VENUS Previous Seminar Experiences Survey: VENUS Partner Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Department of Computers and Informatics Name of the Seminar (series) Utilisation of eEDUSER Portal Environment for Training Purposes Institutions involved Content FernUniversitaet Hagen, Germany FASE, Formacia Asesores en Selecci� Empleo S.L., Zaragoza, Spain Turku Polytechnic, Telecommunication and e-Business, Finland IDEC S.A., Piraeus, Greece elfa, s.r.o., Kosice, Slovakia Faculty of Electrical Eng. and Informatics, Technical University of Ko?ice, Slovakia Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina, Slovakia Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia Secondary Vocational Electrotechnical School, Michalovce, Slovakia Practical training of eEDUSER portal utilisation in daily teaching practice. The course was based on a series of 5 virtual meetings to show: performance of portal, administration functionality, and portal utilisation for training purposes). The emphasis was puted especially at detailed verification of portal functions from view of utilisation of various types of on-line education resources: multipoint videoconference, IP video streaming. with special attention to: practical solution of technical problems, methodology of resources utilisation for education purposes, optimisation of portal functionality (based on obtained experience from pilot operation). Structure of Seminar Series - Didactic Model The series of virtual (remote) sessions was organised in 2 parts: 1) three virtual meetings were devoted to explanation of portal functionality and on-line communication technology (videoconference, IP video streamings), 2) two virtual meetings were devoted to show practical utilisation of portal. Two lectures - presentations from field of el. engineering fundamentals were chosen that was supported by interactive e-learning materials (outputs of a Leonardo da Vinci project INETELE: Seminars topics, given by experts from CNL: 1. Development of Course and Virtual Class Organisation (Grilli) 2. IP Video Streaming Technology and Organisation of Live IP Streamings Transmission (Michalko) 3. VRVS and Communicator Functionality (Kapová) 4. Power Semiconductor Devices – Fundamentals (Dudrík) 5. Electrical DC and AC Drives – Fundamentals (Fedák) Each seminar lasts about 1.5 hour. All seminars were disseminated to all project partners by VRVS videoconference technology and IP videostreaming technology on line. The discussions were moderated by the same moderators at each session. Supporting activities (before and after activities, if any) Student Support Prerequisities - The course participant has: to be familiar with project goals, to be familiar with portal functionality, to be registered in the portal in role of a student, to know Help Document for the Portal. to be familiar with VRVS (, to be familiar with IP streamings technology ( Course material was also available to the students in the form of printed materials, ppt presentations and electronic version through eeduser LMS environment and GWT (virtual classroom, Full study materials are published and was available to the students in the form of a books too. Based on the data about the course participant a virtual class was created by the course administrator. Course participants were received details on technical conditions dealing with virtual meetings organisation before course starting. Supported the teaching materials were announced to the course participants at least a week before the virtual meeting starts. Staff Support Technical support Target group The speakers at the lectures and the moderators do not receive any specific training before the videoconference lectures. Administration support: Iveta Zamecnikova ( –course administration Frantisek Jakab ( – course organizer (part 1) Viliam Fedák ( – course organizer (part 2) Full technical support was provide by CNL staff (5 person). Project eeduser partners (10 training institutions). Trainers and teachers intending to utilise portal functions, and esp. on-line video communication. Each partner selected at least one course participant for the course. The seminar series could also be followed as ‘free student’ and by other interested people from the general public. For administration and management of the pilot course there was utilised eEDUSER portal environment. The course organisation methodology was developed by the course team. The course utilised the following training resources: ppt presentations, on-line meetings (VRVS – www.vrvs.ort and IP video streaming –, html modules. Technologies used Requirements for course participants: multimedia PC (microphone, speakers, web cam, MS Windows 2000 and higher), access to the internet (min. ADSL), Each virtual meeting wasl utilised both VRVS and IP streaming technologies. If the partner was not able to ensure communication using VRVS (e.g. a weak connection to the internet) than he/she was surely able to utilise the IP streamings (with restriction that only chat features for the feedback - questions to the course instructor could be utilised). Examination Evaluation of participants’ knowledge was performed at the end of the course through on-line testing (taking into consideration contents from the first three meetings). Accreditation Course is not acredited Evaluation Evaluation report was performed by course participants and comprehensive report by course leader. There were registered many students but only few of them participated in all virtual meetings. Many of them did not master by the basic communication tools and this was reason that the allocated time for the lecture was not effectively utilised. The used communcation tools inside the virtual classroom are very suitable and valuable for organising of the traninig. Using of simultaneous combination of videoconference and IP streaming presents an extreme educationaô tool (if one of them fails then the second one can be used) provided that the users have basic knowledge with using these tools). The course organisation through portal is very effective and at present the staff of the DCI FEEI is starting to utilis regularly the portal for training puproses (full time study) Problems reported The partners were not fully prepared to the organisation of videoconferencing transinssion. We spent a lot of time with maintenance of communication equipment, esp. with voice quality The participants did not connect hemselves the time of transmittions. They connected themselves during the lecture and there was missing information what to do after connection into the virtual classroom. The learners required getting presentation available before the lecture. The learners did not utilise all possibilities offered by the virtual classroom feature (communication and collaboration tools) There was missing detailed information about the resources and environments to be utilised during the lecture Name of the person who completes this form: Frantisek Jakab,