Developing Innovative Competences: The role of institutional frameworks by Richard Whitley (Manchester Business School, University of Manchester) ABSTRACT The recent development of the biotechnology and computer industries has highlighted the variety of ways in which firms in different countries and sectors can develop innovative competences. Four aspects are particularly important: the degree of involvement in the public science system, involvement in industry networks, reliance on specialist skills of individuals, and the ability to change competences radically. National and regional variations in these result from differences in dominant institutional frameworks. These frameworks include the nature of the public science system in addition to the organisation of capital and labour markets and the structure of inter-firm relations. Particularly important features of these systems include: the organisation of research training, the flexibility of researchers and organisations in developing novel goals and approaches, the organisation of scientific careers and the prevalent science and technology policies of the state. Particular combinations of these institutional features have become established in different market economies and led to distinctive styles of innovative competence development being adopted. These in turn help to explain continuing variations in patterns of technological change between countries. 2 Introduction The rapid growth of the biotechnology and computer hardware and software industries in the USA in the last quarter of the twentieth century has highlighted the importance of new small firms linked to academic research in developing radical innovations. Many of these companies were established by highly specialised research scientists and engineers educated at local and regional universities as spin offs from established firms or de novo from academic employment (see, e.g. McKelvey, 1996; Saxenian, 1984). They were, and still are in many cases, funded by specialist venture capital firms which developed portfolios of investments in high risk/high return businesses experiencing high rates of technical change. Unlike innovative firms in other industries that relied on the published scientific literature for useful formal knowledge and/or collaborative research with applied research institutes, industry consortia laboratories etc., many of these companies had direct links with current academic research studying generic processes and phenomena. Moreover, these connections were seen as key to their competitive success in these dynamic industries. At more or less the same time, particularly in the 1990s, the medium and large sized firms in the coordinated market economies of Germany, Japan and similar countries that had provided the success stories of the 1970s and 1980s appeared to be less competitive in these newer sectors. Indeed, many consider that it is the very qualities that enabled them to be successful in the more traditional machinery and assembly industries, which inhibit them from developing radical new innovations effectively, as patent statistics seem to indicate (see, e.g. Guerrieri and Tylecote, 1997; Soskice, 1997; 1999). In particular, their reliance on long term commitments from employees and business partners to develop distinctive organisational capabilities for integrating varied kinds of knowledge and skills limit their ability to develop discontinuous changes in technologies and markets. This contrast highlights the different ways in which firms can develop innovative competences, especially in terms of their recruitment and retention policies. It also emphasises the interconnections between types of organisational competences and competitive success in sectors with contrasting “technological regimes”, or characteristic patterns of technical change. Such regimes have been seen as generating distinctive “sectoral innovation systems” (e.g. Breschi and Malerba, 1997), in which different kinds of firms prosper to varying extents. Leaving aside the implicit technological determinism and functionalist reasoning in some of this literature, it emphasises the variety of ways in which firms can, and do, develop innovative competitive competences, which are more or less effective in different industries at different times. Furthermore, these different types of firms and competences develop in contrasting institutional contexts and countries (see, e.g. Casper et al., 1999; Soskice, 1997; Whitley, 1999; Whitley and Kristensen, 1996). Important differences here concern the organisation and control of labour markets, including the institutions governing skill development and certification, and the organisation of market relationships, as well as financial and legal systems. Such variations have been seen as conferring competitive advantages on firms in sectors with particular technological regimes, 3 while denying them in others, resulting in contrasting innovation patterns across institutional regimes (see, e.g. Hall and Soskice, 2001). The logic underlying these relationships between institutions, firms and innovation patterns has been explored in a number of recent papers contrasting the technological and sectoral specialisation of Germany, the USA and some other countries in the last few decades of the twentieth century (see, e.g. Casper, 2000; 2001; Culpepper, 2001; Soskice, 1997; 1999). Stylised in terms of the contrast of coordinated (CME) and liberal market economies (LME), these contributions have highlighted how differences in welfare systems, employment law and conventions, the organisation of industry and trade associations, training systems, financial markets and legal systems generate different incentives for individuals and firms to pursue distinctive investment and innovation strategies. These institutional variations not only lead to different rates of innovation and technical change across industries, but also encourage different kinds of firms to concentrate on different kinds of innovations within new industries, such as platform technologies and therapeutic drugs in biotechnology (Casper, 2000). Simplifying greatly, CMEs encourage cooperative, long-term investments in firm- and industry-specific skills that develop organisational competences in coordinating knowledge and skills across internal and external organisational boundaries to develop continuous but incremental innovations. LMEs, in contrast, reward more short-term and adversarial behaviour by both individuals and firms that generates more generic skills and considerable labour mobility between firms. Such economies facilitate the rapid use of new knowledge and skills to seize radically new opportunities. The dominant institutions in CMEs are seen as "solving" the organisational problems involved in pursuing high quality incremental innovation strategies, while those in LMEs enable firms to focus more on developing radical innovations in newly emerging technologies (Soskice, 1997). As a result, countries that have developed institutional frameworks similar to the idealised CME, for example Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, have been highly effective at developing incremental product and process innovations in established technologies in the chemical and machinery industries. In contrast, societies with dominant institutions more similar to LMEs, such as the UK and the USA, have been more effective in developing discontinuous innovations in newer technologies such as biotechnology and microprocessors, as well as in developing competitive business service firms that are highly dependent on the specialist skills of particular individuals. These models of how institutional frameworks enable firms to deal with the organisational problems associated with distinctive innovation strategies emphasise three sets of relationships. These concern the level of commitment and cooperation between: a) top managers and core employees, b) firms and their business partners, and c) top managers and the owners/controllers of capital. Different innovation strategies are here seen as requiring particular institutions to manage these relationships in distinctive ways to resolve the specific coordination problems they involve. In other words, contrasting institutional frameworks generate different incentives for firms and individuals that result in varied patterns of behaviour. These 4 then generate different patterns of technological development and sectoral specialisation. This approach to the comparative analysis of institutions and innovations identifies some of the critical linkages between the organisation of financial and labour