minutes of the sixth meeting of the sbg agriculture working group

The Group met at the Quality Hotel Perth, Leonard Street, Perth. The following attended:
John Henderson, SEERAD - Ag Staff (Chairman)
Donald Bailey, SEERAD – Ag Staff (Secretary)
Caryll Paterson, BEN
Claudia Rowse, SNH
Chris McDonald, SAC
Donny Morrison, SEPA
Francis Brewis, SEERAD – Water Environment Unit
George Lyall, SEERAD – DD Planning
Jamie Farqhuar, Forestry & Timber Association (FTA)
Jim Robb, NFUS
Joanna Drewitt, SEERAD – ERGIS
John Sheldon, COSLA
Jonathan Hughes, Scottish Environment LINK
Lisa Schneidau, Scottish Environment LINK
Martin Price, UHI – Perth College
Peter Harrison, Forestry Commission
Robin McKendrick, SEERAD – FBRD:A
Sarah Hocknell, Scottish Biodiversity Forum
The Chairman welcomed Jamie Farquhar (FTA), Caryll Paterson (BEN), Claudia Rowse
(SNH) and Jenny Hamilton (SEERAD) to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Jonathan Hall (SLF), Rob Morris (SEPA), Hamish Trench
(RICS), Daniel Gotts(SNH) George Lawrie (NFUS), Mike Williams (FWAG), Marion
Mulholland (SNH) and Becky Shaw (SCF).
Presentation on CAP Reform
Jenny Hamilton (SEERAD – Agricultural Policy: CAP Reform) gave a presentation entitled
‘CAP Reform’. This was followed by discussion around how the CAP Reform package may
impact upon the agricultural industry, rural communities, the upland environment and the
implementation of the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy.
ACTION: Donald Bailey to circulate a copy of Jenny Hamilton’s presentation with the
Minutes of the previous meeting (26 June 2003)
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
SBF IACS Year Calendar 2004/2005
Chris McDonald reported on the SAC Corporate Operations’ three competitive estimates
for designing and printing the calendar.
ACTION: Chris McDonald to arrange for examples of work to be obtained from
the Printers and for a reduction in the quoted prices for printing the calendar to
be sought and present these to RLUWG members for a decision on 23 October
John Henderson advised members that there is continuing correspondence with Fergus
Ewing MSP who has questioned the value of the Calendar and considers it to be a
waste of money. Members pointed out that feedback received to date from Calendar
recipients has been supportive and complimentary and all agreed that the Group
should continue with production of a 2004/2005 IACS Year Calendar.
There was some discussion about the design and image for the front cover. It was
agreed that the image chosen for the front cover should be eye-catching and preview
the theme of best practice in enhancing biodiversity. The list of contributing award
winners should be prominently displayed within the calendar. Chris exhibited
examples of images of award winning farms which when enlarged to A4 size have
proven to be of too poor quality for publication.
ACTION: By 23 October 2003, Claudia Rowse and Chris McDonald to visit the
SNH Image Library and secure suitable images of habitats and species which are
benefiting on the featured farms and crofts; Chris McDonald to ask Lorne Gill
(SNH) if he can supply images of five of the featured farms; and Peter Harrison
to make a similar request of Isabel Cameron (FC) – quality images of the two
featured farms with woodland. Becky Shaw to supply a high resolution image of
an award winning crofting township.
Members agreed that there should be reference to the 4 Point Plan in the Calendar.
ACTION: Chris McDonald, Peter Harrison, George Lawrie & Becky Shaw to
bring a draft of the calendar (final text and images) to a meeting of the RLUWG
immediately before the Workshop on 23 October 2003.
Biodiversity leaflet No. 5 – ‘Biodiversity and Intensive Cropping’
Chris McDonald exhibited a ‘visual’ of the leaflet and explained that SAC
Auchincruive are still to supply some of the required text. A final draft will be
circulated to members as a pdf file in advance of the 18 December 2003 RLUWG
meeting. John Henderson emphasised the importance of publishing this leaflet before
the end of this financial year.
ACTION: Mike Williams, Chris McDonald & Peter Harrison to circulate a final
draft of the leaflet to RLUWG members in advance of the 18 December 2003
Printing and distribution of A5-size laminated cab cards for machinery contractors
Chris McDonald distributed copies of the laminated A5-size cab card to the meeting
attendees and undertook to arrange for 1,000 copies to be sent to George Lawrie for
distribution through contractors’ associations as soon as possible. The balance of the
cab cards will be held in store by Donald Bailey at SEERAD Pentland House –
available on request.
ACTION: George Lawrie to arrange the distribution of 1,000 copies of the cab
cards through contractors’ associations by 26 August 2003.
Piloting the provision of ‘information chests’ to guesthouses
This item will be discussed at the 18 December 2003 meeting.
Recommended priorities for further research following publication of the report ‘The
Status of traditional Scottish Animal Breeds and Plant Varieties and the implications
for Biodiversity’.
A draft initial concept note had been circulated to members before the meeting.
