Parent/Carers Information Form Exam Anxiety Group You have received this information because it is felt that your son/daughter would benefit from a HISP intervention to help with exam anxiety. The following information should answer any questions you may have. What is HISP? Hypnotherapy in Schools Programme (HISP) is an intervention offered by your son/daughter's school. It aims to support children/young people with aspects of their social, emotional and behavioural development which school staff feel is affecting the pupil’s ability to learn effectively. It uses hypnotherapy, guided imagery, physical relaxation and therapeutic story-telling techniques. What is hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is a technique that uses deep relaxation combined with other techniques (i.e. guided imagery, therapeutic story-telling) to help elicit changes in thinking, feeling and behaviour. Clinical hypnotherapy NOT stage hypnosis is used in HISP. Clinical hypnotherapy uses techniques and strategies for therapeutic benefit as opposed to stage hypnosis which focuses solely on entertainment value. How will it affect my son/daughter? Your son/daughter will remain completely in control at all times and can choose to end the session at any point if they wish. Hypnotherapy is a fun and enjoyable experience that most children/young people fully engage with. The HISP intervention aims to reduce excessive anxiety that is having a negative affect on learning and performance in exams but will not totally eradicate it as some anxiety is useful. It also aims to help your son/daughter control their emotions (anxiety, stress) more effectively. You may notice other positive changes such as them sleeping better or seeming calmer/happier. Your son/daughter will be learning valuable skills and strategies which they can use in a range of situations though the focus will be on exams. Research has shown that hypnotherapy can be very effective with children/young people who can easily access their imagination and generally respond well to the techniques. Just like any intervention however there is no guarantee that HISP will completely solve son/daughter's exam anxiety. Other agencies or professionals will be consulted if appropriate and with your permission. Does it matter what religious beliefs a pupil has? Hypnotherapy does not subscribe to any one set of beliefs (religious, cultural, moral or spiritual) and works alongside the specific beliefs systems of each pupil at an individual level. Who is present during the sessions? HISP sessions for exam anxiety are usually carried out in groups of 4 pupils maximum along with the designated HISP practitioner for your son/daughter's school. As with most school based interventions offered, parents and school staff do not need to attend. What does a session involve? Each session lasts between 30 - 45 minutes. Your son/daughter may be given tasks to complete for homework including regular practise of strategies they have been taught within the sessions. These usually involve some form of visualisation or breathing techniques. They may also be provided with a hypnotherapy CD to use between sessions and after the intervention has finished if necessary. What if I don’t want my son/daughter to take part? You have the right to decline to give consent for your son/daughter to take part in HISP. They will not be seen without parental consent. I would strongly advise however that you discuss your concerns with the school before making this decision. The school want the best for your son/daughter and have referred them to HISP because they feel it will help them. What do I need to do? A HISP referral form needs to be completed for your son/daughter. There is a section for you to sign and complete as parents/carers and a section for your son/daughter's school to sign and complete. This must be completed and submitted before an intervention will commence. Your son/daughter will then have an informal meeting with the Clinical Hypnotherapist who will decide if he/she is suitable for HISP and will answer any questions your son/daughter may have. At this meeting it will be discussed that no intervention can replace the need for revision! If the intervention is felt to be appropriate then sessions will be arranged with the school. If it is deemed unsuitable for your son/daughter then the school will discuss alternative options and ways forward with you. Where does it take place? The sessions are carried out in your son/daughter's school in an allocated room/space within the school building. How will I know how my son/daughter has got on? A brief summary report will be written when your son/daughter concludes the intervention. A copy is sent to the school. You are entitled to a copy of this report. If you do not receive a copy and would like one then please contact the school. You may be invited to discuss the intervention with school staff and/or the HISP practitioner. What do I tell my son/daughter about it? It often helps if you can ensure that your son/daughter knows that the focus on the intervention is to help with exam anxiety. As with any intervention, HISP can only help children/young people who want to be helped, i.e. are motivated to change. You can tell your son/daughter that the sessions will be fun and relaxing and may involve them doing visualisations. It is important that they know they will be safe at all times and do not have to take part if they don’t want to. They will not be asked to do anything that they don’t want to do. How can I help my son/daughter while they are involved in HISP? You can play a very important role while your son/daughter is taking part in HISP by remaining positive about the experience. You may choose to ask your son/daughter what they have been doing (but don’t force them if they are reluctant to discuss it) and show enthusiasm and excitement about what they tell you. You can encourage them to use any techniques they have been asked to practise and listen to the CD. They will generally require a quiet place to practise where they are undisturbed. Where appropriate, school/parents will be informed of any techniques that your son/daughter is being taught. How many sessions will my son/daughter need? The exam anxiety HISP intervention consists of the initial meeting and then 5 group sessions. If it is felt that your son/daughter would benefit from further support this will be discussed between HISP, the school and yourself where appropriate. Who is the school's HISP Practitioner? Caroline Dyson is your school's HISP Practitioner. She is a fully qualified and experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist, fully registered with the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BSCH) and specialises in working with children and young people. She is also an experienced teacher working in primary, secondary and special schools and has a current CRB check. She currently also works part-time for a Behaviour Support Service. If you still have any concerns or questions after reading this leaflet, please contact a member of staff in your son/daughter's school who will be able to help you.