markets, firms' priorities and strategies, and patterns of technical change in two idealised types of market economy. However, there are important institutional variations within these two broad "varieties of capitalism," such as the very different systems of skill formation in Germany and Japan, as well as significant differences in leading firms' research and innovation strategies across similarly coordinated market economies. Also, of course, a number of different systems of economic organisation have developed in late twentieth century capitalism, such as the pattern developed in France and elsewhere (Boyer, 1997; Hancke, 2001). Additionally, the variety of firm types and innovation strategies within each kind of market economy is sometimes greater than this dichotomy would suggest. The USA, for instance, has developed both large integrated firms pursuing largely autarchic innovation strategies and smaller specialist research based firms introducing radical innovations in close cooperation with the public science system. Also, the coordinated market economy of Sweden developed a considerable number of specialised software producers in the late 1990s (Casper and Glimstedt, 2000), which resemble the start-ups of Silicon Valley more than established large firms. These variations suggest that the simple CME/LME contrast needs further development and differentiation to encompass the variety of ways in which institutional arrangements impinge upon firms' innovation strategies and result in major contrasts in patterns of technological development. A further important feature of technological development in the last few decades often twentieth century has been the increasing importance of academic research skills and knowledge in the development of new industries (see, e.g. Mansfield, 1995; Narin et al., 1997). This means that variations in the dominant institutions governing the development and use of knowledge production skills have significant consequences for the rate and type of technical changes in different market economies. Additionally, differences in the rate of movement of scientists and engineers between the public research system and private firms, and between firms, affect the flow of knowledge and skills throughout the economy. These variations are especially important in industries where product and process changes are closely dependent upon the integration of knowledge from many different fields, as they seem to be in many of the newer sectors. Since national research systems differ considerably in how they are organised and controlled, such differences constitute an important part of the institutional environments that explain contrasts in prevailing patterns of innovation and technological development across countries. In this paper I explore these interconnections through an analysis of how firms develop distinctive innovative competences and strategies in different ways. These differences reflect the pressures and possibilities of different institutional environments and so help to explain how patterns of technological development and sectoral specialisation vary between societies. By connecting variations in the organisation of the public science system with key features of business organisation, labour and capital markets, this paper presents a framework for analysing how 5 institutions affect innovative firm type and behaviour in different countries. The public science system here refers to the institutionalised system for generating research results that are published in order for scientists to gain reputations for contributions to collective intellectual goals, as distinct from research that is undertaken for proprietary gain and kept private (Dasgupta and David, 1994; Whitley, 2000). Initially, I shall discuss four major differences in how innovating firms develop distinctive competences. These are connected to variations in the kinds of innovations developed by different types of firms, particularly their cumulativeness and customisation. The following section suggests how key features of the institutional frameworks governing labour and capital markets, as well as public science systems, encourage firms to develop innovative competences in contrasting ways, and so generate different patterns of technical change in different societies. The Development of Innovative Competences In comparing innovative firms across market economies, key differences between, say, new technology based firms, large integrated mass production companies and members of business networks, concern the ways in which they develop distinctive competences. These can be summarised in terms of four basic alternatives that distinguish the innovation strategies of leading German, Japanese and US firms in the post second world war period. First, whether to develop innovative competences internally, keeping knowledge production and skill development in house, or to develop them in cooperation with external agencies and business partners. Second, if external partners are involved in developing innovative capabilities, are these to be the organisations and personnel working in the public science system, or those in the same industry and using similar technologies, or both? Third, how much do innovative firms invest in the long-term development of collective organisational capabilities, as distinct from relying upon more individual specialist skills? Fourth, how able and willing are firms to change their innovative skills and competences significantly in the short to medium term? Considering first the decision about whether to develop knowledge production and technical problem solving competences internally, as opposed to involving other organisations, the former ensures that ownership is secured and spillover risks are minimised. In theory, it also facilitates the integration of varied skills and competences through a unified authority structure based on ownership. It does, though, limit access to, and integration of, new knowledge and skills that do not easily fit into the firm specific technological framework, as well as restrict learning from suppliers and customers. Such isolation can be particularly disadvantageous in sectors where the rate of technical change is high and dependent on a wide variety of knowledges from different fields produced with different research skills. In newly emerging industries especially, reliance on external sources of knowledge is often considerable. For firms that do decide to develop innovative competences in cooperation with external partners, there are important differences between those in the public science system and those in the same industry. These principally derive from the quite different institutional frameworks governing priorities and rewards in public and private research organisations that can generate considerable cognitive distance 6 between their skills and knowledge. In particular, the competitive pursuit of reputations from specialist colleagues around the world encourages researchers in the public science system to focus on generic intellectual problems dealing with general phenomena because these have more significance for more colleague/competitors. This means that the results, techniques and intellectual approaches involved in current research in the public sciences are often quite remote from current industrial concerns and practices. As a result, firms wishing to access and use them have to make considerable investments in what Cohen and Levinthal (1990) term "absorptive capacity", typically by hiring trained researchers and conducting more generic research than is required for current technological problem solving activities. Firms tend to become closely involved in technical communities in the public science system in situations of high technical uncertainty and rapid technological change. As well as gaining access to new developments through research contracts and consultancy, they fund fellowships, establish joint research institutes with university departments and sometimes engage in cooperative research with other companies and universities, in addition to regularly hiring highly trained researchers, both at the PhD stage and in mid-career. As Kenny (1986) has emphasised, these long-term investments have been particularly evident in the biotechnology industry. The postwar public science systems of many countries do, however, produce a wide range of scientific and technological knowledge that varies considerably in its degree of abstraction and concern with generic processes, as distinct from more specific ones that deal with particular technologies and materials. Firms can be involved