Joanna Drewitt pointed out that the focus of the project will be upon traditional
animal breeds and their effect upon vegetation. Funding will be sought from the
Flexible Fund. It was agreed that CAP Reform may result in beef suckler producers
favouring the thriftier and hardier native breeds. Such breeds are also likely to be
increasingly used to encourage regeneration and enhance biodiversity within
woodlands. Members agreed that the RLUWG would wish to give its support to this
project. Martin Price advised that it would be essential to define the scope of the
project, taking account of the range of farm types.
RLUWG members to supply Joanna with any comments by 30
September 2003. Joanna Drewitt to notify members of the funding application
Feedback from Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Steering Group
John Henderson reported that the Steering Group has highlighted the need to identify
cross-cutting issues in the Biodiversity Strategy Implementation Plan, both at RLU
sector level and SBF Working Group level. The SG has asked the Action Plan &
Science Group to look in some detail at one such cross-cutting issue – soils. Indicators
of progress with Implementation Plan actions will be another essential element of the
Biodiversity Strategy Implementation Plan.
The Minister’s announcement on the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy has now been put
back to 25 May 2003 giving all concerned a little more time to put together the
Implementation Plan.
All supported John Henderson’s suggestion that the RLUWG should run a Workshop
on 23 October 2003 to allow stakeholders and those named as lead organisations in
the Working Group’s draft Implementation Plan to review relevant responses to the
Strategy consultation and critically evaluate the IP, in particular to ensure that all
priorities have been identified and adequately addressed.
ACTION: Donald Bailey to locate and provisionally book a suitable venue for
the Workshop and pass details to Sarah Hocknell by 29 August 2003.
By 2 September, Donald Bailey to compile a list of invitees which will include all
RLUWG members, Sub-group co-optees and other stakeholders who have been
involved in previous Strategy workshop and pass this list to Sarah Hocknell.
Sarah Hocknell to prepare and issue an initial notification of the Workshop by 5
Jonathan Hughes to prepare a draft Workshop Programme and invitation letter
and circulate these to RLUWG Chair and sub-group leaders by 12 September
for comment to Donald Bailey by 19 September.
Donald Bailey and Sarah Hocknell to finalise arrangements and issue
Programme and invitations by 26 September.
Sarah Hocknell to compile a near final draft of the RLUWG’s IP and issue it to
Workshop delegates by 10 October 2003.
Progress Reports from Sub-groups
Attempted to simplify. A lot of biodiversity gains will come from concentrating
upon the grants\subsidies delivery mechanism. CAP Reform (within EC
parameters) important. Research and development to be considered.
Uplands & Mountains
Useful input from Scotland’s Moorland Forum and SNH. Have established
milestones. Relatively few actions. Need more specific details about tourism and
renewables – further consideration required.
Need to give some thought to objectives which will fit with Agenda for Action.
Need to further prioritise actions and ensure S.M.A.R.T. targets are set. Made
some progress with ‘buy in’ of stakeholders. Need to engage with eco-system
Have identified key issues and cross-cutting issues. Tried to develop actions which
are S.M.A.R.T. and will deliver within 3 years. Need to consult key players,
particularly LBAPs.
Sustainable Rural Development – Cross-cutting Issues
Looked at economic and social issues. Captured current contributing actions.
Development of single draft RLUWG Implementation Plan – a discussion
Sarah Hocknell emphasised the need to hone down the draft IP, focussing upon the
big issues. Sarah suggested that the Sub-group IPs may be amalgamated as follows:
 Identify cross-cutting and duplicate entries and place these under a
‘common’ heading
 Place RLU sector-specific actions under relevant RLU sector heading.
Need to be more specific about key priorities, firstly shared priorities and secondly
specific sectoral priorities. Need to identify those HAPs/SAPs actions which are not
happening and determine what action(s) needs to be taken in order to remove the
blockages/constraints. Need to establish responsibility for and ensure ownership of
actions. Ensure that organisations named as ‘Lead’ in the IP are content – ideally
before the Workshop in October. Robin McKendrick cautioned that aspirations with
respect to CAP Reform need to be viewed in the context of what has already been
defined by EC. Nonetheless, there will be opportunities to shape the end product
within the constraints to be defined in the EC Implementing Regulations (expected to
be in place by late December 2003/early January 2004).
Group members agreed on the following list of key priorities:
Research, monitoring & evaluation
Landscape-scale planning & management, including policy mechanisms
Community involvement
CAP Reform
Business decisions
Enhance implementation of HAPs and SAPs
Access (including promotion of biodiversity)
Pollution & biodiversity threats
ACTION: Jonathan Hughes to assist Sarah Hocknell with the re-structuring of
the Group’s draft IP and circulate the revised draft to Sub-group leaders in
advance of a meeting at Victoria Quay on 23 September 2003 (a.m.).
Further Meeting dates:
23 October 2003 – Birnam Institute, Dunkeld - RLUWG Scottish Biodiversity
Strategy Implementation Plan Workshop. Short meeting before the Workshop to
review progress with IACS Year Calendar.
18 December 2003 – SEERAD Area Office, Broxden Business Park, Perth. The
purpose of this meeting will be to finalise the RLUWG’s contribution towards the
Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Implementation Plan and deal with any other
business which is relevant to the RLUWG’s Work Programme.
5 February 2004 – venue to be confirmed