commissioner Myers commented that would mean the western states would pay big because they have a longer distance to travel. Robert Stokes noted the federal gasoline tax revenue was declining but the infrastructure needs were increasing. Commissioner Franzoia stated a portion of the stimulus package was to increase the federal tax 50% which was not only new money but tax money coming in. Commissioner Russell was told that the Elko County NDOT maintenance crews for the vehicles were decreased. As a consequence, when the snow REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 2009 PAGE - 4 became a problem there were vehicles that were not properly maintained. Commissioner Russell asked that Randy Hesterlee confirm that NDOT maintenance was degraded as a result of budget problems. Randy Hesterlee stated they were seeing budget impacts but they were trying to keep the same level of service. He stated they were waiting for the storm to come in and doing more efforts on anti-icing agents. He stated their intention was to maintain the same level of service and to keep them safe for travel as possible. Commissioner Russell inquired if they had reduced employees which serviced the vehicles. Randy Hesterlee stated he was not aware of that but it was difficult to fill mechanic positions due to lack of interest. He understood that there was only one position in the Elko area that was vacant and one in the Wells area. He stated they were pursuing filling those positions. V. ELKO COUNTY: B. County Safety Fund: Discussion and consideration of a request from the Adobe Heights Homeowners Association for speed limit signs and all other matters related thereto. Robert Stokes stated they had requested six signs and staff recommended the expenditure be authorized for no more than $1,500.00. Commissioner Franzoia inquired if their request for six signs was too many signs for that area. Robert Stokes stated they would review the area. Commissioner Russell inquired what the speed limit request was. Robert Stokes replied it was 35 miles per hour and they were requesting 25 miles per hour. Commissioner Russell inquired if posting the speed at 35 would accomplish the same effect to reduce the speed in the area. Robert Stokes felt few people would abide by the signage if it was reduced by 25mph. Commissioner Russell noted there was a problem to enforce the reduced speed limit and suggested they post the 35 mph speed limit signs. Commissioner Franzoia asked what the vehicle traffic was daily. He noted in the City posted 25 mph and some were not posted but the base speed limit was 25 miles per hour. Commissioner Franzoia questioned if it was a waste of money because they could not enforce it and the people would still go past the speed limit. Robert Stokes noted this would have to be taken to the County Commission to reduce the speed to 25 mph. Commissioner Franzoia asked if this was a closed subdivision and if there was only one way in and out. If it had REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 2009 PAGE 5 only one entrance then they could put up only one sign posting speed limit to reduce the costs. If there were two entrances, they could post a sign at each entrance. Commissioner Russell asked about the signage costs. Otis Tipton estimated $250.00 for the signage. MOTION: Commissioner Russell moved to approve the request from the Adobe Heights Homeowners Association for speed limit signs for no more than $600.00 and the County Manager would negotiate with the subdivision residents to come to some conclusion upon the speed limit. Commissioner Franzoia seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VI. 2009 NEVADA LEGISLATIVE SESSION: Discussion and consideration of issues and legislation related to the 2009 Nevada Legislative Session. Commissioner Russell had heard that there would be public works money coming from the federal government and asked how that would impact NDOT and their expenditures. Randy Hesterlee stated that if they were to see the influx of transportation money through the stimulus program they have set up a number of projects to utilize that money in a rapid fashion. In this area there would be some structural work on bridges performed, and there were plans for widening and flattening slopes on some two lane highways. Randy Hesterlee cautioned that they had not heard definitively that funding was coming. Commissioner Russell commented that meant employment for people in Elko County. VIII. ENTITY PROJECTS REPORTING: The Board received status reports on entity projects being financed by Regional Street and Highway Fund apportionments. City of Carlin: No report was submitted. City of Elko: Dennis Strickland reported the City was in a holding pattern on the Fifth Street project completion. He stated the main goal was to get the existing bonds paid in full. They would discuss with council their long term goals during budget season. Dennis Strickland did not see a lot of future construction within the City of Elko. Commissioner Myers noted a lot of people were not familiar with the REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 2009 PAGE - 6 changes on Fifth street but commented it was a great improvement. Dennis noted that it moved the traffic more quickly and more safely. City of Wells: Jolene Supp reported they had completed the Community Assessment and a Corridor Enhancement Plan. She believed they would have to decide where downtown would be. Jolene Supp stated the owner of the 4-Way concentrated on curbs, sidewalks and gutters last year. She believed other property owners would also want to participate. Jolene Supp stated they had listed the Corridor Enhancement Plan with NDOT in case there was stimulus money available. They plan was inclusive of the Fish Creek entrance north of town. She commented that the NDOT personnel in Wells was busy and did an outstanding job of snow removal in the Wells area. Jolene Supp stated they had contacted NDOT regarding the 4-way intersections with regards to landscaping those areas. City of West Wendover: Bryce Kimber stated there was nothing to report. Town of Jackpot: Robert Stokes stated that there was nothing to report upon presently. They had received a drainage grant through NDOT for the Jackpot project. Spring Creek Association: Pam Borda, Spring Creek President, stated they recently went through their budget process for 2009 and they were cutting back on the road work they could do. They would only chip seal this summer based on their funds. Pam Borda requested that RTC consider increasing their funding. She reported that they were doing half the work they did for the same price three years ago. Commissioner Myers suggested that she send a formal request from the Spring Creek Association to the Board. Cash Minor reported the Spring Creek Association’s allocation came from the County’s portion. He assumed that it would have to be addressed by the County Commission. Commissioner Russell noted if they take it from the County’s portion then the County Road Department would have less money to operate on. Elko County School District: No report submitted. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 2009 PAGE 7 Elko County: Otis Tipton reported the County had completed their portion of that project. They would finish sealing the parking lot with the remainder of the County’s donation. He stated there were two bridges in need of replacing. The Seventh Canyon Bridge funding would need to come from the County’s RTC portion. The north Tuscarora Bridge would fall under the Federal Bridge Replacement Program which was a 20% match. Otis Tipton stated the Seventh Canyon Bridge might take 2 years to complete because of the right of way. Commissioner Russell inquired if that bridge met the federal qualifications for bridge replacement and received a negative response. Otis Tipton stated Kevin Lee had contacted him and he had submitted a list of projects if there were stimulus monies. He noted they would only have 120 days to use that money. Kevin Lee had informed him that the County may have to get their own engineering for their projects. Otis Tipton stated one of the proposed projects was the bicycle path to be paved in Spring Creek area. He noted they may have to drop mag and lig projects to utilize the funding within the 120 day period. IX. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF ROUTINE RTC ISSUES: No comments were submitted. X. APRIL 2009 RTC MEETING: Chairman Myers noted the next RTC regular meeting was scheduled for April 1, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION: Commissioner Franzoia moved to adjourn. Commissioner Russell seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:41 a.m. APPROVED, CHARLIE MYERS, Chairman ATTEST: MARILYN TIPTON, Deputy Clerk REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 2009 PAGE - 8