in the latter without being closely connected to the former, as are many German firms that have close ties to applied research and technology transfer institutes (Herrigel, 1993; Soskice, 1997). However, in last two or so decades of the twentieth century, innovating firms have become more directly associated with theoretically focused research in academic laboratories, and depend more on the skills and knowledge produced by them, especially in the US biotechnology industry (Gambardella, 1995; Henderson et al., 1999; McKelvey, 1996). In general, the more companies become involved in such research networks, the faster they learn about new results and techniques, and the more able they are to draw upon knowledge from varied fields and disciplines in developing new products. They are additionally in a better position to assess the significance of new knowledge and skills than are firms that are more remote from current research activities. We can, then, distinguish three forms of involvement in the public science system. First, there are firms that have only a minimal, rather passive, involvement with current research, relying essentially on scanning the published journal and patent literature for obtaining relevant scientific and technological knowledge. Second, other companies may be more actively engaged with researchers in the public research system, but these are mostly working on particular technologies and materials that are most relevant to firms in specific industries. A third group of firms is more directly involved in current research on generic phenomena and processes. They are concerned to access relatively general and abstract knowledge, especially the skills for producing it, to develop key competitive competences. These three varieties of involvement in the public science system can be termed passive, industry and technology specific, and generic. Generally, the more firms are involved in such 7 research networks, the more they should be able to search effectively for, and use appropriately, new knowledge and skills from a wide variety of fields and disciplines. Innovating firms also, of course, gain knowledge about new technologies, markets and process improvements from trade associations, industry groupings, suppliers and customers. Firms vary greatly in the extent to which they share knowledge with business partners through membership of industry networks. In countries like Germany and Japan, for example, business groups, industry associations and similar networks often engage in joint standards setting, knowledge diffusion and technical development, as well as establishing and policing norms of appropriate firm behaviour (Culpepper, 2001; Morris-Suzuki, 1994; Odagiri and Goto, 1996; Soskice, 1997; 1999; Tate, 2001). Their members are accordingly able to access new knowledge and information more quickly than those not involved in such groupings, which can be especially advantageous to small and medium sized companies (Herrigel, 1993). This kind of knowledge sharing with suppliers, competitors and customers can be termed the degree of involvement in industrial networks. When this involvement is considerable, it encourages firms to invest in the development of customer-specific knowledge and skills because they are less likely to lose such connections than in more adversarial relationships. Through such networks and authority sharing, firms are also likely to develop strong competences in integrating information from a variety of industry sources, and in developing innovations that are more customised than generic. Equally, though, the mutual commitments developed in industry networks will typically limit the degree of technological change undertaken by firms since radical, transformative innovations threaten current organisational competences (Christensen, 1996; Tushman and Anderson, 1986). High levels of industry network involvement, then, tends to be associated with considerable technological cumulativeness of innovations. Cumulativeness here refers to the degree of technical continuity involved in developing innovations (see, e.g. Ehrnberg and Jacobsson, 1997). Two aspects can be distinguished (Casper and Glimstedt, 2000). First, the extent to which the skills required to develop and commercialise new products are stable and predictable varies considerably between fields. Where such instability is high, in "discrete" technological trajectories (Breschi and Malerba, 1997), firms do not know which skills and other resources will be required to develop research programmes until the results of earlier phases are available. Second, the risks of project failure are much greater when technical uncertainty is high, both for employers and researchers. Generally, then, where technological development is more discrete than cumulative, it is less susceptible to planning, may require rapid and radical changes in skills, and may threaten existing organisational competences. Involvement in one of these two sets of external networks that provide new knowledge and skills can vary independently of that in the other. Firms can develop close connections with public and private research organisations, hire PhDs and participate actively in scientific and technological conferences and technical exchanges, for example, without forming powerful industry associations or long term ties with customers and suppliers. Many firms in the US computer hardware and software, and biotechnology, industries seem to combine such considerable technical 8 involvement in the research community with largely adversarial and autarchic interfirm relationships (Chesbrough, 1999). Similarly, high levels of industry embeddedness and inter-firm dependence, as in many Japanese industries in the postwar period, can be combined with largely autonomous knowledge development in relative isolation from the public science system. Most large Japanese firms, for instance, have restricted their academic contacts to hiring engineers and scientists with MScs rather than PhDs and informal research support for individual professors on a relatively small scale (Coleman, 1999; Kneller, 1999; Westney, 1993; Yoshihara and Tamai, 1999). On the other hand, many German firms in the chemical and engineering industries seem to combine strongly coordinated technical exchanges within industry sectors with close connections to applied research organisations such as the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft laboratories and technical schools (Herrigel, 1993; Lehrer, 2000). The third important aspect of competence development considered here concerns the extent to which firms rely more on the specialist skills of individuals hired as needed rather than developing distinctly organisational capabilities based on a relatively stable group of core employees. While all companies develop distinctive organisational capabilities as emergent properties of each organisation that transcend the abilities and activities of individual employees (Dosi et al., 2000; Nelson and Winter, 1982), the degree to which these depend on individuals' specialist expertise that is not firm-specific varies considerably. For instance, the role of new firms founded by highly trained and experienced engineers and scientists in the development of the US biotechnology and computer industries has shown how relatively small and quickly formed organisations of specialist researchers and designers can play a major role in developing significant innovations. Under particular conditions, that is, the ability to create firms that integrate high level skills around specific goals can generate competitive advantages in industries undergoing high rates of technical change. Such firms depend greatly upon the skills and knowledge of project leaders and their teams of specialist staff to develop innovations, as distinct from developing distinctive collective competences that are more organisational. Similar sorts of project-based firms also play an important role in the construction industry in many countries, as well as being a significant organisational form in the Danish machinery sector (Kristensen, 1992; 1996). The difference here is that these radically innovative organisations are dominated by highly trained researchers who integrate a variety of different knowledges and skills to develop highly novel products for a range of customers. Among the important conditions that encourage such reliance on individually owned and controlled specialist skills are the ease of appropriating profits from innovations, for example through patenting in the pharmaceutical industry (Gambardella, 1995), and the existence of open standards facilitating the development of modular innovations (Langlois and Robertson, 1995; Langlois and Mowery, 1996). High levels of appropriability and modularity of innovations facilitate the specialisation of firms in product design and development without having to invest in complementary assets in marketing and distribution (Teece, 1986). Coordination of innovative activities in such circumstances can thus be carried out by project groups of specialist experts rather than needing extensive organisational routines and procedures. They organise their 9 activities around teams of highly qualified specialised engineers and scientists focused on short to medium term innovation goals. Competitive advantages and competences here derive from flexible and speedy responses to new knowledge and skills, and the ability to integrate new kinds of information and expertise to generate disruptive products and processes, usually in newly emerging industries. Conversely, where appropriability is difficult and/or technological change is systemic rather than modular, innovating firms tend to coordinate product development with production, marketing and other complementary activities to protect their assets and integrate components of technological systems. Such coordination involves the construction of formal organisations with collective capabilities. Knowledge production and problem solving skills are here more organisational than individually owned and developed. Firms in many assembly and machinery industries, for instance, typically coordinate knowledge from many different fields, both within and outside the organisation, to develop and commercialise innovations, and establish organisational routines to do so. Distinctive firm specific skills develop as a result that are not tied to particular individuals' skills and contributions. These skills become entrenched in distinctive technological paradigms that guide development trajectories and how engineers tackle problems in, say, car design and aircraft development. While all work organisations, then, generate particular kinds of competences by coordinating and controlling work in a systematic manner, the extent to which these capabilities depend on the generic skills of specific individuals varies considerably. This aspect of innovating firms' competences can be characterised as the degree to which they depend on the high level specialist skills of individuals. The fourth aspect of competence development to be considered here concerns the speed with which, and degree to which, firms change their innovative capabilities and competitive competences. Many companies, for instance, diversify into new technologies and markets through developing new skills and abilities incrementally, building on existing ones. In contrast, others are able to change their core competences more radically by hiring new staff with quite different skills, as in the case of some US pharmaceutical firms developing biological research skills (Zucker and Darby, 1997), or by acquiring companies with expertise in new technologies such as biotechnology and software start-ups. This characteristic reflects the general willingness of firms to enter into long term commitments to staff and business partners, as well as their specialisation in particular technologies and industrial sectors. The more they develop distinctive competences through investments in employee training and customer specific knowledge, the more difficult they will find it to develop quite new capabilities, and to be successful in novel technologies and sectors. Technological changes made by such firms will, then, tend to be incremental and customer-focused rather than generic and transformational. In principle, firms can select whether to focus on developing technologically cumulative innovations for particular kinds of customers or on creating radically novel and more generic innovations for a wide range of new customers. The former strategy is typically pursued through continuous improvement of skills and knowledge 10 about particular technologies and industries, with both employers and employees making long term commitments to each other, suppliers and customers. The latter implies greater willingness to change firms' skill and knowledge base quite discontinuously by hiring and firing staff, and changing business partners, as well as buying and selling whole businesses. These four different ways of developing innovative competences are interconnected. In particular, varying involvement in research and industry networks is associated with differing degrees of organisational development and rates of competence change. For example, high levels of involvement in public science research networks usually requires considerable investment in "absorptive capacity" which implies recruitment of highly trained specialist researchers, and the encouragement of work on topics that are similar to those being studied by the scientific community. As Hicks (1995) and others have pointed out, a major reason for firms to encourage staff to undertake fundamental research and publish it is to gain credibility with academic researchers and so facilitate informal access to their work and skills. If, on the other hand, firms focus on developing highly organisation-specific skills that enable them to coordinate product development, manufacturing and distribution effectively, most of their engineers and scientists are unlikely to do the sort of work that will be published in leading scientific journals, and indeed may become incompetent to do it. Their ability to absorb and use effectively new knowledge and techniques will be limited. A very strong emphasis on organisational competences at the expense of developing more generic specialist research skills, as in many large Japanese companies (Westney, 1993), may well prevent firms from gaining close access to current research and skills in the public science system. Similarly, firms that concentrate on developing technologically cumulative innovations are unlikely to invest in close involvement in public research networks. Building on current competences and expertise to introduce new products and processes incrementally, they have a deep organisational understanding of the dominant technology in the industry that is remote from the intellectual approaches and concerns of the public science system. In contrast, when technical uncertainty is high and research results are unpredictable, existing skills and technological trajectories may become redundant as new knowledge is produced and so firms are more willing to develop close connections with public science researchers. In emerging technologies and industries, especially, the value of particular skills and projects is difficult to be sure about as new results appear, so that companies innovating in such sectors tend to invest more in keeping up with academic knowledge production. Investment in industry networks involves sharing knowledge with business partners and competitors. This is unlikely to develop without firms being fairly sure that others are equally committed to improving current technologies, so that opportunistic use of such information and resources can be meaningfully sanctioned by loss of reputation. Where companies restrict such commitments, and can change their competences quite radically through hiring and firing, other firms will not be willing to share important resources with them. High levels of industry network involvement, then, are associated with the relatively cumulative development of innovative competences and not with the introduction of competence-destroying innovations. 11 Conversely, more isolated firms without strong ties to suppliers and customers will be more able to change their competences discontinuously and adopt radically new research and technology development skills. Innovations developed by such firms are less likely to be incremental and will be more generic than customer-specific. This also means that firms relying heavily on the specialist skills of individuals that can readily be changed through external labour markets to develop generic innovations are unlikely to become deeply embedded in such industry networks. Finally, firms that wish to be able to change their innovative competences rapidly to seize new opportunities are unlikely to invest heavily in creating distinctive organisational capabilities, especially if they require long term commitments to employees. While some innovating companies that do construct integrated organisations are able to change direction by restructuring their labour force and/or trading subsidiary units, as in the case of US pharmaceutical firms, it is difficult for them to change radically in the short to medium term. More decentralised organisations structured around project teams that can be changed at short notice are relatively flexible and able to adapt quickly to new knowledge and skills. These interconnections suggest that certain combinations of these characteristics are more probable than others, so that firms develop innovative competences in a limited number of ways. For example, those that focus on producing radical, disruptive innovations in rapidly emerging technologies and industries, such as computer hardware and software and biotechnology, are more likely to become involved in public science research networks than in industry networks. They will also tend to change key skills and knowledge bases at short notice to deal with high levels of technical uncertainty instead of developing distinctly organisational capabilities over the medium to long term. In contrast, firms specialising in the rapid development of new products and processes within current technological trajectories through highly coordinated design, development, manufacturing, marketing and distribution activities are likely to invest in the development of strong organisational competences and firm-specific skills, but not in close connections to the public science system. Innovative Competence Development in Different Institutional Frameworks Firms are encouraged to adopt some of these alternatives, and discouraged from other ones, by particular combinations of dominant institutions in different market economies. In addition to those governing labour and capital markets, and the organisation of employers, unions and similar collective associations, that have been highlighted in recent comparative analyses of market economies (see, e.g. Hall and Soskice, 2001; Hollingsworth and Boyer, 1997; Whitley, 1999), the nature of public science systems also affects the ways that firms develop innovative competences. Four features of these systems are particularly important for innovative firms. First, the amount of investment in research training and the way that it is organised. Second, the flexibility and pluralism of the public sciences in developing new intellectual goals, approaches and techniques. Third, the way that scientific careers are organised and the institutionalisation of professional researcher roles. Finally, the prevalent institutions and policies governing the direction of scientific and technological research and technology transfer. Combined with the more general features of dominant institutions, these characteristics of publics science systems guide firms’ choices and so affect patterns of innovation and technological 12 development in different countries and regions in ways that are summarised in table 1 and will now be further discussed. TABLE 1 ABOUT HERE Considering first the factors that affect the degree of firm involvement in the public science systems of different countries, many of these stem from variations in how research is organised and controlled. For example, differences in the integration of research training with current projects, and the amount of such training in knowledge production, influence firms' ability to access and use new results and techniques produced in the public science system. By integrating research training with the production of new knowledge, academic systems produce qualified researchers who have the tacit knowledge and skills required to undertake independent research and develop new lines of understanding. This means that firms hiring them can access new results quicker and use them for technological purposes faster than those that recruit graduates accustomed to less uncertain work. As Feller (1999: 83) suggests: "Students also are a means by which new scientific findings and technologically relevant knowledge are transferred from the campus to the firm. Indeed, as new technologically relevant research findings become more embedded in the tacit knowhow of students regarding laboratory procedures and software, their importance as technology transfer agents is likely to increase". In contrast, higher education systems that separate research training from work in leading institutes, and/or focus more on training MSc graduates than PhDs, produce engineers and scientists who may be quite effective in dealing with relatively precisely formulated problems within current technological trajectories but are not so capable of researching novel problems and technologies that involve greater uncertainty. In Japan, for instance, despite the expansion of graduate schools at many state universities since the 1960s, most of their students have left with MScs rather than PhDs (Coleman, 1999; Ogura and Kotake, 1999). This is partly because firms rarely preferred to recruit PhDs, regarding them as being too specialised and remote from commercial concerns (Westney, 1993). In fact, not only did PhDs not receive more pay than MScs in most firms, but often they were paid less because they had less seniority with the company (Sienko, 1997; Yamamoto, 1999). Together with the limited expansion of universities and other public sector research organisations in the 1970s and 1980s, this discouraging labour market for researchers in Japan has considerably restricted the output of knowledge producers, and so the availability of novel kinds of research skills for many Japanese firms. The second important aspect of public science systems that affects the level of firm involvement concerns the ease and frequency with which research scientists and engineers are able to develop new intellectual goals, fields and approaches, such as software engineering and molecular biology. Where research objectives and strategies are varied and changeable, as distinct from being tightly integrated around established disciplinary goals, frameworks and expertise, it should be easier to extend and apply new ideas and techniques for technological purposes, and to develop new areas of research with new skills. The boundaries between theorydriven scientific research and more instrumental knowledge production are more fluid, permeable and overlapping in such public science systems than in those where intellectual, skill and organisational boundaries are strongly structured around 13 separate disciplines. As a result, firms find it easier to become involved in research networks that combine generic research into general phenomena and processes with more instrumental goals than they would in more stable, discipline-bound research systems. This intellectual and organisational flexibility of national research systems is affected by the nature of the employment system in universities and allied organisations. Where individual heads of departments and research institutes exercise considerable control over resources and careers, the rate of change and variety of intellectual approaches and skills is likely to be less than in employment systems where there is greater pluralism of power and authority within administrative units. The US, and to some extent UK, pattern of locating a number of research groups within relatively large university departments, for example, permits greater intellectual pluralism of projects than the German and Japanese pattern of individual research groups and institutes controlled by a single or couple of professors who combine scientific leadership with administrative responsibility. When this separation of intellectual production units from organisational ones is combined with extensive reliance on external funding of research projects, the power of institute heads to direct research programmes is greatly reduced and competition between groups within departments encouraged. Diversity of research goals and approaches is therefore greater in such employment systems than where control over research programmes is more centralised within departments. A further feature of public science systems that affects the ways firms develop innovative competences concerns the organisation of careers and the extent to which professional researcher roles and identities are institutionalised. Where engineers and scientists develop careers more within employment organisations than professional specialities, and cosmopolitan role models are weakly established, firms will be able to develop firm-specific innovative competences relatively easily, but will find it more difficult to access current work in the public science system. Conversely, where mobility is expected in the course of a research career, and researchers are encouraged to pursue distinctive research strategies separately from department and institute heads, intellectual pluralism and the significance of specialist individual identities based on expertise will be increased. Together with a professional labour market that enables firms to acquire new specialist skills and techniques relatively quickly, this should facilitate firms' access to public research networks. The fourth aspect of public science systems that affects firm involvement in public technical communities, and many other aspects of innovation development, concerns the predominant way in which states and quasi-public institutions set priorities and implement their policies through them. Although the contrast between "diffusion" and "mission" oriented state science and technology policies and practices is too simple to describe the variety of institutional arrangements and goals that states have established in the late twentieth century to manage public research, it does highlight important differences between them (Doremus et al., 1998; Ergas, 1987). In particular, while diffusion oriented policies are concerned to improve technologies continuously throughout entire sectors, often through joint research activities, mission-oriented ones focus on mobilising public and private resources to achieve major public policy goals without much regard for current industrial practices and capabilities. 14 A key feature of the diffusion oriented policy style is the strong collaboration between firms, business associations, state agencies and both public and private research organisations in developing and diffusing new technological knowledge. Typically, the state provides basic funding for a range of facilities, such as the laboratories of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in Germany, and encourages firms, both individually and collectively, to organise and fund research projects in them (Abramson et al., 1997). By underwriting much of the costs associated with technological research and involving industry associations in its management, states here encourage firm involvement in the public science system. Such involvement, however, is usually limited to work on technologies and materials that are connected to current problems and trajectories rather than with more generic research that could lead to quite different technologies. Because the primary goal here is to enhance and improve current industrial competences, diffusion oriented policies are unlikely to encourage close links with researchers engaged on more remote topics intended to produce general explanations of phenomena, especially in academic systems that are strongly structured around discrete disciplines. Instead it is the combination of strong mission-oriented science and technology policies, a flexible and pluralistic higher education system and a large programme of integrated training and research in fields favoured by dominant objectives that seems most likely to encourage high levels of firm involvement in public science systems. Substantial state support of research in priority areas is particularly important because it both underwrites much of the cost of pursuing risky and open-ended research projects and funds an expansion of training programmes in new skills that are often quite different from those currently used by firms. These features seem to have been highly developed in the biomedical sciences in the late twentieth century USA. Here, the fluidity and pluralism of employment units and funding arrangements were reinforced by the provision of considerable research resources by the state and other organisations, typically allocated through decentralised, peer-reviewed competitive processes. Additionally, the NIH laboratories provided alternative sources of employment and elite hierarchies to the leading research universities, and so limited disciplinary elite control over resources and careers. As a result, constraints on intellectual novelty were relatively low in US biomedical fields, but the high rate of competition for scientific reputations – enhanced by the high number of qualified researchers produced by the graduate schools (Feller, 1999) – ensured considerable coordination of research results and a willingness to take intellectual risks. Where the knowledge produced by this kind of research system was directly relevant to R&D activities in firms, as in biotechnology, this combination of novelty and competition in the public sciences generated a continuous stream of potentially useful research results that innovative companies had to keep up with, and hence needed to be involved with research networks. The strong institutionalisation of the professional researcher role model and frequent job changes in a competitive scientific labour market, both within the public science system and between universities and corporate employers, also encouraged the flow of knowledge and skills between organisations in the USA. 15 This high level of flexibility and pluralism of organisational goals, boundaries and labour markets enabled researchers to develop novel ideas and approaches more rapidly than in relatively rigid systems, and to pursue more technological projects while remaining in academia. It additionally reduced the risks of undertaking entrepreneurial ventures by allowing well known researchers to return to public science afterwards and produced a relatively open environment for firms to develop a variety of cooperative relationships with individual researchers and organisations. Turning now to consider the second major aspect of innovative competence development, the degree of firm involvement in industry networks, this is affected by the nature of scientists' careers and state policies as well as by general institutional arrangements that encourage, or discourage, cooperation between companies. The more researchers pursue professional careers with little organisational loyalty and continuity, the less likely firms are to share knowledge and risks with each other in industry networks since competitors could easily acquire key staff and thereby destroy competitive advantages. Greater employer-employee commitment, in contrast, is associated with the development of more organisation-focused competences that limit the ability of other firms to appropriate key technological expertise through industrial networks. Academic systems that reward the pursuit of specialist reputations based on individual contributions by offering high incentives to change employers and institutionalise the poaching of stars are not, then, likely to encourage firms to become involved in such networks. Diffusion oriented state science and technology policies, on the other hand, often involve groups of firms in establishing standards, research consortia and diffusing technological best practice throughout an industry. They therefore encourage collaboration in developing and applying new technological knowledge to upgrade their collective capabilities. These policies are implemented more effectively when strong industry and trade associations have become established that limit opportunistic behaviour. In coordinated market economies, these groupings organise negotiations with unions and agree wage increases, restrict poaching of skilled staff, establish technical standards and generally facilitate cooperation in particular kinds of "industrial orders" (Herrigel, 1994; 1996). They embed firms in strong industry networks and obligations that encourage "voice" rather than "exit" modes of behaviour, and considerable risk and information sharing between companies (Nooteboom, 2000). Societies with skill formation systems that are jointly managed by employers, unions and state agencies also encourage technology sharing and knowledge development through institutionalising collaboration and establishing common standards for practical skills. Organised around current industries and technologies, such training systems reinforce sectoral boundaries and identities as well as skill upgrading within existing technological trajectories. By the same token, though, they limit the rapid development of radically new skills and the adoption of quite different technologies that transcend current industrial boundaries. Conversely, market economies where: a) inter-firm relations are largely adversarial, b) commitments between economic agents are limited in scope and duration, and c) the education and training system is not collaborative in the sense of being jointly 16 organised by employers, unions and state agencies, encourage the academically successful to invest in generic, portable skills that are valuable on external labour markets. They also lead to considerable mobility between employers. In such societies, the less academically successful find it difficult to obtain recognised training in valued skills, and are usually dependent upon individual initiative and funding to gain such expertise. As a result, skills are more individually owned and traded in the more liberal market economies. In broad terms, then, firms in economies with strong trade, industry and employers' associations will be deeply embedded in industry networks that facilitate collective standards setting, joint research activities and cooperation on a range of issues. When they also establish common wages structures across the industry and are combined with institutional constraints on firms' ability to hire and fire, such associations limit labour mobility - especially poaching - and encourage investment in firm-specific competences through integrating the bulk of employees into full organisational membership. Skills in such societies are as much organisational as individual. They are also difficult to change radically in the short to medium term, although continual incremental improvement will be the norm as both employers and employees seek growth opportunities through innovations in technologically and market - related activities. Involvement in industry networks is also affected by the nature of the financial system. Often contrasted in terms of its capital market or credit based characteristics (Zysman, 1983), more recent analyses of how the institutions governing capital flows to innovating firms affect their behaviour emphasise the insider-outsider dichotomy (see, e.g. Guerrieri and Tylecote, 1997; Tylecote and Conesa, 1999). Essentially, this refers to the extent of lock-in effects between investors and entrepreneurs/managers, and the consequent close coordination of particular capital providers and capital users. Insider based systems encourage relatively long-term connections between banks, families and other groups of owners and firms, while more remote outsiderbased ones facilitate the rapid reallocation of capital between firms, sectors and technologies, as well as limiting the risks attached to any one investment. As a result, the former type of financial system favours innovating firms that build long-term organisational competences with business partners and employees to develop new products and technologies within existing technological trajectories. Since majority owners are locked-in to the development of particular firms in this kind of financial system, they have to develop detailed knowledge of each firm they control and their industry in order to evaluate risks and opportunities adequately to deal with their greater exposure. They are therefore able to judge innovation strategies and competences within established industries in a more informed way than are investors in outsider-dominated financial systems. This means that they can evaluate and support incremental and long-term technological developments relatively effectively. As Tylecote and Conesa (1999) suggest, such insider-dominated financial systems should, then, be more competitive in industries where innovations are jointly developed by employers, employees, suppliers and customers and appropriability risks are reduced by long-term alliances between key actors. Conversely, outsiderdominated ones find it easier to develop radically novel generic innovations that are 17 competence destroying because they facilitate rapid restructuring of assets and skills, often through venture capital firms that provide high-risk capital for start-ups in industries where the returns to successful innovations are high and can be appropriated by the innovating firm and its shareholders. These institutional arrangements also affect firms' willingness to invest in developing distinctive organisational competences around core, long term employees. Where researchers are trained by working on advanced projects with leading scientists and engineers, are more loyal to their specialism than to particular employers, and expect to move to gain career advancement, firms are more likely to rely on project teams of specialists who can be readily hired and fired than make long term commitments. These conditions are associated with flexible academic systems and strong missionoriented policies that are implemented in a decentralised competitive manner to provide the basis for highly individual research careers. Equally, where employers are reluctant to offer stable employment opportunities, engineers and scientists will prefer to develop their specialist skills in ways that enable them to move between organisations, and hence are unlikely to invest greatly in creating firm-specific competences. Weak industry and employer associations, limited cooperation in training systems and outsider-dominated financial systems reinforce these tendencies by discouraging collaboration between firms and stability in industry membership and ownership. Conversely, where strong industry associations limit individual wage bargaining and restrict poaching, mobility between employers tends to be lower than in more "liberal" market economies, and skilled workers have stronger incentives to invest in enhancing their firm-specific skills (Culpepper, 2001). Employers here have more encouragement to integrate workers' skills and knowledge into product and process improvements since they are unable to change them easily and, in effect, much of the labour force in countries like Germany and Japan is a fixed cost in the medium term. Labour mobility of technical staff between employers does not appear to be nearly as great in these countries as in the UK and USA, not least because the risks of changing organisation are higher and the rewards less obvious (Casper, 2000; Streeck, 1997). Likewise, employers are often constrained in many of the more coordinated market economies from rapidly changing the nature of scientific and engineering skills through hiring and firing by legal rules, works councils pressure, strong unions and collective bargaining conventions (Soskice, 1997; 1999). This means that new technologies and capabilities are built more on existing ones, and are competences are more organisational than individual. The nature of public science systems and the organisation of capital and labour markets similarly affect the ability and willingness of firms to transform their innovative capacities. The more that research training is integrated with the production of new knowledge, and is supported on a large scale, for example, the more firms are able to acquire novel research skills and be able to change their knowledge producing and using capabilities relatively quickly. Depending on the extent to which academically constituted identities are preferred by engineers and scientists to organisational ones, such integration may additionally encourage the development of strong specialist skills that inhibit the establishment of more organisational capabilities. 18 On the whole, then, integrating research and training through doctoral programmes that are well funded facilitates the development of innovation strategies based on rapid access to new knowledge and skills. When coupled with strong professional researcher identities and fluid labour markets in technical skills, and a flexible, pluralistic public science system, such training systems facilitate the development of new technological knowledge and skills that firms can acquire rapidly. Discrete technological change is more likely to be developed in these kinds of society because skills and competences can be altered at relatively short notice, and hence uncertainty managed more easily. In contrast, strong and effective diffusion-oriented institutions and policies implemented through powerful industry associations can limit the rate of change of technological competences and skills by focusing on the continual improvement of current capabilities within existing technological paradigms. Acquiring radically novel skills and knowledge to develop new products and processes in newly emerging technologies will be difficult for most firms in states pursuing such policies because they are locked into cooperative relationships with suppliers, customers and core employees based upon the incremental upgrading of current ones. These tendencies are reinforced by collaborative training systems and insider-dominated financial systems. These features of the institutional environment of innovative firms are interconnected so that distinct kinds of market economies are associated with significant variations in how innovative competences are developed. For example, countries with outsider dominated financial systems rarely have strong industry and trade associations. This reflects the connection between such capital market dominated economies and arms' length adversarial relations between economic actors, as well as the typically regulatory state in these kinds of market economies not actively encouraging their development. However, not all insider-dominated financial systems are associated with strong employers' associations, as the examples of France and South Korea indicate. Here, the strong, not to say dirigiste, state inhibits the establishment of intermediary associations between it and individual companies. Similar linkages occur between the institutions of liberal market economies in general and the dominance of professional researcher role models and labour markets. Weak and/or fragmented industry and employer associations in these kinds of economies limit both employer-employee and business partner commitments. Together with strong capital markets and dominating markets for corporate control, the lack of strong associations in such economies discourages firms from sharing risks and knowledge with suppliers and customers, and from developing long term commitments with technical employees. As a consequence, there is little incentive for engineers and scientists to invest in firm-specific skills, but considerable encouragement for them to improve specialist skills that are generic across organisations. Since such societies are often characterised by strong professional identities and conceptions of high level expertise based on generic knowledge that are credentialled and controlled by professional associations independent of the state, the professional researcher model usually dominates that of the organisational researcher in liberal market economies. 19 Again, though, the reverse relationship does not always hold. The contrast of Germany and Japan illustrates the variable linkages between strong market organisation, insider-dominated financial systems and professional identities and role models. While both exemplify coordinated market economies, they differ significantly in the strength of their public skill formation systems, and hence in the institutionalisation of expertise based occupational identities. Although technical societies in Germany, and similarly organised European societies, are more integrated into state structures and do not function as labour market controllers to the same extent as their Anglo-Saxon counterparts, most Germans have a stronger sense of occupational status based on formally certified expertise than Japanese employees (see, e.g. Crouch et al., 1999). Researchers in market economies that have both high levels of coordination and effective public training systems that generate prestigious, standardised technical skills combine, then, professional and organisational role models. Where skill formation is overwhelmingly controlled by employers, the organisational model dominates. Finally, diffusion-oriented state science and technology policies and institutions are often associated with strong industrial associations as the state involves them in diffusing technological knowledge, developing research programmes and establishing standards. Mission-oriented policies and agencies, on the other hand, can encourage flexibility in public science systems when combined with decentralisation of resource allocation decisions through a peer review system, but need not always do so, as the case of France indicates. Conclusions These interconnections suggest that, while public science systems can and do vary considerably in some respects between market economies, their general organisational pattern and consequent effects on the development of innovative competences reflect broader institutional frameworks and priorities. In Japan, for instance, the long standing concern with economic and technological catching up with Western Europe and the USA led to the development of a predominantly diffusion-oriented science and technology system (Ergas, 1987; Morris-Suzuki, 1994; Odagiri and Goto, 1996), and an educational system that focused on developing knowledge acquisition skills as much as knowledge production. It is then the combination of general institutional arrangements governing capital and labour markets with particular features of public science systems that encourage firms to develop innovative competences in different ways, and so follow distinctive innovation strategies. As the Japanese example illustrates, the combination of weak professional labour markets with a higher education system that focuses more on producing engineers and scientists who are able to acquire relevant knowledge from the published literature than on training them to do advanced research limits firms' involvement in public science networks. Firms here use the public research system more to find information to solve specific problems than to develop more generic knowledge that could be used for a range of new products and technologies. Social identities and loyalties are not so tied to specialist scientific expertise as they are where the role model of the academic researcher is well established and prestigious, and so graduates will be more amenable to developing careers and skills within organisations in these kinds of societies. 20 Together with strong diffusion oriented science and technology policies, these features encourage firms to focus on developing new products and processes with general, firm-specific skills that facilitate organisational integration, rather than relying on more specialist research skills that could coordinate public knowledge production with corporate purposes. Typically sharing risks and knowledge with suppliers and customers, these kinds of firms are embedded in industry networks that encourage alliances and partnerships. Strong industry associations and insider-dominated financial systems support such long-term commitments and facilitate the speedy development of new products with a flexible, stable workforce. Conversely, where coordinated market economies and diffusion-oriented science and technology policies are combined with stronger public training systems and expertise based occupational identities, firms are more likely to become involved in public research networks, albeit more technologically focused ones than in the previous case. They also will tend to be more supportive of specialist researchers developing generic skills and pursuing more fundamental research priorities. Consequently, what might be termed "absorptive hierarchy" types of firms that integrate knowledge and skills from the applied sciences and industry networks to improve products and processes are likely to develop in these kinds of market economy. In the case of arms' length types of market economy that combine weak forms of market organisation, outsider-dominated financial systems, and professional researcher role models with relatively flexible public science systems, and predominantly mission-oriented state policies and practices, firms are likely to adopt the following forms of competence development. First, they will become quite highly involved in public research networks in fields where the state has provided considerable support and/or risk sharing for knowledge production. Second, by generating large numbers of highly skilled engineers and scientists who seek to update and improve their expertise, such societies encourage firms to rely on the specialised expertise of individuals who can be acquired through fluid labour markets to change their competences rapidly. Such radical shifts in organisational capabilities are also assisted through the active market in corporate control in these kinds of economies. Finally, these institutional features discourage extensive and long-term involvement in industry networks and hence limit investment in customer specific knowledge and innovations. They therefore enable project-based firms developing radically discontinuous innovations with generic, codified knowledge from a variety of fields and novel skills to dominate industries where appropriability and modularity are high. This combination of institutional features also, though, encourages more autarchic innovation strategies. Focused on developing new products and processes in house, but with limited investment in firm specific skills, "isolated hierarchy" types of firms (Whitley, 1999) recruit staff with generic skills that can be integrated through authority hierarchies to achieve development goals. 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